The natural enemies of Black pine bast scale (Matsucoccus thunbergianae) were surveyed total 24species, 7families, 4orders in predatory insects and 29species 1 lfamilies in a predatory spiders. In insect, Coleoptera IOspecies, Hymenoptera 7species, Hemiptera 6species, Dermaptera 1 species were investigated. Among them high frequency and population density were Chilocorus rubidus, Harmonia axyridis of Coleoptera, Brachyponera chinensis, Vesp~ilac rabro flavofasciata of Hymonoptea, Sphedanolestes impressicollis, Velinos nodipes of Hemiptera. Anatis halonis, Anisostictu kobensis of Coleoptea and Cydnocoris russatus of Hemiptea were newly investigated. In spiders, Araneidae gspecies, Thomisidae Sspecies, Lycosidae 3species, Salticidae 3species, Pisauridae 2species, Theridiidae 2species, Tetragnathidae 2species, Oxyopidae lspecies, Gnaphosidae I species, Clubionidae I species, Atypidae 1 species were investigated. Which high frequency and concentrating predatory species were Argiope bruennichii, Araneus ventricosus, Neoscona melloteei, Neoscona scylloides of Araneidae, Lycosa suzurii, Pirata sp. of Lycosidae, Marpissu elongata of Salticidae, Dolomedes stellatus of Pisauridae, Oxyopes sertatus of Oxyopidae. Neosconu scylloides, Cvclosa laticauda of Araneidae, Synema globosum, Xysticus ephippiatus, Misumenops tricu~pidat~o~f .T~h, omisidae, Marpissa elongata, Dendryphantes atratus of Salitidae, Perenethis .fascigera of Pisauridae, Tetragnatha pinicola of Tetragnathidae, Zelotes asiaticus of Gnaphosidae.