• Title/Summary/Keyword: Broadcasting Act

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Factors Influencing New Media Subscription Based on Multigroup Analysis of IPTV and DCTV

  • Kang, Sang-Ug;Park, Seungbum;Lee, Sangwon
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.1041-1050
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    • 2014
  • As the Internet Protocol TV (IPTV) service enters the broadcasting market, the competition intensifies. This paper explains the factors influencing new media subscription and their influential differences on IPTV and digital cable TV (DCTV). We use the information systems success model and gratification opportunity theory to develop our research model. We sample 621 people and collect their responses through web-based measuring software. Structural model analysis shows that the willingness to subscribe to a new broadcasting medium is influenced by three characteristics of the medium: media richness, interactivity, and video quality. Multigroup analysis reveals that motivation to use a medium partially differs between IPTV and DCTV. This research concludes that the IPTV service is not attractive enough to act as a substitute for the already existing DCTV. In addition, for the IPTV service to proliferate, its business model should be promoted with new and differentiated revenue structures and services. The managerial implications in this study help new media businesses set business goals and product functionality, and allocate resources for the continued diffusion of IPTV.

Planning of Gap Filler Networks in Satellite DMB Systems for Wireless Multimedia Services

  • Noh, Sun-Kuk;Yun, Tae-Soon;Choi, Dong-You
    • Journal of Communications and Networks
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.494-498
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    • 2011
  • Satellite digital multimedia broadcasting (S-DMB) systems use gap fillers (GFs) to provide wireless multimedia services to non-line-of-sight locations. GFs act as repeaters, and S-DMB systems require GF networks in order to guarantee mobile reception. Each GF covers a cell or sector. In order to provide contiguous coverage of an area comprising two or more cells or sectors, multiple GFs are needed. However, when multiple GFs are situated close to each other, interference is likely to occur. As a result, in this study, we have investigated system-level environments for planning the design of interference-free GF networks in S-DMB systems. Our investigations revealed that S-DMB services are unavailable because of quality deterioration caused by interference when the delay attributable to a GF and the satellite signals exceeds ${\pm}$256 chips and the distance between the GF and its reception terminal is greater than 4.6 km. On the basis of this analysis, we conducted a field test that confirmed that the above-mentioned time delay can be controlled in such a way as to ensure high quality S-DMB services.

Zero-knowledge proof algorithm for Data Privacy

  • Min, Youn-A
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 2021
  • As pass the three revised bills, the Personal Information Protection Act was revised to have a larger application for personal information. For an industrial development through an efficient and secure usage of personal information, there is a need to revise the existing anonymity processing method. This paper modifies the Zero Knowledge Proofs algorithm among the anonymity processing methods to modify the anonymity process calculations by taking into account the reliability of the used service company. More detail, the formula of ZKP (Zero Knowledge Proof) used by ZK-SNAKE is used to modify the personal information for pseudonymization processing. The core function of the proposed algorithm is the addition of user variables and adjustment of the difficulty level according to the reliability of the data user organization and the scope of use. Through Setup_p, the additional variable γ can be selectively applied according to the reliability of the user institution, and the degree of agreement of Witness is adjusted according to the reliability of the institution entered through Prove_p. The difficulty of the verification process is adjusted by considering the reliability of the institution entered through Verify_p. SimProve, a simulator, also refers to the scope of use and the reliability of the input authority. With this suggestion, it is possible to increase reliability and security of anonymity processing and distribution of personal information.

Strategy Design to Protect Personal Information on Fake News based on Bigdata and Artificial Intelligence

  • Kang, Jangmook;Lee, Sangwon
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2019
  • The emergence of new IT technologies and convergence industries, such as artificial intelligence, bigdata and the Internet of Things, is another chance for South Korea, which has established itself as one of the world's top IT powerhouses. On the other hand, however, privacy concerns that may arise in the process of using such technologies raise the task of harmonizing the development of new industries and the protection of personal information at the same time. In response, the government clearly presented the criteria for deidentifiable measures of personal information and the scope of use of deidentifiable information needed to ensure that bigdata can be safely utilized within the framework of the current Personal Information Protection Act. It strives to promote corporate investment and industrial development by removing them and to ensure that the protection of the people's personal information and human rights is not neglected. This study discusses the strategy of deidentifying personal information protection based on the analysis of fake news. Using the strategies derived from this study, it is assumed that deidentification information that is appropriate for deidentification measures is not personal information and can therefore be used for analysis of big data. By doing so, deidentification information can be safely utilized and managed through administrative and technical safeguards to prevent re-identification, considering the possibility of re-identification due to technology development and data growth.

On the Performance Management System to Analyse the Effectiveness of Type Approval System for Railway Vehicle

  • Lee, Young Hoon;Lee, Jee Ha;Park, Chan Kyung;Kim, Young Min
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2021
  • The type approval system for railway vehicle has been in effect since 2016 in order to establish a regular safety management system to secure railway safety and enhance the technological competitiveness of the railway industry, abolished the conventional performance test system through the reform of the Railroad Safety Act in 2012. Until now, there has been appreciated it has been making significant contributions to railway safety and industry of operation and manufacturing companies, taking their place in accordance with the implementation of the system. But there has been no case of quantitative analysis on the effectiveness of the actual system. In this study, in order to examine the full-scale performance of the approval system and quantitatively analyze effectiveness, we identified and defined the relationships with the major elements of the type approval system based on system thinking principle and determined the calculated outcomes to relevant stakeholders. A method of establishing a type approval performance management system that can be grasped, utilized, and adjusted from a point of various stakeholders' views was proposed. This is expected to be more helpful in the implementation of the system, such as improving and applying quantitative effects to analysis by closely reviewing the effects and influencing factors of the type approval system based on the data accumulated through continuous performance management and reflecting to system improvement.

A Study on the Establishment and Operation of the Electronic Research note system in a closed network (폐쇄망에서의 전자연구노트 시스템 구축 및 운영 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Youngin
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.135-141
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    • 2022
  • It is an important role of a researcher to preserve the research process and results as a record in the overall R&D from the planning stage to completion. This can be used as a basis to support the objectivity of the R&D process and results. This can be used as a basis to support the objectivity of the R&D process and results. The necessity of writing research notes is raised in terms of research ethics, records management, intellectual property rights protection, and research results protection according to 「National Research And Development Innovation Act」. Therefore, in this paper, the results of the systematic and practical management method of research notebooks operated by government-funded institutions are described.

Effect of different underwater recovery methods on heart rate after circuit weight training

  • Park, Jun Sik;Kim, Ki Hong
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.222-227
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in heart rate according to recovery methods after circuit weight training exercise. Fourteen men in their twenties were selected as subjects, and three sets of circuit weight training were performed by cycling six sports, and two recovery conditions (dynamic and static) were performed immediately after exercise. Changes in heart rate did not have an interactive effect according to recovery method and time, and both conditions showed significant changes between sets 1 and 2, and between sets 3 and after recovery. In this study, the high heart rate of 2 sets and 3 sets was seen as a result of exercise stimulation, and the low heart rate of 1 set was thought to be due to the decrease in vagus nerve activity rather than the role of catecholamines. On the other hand, the heart rate after 20 minutes of exercise did not show any difference according to the recovery method, which could mean that the recovery process due to the aquatic environment can act more strongly than the process of dynamic recovery and static recovery. It is thought that the characteristics affected the sensory and circulation of the body, and thus the change of the afferent signal and the level of metabolic products generated in the active muscle.

Bias in TV News Coverage of President Park's Impeachment -Focusing on MBC and JTBC Evening News- (박근혜 대통령 탄핵 보도 편향성에 관한 연구 -MBC와 JTBC의 저녁종합뉴스를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Byoung Jin;Lee, Sang Eun;Yang, Jong Hoon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.11
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    • pp.554-566
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    • 2017
  • Through the Broadcasting Act, Republic of Korea regulates the broadcasting system to remain neutral regarding particular party or candidate. However, as MBC and JTBC reports the issue of President Park's impeachment in bisected way - conservative and progressive - the controversy aroused. This research paper comparatively analyzed each broadcasting company's evening news by focusing on quantity aspect, reporting tendency regarding trend of public opinion and mass rally and the news frame. Our research showed that both JTBC and MBC had partially reported; JTBC on pro-impeachment rally's side which was called candlelight rally, and MBC on anti-impeachment rally's side, called Korean National Flag rally. Regarding the way how they reported the impeachment, JTBC reported much more in depth than MBC, and MBC reported the process emotionally, standing for President Park.

A Study on the Constitutionality of the Prior Review Rules on Broadcast Commercials (방송광고 심의규정의 위헌성에 관한 연구: 명확성 원칙과 과잉금지 원칙을 중심으로)

  • Chang, Ho-Soon
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.39
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    • pp.69-101
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    • 2007
  • Some clauses of the prior review rules for broadcasting commercials, which are enforced by the Broadcasting Act violate the right to free speech guaranteed by the Constitution. The range of prohibited expression under the clauses are too vague and overbroad to distinguish between permissible and impermissible broadcasting commercials. The clauses also fail to pass the constitutional principle that restrict government from excessive regulation on constitutional rights. The principle has a four-pronged test on the government action; 1) the validity of its goal; 2) availability of appropriate means; 3) necessity of infringement; 4) and balancing test of interests. Some clauses of the prior review rules that forbid expressions on sensitive political and cultural issues fail to pass none of the four-pronged standards.

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A study of contempt characters for storytelling (스토리텔링을 위한 모멸형 케릭터 연구)

  • Lee, Kang-Hyun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.777-784
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    • 2013
  • A novel is a conversation between self and the real world. They are not only sensitive act to the real world, but also a pattern of the real through the converse between self and the real world without making the real his own. This analysis on the works of Son and his essence shows that he tried to express his self-denial aesthetics and human-denial aesthetics as well as self-closing aesthetics.