• Title/Summary/Keyword: Biomass availability

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Development of Solar Warehouse for Drying and Storing the Agricultural Products (농산물(農産物) 건조(乾燥) 및 저장(貯藏)을 위(爲)한 태양열(太陽熱) 저장고(貯藏庫)의 개발(開發)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Man Soo;Chang, Kyu Seob;Kim, Soung Rai;Jeon, Byeong Seon
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.357-370
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    • 1982
  • Recent concern regarding price and availability of fossil fuels has spurred the interest in alternative sources for farm crop drying. Among the available options such as biomass energy, wind power, nuclear energy and solar energy etc., the increasing attention is being directed to the utilization of heat from solar energy especially for farm crop drying. Even though solar energy is dispersed over a large land area and only a relatively small amount of energy can be simply collected, the advantages of solar energy is that the energy is free, non-polluting. The study reported here was designed to help supply the informations for the development of simple and relatively inexpensive solar warehouse for farm crop drying and storage. Specifically, the objectives of this study were to determine the performance of the solar collector fabricated, to compare solar supplemented heat drying with natural air drying and to develop a simulation model of temperature in stored grain, which can be used to study the effects due to changes in ambient air temperature. For those above objectives, solar collector was fabricated from available materials. Corrugated steel galvanized sheet, painted flat black, was used as absorbers and clear 0.2mm polyethylene sheet was the cover material. The warehouse for rough rice drying and storage was constructed with concrete block, and the solar collector was used as the roof of warehouse instead of original roofing system of it. The results obtained in this study were as follows: 1. The thermal efficiency of the solar collector was average 26 percent and the overall heat transfer coefficient of the collector was approximately $25kJ/hr.m^2\;^{\circ}K$. 2. Solar heated air was sufficient to dry one cubic meter of rough rice from 23.5 to 15.0 percent in 7 days and natural air was able to dry the same amount of rough rice from 20.0 to 5 percent in l2 days. 3. Drying with solar heat reduced the required drying time to dry the same amount of rough rice into a half compared to natural air drying, but overdrying problems of the bottom layer were so severe that these problems should be thoroughly analyzed. 4. Simulation model of temperature in stored grain was developed and the results of predicted temperature agreed well with test results. 5. Based on those simulated temperature, changes in the grain-temperature were a large at the points of the wallside and the damage of the grain would be severe at the contact area of wall.

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Understanding of Phytoplankton Community Dynamics Through Algae Bioassay Experiment During Winter Season of Jinhae bay, Korea (생물검정실험을 통한 동계 진해만 식물플랑크톤의 군집 변동 특성 파악)

  • Hyun, Bong-Gil;Shin, Kyoung-Soon;Kim, Dong-Sun;Kim, Young-Ok;Joo, Hae-Mi;Baek, Seung-Ho
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.27-38
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    • 2011
  • The distributions of phytoplankton assemblages and environmental factors in Jinhae Bay and their relationships were investigated to estimate the potential limiting nutrient for phytoplankton growth and community structure. In situ algal bioassay experiments were also conducted to assess the species-specific characteristics in phytoplankton responses under different nutrient conditions (control, N(+) and P(+) treatment). During the study periods, bacillariophyceae and cryptophyceae occupied more than 90% of total phytoplankton assemblages. Phytoplankton standing crops in the inner part of Masan Bay were higher than that of Jinhae Bay. The DIN:DIP ratio, pH and transparency showed the significant positive correlation with phytoplankton biomass. According to cluster and multidimensiolnal scaling (MDS) analysis based on phytoplankton community data from each station, the bay was divided into three groups. The first group included stations from the south-western part of Jinhae bay where cryptophyta species were dominated. The second group was distinguished from inner stations in Masan Bay. These stations showed low transpancy and high DIN:DIP ratio. The other cluster included the stations from the eastern part and central part of Jinhae Bay, which was characterized by the high DSi:DIP ratio and dominant of diatom species. Phosphorous (P) was limited in Masan Bay due to significantly increases in the phytoplankton abundances. Based on stoichiometric limitation and algal bio-assay in Jinhae Bay, nitrogen (N) was a major limiting factor for phytoplankton production. However, silicate (Si) was not considered as limiting factor, since Si/DIN and Si/P ratio and absolute concentration of nutrient did not create any potential stoichiometric limitation in the bay. This implies that high Si availability in winter season contributes favorably to the maintenances of diatom species.

An Economic Analysis of the Effluent Heat Supply from Thermal Power Plant to the Farm Facility House (화력발전소 온배수열 활용 시설하우스 열공급 모형 경제성분석 연구)

  • Um, Byung Hwan;Ahn, Cha Su
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.56 no.1
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    • pp.6-13
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    • 2018
  • Utilizing the heat of cooling water discharge of coal-fired power plant, pipeline investment costs for businesses that supply heat to agricultural facilities near power plants increase in proportion to installation distance. On one hand, the distance from the power plant is a factor that brings difficulties to secure economic efficiency. On the other, if the installation distance is short, there is a problem of securing the heating demands, facility houses, which causes economical efficiency to suffer. In this study, the economic efficiency of 1km length of standard heat pipeline was evaluated. The sensitivity of the heat pipe to the new length variation was analyzed at the level of government subsidy, amount of heating demand and the incremental rate of pipeline with additional government subsidy. As a result of the analysis, it was estimated that NPV 131 million won and IRR 15.73%. The sensitivity analysis showed that NPV was negative when the length of heat pipe facility exceeded 2.6 km. If the government supports 50% of the initial investment, the efficiency is secured within the estimated length of 5.3 km, and if it supports 80%, the length increases within 11.4 km. If the heat demand is reduced to less than 62% at the new length of the standard heat pipe, it is expected economic efficiency is not obtained. If the ratio of government subsidies to initial investment increases, the elasticity of the new bloc will increase, and the fixed investment, which is the cost of capital investment for one unit of heating demand, will decrease. This would result in a reduction in the cost of production per unit, and it would be possible to supply heat at a cheaper price level to the facility farming. Government subsidies will result in the increased economic availability of hot plumbing facilities and additional efficiencies due to increased demand. The greater government subsidies to initial investment, the less farms cost due to the decrease in the price per unit. The results of the study are significant in terms of the economic evaluation of the effectiveness of the government subsidy for the thermal power plant heat utilization project. The implication can be applied to any related pilot to come.

Effect of Filter-feeding Bivalve (Corbiculidae) on Phyto- and Zooplankton Community (여과 섭식성 패류가 동 ${\cdot}$ 식물플랑크톤 군집에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Ho-Sub;Kong, Dong-Soo;Hwang, Soon-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.37 no.3 s.108
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    • pp.319-331
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    • 2004
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the ecological impact of freshwater bivalve (Corbiculidae) on plankton communities in experimental enclosure systems (2 m ${\times}$ 2 m ${\times}$ 2 m). During the acclamation period of one month, cyanobacteria, including Microcystis viridis and Microcystis aeruginosa, dominated in both control and treatment enclosures with no noticeable density difference. After the addition of 100 mussels, dominant species of phytoplankton shifted from Microcystis to Scenedesmus in concert with slight decrease in the cell density and the increase of N/P ratio. However, cell density in the control quickly increased, accompanied with changes of dominant species to Oscillatoria spp. With the introduction of additional 500 musseles in the treatment enclosure, dominant phytoplankton species in both enclosures were replaced with Selenastrum spp. and Cryptomonas sp. In the initial stage, the total zooplankton abundance in the control was higher than that of treatment, but it was reversed after the addition 100 mussels. After mussel density increased up to 600 indivisuals, zooplankton density in the treatment decreased with dominance of small taxa, such as rotifers and nauplius. However, abundance and carbon biomass of large zooplankton, such as Bosmina longirostris and Diacyclops thomasi were maintained in a high level compared with those of control. During the study period, Chl. a concentration in mussel treatment and control increased with DIP and $NH_3-N$, respectively. Due to the increase of $NH_3-N$, especially after the introduction of additional 500 mussels, nitrogen limitation did not occur in the treatment enclosure in contrast with strong nutrient limitation occurred in the control. These results indicate that filter-feeding Corbicula could exert important impact on nutrient recycling and plankton community structure in a freshwater ecosystem, through direct feeding and competition for the same food resource as zooplankton on one hand, and through alteration of nutrient availability on the other.