• Title/Summary/Keyword: Behavior Test

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The Relationship Between Hydrogen Trapping Behavior and SSCC Suceptibility of API X60/65 Grade Steels

  • Lee, Jae Myung;Kim, Jin Suk;Kim, Kyoo Young
    • Corrosion Science and Technology
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.109-116
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    • 2003
  • It is well known that SSCC (sulfide stress corrosion cracking) is caused by drastic ingression of hydrogen during the service and accumulation of hydrogen near the potential crack initiation site in the material. It is important to characterize the hydrogen trapping behavior to evaluate the service performance of the high strength pipeline steels. In this study. the relationship between the hydrogen trapping behavior and SSCC susceptibility is evaluated in terms of alloy composition, microstructure and carbide behavior. The hydrogen trapping behavior was measured by electrochemical hydrogen permeation test cell (Devanathan cell). The SSCC susceptibility is evaluated by constant extension rate test and constant strain lest method. The hydrogen trapping behavior is affected greatly by microstructure and nature of carbide particles. The fine TiC, and NbC in the matrix of ferritic structure acts as strong irreversible trap sites whereas the bainitic structure acts as reversible trap site. The SSCC susceptibility is closely related to not only the hydrogen trapping behavior but also the loading condition. As the activity of reversible trap site increases, SSCC susceptibility decreases under static loading condition below yield strength, whereas SSCC susceptibility increases under dynamic loading condition or above yield strength. As the activity of irreversible trap site increases. SSCC susceptibility increases regardless of loading condition. It is cased by the mixed effect of dislocation on hydrogen diffusion and trapping behavior.

The Effect of Group Art Therapy in Children with Withdrawn Behaviors (위축 아동을 위한 집단 미술치료프로그램의 효과)

  • Kim In-Hong
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.396-404
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of group art therapy on the withdrawn behavior, social behavior, social problems, anxiousness/depression, internalizing problems, total behavior problems and self-esteem in children who are withdrawn. Method: A randomized controlled pre-post test design was used. The participants were 31 children who were withdrawn attending J. P. Elementary School in Pohang City. Sixteen were assigned to the experimental group and 15 to the control group. The program consisted of 20 sessions of 80 minutes per session, 2 days a week, for 10 weeks. Instruments used for this study were the Children's Behavior Check List -Korean version (K-CBCL) and a self-esteem inventory. The data were analyzed using fisher exact test and Mann-Whitney U test. Results: Thescores for withdrawn behavior, social problems, anxiousness/depression, internalizing problems and total behavior problems decreased significantly in the experimental group as compare to the control group. Social behavior and self-esteem increased significantly in the experimental group as compared to the control group. Conclusions: This study provides evidence for the pontential and beneficial effects of group art therapy in children who are withdrawn. The program could be adequately used to improve problem behavior in withdrawn children.

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Test of the New Health Promotion Model for the Prediction of Female Employees' Health Promotion Behavior at the Manufacturing Plants (제조업 여성근로자의 건강증진행위 예측을 위한 새 건강증진 모형의 검증)

  • Yun, Soon-Nyoung
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.557-569
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of the study was to test the Pender's New Health Promotion Model in order to explain and predict female workers' health promotion behavior at manufacturing plants by using latent variable structural equation model. The data were collected from 280 female workers at 8 electronic factories located at Seoul. Kyunggi. and Incheon using a structured questionnaire through interview and self-report. LISREL was used to test the model. The results are as follows: 8 out of 15 paths of the modified one from the hypothetical model of Health Promotion were statistically significant and the total variance was 40%. The relationship between the previous health behavior and the cognitive emotional factor, and the interpersonal factor. and the situational factor each. and the relationship between perceived health status and interpersonal factor, and health promotion behavior each among gamma paths were unidirectional. On the beta paths. the relationship between the interpersonal factor and the cognitive emotional factor was bi-directional: the relationships amongst the interpersonal factor and the commitment to action, and the health promotion behavior were unidirectional. But the commitment to action was not a significant mediating factor to the health promotion behavior. Pender's New Model is considered good to explain and predict the female workers' health promotion behavior. The interpersonal factor should be considered in occupational nursing practice. But the concepts of situation and commitment to action should be further validated and measured.

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A Study on the Effects of Social Reinforcement in Peer groups on Children's Dental Health Behavior (또래집단의 사회적 강화가 아동의 구강보건행태에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee, Nan-Hee;Park, In-Hyae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.117-129
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    • 2000
  • The relationships between children's health behavior and variables that effect children's health behavior has been investigated in a number of previous studies. This study was conducted to examine the effects of a peer's social reinforcement on children's dental health behavior in an elementary school. The research design was a nonequivalent pre and post-test quasi-experimental design and the study subjects with one hundred and thirteen eight to nine years old children, and their mothers (57 experimental group, 56 control group) were selected as a study group. Subjects were selected by the convenience sampling method. The study was carried out in an elementary school in Namwon city, Korea, from the 26th of April to the 12th of June in 1999. Data were collected in both the pre and post-test portions. Using the "Health Belief Model", each item of the questionnaire for measurement of dental health behavior was modified and administered for the children and their mothers. The questionnaire for the measurement of dental health behavior was developed by Oh, Y.B.(1994). The Cronbach's ${\alpha}$ of the questionnaire for children were .81, and for the mother were .79. In this study, the health belief model consists of "perceived susceptibility", "perceived seriousness", "perceived barrier", "perceived salience", and "perceived benefit". The questionnaire for the children was composed of 37 items, and the questionnaire for the mother was composed of 40 items. Data were analyzed by frequency, ${\chi}^2-test$, ANOVA, Pearson's Correlation, and multiple regression analysis by a SAS program. The results of this study were summarized as follows ; 1. The first hypothesis that the experimental group would have more change in the frequency of brushing per week than that of control group was accepted(t=3.817, p=0.000). Mean tooth brushing scores in the experimental group improved significantly from pre-test to post-test, but in the control group there was no significant improvement in tooth brushing scores. 2. The second hypothesis that the experimental group would have more change in score of dental health behavior than that of control group was accepted(benefit : t=2.804, p=0.006, salience: t=2.608, p=0,010). An evaluation between the experimental group and the control group showed significant change from pre-test to post-test in health behavior scores. 3. The third hypothesis that higher scores of social reinforcement would create more change in the scores of tooth brushing frequency in the experimental group was accepted(${\beta}$=0.169, p=0.000. Multiple regression was used to examine the peer's social reinforcement scores and the relative influence of significant variables in previous ANOVA and Pearson's correlation test on children's frequency of brushing during the post-test. The results of the study indicated that the combination of social reinforcement of peers with variables pertaining to mother and householder were significantly related and effectively improved a child's tooth brushing.

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Cracking Behavior of Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe (프리스트레스트 콘크리트 실린더의 균열거동 연구)

  • Chung, Chul-Hun;Kim, Jong-Suk;Song, Na-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.122-130
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    • 2008
  • The cracking behavior of prestressed concrete members is important for the rational evaluation of PCC pipes. However, the test data on the cracking behavior of PCC pipes are very limited. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the cracking behavior of PCC pipes under different settlement conditions. In this paper, experimental test on the full scale model of PCC pipe was conducted and observed in order to study cracking load in PCC pipes. Based test and FEM analysis results, this paper also presents the cracking load prediction in PCC pipe. Based on the numerical analysis results performed in this research, the cracking behaviors of PCC pipe with the variation of the settlement conditions were evaluated.

Analysis and Application of Mechanical Clinched Joint Using Cohesive Zone Model (접착영역모델을 이용한 클린칭 접합부의 해석 모델 설계 및 적용)

  • Hwang, B.N.;Lee, C.J.;Lee, S.B.;Kim, B.M.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.217-223
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    • 2010
  • The objective of this study is to propose the FE model for mechanical clinched joint using cohesive zone model to analyze its failure behavior under impact loading. Cohesive zone model (CZM) is two-parameter failure criteria approach, which could describe the failure behavior of joint using critical stress and fracture toughness. In this study, the relationship between failure behavior of mechanical clinched joint and fracture parameters is investigated by FE analysis with CZM. Using this relationship, the critical stress and fracture toughness for tensile and shear mode are determined by H-type tensile test and lap shear test, which were made of 5052 aluminum alloy. The fracture parameters were applied to the tophat impact test to evaluate the crashworthiness. Compared penetration depth and energy absorption at the point where 50% of total displacement in result of FE analysis and experiment test for impact test, those has shown similar crashworthiness.

Experimental Investigation on Fatigue Behavior of Concrete Slab Tracks under Railway Loads (철도하중에 대한 콘크리트 슬래브궤도의 피로거동에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • 강보순
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.639-642
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, fatigue behavior of concrete slab tracks under railway loads by experimental method is discussed. The addition of steel fibers to concrete mix has been receiving more attention as a way of improving the crack behavior of concrete beams an slabs tacks. This study two objectives: 1) to observe the fatigue behavior of fiber reinforced concrete slab in labor, and 2) to present crack propagation and deflection of fiber reinforced concrete slab track under railway loads in the Waghauser test line. Nine beams, two slabs and one test track were experimentally tested.

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A Study on Clothing Behavior and Clothing Purchasing Behavior based on Value of University Students (남녀 대학생의 가치관에 따른 의복행동 및 의복구매행동 연구)

  • Park Hye Won;Kim Hyun;Lim Sook Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.29 no.1 s.139
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    • pp.103-113
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    • 2005
  • This study was intended to examine factor structure of value and clothing behavior and the effects of value on clothing behavior, to investigate clothing behavior and clothing purchasing behavior of the groups segmented by the value factors and the difference of those between male group and female group and to provide useful information for establishment of marketing strategies. The subjects were 575 university students. A total of 575 questionnaires was analyzed with factor analysis, cluster analysis, ANOVA, Duncan's multiple range test, ${\chi}^2-test$, regression analysis, and correlation analysis. The results were as follows: 1. Value was composed of 2 factors: personal orientation value and social orientation value. Clothing behavior were composed of 9 factors: interest, fashion, statue symbol, individuality, psychological dependence, comfort, aesthetic sense, economical efficiency, and social approval. 2. Clothing behavior and clothing purchasing behavior were significantly different among 3 groups segmented by 2 value factors. 3. The effects of value on clothing behavior was significantly different. 4. The effects of value on clothing behavior, clothing behavior and clothing purchasing behavior between male group and female group were different.

Effect of the Structured Education for Knowledge of Hepatitis B Type and Self Care Behavior in Chronic Hepatitis B Patients (구조화된 환자교육이 만성 B형 간염환자의 B형 간염에 관한 지식과 자가간호 수행에 미치는 효과)

  • Eum Sun-Ja
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.65-79
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of structured patient education on knowledge of Hepatitis B type and behavior about self care in chronic hepatitis B patients, and to fine the strategy to promote their self care behavior. The research design was quasi-experiment research. The study method had been done by investigating the experimental group and control group through the questionnaire on 50 patients who had been out patient medicine department in U university hospital in Ulsan from september 1st 1997 to the end of October, 1997. The analysis of the collected material had been done for the homogeneity test in which general characterics of experimental group and control group had been tested by $x^2-test$ and the homogeneity test of the knowledge of hepatitis B type and self care behavior before by t-test. To test the hypothesis the t-test had been given for the difference of the knowledge of hepatitis B type and self care behavior between the two groups and the correlation between knowledge of hepatitis B type and self care behavior performance had been tested by Pearson's correlation coefficient. The results as follows : 1. The 1st hypothesis 'The experimental group which received the structured education should be higher in the knowledge of hepatitis B type than the control group' was supported(t=-6.25, P=.000). 2. The 2nd hypothesis 'The experimental group which received the structured education whould be higher in the self care behavior performance than the control group' was supported(t=-5.15, P=.000). 3. The 3rd hypothesis 'The higher the knowledge of hepatitis B type in the patient the higher the self care behavior performance degree' was supported(r=.492, P=.001). In conclusion, the patients who received the structured education showed the increase in the degree of knowledge of hepatitis B type and self care behavior performance. so the structured education had been judged the nursing intervention had been prerequisite in increasing knowledge of hepatitis B type and self care behavior performance of the chronic hepatitis B patients.

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A Numerical Study on the Thermal Behavior Evaluation of Bentonite Buffer (벤토나이트 완충재의 열적 거동 평가에 관한 수치해석적 연구)

  • Yoon, Chan-Hoon;Choi, Young-Chul;Choi, Heui-Joo
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.99-112
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    • 2015
  • In this study, laboratory test equipment was designed and installed to evaluate the thermal behavior of bentonite, which is used as a buffer in high-level waste disposal systems. The thermal analysis was conducted to verify the test results using ABAQUS, a finite element analysis code. In view of the seasonal changes seen during the test, the thermal behavior of bentonite with a temperature of outside air was evaluated. Of the cases examined, the results of the analysis model using stainless steel (Case 3) approximates to the test results, showing an error of about 1℃. The results of the thermal analysis into seasonal temperature distributions are consistent with trends seen in lab-test results. These analyses show that the effects of the thermal conductivity of the material surrounding the buffer and outside air temperature, are very important factors in the thermal behavior of bentonite. In the future, it is expected that a moisture saturation test of a bentonite buffer containing a heat source will be carried out. Therefore, the development of a numerical analysis model is required for the prediction and verification of the laboratory test results.