• Title/Summary/Keyword: Bond order

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Experimental Study on Evaluation of Bond Strength after Ozone Treatment and Ozone Resistance of Concrete Metal Spray Coating for Advanced Water Treatment (고도정수처리용 콘크리트 금속용사 피막의 내오존성 및 오존처리 후 부착강도 평가에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Park, Jin-Ho;Jang, Hyun-O;Lee, Han-Seung
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.68-75
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    • 2018
  • The introduction of advanced water treatment facilities has increased as the conventional purification method cannot remove the substance clearly. However, the internal waterproofing and Anticorrosion materials of the advanced water treatment facility using ozone deteriorate due to the oxidation power of ozone and affects the concrete, which causes a decrease in durability. This study is to evaluate the ozone resistance according to the type of spray metal and the surface treatment method of the coating, and the bond strength after ozone treatment in order to develope a finishing method to prevent deterioration of concrete structure of water treatment facility using metal spraying method as a way to construct metal panel with excellent ozone resistance and chemical resistance by an easier way than the previous. The Experimental results show that spray metal Ti has superior ozone resistance even after spraying. It is considered to be the most suitable method for ozone resistance and bond performance by finishing using Teflon sealing as surface treatment method.

Bond behavior between steel and Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) bars and ultra high performance concrete reinforced by Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube (MWCNT)

  • Ahangarnazhad, Bita Hosseinian;Pourbaba, Masoud;Afkar, Amir
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.463-474
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, the influence of adding multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) on the pull behavior of steel and GFRP bars in ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) was examined experimentally and numerically. For numerical analysis, 3D nonlinear finite element modeling (FEM) with the help of ABAQUS software was used. Mechanical properties of the specimens, including Young's modulus, tensile strength and compressive strength, were extracted from the experimental results of the tests performed on standard cube specimens and for different values of weight percent of MWCNTs. In order to consider more realistic assumptions, the bond between concrete and bar was simulated using adhesive surfaces and Cohesive Zone Model (CZM), whose parameters were obtained by calibrating the results of the finite element model with the experimental results of pullout tests. The accuracy of the results of the finite element model was proved with conducting the pullout experimental test which showed high accuracy of the proposed model. Then, the effect of different parameters such as the material of bar, the diameter of the bar, as well as the weight percent of MWCNT on the bond behavior of bar and UHPC were studied. The results suggest that modifying UHPC with MWCNT improves bond strength between concrete and bar. In MWCNT per 0.01 and 0.3 wt% of MWCNT, the maximum pullout strength of steel bar with a diameter of 16 mm increased by 52.5% and 58.7% compared to the control specimen (UHPC without nanoparticle). Also, this increase in GFRP bars with a diameter of 16 mm was 34.3% and 45%.


  • Lee, Kwang-Won;Lee, Myung-Jong
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.201-216
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    • 1990
  • A variety of surface pre-treatments have been advocated to prepare the dentin prior to placement of a bonding agent. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of various dentin conditioners upon the degree of resin impregnation to the dentinal tubules and the shear bond strength of a new dentinal bonding agent (Scotchbond 2) used in conjunction with a visible light cured composite (Silux). The healthy eighty human molars extracted due to periodontal or orthodontic reasons were used and randomly divided into five groups. All the grinded dentin surfaces were conditioned with 3% $H_2O_2$, Cavity Cleanser (Columbus/Bayer), Dentin Conditioner (GC Inter. Corp.), Scotchprep (3M Co.) according to the manufacturer's directions. The specimens were then demineralized in 10% HCl for 20 sec. and 24 hrs. in order to observe the resin tags in Hitachi X-450 scanning electron microscope at 25KV. Also, shear strengths were obtained using an Instron Testing Machine with a cross head speed of 1 mm/min. The following results were obtained ; 1. In group treating with Dentin Conditioner and Scotchprep, the resin strings were formed on most of the surfaces and penetrated more than $50{\mu}m$ into the tubules. 2. The inner surface of resin treated with Cavity Cleanser, indicating the resin strings formed partly and penetrated about in depth of $30{\mu}m$. 3. In control and experimental group treated with 3% $H_2O_2$, the resin tags were not formed, if any, penetrated shortly. 4. Shear bond strengths in groups treating with Dentin Conditioner and Scotchprep were statistically significant increase than with 3% $H_2O_2$. (P<0.01). 5. The Scotchprep treatment group was significantly higher in shear strength than groups treated with no conditioning and Cavity Cleanser.(P<0.01) 6. Shear bond strengths evaluated were gradually increase in proportion to the tag length of resin impregnation.

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Shear bond strength of a layered zirconia and porcelain according to treatment of zirconia liner (치과용 지르코니아 이장재 처리에 따른 지르코니아와 도재의 전단결합강도 비교)

  • Seo, Jeong Il;Park, Won Uk;Kim, Yang Geun
    • Journal of Technologic Dentistry
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.43-52
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: Physical and chemical properties of gold is most suitable to be restored of teeth to its original state. Recently zirconia was used instead of gold because of esthetical and intimacy of human body. Because of high strength and high abrasion resistance of zirconia, all zirconia artificial tooth lead to wear the original tooth of opposite site. To preserve this original tooth, zirconia artificial tooth covered with dental ceramic glass was used. When joining the zirconia core and dental ceramic glass, difference of their thermal expansion coefficient and wetting ability is generated the residual stress at interface lead to crack. In order to solve this problem, intermediate layer what is called zir-liner was imported to decrease the residual stress and increase the bonding strength. Methods: In this study, to identify the optimum conditions for manufacturing process, various methods to rough the surface of zirconia core were adopted, and vary the thickness of interlayer, and analyzed bond strength. Results: Bond strength of sanding specimens group showed higher than that of non-sanding specimens group, and once applied intermediate layer with sanding specimens showed highest bond strength with 28 MPa. SEM photomicrographs of zirconia cores fired at $1500^{\circ}C$ showed parallel straight lines in sanding and pockmarked surface in blasting surfaces as abrasion traces. Observation of the destruction section after shear test by SEM were carried out. Liner applied non-sanding group and non-liner applied sanding group all showed interfacial crack. Sandblasting group with non-liner showed remained dental ceramic glass on the surface of zirconia. Sandblasting group with once applied liner showed partially remained liner and dental ceramic glass on the surface of zirconia. XRD analysis revealed that sandblasting group showed higher monoclinic peaks than other specimens group and this result was due to the high collision energy for stress induced phase transformation. Conclusions: A study on the improvement of bonding strength between zirconia and dental ceramic glass steadily carried out for the future to practical use.

The Corrosion Behavior of Rebar Embedded in Concrete With Chloride. (염화물 혼입에 따른 철근의 부식 거동)

  • Kim, Myung-Yu;Kim, Il-Sun;Jin, Sang-Ho;Yang, Eun-Ik;Lee, Sung-Tae
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2008.04a
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    • pp.1069-1072
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    • 2008
  • As embedded reinforcing suffer from corrosion process, the bond strength and stiffness are reduced, and the structure proceed, eventually, to the deterioration of the concrete, shortening the service life of concrete structures rapidly. In order to deal with these problems, a multitude of researches have been carried out up to this date to evaluate the bond characteristics of RC members, i.e. by artificially inducing rapid corrosion of the reinforcing bar. These artificial corrosion methods, however, could not represent the real condition, resulting in the possibility of overestimation for the RC members in real situation. Accordingly, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the difference in the bond characteristics for RC members corroded by different corrosion methods (artificial rapid method, natural method). For the case of natural corrosion, the brittle failure was observedeven for the case of the area ofcorrosion of 50%. And, the bond strength decreased by about 10% or more for the caseofspecimens with the area of corrosion of 80% or above. Especially, the deterioration of concrete starts at the state of low corrosion level for the case of natural corrosion. Thus, the safety of RC members must be assessed and evaluated more carefully for the naturally corroded members than for the RC concrete members corroded rapidly by artificial method.

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Ketene-Forming Elimination Reactions from Aryl Thienylacetates Promoted by R2NH in MeCN. Effects of Base-Solvent and β-Aryl Group

  • Pyun, Sang-Yong;Cho, Eun-Ju;Seok, Hyoun-Jung;Kim, Ju-Chang;Lee, Seok-Hee;Cho, Bong-Rae
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.917-920
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    • 2007
  • Ketene-forming eliminations from C4H3(S)CH2C(O)O-C6H3-2-X-4-NO2 (1) promoted by R2NH in MeCN have been studied kinetically. The reactions are second-order and exhibit Bronsted β =0.51-0.62 and |βlg|= 0.47-0.53. Hence, an E2 mechanism is evident. The Bronsted β increased from 0.33 to 0.53 and |βlg| remained nearly the same by the change of the base-solvent from Bz(i-Pr)NH/Bz(i-Pr)NH2+ in 70 mol% MeCN(aq) to Bz(i-Pr)NH-MeCN, indicating a change to a more symmetrical transition state with similar extents of Cβ -H and Cα -OAr bond cleavage. When the β-aryl group was changed from thienyl to phenyl in MeCN, the β value increased from 0.53 to 0.73 and |βlg| decreased from 0.53 to 0.43. This indicates that the transition state became skewed toward more Cβ -H bond breaking with less Cα-OAr bond cleavage. Noteworthy is the greater double bond stabilizing ability of the thienyl group in the ketene-forming transition state.

Analysis of Effective Elastic Modulus and Interfacial Bond Strength of Aluminum Borate Whisker Reinforced Mg Matrix Composite by Using Three Dimensional Unit Cell Model (3차원 Unit Cell 모델을 이용한 알루미늄 보레이트 휘스커 강화 Mg 복합재료의 유효 탄성계수 및 계면강도의 분석)

  • Son, Jae Hyoung;Lee, Wook Jin;Park, Yong Ha;Park, Yong Ho;Park, Ik Min
    • Korean Journal of Metals and Materials
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    • v.48 no.5
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    • pp.469-475
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    • 2010
  • In this study, the interfacial bond strength of a squeeze infiltrated $Al_{18}B_{4}O_{33}$/AS52 Mg composite was investigated by using a finite element method. Three types of Mg composites with volume fractions of 15, 25 and 35% were fabricated. Three-dimensional models of the composite were developed by using a unit cell model in order to determine the effective elastic modulus of the metal matrix composite and the interfacial bond strength between the whisker and magnesium matrix. After modeling, numerical results were compared with the experimental tensile test results of $Al_{18}B_{4}O_{33}$/AS52 Mg composites. The results showed that the effective modulus of the composite strongly depended on the interfacial strength between the matrix and reinforcement. Based on the numerical and experimental findings, it was found that the strong interfacial bond was achieved by the interfacial reaction product of 30 nm thick MgO, which led to an improvement in the mechanical properties of the $Al_{18}B_{4}O_{33}$/AS52 Mg composites.

Characterization of pH Dependent Properties of mCherry Mutant, I202T (형광 단백질 mCherry-I202T의 pH 감응성 분석)

  • Lee, Sangmin;Chung, Minsub
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.10-14
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    • 2021
  • mCherry is one of the well-understood red fluorescent proteins which has a similar tertiary structure as GFPs, but pH resistant due to the lack of hydrogen bond network. Whereas mCherry-I202T showed far-red fluorescence and also pH sensitive property because of the additional hydrogen bond formed by substituting Ile of 202 amino acid sequence on mCherry with Thr. In order to verify the pH sensitive characteristic of mCherry-I202T owing to the extension of hydrogen bond, UV-vis spectrum was measured over the range of acidic to basic pH. We also demonstrate further possibilities of applying mCherry-I202T as a pH sensor.

Balance Algorithm for Long-term Bond First of Cash Flow Matching Problem (자금흐름 일치 문제의 장기채권 우선 잔고 알고리즘)

  • Sang-Un Lee
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.167-173
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    • 2023
  • The cash flow matching problem(CFMP) aims to minimize the initial investment by paying the total amount due for the T-year in principal and interest of bonds or bank deposits without paying the full amount in cash. Linear programming(LP) is the only known way to solve CFMP. The linear programming method is a problem that optimizes T linear functions, and it cannot be solved by handwriting, so LINGO, which is a solution to the linear programming method, is used. This paper proposes an algorithm that obtains the solution of CFMP solely by handwriting without the help of LINGO. The proposed algorithm determines the amount of bond purchases by covering payments until the previous year of the next maturity bond in the order that the maturity date falls from the longest to the short term. In addition, until the year before the maturity of the shortest maturity bond, the amount of deposit covered by the principal and interest of the bank deposit was determined. As a result of applying the proposed algorithm to two experimental data, it was shown that more accurate results can be obtained compared to the linear programming method.

Development of High Performance Shotcrete for Permanent Shotcrete Tunnel Linings II(II: Application of high-early strength cement in sump water condition) (Permanent Shotcrete Tunnel Linings 구축을 위한 고성능 숏크리트 개발 II (II: 용수부에서의 조강시멘트 적용))

  • 박해균;이명섭;김재권;안병제
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.695-702
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    • 2002
  • Shotcrete (or Sprayed concrete) has been used as an important support material in New Austrian Tunnelling Method (NATM). Since the mid of 1990, permanent shotcrete tunnel linings such as Single-shell, NMT (Norwegian Method of Tunnelling) has been constructed in many countries for reducing the construction time and lowing construction costs instead of conventional in-situ concrete linings. Among essential technologies for successful application of permanent shotcrcte linings, high performance shotcrete providing high strength, high durability, better pumpability has to be developed in advance as an integral component. This paper presents the Ideas and first experimental attempts to increase early strength and bond strength of wet-mixed Steel Fiber Reinforced Shotcrete(SFRS) in sump water condition. In order to increase early strength, a new approach using high-early strength cement with liquid alkali-free accelerator has been investigated From the results, wet-mix SFRS with high-early strength cement and alkali-free accelerator exhibited excellent early strength improvement compared to the ordinary portland content and good bond strength even under sump water condition.

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