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A Study on Reputation as Corporate Asset (기업자산으로서의 기업명성가치 연구: 국내 4개 기업 슈퍼브랜드와 기업명성, 미디어 이용간 관련성을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Cheol-Han;Cha, Hee-Won
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.30
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    • pp.203-237
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to find a model that can measure the public relations programs based on the assumption that the public relations should aim to lift the corporate reputation. It is a trend that corporate's activities are to be measured from the standpoint of cost-benefit efficiency. However, public relations fields in Korea is left behind this trend because the fields lack in sophisticated model. In order to fill this gap, the researchers introduce the reputation measurement model that can calculate individual corporate public relations programs. In addition, this reputation model Is applied to Korean companies with the expectation of producing a PR index which ran be used to measure the reputation as corporate asset, or superbrand. This study examines the effects of superbrand on consumers according to the media use. Based on the expert group interviews and surveys on consumers, the factors of reputation are drawn. These factors contribute to find reputation model and measurement index which are again applied to measure the Korean companies' public relations programs. Using superbrand as dependent variables and managing abilities, corporate responsibility, corporate communication, and product/employee quality, this study seeks to find which factor specifically attribute to lift corporate reputation. Results show that each factor influences the corporate reputation positively. In addition, the researchers find that media use is moderately related to the superbrand building process in cognitive dimension.

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A Study on the Impact of Employee's Person-Environment Fit and Information Systems Acceptance Factors on Performance: The Mediating Role of Social Capital (조직구성원의 개인-환경적합성과 정보시스템 수용요인이 성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 사회자본의 매개역할)

  • Heo, Myung-Sook;Cheon, Myun-Joong
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.1-42
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    • 2009
  • In a knowledge-based society, a firm's intellectual capital represents the wealth of ideas and ability to innovate, which are indispensable elements for the future growth. Therefore, the intellectual capital is evidently recognized as the most valuable asset in the organization. Considered as intangible asset, intellectual capital is the basis based on which firms can foster their sustainable competitive advantage. One of the essential components of the intellectual capital is a social capital, indicating the firm's individual members' ability to build a firm's social networks. As such, social capital is a powerful concept necessary for understanding the emergence, growth, and functioning of network linkages. The more social capital a firm is equipped with, the more successfully it can establish new social networks. By providing a shared context for social interactions, social capital facilitates the creation of new linkages in the organizational setting. This concept of "person-environment fit" has long been prevalent in the management literature. The fit is grounded in the interaction theory of behavior. The interaction perspective has a fairly long theoretical tradition, beginning with proposition that behavior is a function of the person and environment. This view asserts that neither personal characteristics nor the situation alone adequately explains the variance in behavioral and attitudinal variables. Instead, the interaction of personal and situational variables accounts for the greatest variance. Accordingly, the person-environment fit is defined as the degree of congruence or match between personal and situational variables in producing significant selected outcomes. In addition, information systems acceptance factors enable organizations to build large electronic communities with huge knowledge resources. For example, the Intranet helps to build knowledge-based communities, which in turn increases employee communication and collaboration. It is vital since through active communication and collaborative efforts can employees build common basis for shared understandings that evolve into stronger relationships embedded with trust. To this aim, the electronic communication network allows the formation of social network to be more viable to rapid mobilization and assimilation of knowledge assets in the organizations. The purpose of this study is to investigate: (1) the impact of person-environment fit(person-job fit, person-person fit, person-group fit, person-organization fit) on social capital(network ties, trust, norm, shared language); (2) the impact of information systems acceptance factors(availability, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use) on social capital; (3) the impact of social capital on personal performance(work performance, work satisfaction); and (4) the mediating role of social capital between person-environment fit and personal performance. In general, social capital is defined as the aggregated actual or collective potential resources which lead to the possession of a durable network. The concept of social capital was originally developed by sociologists for their analysis in social context. Recently, it has become an increasingly popular jargon used in the management literature in describing organizational phenomena outside the realm of transaction costs. Since both environmental factors and information systems acceptance factors affect the network of employee's relationships, this study proposes that these two factors have significant influence on the social capital of employees. The person-environment fit basically refers to the alignment between characteristics of people and their environments, thereby resulting in positive outcomes for both individuals and organizations. In addition, the information systems acceptance factors have rather direct influences on the social network of employees. Based on such theoretical framework, namely person-environment fit and social capital theory, we develop our research model and hypotheses. The results of data analysis, based on 458 employee cases are as follow: Firstly, both person-environment fit(person-job fit, person-person fit, person-group fit, person-organization fit) and information systems acceptance factors(availability perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use) significantly influence social capital(network ties, norm, shared language). In addition, person-environment fit is a stronger factor influencing social capital than information systems acceptance factors. Secondly, social capital is a significant factor in both work satisfaction and work performance. Finally, social capital partly plays a mediating role between person-environment fit and personal performance. Our findings suggest that it is vital for firms to understand the importance of environmental factors affecting social capital of employees and accordingly identify the importance of information systems acceptance factors in building formal and informal relationships of employees. Firms also need to reflect their recognition of the importance of social capital's mediating role in boosting personal performance. Some limitations arisen in the course of the research and suggestions for future research directions are also discussed.

The Study on the Influence of Selection Characteristics of Franchise System, business possibility, Communication, Moral Hazard on Franchisee's Perceived Risk, and Recontracting Intention in the Food Service Franchise Industry (외식 프랜차이저의 사업성, 커뮤니케이션, 모럴해저드가 프랜차이지의 위험지각과 재계약의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Yu, Jong-Pil;Lee, In-Ho
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2011
  • I. Introduction: This study is to examine the structural relationships among exogenous variable (preliminary and post-support, franchisee's perceived business possibility, communication, moral hazard), the mediated variables(satisfaction, perceived risk, trust) and dependent variable(recontracting intention) in the food service franchise industry context. More specifically, this study has considered some realistic characteristics factors influencing satisfaction, perceived risk and trust between franchisors and franchisees and their further recontracting intention from the perspective of a practical approach. In this study, 437 data has been collected and used for the SPSS and AMOS analysis. The data were analyzed with structural equation modeling. Since the result of the overall model analysis demonstrated a good fit, we could further analyze our data. II. Research Model: This study is to examine the structural relationships among preliminary and post-support by franchisor, franchisee's perceived business possibility, and communication, moral hazard, has on effect on franchisee's satisfaction, perceived risk, trust and recontracting intention in the food service franchise industry context. Hypotheses are as following (Stern & EL-Ansary 1988; Oliver, 1997;Kee & Knox, 1970; Moorman, Deshpande & Zaltman, 1993; Perron, 1998; Zaheer, McEvily, Perrone, 1998). III. Result and Implication: We examined franchisee who have food service stores for samples of this study. The data were analyzed with structural equation modeling using path analysis. The result of the overall model analysis appeared as following: ${\chi}^2$ = 61.578 (d.f.=9, p<0.01), CFI =.990, GFI =.973, AGFI =.863, RMR =.019, RMSEA= .116, NFI = .988, TLI = .959. The findings can be summarized as follows: First, preliminary and post support of franchisor, perceived business possibility and communication positively influence to franchisee's satisfaction. Second, moral hazard of franchisor has negatively influence to franchisee's satisfaction and positively influence to perceived risk. Third, franchisee's satisfaction and trust has positively influence to recontracting intention. Fourth, franchisee's perceived risk has negatively influence to trust and recontracting intention. We can concluded that franchisor's preliminary and post support of franchisor, perceived business possibility and communication may be considered as the important factors influence to franchisee's satisfaction. Moral hazard has become a focused issue in franchise industry. Finally, the managerial implication has been stated as followings: First, in the process of building a systematic industry support franchise system and developing a creative business model, franchisee's stable profitability should be considered as the first important factor. The franchisee's trust to franchise may become a dominant factor that influence the business expansion of franchisor. Second, franchisor should communication with their franchisees and deal with the realistic difficulties faced by them with an effort. Third, the franchisor should achieve a synergy effect by utilizing the win-win strategy. The moral hazard strategy that achieving the profit through franchisee's damage will not be inadvisable to franchisor. Then the long-term oriented development and profitability can be maintained. To do so, the franchise industry may break away from the traditional business structure to improve management transparency and competitiveness on investment and organizational changing management. The conflict between franchisor and franchisee also can be reduced and big success can be achieved in the franchise industry.

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The Effect of Change in Meat Quality Parameters on Pig Longissimus dorsi Muscle by the Addition of Fermented Persimmon Shell Diet

  • Kim, Hoi-Yun;Song, Young-Min;Jin, Sang-Keun;Kim, Il-Suk;Kang, Yang-Su;Lee, Sung-Dae;Chowdappa, Rekha;Ha, Ji-Hee;Kang, Seoc-Mo
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.286-291
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    • 2006
  • The objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of growth performance, chemical composition and meat quality parameters by the addition of fermented persimmon shell diets (FPSD). The experimental animals were ninety-six Berkshires. The pigs were allotted at 8 per pen in front-open building with three replicate pens per treatment. Until $61{\pm}1kg$ live weight at 140 days, the animals were fed growing diet, after which, experimental samples were fixed at 0, 3, 5 and 7% FPSD as C, T1, T2 and T3 in the finishing diets. Pigs of $103{\pm}1kg$ live weight were slaughtered by electrical stunning. In growth performance, ADG increased more (p<0.05) in T2 than C and T1. ADFI (kg/day) was higher (p<0.05) in T2 than in other groups. Feed conversion ratio was lower (p<0.05) in T2 than in other groups. On longissimus dorsi muscle (LM), the content of moisture was lower (p<0.05) in T3 than in other treatments. Crude fat increased (p<0.05) by addition of FPSD. pH at 24 h ($pH_{24}$) decreased more (p<0.05) in T2 and T3 than C and T1 by addition of FPSD. WHC decreased (p<0.05) by addition of FPSD. In meat, Hunter $L^*$ and $a^*$ were lower (p<0.05) in C than in other treatments. Hunter $b^*$ was higher (p<0.05) in T3 than in other treatments. In back-fat, Hunter $L^*$ was higher (p<0.05) in C than in other treatments. Hunter $a^*$ was not different in C and T1 but increased (p<0.05) in treatments by addition of FPSD. Hunter $b^*$ increased (p<0.05) by addition of FPSD. In sensory evaluation scores, for fresh meat, the value of meat color was higher (p<0.05) in T2 and T3 than in C and T1. The value of marbling was lower (p<0.05) in C than in other treatments. The value of drip loss was higher (p<0.05) in C than in other treatments and was lower (p<0.05) in T2 and T3 than in other treatments. The results of cooked meat, the value of tenderness was not different in C and T1 but increased (p<0.05) in other treatments. The value of flavor was significantly higher (p<0.05) in T2 and T3 than in C and T1. The value of overall acceptability was increased (p<0.05) by addition of FPSD. Hence we can conclude that addition of FPSD affected growth performance and meat quality parameters, in particular, it improved crude fat, hunter $L^*$ and $b^*$, and sensory evaluation on pork and was also seen to affect $pH_{24}$ and WHC. FPSD can be used for improvement of meat quality parameters.

Changing Aspects of the Wall Types of Hahoe Village (하회마을 담장 형태의 변화양상)

  • Kim, Dong-Hyun;Lee, Won-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2017
  • This study focuses on the Andong Hahoe Village and seeks to identify the shape of the walls since the 1970s. The change of walls can be divided into four periods based on characteristics of materials, shape and distribution. The following is a summary of the results: First, In the 1970s, when Andong Hahoe Village was not designated as a cultural heritage, roof tiles hung on the earthen walls in the middle of the village were major forms. On the outside of the village, rice straw and pine needles were put on the earthen walls or bush clover walls were put in place around if walls were not built. Second, after being designated as a cultural heritage in the 1980s, readjustments for cultural heritages were carried out at the primary stage. However, the distribution of cultural heritages and major changes were not determined at this time since readjustments were mainly focused on the renovation of derelict houses or maintenance of infrastructures. Third, in the past the use of stone bricks for the Hahoe Village site had been difficult, but in the 1990s, replacements with soil-stone walls were identified and the usage of roof tiles increased. The portion of earthen walls, which used to be the major form in the prior era, decreased and this seems to have continued until the 2000s. Fourth, via a field survey, it was found that most of Hahoe village walls consisted of soil cement bricks mixed with cement, steel, lime, gravel. etc. Also, the scope of straw-stricken walls and bush clover walls were reduced to a section of area outside of the village. Fifth, from the 1970s to the present, there were changes to the walls in Hahoe Village including an increase in usages of new materials and an expansion of houses with tiled roofs on top in accordance with the replacement of walls of existing houses. Relevant reasons for this have been identified, such as the fading value of Fungsui(風水) and lack of original records, insufficient awareness and expertise in non-building areas, and the relationship between residents on repairing the wall.

Landscape Gardening Culture in Late Joseon Dynasty Depicted in 'Ahoi-do' Paintings (아회도(雅會圖)에 나타난 조선후기 원림문화)

  • Lim, Eui-Je;So, Hyun-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.46-57
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    • 2014
  • This study contemplated the gardening culture from the pictures, which the scholars of late Joseon Dynasty, the aspects of garden landscapes and garden use behaviors are drawn as follows. 1. The yard by the detached house for men and guest in front of the premises(Sarang Madang) and backyard were the major places for Ahoi(social gatherings of the scholars). The mansions had interests in the management of the outer garden beyond the house wall with building structures like the pavilions on the high walls and side gates. This management and the selection of location anticipating in advance of the management are noteworthy. 2. Only house gardens had plant pots with flowers and the small flower bed(Hwa-O) at Sarang Madang occasionally had plant pots without flowers and oddly shaped stone pots and equipped pine branch eaves and traditional awnings made of plant material like a trellis. 3. The oddly shaped stones were significant landscape elements in the gardens of houses and villas. Some of them were depicted as the Taihu stone and this draws attention to the question of whether the Taihu stone was actually used in the garden of late Joseon Dynasty. 4. The gardens in villas accommodated the borrowed scenery with various materials like wooden fences, bamboo or reed fences, mud walls. They also had the artificial gardens with some odd shaped stones, old pines, bamboos, Japanese apricots, willows, paulownia trees, lotuses and plantains in the secured Madangs. 5. Gyeong Hwa Sa Jog(The scholars of the ruling class adapted to the 18th century's new historical aspect) of late Joseon Dynasty built the villas at the beautiful scenery closed to the their houses. 6. The Gardens around pavilions were located high closed to the mountain streams with nature like beautiful forests, oddly formed rocks, precipitous cliffs and viewing stones. The back side of the pavilion was enclosed by bamboo forests and the front had pines, ginkgoes and willows as shade trees. 7. The beautiful scenery which was preferred as the place for Ahoi was basically with fantastic peaks and precipitous cliffs which forms the distant view harmonized with a waterfall. Broad and flat rocks at the summit of a mountain which commands a bird's-eye view or on a mountain streamside with pine forest, willows and plum trees were chosen as the optimal places for Ahoi. 8. Pine trees were presumed to be more preferable than other species in the garden, especially an single planted old pine tree accented symbolism. 9. Portable tea braziers for boiling tea were adopted in all four types of the gardens. 10. The gardens mixed with auspicious landscape elements were the places of the arts for an unworldliness Ahoi through GeumGiSeoHwa(enjoying strings, go, writing and painting) and boiling tea.

Design of a Crowd-Sourced Fingerprint Mapping and Localization System (군중-제공 신호지도 작성 및 위치 추적 시스템의 설계)

  • Choi, Eun-Mi;Kim, In-Cheol
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.2 no.9
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    • pp.595-602
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    • 2013
  • WiFi fingerprinting is well known as an effective localization technique used for indoor environments. However, this technique requires a large amount of pre-built fingerprint maps over the entire space. Moreover, due to environmental changes, these maps have to be newly built or updated periodically by experts. As a way to avoid this problem, crowd-sourced fingerprint mapping attracts many interests from researchers. This approach supports many volunteer users to share their WiFi fingerprints collected at a specific environment. Therefore, crowd-sourced fingerprinting can automatically update fingerprint maps up-to-date. In most previous systems, however, individual users were asked to enter their positions manually to build their local fingerprint maps. Moreover, the systems do not have any principled mechanism to keep fingerprint maps clean by detecting and filtering out erroneous fingerprints collected from multiple users. In this paper, we present the design of a crowd-sourced fingerprint mapping and localization(CMAL) system. The proposed system can not only automatically build and/or update WiFi fingerprint maps from fingerprint collections provided by multiple smartphone users, but also simultaneously track their positions using the up-to-date maps. The CMAL system consists of multiple clients to work on individual smartphones to collect fingerprints and a central server to maintain a database of fingerprint maps. Each client contains a particle filter-based WiFi SLAM engine, tracking the smartphone user's position and building each local fingerprint map. The server of our system adopts a Gaussian interpolation-based error filtering algorithm to maintain the integrity of fingerprint maps. Through various experiments, we show the high performance of our system.

Assessment of Climate and Land Use Change Impacts on Watershed Hydrology for an Urbanizing Watershed (기후변화와 토지이용변화가 도시화 진행 유역수문에 미치는 영향 평가)

  • Ahn, So Ra;Jang, Cheol Hee;Lee, Jun Woo;Kim, Seong Joon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.567-577
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    • 2015
  • Climate and land use changes have impact on availability water resource by hydrologic cycle change. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the hydrologic behavior by the future potential climate and land use changes in Anseongcheon watershed ($371.1km^2$) using SWAT model. For climate change scenario, the HadGEM-RA (the Hadley Centre Global Environment Model version 3-Regional Atmosphere model) RCP (Representative Concentration Pathway) 4.5 and 8.5 emission scenarios from Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) were used. The mean temperature increased up to $4.2^{\circ}C$ and the precipitation showed maximum 21.2% increase for 2080s RCP 8.5 scenario comparing with the baseline (1990-2010). For the land use change scenario, the Conservation of Land Use its Effects at Small regional extent (CLUE-s) model was applied for 3 scenarios (logarithmic, linear, exponential) according to urban growth. The 2100 urban area of the watershed was predicted by 9.4%, 20.7%, and 35% respectively for each scenario. As the climate change impact, the evapotranspiration (ET) and streamflow (ST) showed maximum change of 20.6% in 2080s RCP 8.5 and 25.7% in 2080s RCP 4.5 respectively. As the land use change impact, the ET and ST showed maximum change of 3.7% in 2080s logarithmic and 2.9% in 2080s linear urban growth respectively. By the both climate and land use change impacts, the ET and ST changed 19.2% in 2040s RCP 8.5 and exponential scenarios and 36.1% in 2080s RCP 4.5 and linear scenarios respectively. The results of the research are expected to understand the changing water resources of watershed quantitatively by hydrological environment condition change in the future.

An Examination of Knowledge Sourcing Strategies Effects on Corporate Performance in Small Enterprises (소규모 기업에 있어서 지식소싱 전략이 기업성과에 미치는 영향 고찰)

  • Choi, Byoung-Gu
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.57-81
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    • 2008
  • Knowledge is an essential strategic weapon for sustaining competitive advantage and is the key determinant for organizational growth. When knowledge is shared and disseminated throughout the organization, it increases an organization's value by providing the ability to respond to new and unusual situations. The growing importance of knowledge as a critical resource has forced executives to pay attention to their organizational knowledge. Organizations are increasingly undertaking knowledge management initiatives and making significant investments. Knowledge sourcing is considered as the first important step in effective knowledge management. Most firms continue to make an effort to realize the benefits of knowledge management by using various knowledge sources effectively. Appropriate knowledge sourcing strategies enable organizations to create, acquire, and access knowledge in a timely manner by reducing search and transfer costs, which result in better firm performance. In response, the knowledge management literature has devoted substantial attention to the analysis of knowledge sourcing strategies. Many studies have categorized knowledge sourcing strategies into intemal- and external-oriented. Internal-oriented sourcing strategy attempts to increase firm performance by integrating knowledge within the boundary of the firm. On the contrary, external-oriented strategy attempts to bring knowledge in from outside sources via either acquisition or imitation, and then to transfer that knowledge across to the organization. However, the extant literature on knowledge sourcing strategies focuses primarily on large organizations. Although many studies have clearly highlighted major differences between large and small firms and the need to adopt different strategies for different firm sizes, scant attention has been given to analyzing how knowledge sourcing strategies affect firm performance in small firms and what are the differences between small and large firms in the patterns of knowledge sourcing strategies adoption. This study attempts to advance the current literature by examining the impact of knowledge sourcing strategies on small firm performance from a holistic perspective. By drawing on knowledge based theory from organization science and complementarity theory from the economics literature, this paper is motivated by the following questions: (1) what are the adoption patterns of different knowledge sourcing strategies in small firms (i,e., what sourcing strategies should be adopted and which sourcing strategies work well together in small firms)?; and (2) what are the performance implications of these adoption patterns? In order to answer the questions, this study developed three hypotheses. First hypothesis based on knowledge based theory is that internal-oriented knowledge sourcing is positively associated with small firm performance. Second hypothesis developed on the basis of knowledge based theory is that external-oriented knowledge sourcing is positively associated with small firm performance. The third one based on complementarity theory is that pursuing both internal- and external-oriented knowledge sourcing simultaneously is negatively or less positively associated with small firm performance. As a sampling frame, 700 firms were identified from the Annual Corporation Report in Korea. Survey questionnaires were mailed to owners or executives who were most erudite about the firm s knowledge sourcing strategies and performance. A total of 188 companies replied, yielding a response rate of 26.8%. Due to incomplete data, 12 responses were eliminated, leaving 176 responses for the final analysis. Since all independent variables were measured using continuous variables, supermodularity function was used to test the hypotheses based on the cross partial derivative of payoff function. The results indicated no significant impact of internal-oriented sourcing strategies while positive impact of external-oriented sourcing strategy on small firm performance. This intriguing result could be explained on the basis of various resource and capital constraints of small firms. Small firms typically have restricted financial and human resources. They do not have enough assets to always develop knowledge internally. Another possible explanation is competency traps or core rigidities. Building up a knowledge base based on internal knowledge creates core competences, but at the same time, excessive internal focused knowledge exploration leads to behaviors blind to other knowledge. Interestingly, this study found that Internal- and external-oriented knowledge sourcing strategies had a substitutive relationship, which was inconsistent with previous studies that suggested complementary relationship between them. This result might be explained using organizational identification theory. Internal organizational members may perceive external knowledge as a threat, and tend to ignore knowledge from external sources because they prefer to maintain their own knowledge, legitimacy, and homogeneous attitudes. Therefore, integrating knowledge from internal and external sources might not be effective, resulting in failure of improvements of firm performance. Another possible explanation is small firms resource and capital constraints and lack of management expertise and absorptive capacity. Although the integration of different knowledge sources is critical, high levels of knowledge sourcing in many areas are quite expensive and so are often unrealistic for small enterprises. This study provides several implications for research as well as practice. First this study extends the existing knowledge by examining the substitutability (and complementarity) of knowledge sourcing strategies. Most prior studies have tended to investigate the independent effects of these strategies on performance without considering their combined impacts. Furthermore, this study tests complementarity based on the productivity approach that has been considered as a definitive test method for complementarity. Second, this study sheds new light on knowledge management research by identifying the relationship between knowledge sourcing strategies and small firm performance. Most current literature has insisted complementary relationship between knowledge sourcing strategies on the basis of data from large firms. Contrary to the conventional wisdom, this study identifies substitutive relationship between knowledge sourcing strategies using data from small firms. Third, implications for practice highlight that managers of small firms should focus on knowledge sourcing from external-oriented strategies. Moreover, adoption of both sourcing strategies simultaneousiy impedes small firm performance.

Old Service Pipe Cleaning of Polly-pigs Cleaning technique (Polly-pigs를 이용한 노후급수관의 세관에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyun-Dong;Bae, Chul-Ho;Park, Jeong-Hoon;Kim, Gil-Nam
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.303-312
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    • 2002
  • Polly-pigs technique was developed to remove internal rusts and scales from service pipes in the building by using Polly-pigs that were used as various applications in conventional plant pipelines. Results of cleaning experiments on 15mm GSP(Galvanic Steel Pipe) showed that hydraulic cross sectional area was more increased from 3.5% to 15.4% for straight part or elbow parts of several test pieces. Results of optical analysis also showed that rust and scale removed mostly by KDP series(only consisted of Polyurethane) were outside red colored scale ($Fe_2O_3{\cdot}H_2O$), and there was a limitation to the removal of black colored scale($Fe_2O{\cdot}nH_2O$) that was below red colored scale. But it was evaluated that KDPS series coated fine sand with KDP series could remove not only red colored scale but also black colored scale and more increase hydraulic cross sectional areas of 15mm GSP old service pipes from 13.0% to 17.9%. After KDPS series cleaning, hydraulic cross sectional areas of them were recovered from 95.9% to 99.5%. Turning force of Polly-pigs was largely improved by the effect of Helical guide vane(Cleaning v/v) and Rotating wing(Pigs), and the number of pig rotating also more increased sixteen times compared with conventional cleaning system without Helical guide vane and Rotating wing. After KDPC series cleaning of 100mm GSP old service pipes that hydraulic cross sectional areas were 90%, hydraulic cross sectional areas were almost recovered perfectly like new service pipes. Additionally pressure necessary to run Polly-pigs m 100mm GSP was lower and cleaning efficiency also was higher than 15mm GSP cleaning. Therefore it was thought that as the diameter of pipe was more increased, pressure necessary to clean service pipes was more decreased and cleaning efficiency was more increased in Polly-pigs cleaning.