• 제목/요약/키워드: Bending Curve

검색결과 332건 처리시간 0.033초

굽힘피로 하중을 받는 배관의 피로균열 발생수명 예측 (Crack Initiation Life Analysis in Notched Pipe Under Cyclic Bending Loads)

  • 곽상록;이준성;김영진;박윤원
    • 대한기계학회논문집A
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    • 제25권10호
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    • pp.1528-1534
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    • 2001
  • In order to improve Leak-Be(ore-Break methodology, more precisely the crack growth evaluation, a round robin analysis was proposed by the CEA Saclay. The aim of this analysis was to evaluate the crack initiation life, penetration life and shape of through wall crack under cyclic bending loads. The proposed round robin analysis is composed of three main topic; fatigue crack initiation, crack propagation and crack penetration. This paper deals with the first topic, crack initiation in a notched pipe under four point bending. Both elastic-plastic finite element analysis and Neuber's rule were used to estimate the crack initiation life and the finite element models were verified by mesh-refinement, stress distribution and global deflection. In elastic-plastic finite element analysis, crack initiation life was determined by strain amplitude at the notch tip and strain-life curve of the material. In the analytical method, Neuber's rule with the consideration of load history and mean stress effect, was used for the life estimation. The effect of notch tip radius, strain range, cyclic hardening rule were examined in this study. When these results were compared with the experimental ones, the global deformation was a good agreement but the crack initiation cycle was higher than the experimental result.

실배관 파괴특성 평가에 관한 연구 (I) (A Study on the Evaluation of the Pipe Fracture Characteristic (I))

  • 박재실;석창성
    • 대한기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한기계학회 2001년도 춘계학술대회논문집A
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    • pp.345-350
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    • 2001
  • In order to perform elastic-plastic fracture mechanical analyses, fracture resistance curves for concerned materials are required. 1T-CT specimen was used to obtain fracture resistance curves. But the fracture resistance curve by the 1T-CT specimen was very conservative to evaluate the integrity of the structure. And fracture resistance curve was affected by the specimen geometry and crack plane orientation. The objective of this paper is to be certain the conservativeness of the fracture resistance curve by the 1T-CT specimen and to provide the additional safety margin. For these, the fracture tests using the real pipe specimen and standard 1T-CT specimen test were performed. 4-point bending jig was manufactured for pipe test and direct current potential drop method was used to measure the crack extension and length for pipe test. From the pipe and the 1T-CT specimen test results, it was observed that the J-integral of the 1T-CT specimen test at the crack initiation point was very small compare to that of the pipe specimen test.

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가상균열모델에 의한 강도 수준이 다른 콘크리트의 인장연화곡선 결정 (Determination of the Tension-Softening Curve of Concrete at Different Strength Level using Fictitious Crack Model)

  • 오성진;박현재;김희성;진치섭
    • 한국콘크리트학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국콘크리트학회 2002년도 봄 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.125-130
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    • 2002
  • The most important material parameters are fracture energy and the stress-crack opening displacement($\sigma$-w) curve to determine the behavior of concrete. Especially, the relationship between the $\sigma$-w curve is strongly important to determine the load-displacement curve of concrete that has a major influence on the fracture behavior of a concrete. In this paper, notched plain concrete beams with different strength level were tested under three-point bending and fracture energy, the load-deflection curve, and the load-crack mouth opening displacement(CMOD) curve were obtained from the experimental data. Also, the fictitious crack model(FCM) was applied to determine the load-deflection curve of notched plain concrete beams using various types of $\sigma$-w curve model proposed by Petersson and we compared experimental results with numerical ones carried out by Finite Element Method(FEM).

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닮음 법칙에 의한 굽힘 및 드레이프 형상의 해석 (Analysis of Shapes of Bending and Draping by the Model Rule)

  • 서정권;이정욱
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제20권6호
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    • pp.1116-1124
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    • 1996
  • The factors to presume the shapes of bending and draping were examined in this study, by applying the similar phenomenon and theory of analysis. The findings were as followings: 1. The value of deflection angle (f) of deflection curve were almost consistent with those of K number and the shapes of deflection curve were congruent, under the condition of that the values of EI/w are almost similar and the lengths of samples are consistent. 2. The values of drape area, drape coefficient, mean of deflection angle, and $\pi$ number were consistently estimated and the shapes of drape were almost the same, under the condition of that the values of EI/w are similar and the diameter of samples are consistent. 3. In using the samples with different values of EI/w, scale factor, kl, was obtained from the formula, the shapes of bending of the referent samples and compsactive smaples was geometrically similar, which the lengths of samples were 1,1'and were satisfied with the formula, hi: L'11, and their $\pi$ number were also consistent. 4. In applying the samples with different values of Rllw, scale factor (kl) was obtained and then, when semidiameter of samples was adjusted to be satisfied with the formula, k1=L/L, the shapes of draping of referent samples and comparative samples were geometrically similar. Furthermore, their $\pi$ number was also consistent. 5. The shares of bending and draping could be changed in terms of three factors such as the lengths of samples, bending ridigity, and weigths per unit area. $\pi$ number was obtained from theory of similar phenomenon, which was index to presume shapes of bending and the shapes of draping getting from the three factors.

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  • Kweon, Dae Seop
    • Korean Journal of Mathematics
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.113-118
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    • 1997
  • According to the Bernoulli-Euler theory of elastic rods the bending energy of the wire is proportional to the total squared curvature of ${\gamma}$, which we will denote by $F({\gamma})=\int_{\gamma}k^2ds$. If the result of J.Langer and D.Singer [3] extend to knotted elastic curve, then we obtain the following. Let {${\gamma},M$} be a closed knotted elastic curve. If the curvature of ${\gamma}$ is nonzero for everywhere, then ${\gamma}$ lies on torus.

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Bending behavior of aluminum foam sandwich with 304 stainless steel face-sheet

  • Yan, Chang;Song, Xuding
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제25권3호
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    • pp.327-335
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    • 2017
  • To gain more knowledge of aluminum foam sandwich structure and promote the engineering application, aluminum foam sandwich consisting of 7050 matrix aluminum foam core and 304 stainless steel face-sheets was studied under three-point bending by WDW-T100 electronic universal tensile testing machine in this work. Results showed that when aluminum foam core was reinforced by 304 steel face-sheets, its load carrying capacity improved dramatically. The maximum load of AFS in three-point bending increased with the foam core density or face-sheet thickness monotonically. And also when foam core was reinforced by 304 steel panels, the energy absorption ability of foam came into play effectively. There was a clear plastic platform in the load-displacement curve of AFS in three-point bending. No crack of 304 steel happened in the present tests. Two collapse modes appeared, mode A comprised plastic hinge formation at the mid-span of the sandwich beam, with shear yielding of the core. Mode B consisted of plastic hinge formation both at mid-span and at the outer supports.

부재단면 형상에 따른 부재 굽힘붕괴 특성의 폼 충진 효과 (Foam Filling Effect on Bending Collapse Characteristics for Member Section Type)

  • 이일석;강성종
    • 한국자동차공학회논문집
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 2007
  • More diversified and strengthened safety regulations require higher safety vehicle with less weight. The structural foam can play a role for restraining section distortion of main body members undergoing bending collapse at vehicle crash. In this study, using structural foam modeling technology, validated in previous work, the bending collapse characteristics were evaluated for two types of circular and actual vehicle body frame sections. With changing the foam filling method, outer panel thickness and section shape, load carrying capability and absorbed energy were observed. The results indicate valuable design strategy for effectively elevating bending collapse performance of body members with foam filled.

폼 충진 모자단면 빔의 굽힘붕괴 특성 (Bending Collapse Characteristics of Hat Section Beam Filled with Structural Foam)

  • 이일석;강성종
    • 한국자동차공학회논문집
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.92-99
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    • 2006
  • Design capability for high safety vehicle with light weight is crucial to enhancing competitive power in vehicle market. The structural foam can contribute to restraining section distortion in body members undergoing bending collapse at vehicle crash. In this study, first, the validation of analysis model including structural foam model for simulating fracture behavior was discussed, and the bending collapse characteristics of five representative section types were analyzed and compared. Next, with changing the laminate foam shape, load carrying capability and absorbed energy were observed. The results suggests a design strategy of body members filled with laminate foam, leading to effectively elevating bending collapse characteristics with weight increase in the minimum.

Inelastic response of wide flange steel beams curved by symmetrical weak axis bending using two-point loads

  • Gergess, Antoine N.;Sen, Rajan
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제17권6호
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    • pp.951-965
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    • 2014
  • Point bending is commonly used for cambering and curving steel girders to large radii. In this system, a hydraulic ram or press is used to apply concentrated loads at selected points to obtain the required vertical (cambering) or horizontal (curving) curved profile from induced permanent deformations. This paper derives closed form solutions that relate loads to permanent deformations for horizontally curving wide flange steel beams based on their post-yield response. These solutions are presented in a parametric form to identify the relationship between key variables and their impact on the accuracy of the curving operation. It is shown that point bending could yield parabolic curved profiles that are within 1% of a desired circular curve if the span length to radius of curvature ratio (L / R) is less than 1.5 and the point loads are spaced at one third the beam length. Safe limits are then established on loads, strains and curvatures to avoid damaging the steel section. This leads to optimization of the point bending operation for inducing a circular profile in wide flange steel beams of any size.

내접치차의 굽힘강도에 관한 연구-피지점 부근의 응력상태 파악을 포함하여- (A Study on the Bending Strength of Internal Gear-With investigation of Stress State around Pitch Point-)

  • 정태형;변준형;이청신
    • 대한기계학회논문집
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    • 제18권5호
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    • pp.1126-1133
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    • 1994
  • When designing an internal gear. the bending strength around pitch point as well as that at tooth root fillet should be considered because the bending stress around pitch point may occur as high as that at tooth root fillet. In this study, including stress state around pitch point, the bending strength (tensile side and compressive side) of internal gear tooth is investigated by the use of the finite element method(FEM) with regarding many influencing factors of cutter and gear geometries. Then, the critical sections around pitch point and at tooth root fillet are determined, and the simple formulae based on nominal stresses(bending, compressive, and shear) are derived for the calculations of actual stresses as the functions of tooth thicknesses and radii of curvatures of involute and fillet curve at those critical sections. The stresses calculated by the formulae agree well with those by the FEM. And the bending stresses around pitch point and at tooth root are easily estimated by the use of those formulae, therefore, those formulae are useful for the purpose of the design or the bending strength estimation of internal gear.