• Title/Summary/Keyword: Buffer zones

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The Effects of the Biodiversity Increase after Creation of the Artificial Wetland -The Case of Ecological Pond at Seoul Technical High School- (인공습지 조성후 생물다양성 증진 효과에 관한 연구 -서울공고 생태연못을 중심으로-)

  • 김귀곤;조동길
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the creation techniques of artificial wetland, one of biotopes developed to promote biodiversity in urban areas, and to look for improvement steps. Specifically, artificial wetland creation techniques were categorized into living environment and living creature classification. Being living conditions for creations, habitat environment was reviewed with a focus on water and soil environments. Living creatures were classified into plants, insects, fish, and birds. The evaluation of creation techniques was done in post-construction evaluation while considering the creation of habitats for living creatures. Intervention by users, changes in living environment and living species, and relevance of creation techniques were reviewed. Key results of this study are as follows. (1) Water environment for the living environment of creatures provides a suitable environment conditions for the living of creatures through a process easing the use of piped water. Various water depths and embankment appear to have a positive impact on the living of aquatic life. In particular, embankment covered in soil naturally played an important role as a place for the activities of aquatic insects and young fish as well as the growth of aquatic plants. (2) Various aquatic and ground plants to promote insect-diversity, shallow water, and old-tree logs had contributed greatly in increasing the types and number of insects. Aquatic insects. Aquatic insects were seen much particularly in areas where aquatic plants are rich but water is shallow than any other areas. (3) A space piled with stone to provide habitats for fish was not much used. However, it was observed that fish used embankment built with natural stones and embankment using logs in areas where water is deep. In addition, it was confirmed that 1,500 fish that had been released propagated using various depths and places for birth. (4) It was analyzed that techniques (creation of island, log setting, and creation of man-made bird nests) to provide habitats and to attract birds are not serving their roles. In such a case, it is believed that species had not increased due to the smallness as well as isolated features of the area. Based on theoretical review, they are judged to be areas that are likely to be used when a greater variety of birds is introduced. It is judged that attracting and keeping more birds at the site, such spaces need to be linked systematically in the future in terms of building eco-network while ensuring an adequate living areas. (5) In the study areas, users intervened greatly. As a result, a blockage was created preventing the normal growth of plants and non-indigenous plants were introduced. In order to limit the intervention by users, setting enough buffer zones, and environment education programs were urgently required. D/H=1>Hyangkyo> houses on the river>temples>lecture halls. D/H ratio of the backside areas is as follows. D/H=1>Hyangkyo>houses on the river>lecture halls. 4. Inner garden were planted deciduous than evergreen trees with Lagerstroemia indica. Enclosed dominant trees were planted by Pinus densiflora, Querces seuata. construct GEM strain, and examined for the expression and functional stability in microcosms.

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A Basic Study on the Establishment of Designated Area for Conservation plan of Traditional Landscape - Focus on the Designation Status of Linear Scenic Sites - (전통경관 보존계획을 위한 지정구역 설정에 대한 기초연구 - 선형(線形) 명승의 지정 현황을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Chang-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to elicit criteria regarding reassessment and designation of linear scenic sites henceforth. The results are as follows; First, based on the documents from the Cultural Properties Protection Committee of Korea, 23 out of 113 scenic sites in Korea were drawn, and their linear characteristics were categorized into four types including valleys, paths, rivers, and ridges. The linear scenic sites provide certain features in terms of sequence and direction, which results in the similar utilization among the sites which share the linear similarity. Second, the 23 sites mentioned above were intensely examined on the basis of six criteria for linear scenic sites through FGI, focus group interview. The criteria consist of six elements involving core resource(12), lot number(8), unclear(8), management path(5), ridge(4), basin(3). Third, the Cultural Heritage Administration has prioritized core resource since 2010, when designating a scenic site, whereas it tended to consider lot number as priority prior to 2010. It is thought that the authority gave consideration to issues related to private ownership of property in the scenic sites and the purpose of designation. Fourth, scenic sites are generally designated in accordance with the boundary of core resource, and in most cases, there are buffer zones alongside the core resource.

Study of Pro-environmental Development for Golf Course in Korea (한국 골프장의 친환경적 개발에 관한 연구)

  • 김광두
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.49-78
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    • 1998
  • Nowadays, there are increasing demands of golf courses and it is necessary to make more golf courses than the present. To do this, we need to improve the environmental problems with the regional inhabitants, and it is said that the first thing to be considered in developing any golf course in Korea is to preserve the environment. In this context, the purpose of this study is to set forth several design factors to lessen the negative impacts which are accompanied with the development of golf courses. 1. The present conditions of golf courses in Korea Many new golf courses have come into being, particularly since the late 1980s, and now, in the year of 1997, over one hundred of golf courses are doing their business, yet the number of golf course is still less than required. So far, over a half of them have been made in the vicinity of Seoul on account of various reasons, and this has adversely affected on our natural environment. This unreasonable development of golf courses has caused serious water pollution, landslides and the other problems. Also, the topography of Korea is not good for golf courses. Although the demands of golf courses are increasing, the suitable sites for them are very limited, and therefore it is sometimes unavoidable to make golf courses on steep hills. Consequently, in designing golf courses in Korea, the most important thing is the balance between natural environment and artificial environment. 2.Eco-friendly golf course design factors 1) The concept of eco-friendly golf courses Ecologically sustainable and sound golf courses which are made by eco-friendly approaches 2)Basic conditions of eco-friendly golf courses (1)The most suitable sites (2) Conservation of existing ground as much as possible (3)Proper use of agricultural chemicals which have great impacts on the environment (4) Reasonable use of fertilizers (5) Developing a specialized fertilizer only for grass (6) Adaptation of organic agriculture (7) Improvement of grass sorts (8) Establishing reservoirs for purifying the water from golf courses 3) Eco-friendly golf courses (1) Location-Enough area /Gentle slope/Winding ground/Including lakes or streams /Not crossing wind's main direction Facing south or southeast /Suitable soIl for grass /Good drainage /Low level of underground water (2)Course layout and design -Consideration about existing contours as much as possible -Adaptation of Scotish design trend -Various holes' configuration -Consideration toward surrounding landscapes -Reducing grass areas -Giving buffer zones -Adapting computer methods in the process of site analysis and design (3) Eco-friendly considerations in constructing and managing golf courses -Protection of wildlife -Reuse of existing forests and preservation of topsoil -Renovation of old-fashioned courses -Reducing grass areas -Purification of water -Standization of management -Strict regulations against chemicals -Recycling organic materials -Through separation of the water inside golf courses and out of bounds -Getting proper construction works done in a due time 4.Eco-friendly considerations from a viewpoint of cultural environment 1) Well-matched landscape design and events planning 2) Implement of identifications and awarding systerns 3)Acknowledgement of superintendents' qualitications in the maintenance of golf courses 4)Increasing public golf courses and keeping good relationships with the neighbors near golf courses Key words: Pro-environmental development, Golf course.

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Exploratory Sensitivity Analysis of Environmental Equity to Spatial to Measures (공간척도 유형에 따른 환경적 형평성의 민감도 분석)

  • Jun, Byong-Woon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.508-521
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    • 2006
  • The results of environmental equity analysis vary dramatically depending on different methods used. The information and data available to the researcher are also often uncertain and imprecise in empirical studies. A sensitivity analysis approach was used too handle uncertainties and methodological inconsistencies in environmental equity analysis. This paper explores the sensitivity of environmental equity analysis to two spatial measures such as proximity and scale. Two experiments were implemented to evaluate the effects of two spatial measures on the environmental equity analysis using a combination of control and experimental factors. Fulton County, Georgia was selected as a case study area for these experiments. Two major data sets including demographic characteristics and toxic release inventory (TRI) database for the study area in 1990 were integrated into a GIS environment. Two statistical analyses such as independent samples t-test and coefficient of variation were performed to determine the environmental equity in the study area and to compare the relative variability in the socioeconomic characteristics of populations over different spatial measures. The findings from two experiments indicate that the outcomes of environmental equity analysis are slightly sensitive to the buffer distance used to determine the impact zones of TRI facilities, but not to the geographic scale used in the analysis. The findings also suggest that the consequences of these choices can alter spatially and statistically the results in environmental equity analysis.

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Vegetation Model for Naturalness Restoration as an Ecological Renovation in a Golf Course (골프장의 생태적 리노베이션 방안으로서 식재모델 제안)

  • Lee, Hyun-Jung;Kang, Hyun-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.75-86
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    • 2004
  • This study aims to figure out ecological characteristic of natural forests focusing on vegetation as a way of ecological renovation for the restoration of naturalness for golf courses that were constructed in the Country and to present vegetation models and appropriate tree species for the purpose. The study site is P golf club, which is located in Gapyong-gun, Kyeonggi Province. The site is within a forest where the grade from the natural ecology map is the first one and the level from the green index accounts for the eight, thus showing a typical environment for a golf course in terms of location. The location of the site explains a reason for restoration. The major substance of the study is to conduct ecological evaluation of vegetation structures around and inside the golf course and to present a vegetation model. In order to evaluate the ecological characteristics of the vegetation structures, the analysis of the study covered succession stages, multi-layer vegetation structures and species diversity. Plant communities that have high species diversity were selected for the vegetation model and proper density and species were proposed considering the number of species and individuals and distances between trees. The vegetation restoration model targets succession into an oak forest. Within a unit of 100 $m^2$, the recommended model include a tall-tree layer with 11 trees such as Quercus serrata and Quercus mongolica, a sub-tall-tree layer with 12 trees including Quercus mongolica, Quercus serrata, Prunus sargentii, Fraxinus rhynchophylla and Acer pseudo sieboldianum, a shrub layer with 32 trees from 16 species, and a grass layer with a cover rate of 45 %. The proposed vegetation restoration model needs to apply to : 1) damaged natural forests by the construction of golf courses; 2) boundaries between golf courses and surrounding forests; 3) buffer zones; 4) open spaces in between courses; and 5) areas between greens and tees where open spaces are available in a mass. In conclusion, one of the most important factors in presenting a vegetation model for the restoration of naturalness in the golf course and other damaged forests is to provide multi-layer vegetation structures that are composed of native species. As for the specific application for the site, it is recommended to manage the vegetation in such a way that the environment of the site can have a similar environment to the surrounding forest which is expected to succeed into an oaks-dominant one.

Site-Level Assessment of Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures - Focusing on the Korea National Arboretum - (기타 효과적인 지역 기반 보전 수단(OECMs)의 개별 평가 - 국립수목원을 중심으로 -)

  • Shim, Yun-Jin;Sung, Jung-Won;Lee, Kyeong-Cheol;Kweon, Hyeong-Keun;An, Jong-Bin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2023
  • By delivering effective, in-situ conservation of biodiversity, OECMs can contribute to sustaining existing biodiversity values and improving biodiversity conservation outcomes. In this study, for the reporting of OECMs required by Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, the site-level assessment of the Korea National Arboretum and Buffer Zones were conducted using the assessment tool of IUCN. The site-level assessment was carried out in three steps(step 1: screening, step 2 : consent for full assessment, step 3 : the full assessment). It was found that the criteria were satisfied except for the consent for full assessment, sustainability of governance and management arrangements, and the equity of governance and management. Although the governing authority, rights-holders or any other stakeholders could be identified, the step of acknowledging and agreeing to the full OECM assessment was not possible because the governance was not established. As a result of the assessment of equitable governance and management in the aspect of recognition, procedure, and distribution based on criterion(the equity of governance and management), it is judged that more specific measures are needed in the aspect of recognition. And in the aspect of procedure, there is no legal basis for participation in governance and collection of opinions, so it is judged that there is a limit to listening and reflecting the opinions of stakeholders. In the aspect of distribution, it is necessary to further confirm whether it provides direct benefits to rights-holders such as landowners in the region. And it is necessary to prepare specific criteria to assess the important biodiversity values. Therefore, in order to promote OECM reporting in the future, it is necessary to conduct detailed research on various types of governance establishment and operation plans that can establish the basis for recognizing and agreeing to OECM assessment, specific criteria and reasonable measures to judge equity, and important biodiversity value.

Analyzing Priority Management Areas for Domestic Cats (Felis catus) Using Predictions of Distribution Density and Potential Habitat (고양이(Feliscatus)의 분포밀도와 잠재서식지 예측을 이용한 우선 관리 대상 지역 분석)

  • Ahmee Jeong;Sangdon Lee
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.545-555
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to predict the distribution density and potential habitat of domestic cats (Felis catus) in order to identify core distribution areas. It also aimed to overlay protected areas to identify priority areas for cat management. Kernel density estimation was used to determine the distribution density, and areas with high density were classified in Greater Seoul, Chungnam, Daejeon, and Daegu. Elevation, distance from the used area and roughness were identified as important variables in predicting potential habitat using the MaxEnt model. In addition, the classification of suitable and unsuitable areas based on thresholds showed that the predicted presence of habitat was more extensive in Seoul, Sejong, Daejeon, Chungnam, and Daegu. Core distribution areas were selected by overlapping high-density areas with suitable areas. Priority management areas were identified by overlaying core distribution areas with designated wildlife sanctuaries. As a result, Gyeonggi, and Chungnam have the largest areas. In addition, buffer zones will be implemented to effectively manage the core distribution area and minimize the potential for additional introductions in areas of high management priority, such as protected areas. These results can be used as a basis for investigating the status of the cat's habitat and developing more effective management strategies.

A Study on Designation Potential as Ramsar Site and Management Method of Massive Scale of Wetland - A Case of Jang Hang Estuary Wetland, Han River, Korea - (대규모 습지의 Ramsar Site 지정 가능성 검토 및 관리방안 연구 - 한강하류 장항습지를 대상으로 -)

  • Yeum, Jung-Hun;Han, Bong-Ho;Lee, Kyong-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.249-257
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this paper is to weigh the possibility of endangered Jang-hang wetland at the estuary of Han River to be included on the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance and come up with ways to manage the wetland depending on its biotope patterns. The target area is located between Gimpo bridge and Isanpo I.C. with about $2.7km^2$ area. Through the analysis of RIS(Information Sheet for Ramsar Wetlands), it was known that the wetland is located on the sedimentary topography and formed as a result of sediment at the estuary of the river owing to the concentration of rainfall during summer. The vegetation environment in the area is divided into brackish water and fresh water areas depending on salinity. Rhizosphere soil(RS) of the area was analyzed to be Silt loam while bottom RS to be Sand loam. The plant ecology was composed of 52 families 135 species and 11 varieties and 146 types. Among indigenous species found are Salix koreensis, Phragmites communis and Miscanthus sacchariflorus. The analyzed results of the actual vegetation showed that willow community accounts for 37% of the area and rice field is 13.5%. As for animal ecology, total of 62 species and 25,977 individual wild birds were observed. After comparing and analyzing the RIS we compiled with the Ramsar Site designation standards, it turns out that the Jang-hang wetland meets criteria 1(biographic region), criteria 2,3 and 4(species and ecological communities) and criteria 5 and 6(water birds). Thus, Jang-hang wetland is eligible for the Ramsar site. As a result of establishing and evaluating the biotope types for setting management areas, Jang-hang wetland has a total of 13 different types, and the grade I represents 75.4% of the area while the grade III 0.8% of the land status. We categorized four management zones for the wetland depending on the biotope patterns - preservation, restoration, use and buffer zones and suggested management methods for each zone.

Immunocytochemical Localization of Parvalbumin and Calbindin-D 28K in Monkey Dorsal Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (원숭이 외측슬상체배측핵에서 칼슘결합단백 Parvalbumin과 Calbindin-D 28K의 분포)

  • Ko, Seung-Hee;Bae, Choon-Sang;Park, Sung-Sik
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.61-77
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    • 1994
  • The calcium-binding proteins (CaBP), parvalbumin (PV) and calbindin-D 28K (calbindin) are particularly abundant and specific in their distribution, and present in different subsets of neurons in many brain regions. Although their physiological roles in the neurons have not been elucidated, they are valuable markers of neuronal subpopulations for anatomical and developmental studies. This study is designed to characterize dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) neurons and axon terminals in terms of differential expression of immunoreactivity (IR) for two well-known CaBPs, PV and calbindin. The experiments were carried out on 6 adult monkeys. Monkeys were perfused under deep Nembutal anesthesia with 2% paraformaldehyde and 0.2% glutaraldehyde in 0.1M phosphate buffer. After removal, the brains were postfixed for 6-8 hr in 2% paraformaldehyde at $4^{\circ}C$ and infiltrated with 30% sucrose at $4^{\circ}C$. Thereafter, they were frozen in dry ice. Serial sections of the thalamus, at $20{\mu}m$, were made in the frontal plane with a sliding microtome. The sections were stained for PV and calbindin with indirect immunocytochemical methods. For electron microscopy, after infiltration with 30% sucrose the blocks of thalamus were serially sectioned at $50{\mu}m$ with a Vibratome in the coronal plane and stained immediately by indirect ABC methods without Triton X-100 in incubation medium. Stained sections were postfixed in 0.2% osmium tetroxide, dehydrated and flat-embedded in Spurr resin. The block was then trimmed to contain only a selected lamina or interlaminar space. The dLGN proper showed strong PV IR in fibers in all laminae and interlaminar zones. Particularly dense staining was noted in layers 1 and 2 that contain many stained fibers from optic tract. Neuronal cell body stained with PV was concentrated only in the laminae. In these laminae staining was moderate in cell bodies of all large and medium-sized neurons, and was strong in cell bodies of some small neurons together with their processes. Calbindin IR was marked in the neuronal cell body and neuropil in the S layers and interlaminar zones whereas moderate in the neuropil throughout the nucleus. Regional difference in distribution of PV and calbindin IR cell is distinct; the former is only in the laminae and the latter in both the S layer and interlaminar space. The CaBP-IR elements were confined to about $10{\mu}m$ in depth of Vibratome section. The IR product for CaBP was mainly associated with synaptic vesicle, pre- and post-synaptic membrane, and outer mitochondrial membrane and along microtubule. PV-IR was noted in various neuronal elements such as neuronal soma, dendrite, RLP, F, PSD and some myelinated or unmyelinated axons, and was not seen in the RSD and glial cells. Only a few neuronal components in dLGN was IR for calbindin and its reaction product was less dense than that of PV, and scattered throughout cytoplasm of soma of some relay neurons, and was also persent in some dendrite, myelinated axons and RLP. The RSD, F, PSD and glial elements were always non-IR for calbindin. Calbindin labelled RLP were presynaptic to unlabeled dendrite or dendritic spine and PSD. Calbindin-labeled dendrite of various sizes were always postsynaptic to unlabeled RSD, RLP or F. From this study it is suggested that dLGN cells of different functional systems and their differential projection to the visual cortex can be distinguished by differential expression of PV and calbindin.

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The Research Trend and Narrative Expandability of Borderlands Studies in Europe and North America -A Review Article: Globalizing Borderlands Studies in Europe and North America (유럽과 북미에서의 접경지대 연구 동향과 서사의 확장성 -『유럽과 북미 지역 접경지대 연구의 세계화』 읽기)

  • Ban, Kee-Hyun
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.251-276
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this article is to critically read Globalizing Borderlands Studies in Europe and North America to examine trends in border studies conducted so far in Europe and North America and to discuss the expandability and limitations of the narrative. It introduces a variety of case studies covering the borderlands of Europe and North America from ancient to modern times. It consists of a total of 10 chapters, in addition to the introduction chapter to clarify the purpose and definition of the collaboration and the short conclusion chapter on the prospects for the future of borderlands studies. This volume has some important implications for current borderland research in two main respects. First, it can introduce us we the areas and targets that the leading researchers from European and North American academia (usually the United States') have paid attention to. It also examines the current status of borderland research and predicts whether it will be possible to study various border areas where exist in other regions (especially in Asia) based on accumulating academic achievements, as well as the possibility of expansion of so-called 'globalization'. Second, it introduces the borderland as a conceptual space, beyond the border area as a physical space that is commonly thought of when it comes to 'border'. Cases of "conceptual borderlands" can be applied to a number of topics ranging from an individual's identities to the methods of governance, religions, economies, social institutions, families, labor issues, public health services and gender issues. There are, however, also some questions to be noted in the volume: the lack of consistent use of terminology, which can be considered general problems of collaboration studies; the fact that the authors still tend to understand borderlands within the imperialist discourse, perhaps because of their academic background is situated mainly in Europe and North America; the borderlands cases described here as the areas of conflict and struggle only. Nevertheless, the book is of significance in that it suggests a possibility of various borderlands studies and helps us to have better understanding of the current geopolitical situation imposed on the Korean Peninsula, which is located on the borderland between the continental and maritime powers.