• 제목/요약/키워드: Blood Progesterone

검색결과 156건 처리시간 0.022초

반복유산을 경험한 환자에서 임신중 태반항원과 동종항원에 노출된 모체 림프구면역반응은 언제부터 소실되나? (When Dose Losses of Maternal Lymphocytes Response to Trophoblast Antigen or Alloantigen Occur in Women with a History of Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion?)

  • 최범채
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.115-122
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    • 1998
  • The maintenance of a viable pregnancy has long been viewed as an immunological paradox. The deveolping embryo and trophoblast are immunologically foreign to the maternal immune system due to their maternally inherited genes products and tissue-specific differentiation antigens (Hill & Anderson, 1988). Therefore, speculation has arisen that spontaneous abortion may be caused by impaired maternal immune tolerance to the semiallogenic conceptus (Hill, 1990). Loss of recall antigen has been reported in immunosuppressed transplant recipients and is associated with graft survival (Muluk et al., 1991; Schulik et al., 1994). Progesterone $(10^{-5}M)$ has immunosuppressive capabilities (Szekeres-Bartho et al., 1985). Previous study showed that fertile women, but not women with unexplained recurrent abortion (URA), lose their immune response to recall antigens when pregnant (Bermas & Hill, 1997). Therefore, we hypothesized that immunosuppressive doses of progesterone may affect proliferative response of lymphocytes to trophoblast antigen and alloantigen. Proliferative responses using $^3H$-thymidine ($^3H$-TdR) incorporation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) to the irradiated allogeneic periperal blood mononuclear cells as alloantigen, trophoblast extract and Flu as recall antigen, and PHA as mitogen were serially checked in 9 women who had experienced unexplained recurrent miscarriage. Progesterone vaginal suppositories (100mg b.i.d; Utrogestan, Organon) beginning 3 days after ovulation were given to 9 women with unexplained RSA who had prior evidence of Th1 immunity to trophoblast. We checked proliferation responses to conception cycle before and after progesterone supplementation once a week through the first 7 weeks of pregnancy. All patients of alloantigen and PHA had a positive proliferation response that occmed in the baseline phase. But 4 out of 9 patients (44.4%) of trophoblast antigen and Flu antigen had a positive proliferative response. The suppression of proliferation response to each antigen were started after proliferative phase and during pregnancy cycles. Our data demonstrated that since in vivo progesterone treated PBMCs suppressed more T-lymphocyte activation and $^3H$-TdR incorporation compare to PBMCs, which are not influenced by progesterone. This data suggested that it might be influenced by immunosuppressive effect of progesterone. In conclusion, progesterone may play an important immunological role in regulating local immune response in the fetal-placental unit. Furthermore, in the 9 women given progesterone during a conception cycle, Only two (22%) repeat pregnancy losses occured in these 9 women despite loss of antigen responsiveness (one chemical pregnancy loss and one loss at 8 weeks of growth which was karyotyped as a Trisomy 4). These finding suggested that pregnancy loss due to fetal aneuploidy is not associated with immunological phenomena.

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Effects of selenium-rich yeast supplementation on the plasma progesterone levels of postpartum dairy cows

  • Kamada, Hachiro
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제30권3호
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    • pp.347-354
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    • 2017
  • Objective: The effects of the pre- and postpartum supplementation of cows with Se on their plasma P4 concentrations after calving were investigated. Methods: Thirty-four Holstein cows were used to investigate the effects of dietary selenium supplementation on the postpartum recovery of the luteal function in cows. Selenium-rich yeast (containing 300 ppm selenium) was mixed with total mixed ration fed to 17 pregnant cows from 30 days before they were due to calve (10 g yeast daily) to 100 days after calving (20 g yeast daily). The control cows (n = 17) were fed the same amount of ordinary yeast. The cows' plasma progesterone concentrations were determined every two days using an enzyme immunoassay after calving. Results: Feed intake (total digestive nutrient, crude protein), milk production, body weight and the biochemical properties of blood plasma did not differ between the two groups; however, the plasma selenium concentrations of the supplemented animals were significantly greater than those of the controls at and after calving. The postpartum plasma progesterone concentrations of the selenium-yeast-supplemented group increased earlier than those of the control group. Moreover, during the estrus cycle after the 3rd ovulation or ovulation with estrus between 60 to 80 days after calving, the selenium-supplemented cows exhibited greater progesterone concentrations than the control cows. Conclusion: Selenium supplementation promotes the postpartum progesterone production of cows.


  • Chohan, K.R.;Chaudhry, R.A.;Awan, M.A.;Naz, N.A.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제5권3호
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    • pp.583-585
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    • 1992
  • A study was undertaken to determine the incidence of short oestrus cycles and associated serum progesterone levels in Nili-Ravi buffaloes. Forty lactating buffaloes were kept under observation for oestrus activity for a period of sixty days. Blood samples from jugular vein from twenty buffaloes were used to determine associated serum progesterone levels during short oestrus cycles. Incidence of short oestrus cycles was 15.5 percent (Nine out of fifty eight oestrus cycles) and most of the short oestrus cycles occurred between first and second oestrus after calving. Lengths of short oestrus cycles ranged from 6 to 14 days. The most frequent length was 11 days. Serum progesterone levels were lower at oestrus and increased gradually attaining peak levels of 1.3 and 1.8 ng/ml on 7th day of 9 and 11 day short oestrus cycles. One buffalos exhibiting a short oestrus cycle of 12 days conceived which indicated that ovulation took place at the oestrus of short cycle.

돼지에 있어서 분만전후의 혈청 Steroid Hormone 수준에 관한 연구 (Studies on Serum Steroid Hormone Levels in the Puerperal Sow)

  • 정영채;김창근;이규승;박창식;이근상
    • 한국가축번식학회지
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.26-30
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    • 1981
  • The purpose of this study was to measure the serum content of progesterone, estradiol 17${\beta}$ and cortisol. Blood samples collected from day 20 prepartum to day 20 postpartum in 8 sows. Progesterone and estradiol-17${\beta}$ were assayed by radioimmunoassay methods and cortisol was determined by competitive protein-binding methods. Progesterone levels began to decline on day -4, reached 1.9ng/ml by day +2 and remained quite constant thereafter. Progesterone levels remained fairly constant(18.4 to 20.0 ng/ml) from 20 to 6 days before parturition. Estrdiol-17${\beta}$ increased from 205 pg/ml at day 6 prepartum to 425 pg/ml at the time of parturition. Cortisol reached a peak level of 86.5 ng/ml at day 0.

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한우에 있어서 혈청 Progesterone 농도 측정에 의한 조기임신진단 (Pregnancy Diagnosis of Hanwoo(Korean Native Cattle) by Serum Progesterone Concentration during Early Gestaton)

  • 백광수;성환후;오성종;양보석;이명식;정진관
    • 한국가축번식학회지
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.197-203
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    • 1995
  • Serum progesterone concentrations of pregnant and non-pregnant Hanwoo were compared to evaluate the possibility of early pregnancy prediction. Twenty five female Hanwoo were devided into two groups. Eighteen heads were injected with 980$\mu\textrm{g}$ tiaprost trometamol salt(Iliren:PGF2$\alpha$ analogue) for estrous synchronization and fifteen heads of them were inseminated artifically and seven heads were non-treated. Blood samples were collected from the jugular vein before PGF2$\alpha$ injection and on day 0, 18, 21 after estrous induction. Pregnancy of cattle was confirmed by rectal palpaton after 60 days of artificial insemination. The serum progesterone concentrations at heat showed no significant differences between pregnant and non-pregnant while on day 18 and 21 after estrous induction showed significant differences(p<0.05). The accuracy of pregnancy diagnosis on day 18 and 21 after estrous induction was 85.7 and 71.4% respectively while that of non-pregnancy were 71.4 and 100.0% respectively.

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재래산양의 번식기에 있어서 혈중 Steroid Hormone 수준 변화에 관한 연구 III. 분만전후의 혈중 Progesterone 및 $20\alpha$-Dihydroprogesterone (Studies on the Changes of Steroid Hormone Levels during the Reproductive Stage in Korean Native Goats III. Seroum Levels of Progesterone and $20\alpha$-Dihydroprogesterone before and after Parturition)

  • 민관식;장규태;오석두;성환후;이병오;윤창현
    • 한국가축번식학회지
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.149-155
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    • 1992
  • The present study was conducted to find out the changes of progesterone and 20$\alpha$-dihydroprogesterone(20$\alpha$-OHP) levels before and after parturition, 4 pluriparous goats were offered for this experiment. Blood samples were taken from jugular vein on Days, 5, 3, 2 and 1 before parturition, the day of parturition, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 after parturition. The blood samples were centraifuged and stored at -2$0^{\circ}C$ until hormone assay. The serum levels of progesterone and 20$\alpha$-OHP were measrued by radioimmunoassay. The changes of serum progesterone level during peripartum period were characterized as a remarkable decrease. The progesterone level was 4.05$\pm$0.52ng/ml on 56 days before parturition and decreased to 2.24$\pm$0.38ng/ml on 1 day before parturition and 0.79$\pm$0.09ng/ml on the day of parturition and the basal level was maintained through 9 days of postpartum period. The serum level of 20$\alpha$-OHP during the peripartum period was 1.25$\pm$0.21ng/ml on 5 days before paturition and increased to 1.32$\pm$0.25 on 3 days and 1.59$\pm$0.24ng/ml on 1 day before parturition, and reached a peak level of 1.78$\pm$0.25ng/ml just prior to parturition and then decreased greatly to 0.31$\pm$0.03ng/ml on 1 day postpartum and the basal level was remained until 9 days postpartum. The high serum level of 20$\alpha$-OHP, which was peak just prior to parturition, was maintained for 2 days following the onset of remarkable decrease in the serum level of progesterone. From the above results, it was concluded that the enzyme 20$\alpha$-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (20$\alpha$-HSD) catalyzing the conversion of progesterone to a biologically inactive steroid, 20$\alpha$-OHP was active properly in the luteal cells in Korean native goats.

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저수태 한우와 번식장애 한우의 혈액화학치 및 호르몬 분석 (Analysis of Blood Chemical Values and Hormone of Repeat Breeder and Reproductive Disorder in Hanwoo)

  • 양부근;김종복;정희태;박춘근;김정익;황환섭;김현철
    • 한국가축번식학회지
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.175-180
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    • 1999
  • 본 실험은 한우 번식장애우와 저수태우의 혈액 성분 및 성선호르몬(estrogen과 progesterone)의 농도를 비교 분석하여 번식우의 기초적인 생리지표를 확립시키는데 있다. 본 실험의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 저수태 한우와 번식장애우 혈중 albumin, BUN, Ca, cholesterol, creatine, glucose, phosphorous, total protein 및 triglyceride 함량은 3.28$\pm$0.05 와 3.27$\pm$0.04 g/㎗, 11.07$\pm$0.61와 12.69$\pm$0.88 mg/㎗, 9.98$\pm$0.10와 9.56$\pm$0.11mg/㎗, 105.75$\pm$3.57와 126.78$\pm$5.66 mg/㎗, 1.62$\pm$0.05와 1.65$\pm$0.09 mg/㎗, 67.46$\pm$3.07와 76.97$\pm$3.76 mg/㎗, 6.13$\pm$0.36 와 6.11$\pm$0.26 mg/㎗, 5.82$\pm$0.08와 6.18$\pm$0.08 g/㎗ 및 12.82$\pm$1.46와 15.19$\pm$1.61 mg/㎗으로 나타났다. 2. 혈청의 중요한 성분중 하나인 요소태 질소, 칼슘 및 인의 함량이 번식 장애우와 저수태우의 경우 정상우보다 다소 높은 경향을 나타냈으며, 특히 콜레스테롤의 함량이 번식 장애우와 저수태우의 경우 정상우의 약 2배정도 현저히 높은 성적을 나타냈다. 3. 발정주기중 혈액내 progesterone 수준은 임신우와 비임신우에서 수정후 18일까지는 비슷한 수준(6.55$\pm$0.17, 5.46$\pm$0.18 ng/$m\ell$)을 보였으나 그 후 임신우에서는 점차 증가하였고 비임신우에서는 발정일 (0.18$\pm$0.03 ng/$m\ell$)에 급감하였다. 4. 번식 장애우와 저수태우의 혈중 estrogen과 progesterone 함량은 각각 57.42$\pm$5.03, 56.76$\pm$8.73 pg/$m\ell$과 6.26$\pm$0.83 ng/$m\ell$, 9.41$\pm$1.85 ng/$m\ell$으로서, 혈중 progesterone 농도가 정상우의 황체기 수준으로 유지되어 발정발현과 수태가 억제되는 것으로 나타났다.

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Establishment for Improving Productivity of Cattle by Fecal Steroid and Milk Urea Nitrogen analysis - II. Application of Early Pregnancy Diagnosis and Monitoring Postpartum Ovarian Activity

  • Kang, Chung-Boo;Ha, Woo-Song;Kwon, Ji-In;Yu, Young-Sang;Kim, Chul-Ho;Kwak, Soo-Dong
    • 대한의생명과학회지
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2003
  • Progesterone levels in the blood plasma or skim milk of cows are considered to be very useful indicator fur the detection of estrus cycle and early pregnancy diagnosis. During 13 to 14 days after estrus the level of progesterone in plasma or skim milk were not different between the inseminated arid non-inseminated cows. In the pregnant cows the peak level of progesterone reached on 14th day after artificial insemination (AI), but in the absence of conceptus the level declines after the 14th day slowly, and then very rapidly towards the basal level after the 17th day. This low level persists about 4 days, including those of estrus and ovulation a highly characteristic pattern which differs so markedly from that in the pregnant cows. Progesterone levels in blood plasma or skim milk can provided a reliable diagnosis of early pregnancy and monitoring ovarian activity in cows. The mean $\pm$ standard deviation of milk urea nitrogen(MUN) and protein concentration in the cows at 9 herds were 17.7$\pm$2.35 mg/dL and 3.2$\pm$0.17%, respectively. The days of nonpregnant after parturition was shorter in the cows in which the lower level of MUN than higher level of MUN concentration.

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한국재래산양(韓國在來山羊)의 임신(姙娠) 및 분만전후(分娩前後)의 혈장(血漿) progesterone 농도변화(濃度變化)와 분만후(分娩後) 발정재귀시기(發情再歸時期) (Changes of plasma progesterone concentrations during the gestation and peripatum period, and return to estrus after parturition in Korean native goats)

  • 박영준;강병규;최한선;박범준;손창호
    • 대한수의학회지
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    • 제32권2호
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    • pp.267-273
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of present study was to investigate the progesterone concentrations throughout gestation and peripartum period, and the return to the first estrus postpartum for improvement of reproductive efficiency in Korean native goats. The average length of gestation was 148 days(range : 144~154 days) and the average number of live births was 2 kids(range : 1~5 kids) in 12 Korean native goats. Progesterone concentrations were measured in blood samples taken from 12 goats every 5 days during gestation period. Plasma progesterone concentrations were 0.10 ng/ml at Day 0 of pregnancy and increased gradually until Day 20(6.58 ng/ml). Then they decreased slightly from Day 30 to 40(range : 4.32~4.82 ng/ml), increased again after Day 40 and remained thereafter until Day 140(range : 4.32~10.36 ng/ml). The progesterone levels declined sharply to basal levels at parturitum. Plasma progesterone concentrations during the pestpartum were 6.98 ng/ml at 10 days, 4.86 ng/ml at 6 days 3.18 ng/ml at 2 days before parturition, and 0.10 ng/ml at parturition, respectively. The basal levels were maintained until the first estrus postpartum. The mean intervals from parturition to the first estrus postpartum on the basis of progesterone determination and estrus detection were $100{\pm}64(mean{\pm}S.D.)$ days in 7 Korean native goats.

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한국 재래산양 분만의 인위적 조절에 관한 연구 II. Prostaglandin $F_2\alpha$ 투여에 의한 분만전후의 혈중 Progesterone 수준변화 (Studies on Artificial Control of Parturition in Korean Native Goats II. Serum Level of Progesterone Before and After Parturition by the Prostaglandin $F_2\alpha$ Injection)

  • 윤창현;민관식;장규태;오석두
    • 한국가축번식학회지
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.103-107
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    • 1992
  • The present study was conducted to find out the changes of progesterone levels in pre and post partum by the PGF2$\alpha$ administration to control artificial parturition in Korean native goats. A total of 24 goats were offered for this experiment. The animals were divided into 4 goats per treatment by the administration time(142, 145 or 148 day of pregnancy). Blood samples were taken from jagular vein pre-post partum by the PGF2$\alpha$ intramuscular administration. The progesterone in serum was assayed by radioimmunoassay. The serum progesterone level in late-pregnant goats averaged 4.85$\pm$0.55ng/ml, 4.05$\pm$0.47ng/ml or 2.76$\pm$0.25ng/ml on 142, 145 or 148 days of gestation. After the intramuscular injection with PGF2$\alpha$ for inducing parturition, it decreased remarkably to below 1.0ng/ml and to the base level(0.4~0.6ng/ml) at day 1 after parturition. And then this base level of progesterone was maintained until the final examination at 9 days of postpartum. No significant difference was found in the serum levels of progesterone between the doses treated for parturition induction. It was concluded that exogenous PGF2$\alpha$, administrated intramuscularly, induced premature parturition with causing withdrawal of progesterone levels for triggering luteolysis.

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