• Title/Summary/Keyword: Building Performance

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Selecting of the Energy Performance Diagnosis Items through the Sensitivity Analysis of Existing Buildings (민감도 분석을 통한 기존건축물의 에너지성능 진단항목 선별)

  • Kong, Dong-Seok;Chang, Yong-Sung;Huh, Jung-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.27 no.7
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    • pp.354-361
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    • 2015
  • The building energy audit is an important process when collecting basic information for improving the energy performance of existing buildings. Audit parameters should be associated with the energy performance of the building. Such audit parameters will vary according to an individual building's characteristics and energy consumption patterns, but most building energy audits are performed in the same way. The sensitivity analysis (SA) is a statistical method to quantify the correlation between inputs and outputs that can determine which input is influential to which output. Therefore, an SA can identify influential parameters when applied to building energy analysis. In this paper, we adopted the Morris method to identify building energy audit parameters and performed a Monte Carlo simulation for uncertainty analysis. As a result, this method was able to identify an influential parameter for building energy audits and reduce uncertainty in energy consumption in buildings.

Structural Design and Construction of High-rise Building to Feature the High-performance Oil Dampers for Vibration Control - Hibiya Mitsui Tower -

  • Kato, Takashi;Hara, Kenji;Tanaka, Hiroyuki
    • International Journal of High-Rise Buildings
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.229-234
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    • 2019
  • This report introduces the structural design of Hibiya Mitsui Tower built in Tokyo Midtown Hibiya. The upper part of this tower is used for offices and the lower portion is for commercial facilities and a cinema complex which need the large open spaces. The 192m-high building has 35 floors above ground and 4 below ground. The structure is a steel frame using CFT columns to feature the high-performance oil dampers and the buckling restrained braces for vibration control. First, an outline of the structural design of this building is presented. Second, we introduce the transfer frame adopted to realize the large open spaces in the lower part, and the long column supporting the corner part of the high-rise building to avoid making a shade on the adjacent Hibiya Park, which are the feature of this building. Finally, we present an outline of the latest highly efficient semi-active oil dampers adopted in this building, and the vibration responses of this tower.

Heating and Cooling Load of Building according to Atrium Layout

  • Jeong, Nam-Young;Lee, Ji-Young;Chae, Young Tae
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to present basic data which would be applied on the early stage of the architectural design. And that determines the introduction of the atrium by comparing and analysing the environmental performance of atrium building. Method: The building forms are classified into low storied building, middle storied building and high storied building. This study compares and analyses energy performance of the standard building without atrium and the atrium building which has one-side, two-side, three-side, four-side, and linear atrium by measuring of annual heating and cooling load with EnergyPlus. Result: As a result of the analysis of the relative annual heating and cooling load by building type, it is shown that the fluctuation of cooling load in low storied building is large because heat storage in atrium affects building, and the fluctuation of heating load in high storied building is large owing to the effect of external wall area of atrium which makes heat loss. Especially, it indicated the largest annual heating and cooling load in four-side atrium of low storied building, and in one-side atrium of high storied building.

A study on the Insulation Performance of the SuperWindow considering the Evaluation of Building Energy Rating (건물에너지효율등급 적용에 따른 초단열 슈퍼윈도우 열성능 평가)

  • Jang, Cheol-Yong;Kim, Chi-Hoon;Ahn, Byung-Lip;Hong, Won-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2010
  • Generally, the building's windows and ventilation for the purpose of mining and the vista and windows by emotional engineering design area is a growing trend.In addition, the building regulation U-value limitation of window is $3.3W/m^2{\cdot}K$ in southern regions, while U-value limitation of wall is $0.35{\sim}0.58W/m^2{\cdot}K$. It means that the energy loss through windows is six times more than it through wall. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the environmental performance of the super window system by verification experiment. The results of this study are as follows; 1) The insulation performance of super window system is $1.44\;W/m^2^{\circ}C$ 2) Super Window compared to a normal window reduce heating energy requirements have been 5.3% 3) Compared to a normal window, Super window savings rate was 4.1% lower 4) Building energy efficiency rating was up to 1 rating from 2 rating.

Study on High Performance Building Envelope for raising Building Energy Rating (건물에너지효율등급향상을 위한 고효율 건물외피 성능 연구)

  • Hyun, Jong-Hun;Hong, Sung-Hee;Park, Hyo-Soon;Choi, Moo-Hyuck
    • Proceedings of the SAREK Conference
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.801-806
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    • 2008
  • The best plan is that the insulation performance should be improved because the insulation and airtight of building envelopes have an effect on the energy consumption basically. New insulation materials, which have the high performance and are above insulation standard, have been developed steadily. Because there are not studies on the building energy rating system and economic evaluation considering new insulation materials, these matters should be studied. In result alternatives, which applied 6 high performance material each, influence, reduce the annual heating energy and raise the building energy rating. Applying the vacuum insulation material(Case1,2) and vacuum or triple glazing can retrieves the investment with $120 and $$140{\sim}150$ per barrel each.

  • PDF

High-Rise Urban Form and Environmental Performance - An Overview on Integrated Approaches to Urban Design for a Sustainable High-Rise Urban Future

  • Yang, Feng
    • International Journal of High-Rise Buildings
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.87-94
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    • 2016
  • High-rise as a building typology is gaining popularity in Asian mega-cities, due to its advantages in increasing volumetric density with limited land resources. Numerous factors contribute to the formation of high-rise urban form, from economical and institutional, environmental to socio-political. Environmental concerns over the impact of rapid urbanization in developing economies demand new thought on the link between urban environment and urban form. Outdoor and indoor climate, pedestrian comfort, and building energy consumption are all related to and impacted by urban form and building morphology. There are many studies and practices on designing individual "green" high-rise buildings, but far fewer studies on designing high-rise building clusters from the perspective of environmental performance optimization.. This paper focuses on the environmental perspective, and its correlation with the evolution of the high-rise urban form. Previous studies on urban morphology in terms of environmental and energy performance are reviewed. Studies on "parameterizing" urban morphology to estimate its environmental performance are reviewed, and the possible urban design implications of the study are demonstrated in by the author, by way of a microclimate map of the iconic Shanghai Xiao Lujiazui CBD. The study formulates the best-practice design guidelines for creating walkable and comfortable outdoor space in a high-rise urban setting, including proper sizing of street blocks and building footprint, provision of shading, and facilitating urban ventilation.

Performance-based Wind-resistant Design for High-rise Structures in Japan

  • Nakai, Masayoshi;Hirakawa, Kiyoaki;Yamanaka, Masayuki;Okuda, Hirofumi;Konishi, Atsuo
    • International Journal of High-Rise Buildings
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.271-283
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    • 2013
  • This paper introduces the current status of high-rise building design in Japan, with reference to some recent projects. Firstly, the design approval system and procedures for high-rise buildings and structures in Japan are introduced. Then, performance-based wind-resistant design of a 300 m-high building, Abeno Harukas, is introduced, where building configuration, superstructure systems and various damping devices are sophisticatedly integrated to ensure a higher level of safety and comfort against wind actions. Next, design of a 213 m-high building is introduced with special attention to habitability against the wind-induced horizontal motion. Finally, performance-based wind-resistant design of a 634 m-high tower, Tokyo Sky Tree, is introduced. For this structure, the core column system was adopted to satisfy the strict design requirements due to the severest level of seismic excitations and wind actions.

Seismic performance improvement of RC buildings with external steel frames

  • Ecemis, Ali Serdar;Korkmaz, Hasan Husnu;Dere, Yunus
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.343-353
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    • 2021
  • In this study, in order to improve the seismic performance of existing reinforced concrete (RC) framed structures, various external attachment of corner steel frame configurations was considered as a user-friendly retrofitting method. The external steel frame is designed to contribute to the lateral stiffness and load carrying capacity of the existing RC structure. A six-story building was taken into account. Four different external corner steel frame configurations were suggested in order to strengthen the building. The 3D models of the building with suggested retrofitting steel frames were developed within ABAQUS environment using solid finite elements and analyzed under horizontal loadings nonlinearly. Horizontal top displacement vs loading curves were obtained to determine the overall performance of the building. Contributions of steel and RC frames to the carried loads were computed individually. Load/capacity ratios for the ground floor columns were presented. In the study, 3D rendered images of the building with the suggested retrofits are created to better visualize the real effect of the retrofit on the final appearance of the façade of the building. The analysis results have shown that the proposed external steel frame retrofit configurations increased the lateral load carrying capacity and lateral stiffness and can be used to improve the seismic performance of RC framed buildings.

Seismic Performance Evaluation of Existing Buildings with Engineer-oriented Computerized System (엔지니어기반 전산시스템을 적용한 철근콘크리트 기존 건축물의 내진성능평가)

  • Hwang, Sunwoo;Kim, Dong-Yeon;Kim, Taejin;Kim, Kyungtae
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.105-114
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    • 2017
  • Nonlinear analysis for seismic performance evaluation of existing building usually takes 4~5 times more than linear analysis based on KBC code. To obtain accurate results from the nonlinear analysis, there are a lot of things to be considered for nonlinear analysis modeling. For example, reinforcing layout, applied load and seismic details affect behavior of structural members for the existing building. Engineer-oriented computerized system was developed for engineers to evaluate effective seismic performance of existing buildings with abiding by seismic design principles. Using the engineer-oriented program, seismic performance evaluation of reinforced concrete building was performed. Nonlinear hinge properties were applied with real time multiple consideration such as section layout, section analysis result, applied load and performance levels. As a result, the building was evaluated to satisfy LS(Life Safety) performance level. A comparison between engineer-oriented and program-oriented results is presented to show how important the role of structural engineer is for seismic performance evaluation of existing buildings.

Study on Long-term Performance of Phenolic Foam Insulation through Accelerated Aging Test (가속화 시험을 통한 페놀폼 단열재의 장기성능 비교분석에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jin-Hee;Kim, Sang-Myung;Kim, Jun-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.11-23
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    • 2020
  • The application of the high-performance insulation materials for buildings seems to be an essential measure for reducing energy use in buildings. Phenolic foam is a readily available insulation material with thermal conductivity of about 0.018 to 0.020 W/(mK). It has the advantage of higher thermal resistance and better fire resistance compared to other conventional building insulation materials. Insulation material used for building envelope is regarded as one of the decisive factors for building's energy load. Furthermore, the degradation of its thermal performance over time increasingly affects the building's energy use demand. Generally, the life span of conventionally built buildings is expected to be more than 50 years, so the long-term performance of insulation materials is critical. This paper aims to evaluate the long-term performance of phenolic form boards through an accelerated aging test. The tests were conducted according to BS EN 13166 and KS M ISO 11561. Based on the results of the accelerated aging test, the thermal performance variation of the material was analyzed, and then its aged value after 25 years was computed. Also, the characteristics of the phenolic foam board's long-term performance were also examined based on the standard testing methods adopted.