• Title/Summary/Keyword: Business Process Performance

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A Model of Startup Support by University: Focusing on the Case of Korea's H University

  • Chang-Ryong Ko
    • Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.87-112
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    • 2024
  • This is a case study on a university's support for entrepreneurs preparing startups. Previous studies have focused on startups within universities, but this study differs in its focus on support for external entrepreneurs. First, university startup support worked in the form of open innovation for those preparing to start a business. In other words, performance varied depending on the degree to which entrepreneurs accepted the support. Second, this study showed that, unlike previous studies, the process of preparing to start a business is nonlinear. Third, startups are largely divided into small and mediumsized businesses and innovative businesses, and a new hybrid business type was identified through university support. This study shows that university support for startups is not limited to the In-Out model, which uses university knowledge and technology, but an Out-In model is also possible. Additionally, startup support can be added as one of the entrepreneurial university's activities.

An Analytical Study on the Importance and Performance of Factors of Online Video Usage: Focusing on the Comparison of Chinese and Korean Platforms

  • So-Hyun Park;Seung-Chul Kim;Tae-Won Lee
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • v.26 no.7
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    • pp.145-166
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    • 2022
  • Purpose - The field of online videos has seen rapid changes in information and communications technology (ICT) development. Despite active academic research on the use of online platforms, few studies have analyzed the relative importance among the factors determined. In this study, the relative importance of factors found in previous studies was identified for users of online video platforms in China and Korea. Through this, factors that should be considered first in research on online video use were derived. In addition, the quality level of online video platforms currently used in China and Korea was measured and used for analysis. The analysis results can provide information for companies to enter Chinese and Korean markets and also be useful to platform providers aiming to increase usage. Design/methodology - Among the factors of Online Video Usage identified in previous studies, 13 factors to be studied were selected through focus group interviews and hierarchized into 2 layers. For the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), each factor was designed as a pairwise comparison questionnaire. The survey included questions on the quality of online video platform currently in use. Data collection was conducted on 16 platforms in China and 11 platforms in Korea, and the relative importance of factors and user perspectives was compared and analyzed using importance performance analysis (IPA). In the analytical process, platforms were divided into over-the-top (OTT) group and Creator group according to the weight of user-generated content, and data analysis focused on these groups. Findings - As a result of AHP, China and Korea showed both "Fun" and "Interests" factors at the top, while the importance of the Entertainment factor "Vicarious satisfaction" was very different for China and Korea. "Relationship with content creators" was the most important factor in China, but it ranked the lowest in Korea. The IPA showed that the factors with high importance and performance were fun, interests, and easy accessibility for both China and Korea. In contrast, the factors that showed low performance compared to high importance in China were relationship with content creators, relationship with acquaintances/friends, and trustworthiness. As for Korea, vicarious satisfaction was observed; thus, this study has raised the need for academic and industrial interest in vicarious satisfaction. The results show that fun, interests, vicarious satisfaction, and easy accessibility of the platform are factors that must be included in further studies on online videos. Originality/value - Existing studies related to the use of online platforms have derived factors or focused on the influence relationship between factors and performance. However, few studies have analyzed the relative importance among the determined factors. This paper explores factors to be considered in future studies by deriving the relative importance between these factors from the perspective of users in China and Korea.

Construction Process Modelling Method Improving the Traceability of ICT Applications (ICT 적용 추적성 개선을 위한 시공관리 프로세스 모델링)

  • Go, Taeyong;Lim, Taekyung;Lee, Dong-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.114-123
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    • 2019
  • Tracking ICT applications on construction business processes is critical to the success of ICT-applied construction projects. Existing IDEF0 is a representative modeling method for visualizing and analyzing business processes. It defines a construction production process into a visual information model, hence, encouraging the project participant to understand the activities, their deliverable, and control flow of the process. However, IDEF0 dose not lend itself to ICT-applied construction processes, because it does not provide a mean to define how, in what order, by which each and every activity that ICT applied implements. This paper presents a new business modeling method that improves the traceability of ICT application (IAMB: ICT Application tracking Model for Business process) for construction management. The IAMB contributes to handle the sophisticated features of construction management processes to which ICT are applied. The method categorizes the process into three types: management, construction, and information exchange. The validity of IAMB was confirmed by analyzing the performance when it is used for tracking each modeling step of lift reservation process which making use of ICT. The test case provides an admissible evidence that the method encourage to define who, what, how, which order, and by which ICT tools the construction process exchanges production information.

A study on The Concept and Application of Agile Project Management (애자일 프로젝트 관리 개념 및 적용방안에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jae Wang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Systems Engineering
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.47-57
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    • 2010
  • Taylor and Ford in the 1910s led to the "scientific management" for the entire industry from the manufacturing spread of TQM Total Quality Management has been structured as a management efficiency, such as 6-Sigma techniques were developed. SW development also introduces the idea, such as CMMI and SPICE-based process management, management practices have evolved. However, in recent years to increase the knowledge of workers in the manufacturing process oriented management approach is under serious challenge. Business performance or productivity will be varied depending all motivation, human relationship, job involvement rather than simply putting a lot of time. Especially in the SW industry which is depending on human resource, Creativity should be limited in traditional management methods. Recently, Google and Apple, Cisco and global advanced companies adopt a human relationship management. Their productivity and creativity in product development has been successful by giving autonomy and motivation, enthusiasm and vision to tile employees. Human relationship management since the mid-1990s, appears as a new paradigm so called Agile process in the field of SW development. Agile processes emphasis on light, flexible and responding to changes immediately in the business environment step away from traditional management approach which is the heavy and complicated process. In this paper, agile project management concepts and practices which is applied to industry will be examined.

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An Exploratory Study on the Knowledge Management Process Models (지식 경영 프로세스의 모형에 관한 탐색적 연구)

  • 장영택
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.157-188
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    • 2000
  • Today a knowledge management systems (KMS) is an enabler for gaining competitive position in the market environments. However, it is just recognized as a conceptual management paradigm not as realistic management philosophy in an organization. A firm just accustomed to deal with tangible assets such as inventory and buildings based on the cumulated experiences. However, the firm often struggle with how to define and apply the knowledge management system into its real business activities such as business strategy and productivity. For example, one of textile company, E-land, in Korea found the way how the firm utilize intelligent assets of its employees to overcome the performance differences among the employees in an organization to increase their ability. Managers in an organization should fully understand and try to figure out the concept of knowledge management systems to implement KMS more efficiently and effectively. Even though lots of previous knowledge management literature proposed several unique knowledge management process models, they have their own terms, process sequences, or different approaches. There are three common knowledge management processes: knowledge creation, knowledge store and search, knowledge sharing process. In this study, a new KM process theoretical framework based on the previous researches is developed. This study will guide to those who will adopt or implement of KMS in the organization in near future.

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A Study on the Effect of CEO and Eemployee's Intention to Innovation Activity Performances (경영자와 조직구성원의 의지가 혁신활동성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Tae Sung;Koo, Il Seob
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.11-16
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    • 2015
  • A lot of factor effects on the enterprise's innovation and business performance, for instance CEO and members intention etc.. Niehoff et al. says, The success factors of innovation enterprise's management lead to members of vision, innovation, innovation activities and support for an aggressive attitude of the enterprise members. However, today's products consumers wanted diverse and complex needs. CEO and members of the enterprise has been the diversity effort. The increase cost savings as well as in the profit improve factors that enterprise's participated a education and training, Subgroup activities, process quality, eliminate waste, improve yields, lead time reduction, process capability increasing, ets. This paper is a report of an empirical survey performed to 277 small and medium-sized enterprise in the korea. Cronbach's alpha coefficient is employed to analyze the reliability of the data. The effect analysis of each group is performed by the SEM(structural equation model). We use the SPSS' Amos program to analyze the equation modeling and test the hypotheses of the model.

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An Evaluation Model of IT PMO Performance Using Pentagon Model (Pentagon Model을 활용한 정보화 프로젝트 PMO의 성과평가 모형 제시)

  • Kim, Ki-Hyun;Park, Geun-Wan;Hwang, Seung-June
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.119-136
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    • 2016
  • Precedent studies revealed that success of IT project strongly depends on the competency of PMO(project management offices), however, there are only few studies which show the importance of PMO competency. In this study, we will suggest an evaluation model of IT PMO competency using the Pentagon Model which is a tool to assess the performance of project organization, and the Analytic Hierarchy Process. We classified effect factor of PMO competency into 25 items in 5 fields such as Structure, Technology, Culture, Interaction, Social Relations and Networks based on pentagon model, also analysis of criticality between the effect factors was conducted by AHP. The study result shows 3 factors of Structure were included in the top 10, while 2 factors of Technology, Culture, Interaction were included separately. In terms of Social Relations and Networks, only 1 factor was included in the top 10. Therefore Structure of PMO should be aggressively considered for the successful IT project.

Operational Process and Success Factors of Corporate Venture in a Chinese Company: A Case Study of Haier (중국기업의 사내벤처 운영과정과 성공요인: 하이얼(Haier) 중심으로)

  • Yu-Rou Hou;Yuan-Jing Jin;Moon-Gu Huh
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.87-113
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    • 2023
  • Purpose - Focusing on Haier, a successful corporate venture in China, we analyse the operating mechanism and success factors of corporate venture, and reveal the necessary factors for the successful implementation of corporate venture. Design/methodology/approach - This study is a single case study centred on Haier, a successful corporate venture in China. Findings - The operational process of Haier's corporate venture includes six key aspects: project selection, team building, resource allocation and support, project implementation, risk control measures, performance evaluation and rewards. In terms of success factors, the support of top management with leadership capability of value creation and sharing is very important for the success of corporate venture. Secondly, a multi reward mechanism can be introduced to motivate employees and improve performance. Thirdly, it is important to integrate corporate culture into the operating mechanism of an corporate venture. Fourthly, flexible operations that break down rigid organisational boundaries and transform the organisation into a more open platform for entrepreneurship can increase the likelihood of success. Finally, empowering employees with operational discretion can also have a positive impact on the success of an Corporate Venture. Research implications or Originality - This study contributes to theory and practice by analysing the success conditions of corporate venture, providing new understanding and drawing new perspectives, especially from the experience of Haier. The results suggest strategies and flexibility for successfully pursuing corporate venture, and provide important experience for international companies to help them gain competitive advantage in global competition. It also helps corporate leaders to promote new directions and innovations and improve their strategies to respond to dynamic environments.

Database Management System Parameter Tuning Processes for Improving Database System Performance (데이터베이스 시스템 성능 향상을 위한 데이터베이스 관리 시스템 파라미터 튜닝 프로세스)

  • 최용락;윤병권;정기원
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.107-127
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    • 2002
  • Database system parameter tuning is one of database system tuning that achieve to improve performance of database system with application program tuning and data model tuning. By parameter tuning adjusts value of entry that is staled in data dictionary's parameter file that is included to database system, it is thing which make relevant database system can display performance of most suitable. And, it is that achievement is one o( possible tuning method immediately without occurrence of additional expense or involved hardware for database system performance elevation and ashes composition of software. But, it is actuality that administration about parameter practical use is not achieved, and is using Default Value of parameter that database management system offers just as it is systematically. So, this paper presents parameter tuning process that can :achieve Parameter tuning of database system that is operating present systematically, and parameter tuning process each activity important input urea and tuning achievement product. And explain about effect and result that happen by sort database system performance and parameters that it is affinity systematically, and grasp relationships between parameter, and change parameter of string database system. And not that parameter uses contents that specify by fixing when establish database administration system, is going to emphasize and explain that must utilize changing continuously during database system operation. It changes parameter entry value how in various kinds different operation environment and present if must apply, and will arrange effect that this parameter enoy value alteration gets in performance liking into account point that is actuality that is using parameter that define database administrators when install the database system just as it is continually without alteration.

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Design and Implementation of Supply Chain Management System Using XML/EDI in Automibile Industry (자동차부품산업의 XML/EDI를 활용한 SCM 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Moon, Tae-Soo;Kang, Sung-Bae
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.207-226
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    • 2004
  • SCM is one of the important key issues in Internet-based business environment. Most of companies related to B2B electronic commerce are making their efforts to innovate their existing business process into new integrated supply chain process. SCM system using XML/EDI provides competitive advantage to them by reshaping the relationship between traditional trading partners. This study intends to suggest a prototype of SCM system using XML/EDI. To implement SCM system, we analyze and design the supply chain process by using Unified Modeling Language, with a firm engaged in Korean automobile industry, which is a first vendor to produce a set of LAMP. The implementation of SCM system using UML shows excellent performance in software reuse, extensibility, and the interoperability with corporate internal information systems.

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