• Title/Summary/Keyword: Building boundaries

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The effects of foundation size on the seismic performance of buildings considering the soil-foundation-structure interaction

  • Nguyen, Quoc Van;Fatahi, Behzad;Hokmabadi, Aslan S.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.58 no.6
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    • pp.1045-1075
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    • 2016
  • Shallow footings are one of the most common types of foundations used to support mid-rise buildings in high risk seismic zones. Recent findings have revealed that the dynamic interaction between the soil, foundation, and the superstructure can influence the seismic response of the building during earthquakes. Accordingly, the properties of a foundation can alter the dynamic characteristics (natural frequency and damping) of the soil-foundation-structure system. In this paper the influence that shallow foundations have on the seismic response of a mid-rise moment resisting building is investigated. For this purpose, a fifteen storey moment resisting frame sitting on shallow footings with different sizes was simulated numerically using ABAQUS software. By adopting a direct calculation method, the numerical model can perform a fully nonlinear time history dynamic analysis to realistically simulate the dynamic behaviour of soil, foundation, and structure under seismic excitations. This three-dimensional numerical model accounts for the nonlinear behaviour of the soil medium and structural elements. Infinite boundary conditions were assigned to the numerical model to simulate free field boundaries, and appropriate contact elements capable of modelling sliding and separation between the foundation and soil elements are also considered. The influence of foundation size on the natural frequency of the system and structural response spectrum was also studied. The numerical results for cases of soil-foundation-structure systems with different sized foundations and fixed base conditions (excluding soil-foundation-structure interaction) in terms of lateral deformations, inter-storey drifts, rocking, and shear force distribution of the structure were then compared. Due to natural period lengthening, there was a significant reduction in the base shears when the size of the foundation was reduced. It was concluded that the size of a shallow foundation influences the dynamic characteristics and the seismic response of the building due to interaction between the soil, foundation, and structure, and therefore design engineer should carefully consider these parameters in order to ensure a safe and cost effective seismic design.

A Study on Building Extraction from LiDAR Data Using LISA (LISA를 이용한 LIDAR 데이터로부터 건물 추출에 관한 연구)

  • Byun, Young-Gi;Lee, Jeong-Ho;Son, Jeong-Hoon;Yu, Ki-Yun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.335-341
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    • 2006
  • This paper aims at developing an efficient method that extracts building using local spatial association of raw LiDAR data without setting up empirical variables such as a minimum building area, and applying the method to survey data to evaluate the efficiency of that. To do this, LISA(Local Indicatiors of Spatial Association) statistics are used which reflect local variations that can be appeared in the research area. It can be also a preprocess that detects spatial outliers through the significance test of LISA statistics and interpolate using kernel estimation. Boundaries of buildings as well as buildings can be extracted based on quadrant of Moran Scatterplot. Experimental results show that the proposed method is promising in extracting buildings from LiDAR data automatically.

Generation of a City Spatial Model using a Digital Map and Draft Maps for a 3D Noise Map (3차원 소음지도제작을 위한 도화원도와 수치지도를 이용한 도시공간모델 생성)

  • Oh, So-Jung;Lee, Im-Pyeong;Kim, Seong-Joon;Choi, Kyoung-Ah
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.179-188
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    • 2008
  • This study aims for generating a city spatial model required for the creation of a 3D noise map. In this study, we propose an efficient method to generate 3D models of the terrain and buildings using only a digital map and draft maps previously established without using any sensory data. The terrain model is generated by interpolating into a grid the elevation values derived from both the contour lines and the elevation point of the digital map. Building model is generated by combining the 2D building boundaries and the building elevations extracted from the digital map and the draft map, respectively. This method has been then applied to a digital map and three sets of draft maps created in the different times. covering the entire area of Yeongdeungpo-gu. The generated city spatial model has been successfully utilized for the noise analysis and the 3D visualization of the analysis results.

A Study on the Hanok Architectural Characteristics and Boundaries of the Geumsan Church in Gimje (김제 금산교회의 한옥건축 특성과 경역에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yun-Sang
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.10
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    • pp.229-235
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    • 2018
  • The Hanok church is an important cultural heritage that can be considered from a religious point of view of life in the modern age in Korea. We will investigate the bounadaries of the Hanok church built in modern age and the characteristics of Hanok architectural. To do so, we have conducted field trips, interviews, and repair reports of the Gimje Geumsan Church in the Jeollabuk province. The Geumsan Church is present, and the architectural characteristics can be confirmed in detail. In addition, Yugwang School, which was responsible for the education function, was able to guess the location and size through the data. As a result, the boundaries of Geumsan Church is the present fence, the west side has the building, and the east side has the playground. The Geumsan Church's flat form was divided into male and female according to the space configuration of ㄱ-shaped reflecting Confucian thought of the time. And it seems that the Yugwang school was located in the entrance part of the modern church with a two-frame scale, which is suitable for lecture.

A Study on Extracting Bottom Water Taking in Concern of Temperature Level Boundaries (수온층을 고려한 저층수 취수 기술에 관한 연구)

  • Sim, Kyung-Jong;Park, Hee-Moon;Lim, Hyun-Mook;Cho, Su;Lee, Su-Yul;Park, Tae-Jin
    • Proceedings of the SAREK Conference
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.1285-1290
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    • 2008
  • The interest in use of new field of energy and unused existing potential energy has been raised in number of advanced countries including South Korea. As a respond of the interest and the following reactions, a new technology which helps to reduce bad environmental factors and decrease national energy consumption rate in the way of extract cold-heat energy in dam water. This research focuses on a method that enables taking the water flows in desirable temperature range whilst keeping water temperature boundaries of bottom level water. The analysis was made in simulating on CFD. In order to keep the temperature boundary level, a deep well pump was set in piping in the simulation. As the significant result, the most alteration in temperature was found when the smallest size of pipe was plumbed. However, when the flow has small value of velocity, no matter how big the piping size was, the temperature variation was negligible. Therefore, possible hypothesis was made as bigger piping as fast flow will have better function in the way to keep the temperature boundary level.

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Development of GIS-based EEZ Marine Resources Information System (GIS를 이용한 배타적 경제수역 해양자원정보시스템의 구현에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kye-Hyun;Kim, Sun-Yong;Park, Eun-Ji;Yoo, Hai-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.55-66
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    • 2007
  • There has been increasing concerns regarding marine mineral resources as the land energy resources has been depleting from worldwide energy crisis. Also, all the coastal countries around the world are getting into the high competition as EEZ implemented to widen each country's marine autonomy. Especially, the adoption of EEZ in UN's marine regulation agreement at the January of 1996 has aggravated conflicts among coastal countries and eventually resulted in critical agenda to determine the boundaries of EEZ among such countries. It is imperative for us to have negotiation with neighboring countries to determine the boundaries of EEZ. For the preparation of such negotiation, it is essential to have data such as mineral distribution, deep-sea geology, related agreement and marine laws, etc. Therefore, this study mainly concentrates on analyzing existing data of resources exploration and establishing standards for each type of data and manipulating data based on such standards, thereby building a database for more efficient management of EEZ data from marine resources survey. MRIS has also been developed to diversely analyze and visualize graphic and attribute data considering data usage and inter-relationship in the database. This system can provide various spatial analysis and spatial searching techniques to enable easier comparison of cost-benefit analysis and data provision of any area in EEZ thereby facilitating major policy making. In addition, the system can support sustainable management of marine resources of EEZ regions and data supply for systematic management of national marine resources. Furthermore, this will be very useful for negotiating with neighboring countries to determine EEZ boundaries to lead more favorable results.

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Defining boundaries of urban centers and measuring the impact for diagnosing urban spatial structure (도시 공간구조 진단을 위한 도시 중심지의 경계 설정 및 영향력 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Ho-Yong Kim;Jisook Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.52-66
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the spatial system and characteristics of the urban center by deriving the boundaries of the urban center set in the urban basic plan for Busan Metropolitan City and diagnosing the role and status of the center. To this end, four indicators representing the characteristics of the center were selected through a review of previous studies, and the boundaries of the center were derived using spatial statistical techniques with strengths in geographical boundary analysis. Then, using the indicators of center characteristics and population potential functions, we diagnosed the influence and potential of each center in the spatial structure of Busan Metropolitan City. The analysis showed that the scale of the centers varies greatly, and the unutilized areas where commercial areas are not activated and the expansion areas that spread beyond commercial areas to residential and industrial areas are different for each urban center. The results of the potential measurement, which indicates the attractiveness of the center, also showed areas with strong and weak population potential. Therefore, systematic management and strategies based on the hierarchical characteristics and influence measurement results are needed to strengthen the function of urban centers. The results analyzed in this study can be used as a resource for responding to various urban planning needs and policy changes in the future, along with station area development plans and spatial innovation zones for building a sustainable urban growth system, balanced development, and strengthening the function of centers.

A Necessary Conditions of Building University Archives: For the Tentative Application of an Immature Archival Method and Program prior to Building Archives (대학기록관 설립의 필요조건: '미성숙한' 기록관리 방법의 시험 운용 방안)

  • Lee, Jong-Heup
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.3
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    • pp.33-64
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    • 2001
  • This essay introduces the basic method and program required to meet some necessary conditions of building university archives. By the phrase 'method and program', I intend the effective means of regularly but circumstantially controling the ways to the archival purposes proper which can be defined as the keeping of evidences and the broadening of information pool in terms of the evidential and informational natures or values of records. My starting point is about the matters of overcoming a standard method of induction which has long prescribed much passive procedures in the archival work. Considering the differences in the records and archives management-practices between West and Korea, I tentatively try to add some active elements to the archival work among which the collection for the expanding evidences and informations may firstly emphasized. While this collecting activity normally depends on the existing 'collections' and 'manuscripts', I cannot exclude the possibility of collections the materials, being likely to be registered in any poor or insufficient record groups. In the similar context, this kind of activity may and must be expanded beyond the university boundaries so at to arrange the cornerstones of archive-based local studies in the various disciplines. Here I premise another role of university archives, the role as 'science archives'. These archives within university archives seem likely to function in likewise the special collections within Western university libraries. What I mean here, however, is the archival groups purposedly gathered or acquisited according to more detail and narrower plan in order to meet the various demands from the different disciplines for the primary sources. The archival procedures from this revised method and program may, I hope, satisfy some of the preconditions of building university archives before the archives will actually function as a sub-institution of an university preserving legal, administrative and financial evidences, thus keeping identity and continuity of the university on the one hand, and as a local information center of supplying the archival contents on effectual demand from the field of local studies on the other. Finally, I conclude with a suggestion concerning the cooperation of all the parties of archival works. Proposing the 'Regional Research Center Program' in the field of technology and engineering as a model for the cooperation, I suggest that universities, private/public organizations, and central and local governments may work together for surveying the scattered ancient and modern documents as well as for building archives under the matching fund.

An Analysis of Groudwater Budget in a Water Curtain Cultivation Site (청원 수막재배 지역의 물수지 특성 분석)

  • Chang, Sun Woo;Chung, Il-Moon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.1259-1267
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    • 2015
  • In Korea, rural groundwater development faces new challenge, which have not been experienced so far. The problem is a groundwater depletion by the water curtain cultivation (WCC) during winter season. This study investigates the groundwater depletion using three-dimensional finite difference groundwater flow program, MODFLOW to verify the water budget of the shallow aquifer of Cheongweon area. Interdisciplinary research, which has become a worldwide trend, has been adopted in studying groundwater modeling in field scale. In particular, the method of groundwater recharge estimation adopted precise modeling techniques, SWAT to groundwater flow modeling. Based on qualified field data, the model calibrated and validated its reliability. The objective of this study is to simulate various stream-aquifer interactions according to groundwater pumping with artificial boundaries, such as weirs and drainage system. We also analyzed a seasonal variation of cumulative water budget of the site to quantify the groundwater depletion and recovery in the pumping field.

Data interoperability between authoring software and BIM system focused on the office building in conceptual design phase (설계 초기 단계 형상정보 연동 데이터 호환체계 개발 - 오피스 매스를 중심으로)

  • Park, Jung-Dae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.494-500
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    • 2020
  • Owing to the complexity of shapes and elements, some difficulties are found in the modeling and sharing phases in a project at the earlier design stages. This paper extends the boundaries by suggesting the data interoperability between 3D modeling software, McNeel Rhino 3D and BIM system, and Autodesk® Revit® Architecture. The main research methodology is to link the architectural form data in the NURBS supporting the 3DM format, especially for integrating surface properties into the mass family template of Revit. This algorithm-driven interoperability approach using visual programming, such as Dynamo in conjunction with Autodesk®, can be applicable in a theoretical part and also a practical use-case. This paper summarizes these results as sequence guidelines and project template recommendations suggesting an efficient design process to interoperate geometric data with the BIM system to manipulate and control the regular and curved form of office buildings.