• Title/Summary/Keyword: BIOGEOGRAPHY

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Bibliographic Review, Systematic Status, end Biogeographic Notes on Korean and Far East Russian Stoneflies (Insecta: Plecoptera) with Their New Korean Records

  • Kim, Jong-Sun;Bae, Yeon-Jae;Lidija A. Zhiltzova
    • Animal cells and systems
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.419-425
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    • 1998
  • Comprehensive bibliographic sources of Plecoptera systematics in Korea and Far East Russia were provided. Systematic status and distributional features of stoneflies in those areas were also discussed. Based on comprehensive type and non-type material examinations in those areas, new synonymies of Sweltsa colorata Zhiltzova and Levanidova, 1978 〔= Sweltsa nikkoensis (Okamoto), 1912〕 and Capnia KUa (Yoon and Aw, 1986)〔=Paracapnia recta Zhiltzova, 1984〕 were established; and the following species were newly recorded from Korea: Taenionema aponicum (Okamoto), Paraleuctra cercia (Okamoto), Leuctra fusca (Linnaeus), Eucapnopsis stigmatica Okamoto, Paracapniarecta Zhiltzova, Nemoura jezoensis (Okamoto), Stavsolus japonicus (Okamoto), Isoperla flavescens Zhiltzova and Potikha, Alloperla joosti Zwick, A. rostellata (Klapalek) Sweltsa nikkoensis (Okamoto), and S. lepnevae Zhiltzova.

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A Systematic Study on the Paguroidea (Crustacea: Decapoda) in South Korean Water: Checklist and Geographical Distribution (한국산 집게상과(갑각아강: 십각목)의 분류학적 연구: 종목록 및 지리적 분포)

  • Jung, Jibom;Park, Jin-Ho;Kim, Won
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.145-160
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    • 2018
  • The Paguroidea is an important group in terms of marine biodiversity. In Korea, paguroids have been studied by many taxonomists and recently we conducted comprehensive taxonomic studies on hermit crabs from the southern part of the Korean Peninsula. As a result, a checklist of 61 species of Paguroidea in South Korean water with their geographical distribution was prepared. Remarks on taxonomy, geographical distribution, and the Korean scientific names of each applicable species were also provided.

Note on the taxonomy, biogeography and conservation of endangered plant species in the Ryukyus

  • Kokubugata, Goro;Yokota, Masatsugu;Kato, Masahiro
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.193-201
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    • 2010
  • The Ryukyus Archipelago consists of about 200 nearly subtropical islands located between Japan proper and Taiwan. Previous studies have found the Ryukyus to be a region of high biodiversity with many endangered vascular plant taxa, but they are not comprehensive. Here, we discuss the phytogeographic features and circumstances of the endangered plant taxa, make suggestions for effective in situ conservation, and highlight endangered plants in the Ryukyus that require further study.

Regularizing structural configurations by using meta-heuristic algorithms

  • Massah, Saeed Reza;Ahmadi, Habibullah
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.197-210
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    • 2017
  • This paper focuses on the regularization of structural configurations by employing meta-heuristic optimization algorithms such as Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Biogeography-Based Optimization (BBO). The regularization of structural configuration means obtaining a structure whose members have equal or almost equal lengths, or whose member's lengths are based on a specific pattern; which in this case, by changing the length of these elements and reducing the number of different profiles of needed members, the construction of the considered structure can be made easier. In this article, two different objective functions have been used to minimize the difference between member lengths with a specific pattern. It is found that by using a small number of iterations in these optimization methods, a structure made of equal-length members can be obtained.

Phylogenetic Relationships of the Mutualistic Fungi Associated with Macrotermes subhyalinus in Oman

  • Hilal S. AlShamakhi;Abdullah M. Al-Sadi;Lyn G. Cook
    • Mycobiology
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    • v.51 no.5
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    • pp.281-287
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    • 2023
  • The symbiotic association between fungus-gardening termites Macrotermes and its fungal symbiont has a moderate degree of specificity-although the symbiotic fungi (Termitomyces) form a monophyletic clade, there is not a one-to-one association between termite species and their fungus-garden associates. Here, we aim to determine the origin and phylogenetic relationships of Termitomyces in Oman. We used sequences of the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) and the nuclear large subunit ribosomal RNA (LSU rRNA, 25S) gene and analyzed these with sequences of Termitomyces from other geographic areas. We find no evidence for more than a single colonization of Oman by Termitomyces. Unexpectedly, we find Termitomyces in Oman is most closely related to the symbiont of M. subhyalinus in West Africa rather than to those of geographically closer populations in East Africa.

The physical geography in general:yesterday and tomorrow (자연지리학 일반: 회고와 전망)

  • Son, Ill
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.138-159
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    • 1996
  • There has been a tendency for Geomorphology and Climatology to be dominant in Physical Geography for 50 years in Korea. Physical Geography is concerned with the study of the totality of natural environment through the integrated approaches. But, an overall direction or a certain paradigm could not be found, because major sub-divisions of Physical Geography have been studied individually and the subjects and the approaches in studying Physical Geography are enormously diverse. A consensus of opinion could not also exist in deciding what kind of the sub-divisions should be included in the physical geography in general and how those should be summarized. Furthermore it would be considered imprudent to survey the studies of Physical Geography besides those of Geomorphology and Climatology due to the small number of researchers. Assuming that the rest of Physical Geographical studies with the exception of Geomorphological and Climatological studies are the Physical Geography in general, the studies of Physical Geogrpahy in general are summarized and several aspects are drown out as follows. First the descliption of all possible factors of natural environments was the pattern of early studies of Physical Geography and the tendency is maintained in the various kinds of research and project reports. Recently Physical Geographers have published several introductory textbooks or research monographs. In those books, however, the integrated approaches to Physical Geography were not suggested and the relationship between man and nature are dealt with in the elementary level. Second, the authentic soil studies of Physical Geographers are insignificant, because the studies of soil in Physical Geography have been mostly considered as the subsidiary means of Geomorphology Summarizing the studies of Soil Gegraphy by physical geographers and other Pedologists, the subjects are classified as soil-forming processes, soil erosions, soil in the tidal flat and reclaimed land, and soil pollution. Physical Geographers have focused upon the soil-forming processes in order to elucidate the geomorphic processes and the past climatic environment. The results of other subjects are trifling. Thirdy Byogeygrayhers and the results of studies are extremely of small number and the studies of Biogeography in Korea lines in the starting point. But, Biogeography could be a more unifying theme for the Physical-human Geography interface, and it would be expected to play an active part in the field of environmental conservation and resource management. Forth, the studies of Hydrogeography (Geographical Hydrology) in Korea have run through the studies of water balance and the morphometric studies such as the drainage network analysis and the relations of various kinds of morphometric elements in river. Recently, the hydrological model have introduced and developed to predict the flow of sediment, discharge, and ground water. The growth of groundwater studies is worthy of close attention. Finally, the studies on environmental problems was no mole than the general description about environmental destruction, resource development, environmental conservation, etc. until 1970s. The ecological perspectives on the relationship between man and nature were suggested in some studies of natural hazard. The new environmentalism having been introduced since 1980s. Human geographers have lead the studies of Environmental Perception. Environmental Ethics, Environmental Sociology, environmental policy. The Physical geographers have stay out of phase with the climate of the time and concentrate upon the publication of introductory textbooks. Recently, several studies on the human interference and modification of natural environments have been made an attempt in the fields of Geomorphology and climatology. Summarizing the studies of Physical Geography for 50 years in Korea, the integrated approaches inherent in Physical Geography disappeared little by little and the majol sub-divisions of Physical Ceography have develop in connection with the nearby earth sciences such as Geology, Meteorology, Pedology, Biology, Hydrology, etc been rediscovered by non-geographers under the guise of environmental science. It is expected that Physical Geography would revive as the dominant subject to cope with environmental problems, rearming with the innate integrated approaches.

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Study on Minimum Viable Population of Seed Bank in Pine Forest (소나무림 매토종자 최소생존가능개체군에 관한 연구)

  • Yi, Myung-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.497-506
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the proper minimum viable population of a seed bank for the ecological restoration of pine forest using a seed bank. It examined the germinated soil seed bank from August 2010 to November 2011. The results of the correlation analysis showed that the area and the number of herbaceous species were the highest at 0.686. The results of the regression analysis of four variables including the number of woody species, the number of woody individuals, the number of herbaceous species, and the number of herbaceous individuals using the theory of island biogeography to the minimum viable population in studied plots showed that all four variables were significant with area at the level of 0.05, and R square was 0.583. One function was selected between the number of species and the number of individuals from the canonical correlation analysis, and the function square was 0.824. Both canonical function and squared canonical correlation showed significant at the level of 0.01. The result of study recommended the area size of the minimum viable population in pine forest applied by seed bank to be larger than $64m^2$, the number of species to be over 21, and the number of population to be over 120. It also found that the number of herbaceous species determined the cluster size of the seed bank. Therefore, it is necessary to consider herbaceous species that appear in the seed bank.

Study on the Size of Plant Community in Fragmented Habitats (서식처 분획화에 따른 식물군집의 크기에 관한 연구)

  • 신현탁;김용식
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.147-155
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    • 1998
  • This study was conducted from March to August 1997 to decide the size of plant community in fragmentary habitats. The thirty one sites and one hundred and eighteen plots were plotted in the areas including Yangpyong, Yoju, Pyongtaek and Ansong in Kyonggi-do, Chomchon and Sangju in Kyongsangbuk-do, Nonsan in Chungchongnam-do and Iksan in Chollapuk-do. The area and number of woody species by correlation analysis were recorded as the highest value as 0.716. In order to apply the theory of island biogeography to the fragmented habitats in Korea, the four variables were calculated by regression model. The four variables such as number of woody species, number of woody individuals, number of herbaceous species and number of herbaceous individuals were recorded as significant with area at the level of 0.05 and R square was 0.71. The one function was selected between number of species and number of individuals from the canonical correlation analysis, and the function square was 0.8876. Both canonical function and squared canonical correlation showed significant at the level of 0.01. The number of species and individuals were not increased from the condition that was the size of plant community of 400$m^2$, 30 for number of species and 4,000 for number of individuals. This results of this study can be widely used as a basic information for the conservation management, especially the fragmented ecosystems or the biotop creation in the landscaping.

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The Application of Island Biogeography and Habitat Fragmentation Theory to the Conservation of Protected Areas in Korea (우리나라 보호지역의 보존에 대한 도서생물지리학과 서식처 분획화 이론의 적용)

  • 김용식;마이클모운더
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.12-24
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    • 1992
  • The application of island biogepgraphy and habitat fragmentation theory to protected area management in Korea is discussed. The accelerating destruction and degradation of natural habitats, with the associated erosion of biodiversity, demands and urgent response and a critical review of attitudes to protected area management. The flora of Korea will continue to change in both distribution and status in response to these man induced changes. The conservation and management of ecosystems, because of the variety of threats and the varying levels of biodiversity to be conserved, requires an integrated approach. Such an approach assesses the variety of threats, prevalent and potential, and responds with a strategy combining habitat, species and population management. The application of island biogeography, habitat fragmentation and edge effects theory to conservation strategies in Korea will assist in the understanding of the dynamic relationships between the isolation. degradation and fragmentation of surviving habitat patches. The application of such approaches is discussed with recommendations made for the adoption of an increasingly scientific approach to plant conservation based upon a knowledge of the conservation status and distribution characteristics of the Korean flora. Such data combined with demographic studies on topics such as Minimum Viable Population Size will allow an integrated approach to plant and habitat conservation to progress.

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Biogeography of Native Korean Pinaceae (한반도에 자생하는 소나무과 나무의 생물지리)

  • Kong Woo-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.41 no.1 s.112
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    • pp.73-93
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    • 2006
  • Despite of ecological and landscape importances and public popularity of Pinaceae, not much scientific informations are known about Korean Pinaceae. Present work aims to understand the biogeography of Korean native Pinaceae, i.e., taxonomy, phylogeny, origin, life form, distribution, dispersal and migration. Korean native Pinaceae consists of five genera and sixteen species. Pinus is systematically closely related to Picea and Larix, but Abies is related to Tsuga. Boreal conifers which have migrated from NE Asia during the Pleistocene glacial epochs successfully survived, but now confined to the alpine and subalpine belts of the Korean Peninsula mainly due to climate warming since the Holocene. Species, such as Picea pungsanensis and Abies koreana have gradually adapted to local environment, and later became an endemic species of Korea. Disjunctive distribution of Pinus parviflora and Tsuga sieboldii are also indicatives of climate change of the Pleistocene. Major dispersal agent of pine trees with winged seed is wind, but wingless pine tree seeds seem to dispersed by birds and rodents. Pine trees with bigger wings are easily dispersed by wind, and now show broader distribution. Species of Pinaceae with disjunctive distribution on the alpine and subalpine belts of both North and South Korea seems to be more vulnerable to global warming.