Sprain is the injury of meridian-muscle, and is caused by qi and blood obstruction or regional stagnation of qi and blood. So we take the channel points where pain flows. If we take the locations that feel pain, those locations are treatments points and ashi points. So we searched over the ashi points appearing on the patients with wrist sprain. Ashi points appeared on LI5, TE4, SI5 around wrist joints, LI10, LI11, LU6 around elbow joints, LI14, LU3, LU4, PC2 around upper arm. Also, ashi points appeared much on ST17, KI23, PC1, SP18, ST18 around thoracic region, and, on BL15, BL44, BL13 around anterior and thoracodorsal region, in order stated. Ashi points of the highest frequency appeared on LI14 around upper arm, and on LI5, TE4 around wrist joint, and SI5, ST17, KI12, PC1, SP18 appeared with second highest frequency. And ashi points on elbow points and thoracodorsal region appeared with the same frequency. Therefore, it is possible for us to know that the pain location appears in order of upper arm, anterior thoracic region, elbow joint region, and, thoracodorsal region, in treating wrist joints. There was a tendency that pain and movement disturbance recovered more quickly, depending on the pain reduction, as we found out the ashi points closely from stagnated qi and blood caused by wrist arthritis, and relaxed the stiff location. Rubbing treatments in treating pain ashi points is considered to play an important role to reduce pain effectively, so it is necessary to make a further study.