• 제목/요약/키워드: Blood circulation

검색결과 805건 처리시간 0.024초

3부위 최적맥파의 주파(h1) 비율 분석을 통한 전체 체순환 평가방법 (Body Systemic Circulation Assessment Method through Analysing the Radial, Dorsalis Pedis, Temporal Arterial Pulse Wave)

  • 유승연;박은성;최예빈;이용흠
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • 제33권3호
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    • pp.121-130
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    • 2016
  • Objectives : Recently, people who have normal brachial blood pressure(BP) are being threatened by high-risk disease such as stroke. The aim of this study is to suggest that new method to assess systemic circulation. It can be performed by analyzing optimal blood pulse wave on 3 sites belonging to subjects that have normal BP. Methods : We respectively extracted main peaks(h1) of optimal blood pulse wave on left/right temporal artery(LR1=h1), radial artery(LR2=h1) and dorsalis pedis artery(LR3=h1). We obtained h1 from 30 subjects who are discreetly chosen and have normal BP. Main peak(h1) can be extracted by using 3D pulse imaging analyser(DMP-1000+, DAEYOMEDI Co., Korea) that has 5-level pressure method. We analyzed the ratio of [LR1/LR2] and [LR3/LR2]. Results : In the case of male group, the results are [LR1/LR2=0.7100.177] and [LR3/LR2=0.9290.317]. In the case of female group, the results are [LR1/LR2=0.6680.121] and [LR3/LR2=0.7050.195]. Especially, it is statistically verified that the result of ratio [LR3/LR2] is much higher in male group than in female group(p<0.05). Conclusions : We suggested the standard ratio of [LR1/LR2] and [LR3/LR2] for normal subjects, respectively. It can be adopted as a new method to evaluate the systemic circulation.

교류고압전계요법이 뇌졸중환자의 말초혈류 및 재활기능에 미치는 효과에 대한 임상연구 (The Clinical Effect of High Voltage AC Reid Therapy(HEALTHTRON) on Peripheral Circulatory Disturbance and Functional Outcome of Rehabilitation in CVA Patients)

  • 성강경;황충연;이상관;이소영;정상수;강세영;이종덕
    • 동의생리병리학회지
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.609-615
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    • 2002
  • A medical treatment of alternating current high-voltage electric field therapy is a method in which we get a healing effect, applying electric field to an organism through an artificial device. In order to estimate the clinical effects of alternating current high-voltage electric field load(HEALTHTRON) on the rehabilitation of stroke patients, improvement of a peripheral blood circulation, and psychogenic symptom, we used BEUNZEUNGHEYNG Instrument, NIHSS(the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale), FIM(Functional Independence Measure)lnstrument to research BEUNZEUNGHEYNG and recovery of rehabilitative funation. and also we used Thermography, Pulse Meter to measure body temperature and pulse, blood elements, and neuro modulators. We have reached the following conclusions after researching the clinical effects of alternating current high-voltage electric field therapy on the recovery of rehabilitative function and peripheral blood circulation. 1. HEALTHTRON efficiently has increased the volume of peripheral blood circulation in stroke patients. 2. HEALTHTRON rapidly has treated the symptoms of sleeplessness, alertness, and dizziness of stroke patients. 3. HEALTHTRON rapidly has improved rehabilitative function of stroke patients and the adjustment to their activities.

대사에 있어서 혈(血)의 순환에 대한 통합의학 이론 소고 (A Study on the Integrative Medicine Theory of Blood Circulation in Metabolism)

  • 유윤조
    • 동의생리병리학회지
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    • 제38권5호
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    • pp.168-172
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, we attempted to link the theories of korean medicine and medicine on 'Heart controls the blood vessels (心主血脈)', 'Spleen controls the blood (脾統血)' and 'Liver possesses the blood (肝藏血)' related to blood circulation for the new possibility of theorizing integrative medicine. 'Heart controls the blood vessels (心主血脈)', which is explained as the function of blood that nourishes the five viscera and six bowels under the control of the heart, can be interpreted as the vascular system of the dynamics of blood movement through the cardiovascular system and the function of blood flow dispersing to tissues. 'Spleen controls the blood (脾統血)', which enables the normal production and movement of blood, can be interpreted as the function of vascular endothelial cells such as the role of permeability barrier between plasma and interstitial fluid, regulation of the amount of other substances, mediation of angiogenesis, production of damage response factors, and secretion of substances that regulate coagulation and anticoagulation. The 'Liver possesses the blood (肝藏血)', which regulates blood flow according to metabolic volume, can be interpreted as the function of arterioles that distribute the flow to various organs and tissues and efficiently transfer blood flow to the metabolic needs of individual tissues. The process of theorizing integrated medicine is necessary because it can provide opportunities for the use of multidisciplinary approaches and cooperation, and because it can develop a curriculum that can balance the universality of health care education based on biomedical science and the professionalism of korean medicine doctors.

체외순환법에 대한 미생물학적 고찰 (Microbiological Study of the Extracorporeal Circulation)

  • 조대윤
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.48-51
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    • 1980
  • Open heart surgery patients have additional risks arising from the special nature of the operative procedure. And postoperative infections in patients with extracorporeal circulation are associated with high incidence of serious sequelae. To investigate the incidence and organisms of contamination, and the relation between the duration of extracorporeal circulation and contamination, following study was done. Eighty-four of the open heart surgery patients were examined with cultures from the blood and priming solution before and after bypass. 1. Cultures before bypass were sterile, but 2 cases of cultures from the blood and priming solution after bypass were positive, and culture positive group was 5% of all patients. 2. The organisms were Gram-negative, aerobic coliform bacilli; 3. The culture positive group had significantly longer bypass time.

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The Effect of Pulsatile Versus Nonpulsatile Blood Flow on Viscoelasticity and Red Blood Cell Aggregation in Extracorporeal Circulation

  • Ahn, Chi Bum;Kang, Yang Jun;Kim, Myoung Gon;Yang, Sung;Lim, Choon Hak;Son, Ho Sung;Kim, Ji Sung;Lee, So Young;Son, Kuk Hui;Sun, Kyung
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제49권3호
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    • pp.145-150
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    • 2016
  • Background: Extracorporeal circulation (ECC) can induce alterations in blood viscoelasticity and cause red blood cell (RBC) aggregation. In this study, the authors evaluated the effects of pump flow pulsatility on blood viscoelasticity and RBC aggregation. Methods: Mongrel dogs were randomly assigned to two groups: a nonpulsatile pump group (n=6) or a pulsatile pump group (n=6). After ECC was started at a pump flow rate of 80 mL/kg/min, cardiac fibrillation was induced. Blood sampling was performed before and at 1, 2, and 3 hours after ECC commencement. To eliminate bias induced by hematocrit and plasma, all blood samples were adjusted to a hematocrit of 45% using baseline plasma. Blood viscoelasticity, plasma viscosity, hematocrit, arterial blood gas analysis, central venous $O_2$ saturation, and lactate were measured. Results: The blood viscosity and aggregation index decreased abruptly 1 hour after ECC and then remained low during ECC in both groups, but blood elasticity did not change during ECC. Blood viscosity, blood elasticity, plasma viscosity, and the aggregation index were not significantly different in the groups at any time. Hematocrit decreased abruptly 1 hour after ECC in both groups due to dilution by the priming solution used. Conclusion: After ECC, blood viscoelasticity and RBC aggregation were not different in the pulsatile and nonpulsatile groups in the adult dog model. Furthermore, pulsatile flow did not have a more harmful effect on blood viscoelasticity or RBC aggregation than nonpulsatile flow.

${\ll}$ 제내경(黃帝內經).영추(靈樞)${\gg}$를 통한 혈맥소고(血脈小考) (Review on Hyolmaek(血脈) through Hwangjenaegyeong Youngchu)

  • 강미숙
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • 제27권6호
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    • pp.111-114
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    • 2010
  • Objects : This study focused on the concept of Hyolmaek in Hwangjenaegyeong Youngchu. Methods : We researched the words "Hyolmaek" through Hwangjenaegyeong Youngchu. According to meanings of Hyolmaek in sentence, we classified Hyolmaek. Results : In Hwangjenaegyeong Youngchu, the meanings of Hyolmaek(血脈)are follows. 1. There were many meanings of Hyolmaek In Hwangjenaegyeong Youngchu. 2. Hyolmaek means blood vessels, Lakmaek, blood circulation, extravasated blood, and etc. and it represents blood vessel systems.

궐(厥)의 문헌적 고찰 (Literature Review on the Reverse)

  • 곽재영;이용태
    • 동의생리병리학회지
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    • 제24권5호
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    • pp.737-747
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    • 2010
  • In Neijing(內經) the theory of Reverse(厥) was explained syncope causes by disharmony of emotions irregularity, deficient or excessive Qi(氣虛, 氣實) and blood disorder, it was the causes of cold hypersensitivity of hands and feet except coldness itself, include impairment of Qi circulation and the deficiency of the kidney weakened essence and blood, weakness and damage in the kidney essence, deficiency of the lower part and deficiency of the lower Qi as the major causes. In Shanghanlun(傷寒論) the theory of Reverse(厥) was divided into by disharmony of heat or cold reversal symptom. In Jingyue quanshu(景岳全書), causes of Reverse(厥) was Qi and blood disorder, damps(痰飮), alcohol and sex include syncope. In Dongeuibogam(東醫寶鑑), causes of Reverse(厥) was deficient or excessive Qi, impairment of blood circulation which means the deficiency of blood, essence(精) and blood stasis (瘀血), and disorder of gastrointestinal system which means malfunction of gastrointestine, damps(痰飮) and toxicity of alcohol. The rest of the causes include San syndrome(疝症), sun stroke(暑病) and heat reversal(熱厥).


  • 김소윤;노경철;유홍선
    • 한국전산유체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국전산유체공학회 2011년 춘계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.161-168
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    • 2011
  • Cerebral aneurysm mostly occurs at a bifurcation of the circle of Willis. When the cerebral aneurysm is ruptured a disease like subarachnoid hemorrhage and stroke is caused and this can be even deadly for patients. Generally it is known that causes of the intracranial aneurysm are a congenital deformity of the artery and pressure or shear stress from the blood flow. A blood flow pattern and the geometry of the blood vessel are important factors for the aneurysm formation. Research for several hemodynamic indices has been performed and these indices can be used for the prediction of aneurysm initiation and rupture. Therefore, the numerical analysis was performed for hemodynamic characteristics of the blood flow through the cerebral artery applying the various bifurcation angle and flow rate ratio. We analyze the flow characteristics using indices from the results of the numerical simulation. In addition, to investigate the flow pattern in the aneurysm according to the bifurcation angle and the flow rate ratio, we performed the numerical simulation on the supposition that the aneurysm occurs.

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