• Title/Summary/Keyword: B2B/B2C

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Properties of Electro-Conductive $SiC-ZrB_2$ Composites (전도성(電導性) $SiC-ZrB_2$ 복합체(複合體)의 특성(特性))

  • Shin, Yong-Deok;Park, Yong-Kap
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1996.07c
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    • pp.1512-1515
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    • 1996
  • Dense $SiC-ZrB_2$ electro-conductive ceramic composites were obtained by hot pressing for high temperature structural application. The influences of the $ZrB_2$ additions an the mechanical and electrical properties of $SiC-ZrB_2$ composites were investigated. Samples were prepared by adding 15, 30, 45 vol.% $ZrB_2$ particles as a second phase to a SiC matrix. Sintering of monolithic SiC and $SiC-ZrB_2$ composites were achieved by hot pressing under a $10^{-4}$ torr vacuum atmosphere from 1000 to $2000^{\circ}C$ with a pressure of 30 MPa and held for 60 minutes at $2000^{\circ}C$. SiC and $SiC-ZrB_2$ samples obtained by hot pressing were fully dense with the relative densities over 99%. Flexural strength and fracture toughness of the samples were improved with the $ZrB_2$ contents. In the case of SiC sample containing 30vol.% $ZrB_2$, the flexural strength and fracture toughness showed 45% and 60% increase, respectively compared to those of monolithic SiC sample. The electrical resistivities of $SiC-ZrB_2$ composites were measured utilizing the four-point probe method and they decreased significantly with Increasing $ZrB_2$ contents. The resistivity of SiC-30vol.% $ZrB_2$ showed $6.50{\times}10^{-4}{\Omega}{\cdot}cm$.

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Effect of TaB2 Addition on the Oxidation Behaviors of ZrB2-SiC Based Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics

  • Lee, Seung-Jun;Kim, Do-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.217-222
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    • 2010
  • Zirconium diboride (ZrB2) and mixed diboride of (Zr0.7Ta0.3)B2 containing 30 vol.% silicon carbide (SiC) composites were prepared by hot-pressing at $1800^{\circ}C$. XRD analysis identified the high crystalline metal diboride-SiC composites at $1800^{\circ}C$. The TaB2 addition to ZrB2-SiC showed a slight peak shift to a higher angle of 2-theta of ZrB2, which confirmed the presence of a homogeneous solid solution. Elastic modulus, hardness and fracture toughness were slightly increased by addition of TaB2. A volatility diagram was calculated to understand the oxidation behavior. Oxidation behavior was investigated at $1500^{\circ}C$ under ambient and low oxygen partial pressure (pO2~10-8 Pa). In an ambient environment, the TaB2 addition to the ZrB2-SiC improved the oxidation resistance over entire range of evaluated temperatures by formation of a less porous oxide layer beneath the surface SiO2. Exposure of metal boride-SiC at low pO2 resulted in active oxidation of SiC due to the high vapor pressure of SiO (g), and, as a result, it produced a porous surface layer. The depth variations of the oxidized layer were measured by SEM. In the ZrB2-SiC composite, the thickness of the reaction layer linearly increased as a function of time and showed active oxidation kinetics. The TaB2 addition to the ZrB2-SiC composite showed improved oxidation resistance with slight deviation from the linearity in depth variation.

Effects of B2B Transaction fairness Between Travel Agencies on Travel Franchisee's Relationship-orientation and Performance (여행사간 B2B 거래공정성이 가맹여행사의 관계지향성과 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Seo, Sun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.404-414
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    • 2012
  • B2B2C distribution channel between travel agencies, the travel franchiser's fairness become a big issue. So this study examines the effects of B2B transaction fairness between travel agencies on relationship-orientation and travel franchisee's performance. The research results are as follows: First, the most influential factor on the franchisee's performance was found as relationship-orientation factor. Second, among the 3 variable factors of B2B transaction fairness, the most influential factor on the franchisee's relationship-orientation was found as interactional fairness. And procedural fairness was found as next. Third, distributive fairness and interactional fairness were found to have a significant effect on franchisee's financial performance. And distributive fairness and procedural fairness were found to have a significant effect on franchisee's non-financial competency. Conclusively, excellent employees of travel franchiser' are the most valuable factors in B2B2C transactions due to the nature of the travel industry where human services are valued above everything else.

Enhancement of the Critical Current Density of $MgB_2$ Prepared using Mechanically Milled and Glycerin Treated Boron Powder (기계적 밀링 및 글리세린 처리된 보론 분말을 사용하여 제조된 $MgB_2$의 임계전류밀도 향상)

  • Jun, Byung-Hyuk;Kim, Yi-Jeong;Kim, Chan-Joong
    • Progress in Superconductivity
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.40-44
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    • 2008
  • A combined process of a mechanical ball milling and liquid glycerin ($C_{3}H_{8}O_3$) treatment of boron (B) powder has been conducted to enhance the superconducting properties of $MgB_2$. The individual aims of the mechanical milling and the glycerin treatment were to reduce the grain size of the $MgB_2$ and to achieve homogeneous carbon (C) incorporation into the $MgB_2$, respectively. Four kinds of B powders of as-received, glycerin treated, 2 h milled, and 2 h milled + glycerin treated were prepared. $MgB_2$ bulks were fabricated by in situ process using the prepared B powders. The mechanical ball milling was effective for a grain refinement, and a lattice disorder was easily achieved by glycerin addition. It was found that the critical current density ($J_c$) values were enhanced in the samples with milled B or glycerin treated B only. In the $MgB_2$ bulk prepared with both milled and glycerin treated B, the $J_c$ was further increased due to a higher grain boundary density and a greater C substitution.

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Development of Electroconductive SiC Ceramic Heater by Spark Plasma Sintering (방전플라즈마 소결에 의한 자기 통전식 SiC계 세라믹 발열체 개발)

  • Shin, Yong-Deok;Choi, Won-Seok;Ko, Tae-Hun;Lee, Jung-Hoon;Ju, Jin-Young
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.58 no.4
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    • pp.770-776
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    • 2009
  • The composites were fabricated by adding 0, 15, 30, 45[vol.%] $ZrB_2$ powders as a second phase to SiC matrix. The physical, mechanical and electrical properties of electroconductive SiC ceramic composites by spark plasma sintering(SPS) were investigated. Reactions between ${\beta}$-SiC and $ZrB_2$ were not observed in the XRD and the phase analysis of the electroconductive SiC ceramic composites. The relative density of mono ${\beta}$-SiC, ${\beta}$-SiC+15[vol.%]$ZrB_2$, ${\beta}$-SiC+30[vol.%]$ZrB_2$ and ${\beta}$-SiC+45[vol.%]$ZrB_2$ composites are respectively 99.24[%], 87.53[%], 96.41[%] and 98.11[%] Phase analysis of the electroconductive SiC ceramic composites by XRD revealed mostly of ${\beta}$-SiC, $ZrB_2$ and weakly of $ZrO_2$ phase. The flexural strength showed the lowest of 114.44[MPa] for ${\beta}$-SiC+15[vol.%]$ZrB_2$ powders and showed the highest of 210.75[MPa] for composite no added with $ZrB_2$ powders at room temperature. The trend of the mechanical properties of the electroconductive SiC ceramic composites is accorded with the trend of the relative density. The electrical resistivity of the electroconductive SiC ceramic composites decreased with increased $ZrB_2$ contents. The electrical resistivity of mono ${\beta}$-SiC, ${\beta}$-SiC+15[vol.%]$ZrB_2$, ${\beta}$-SiC+30[vol.%]$ZrB_2$ and ${\beta}$-SiC+45[vol.%]$ZrB_2$ composites are respectively $4.57{\times}10^{-1},\;2.13{\times}10^{-1},\;2.68{\times}10^{-2}\;and\;1.99{\times}10^{-2}[{\Omega}{\cdot}cm]$ at room temperature. The electrical resistivity of mono ${\beta}$-SiC and ${\beta}$-SiC+15[vol.%]$ZrB_2$ are negative temperature coefficient resistance(NTCR) in temperature ranges from $25[^{\circ}C]\;to\; 100[^{\circ}C]$. The electrical resistivity of ${\beta}$-SiC+30[vol.%]$ZrB_2$ and ${\beta}$-SiC+45[vol.%]ZrB_2$ are positive temperature coefficient resistance(PTCR) in temperature ranges from $25[^{\circ}C]\;to\;100[^{\circ}C]$. It is convinced that ${\beta}$-SiC+30[vol.%]$ZrB_2$ composites by SPS for heater or ignitors can be applied.

Immunohistochemical Study of C-erbB-2 and VEGF Expression in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (비소세포 폐암에서 C-erbB-2와 VEGF 발현에 대한 면역조직화학적 연구)

  • Shin, Jong Wook;Ha, Kyung Won;Choi, Jae Cheol;Kim, Jae Yeol;Park, In Whon;Choi, Byoung Whui;Yoo, Jae Hyung
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.62 no.1
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2007
  • Background: Mutated or deregulated expression of C-erbB-2 causes this gene to function as a potent oncogene. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a crucial angiogenic molecule in lung cancer. Both C-erbB-2 and VEGF can promote growth, proliferation and metastasis in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The purpose of this study was to investigate evaluate the relationship between the expressions of the C-erbB-2 and VEGF genes using immunohistochemistry. Materials and Methods: Ninety-five patients with NSCLC were involved (60 squamous cell carcinoma and 35 adenocarcinoma). The formalin-fixed paraffin embedded specimens were immunohistochemically stained for C-erbB-2 and VEGF using the avidin-biotin complex method. Results: Positive C-erbB-2 expression was observed more often in adenocarcinomas than squamous cell carcinomas (p<0.05). Although the immunohistochemical expressions of C-erbB-2 and VEGF in non-small-cell lung cancer showed increased tendencies at an advanced stage, the correlation between early and advanced cancers was insignificant. In adenocarcinomas, the expressions of VEGF and C-erbB-2 were significantly (p<0.05). Conclusion: The overexpression fo C-erbB-2 was significantly higher in adenocarcinomas than squamous cell carcinomas, and correlated with the expression of VEGF in adenocarcinomas of the lungs.

The Development of an Electroconductive SiC-ZrB2 Composite through Spark Plasma Sintering under Argon Atmosphere

  • Lee, Jung-Hoon;Ju, Jin-Young;Kim, Cheol-Ho;Park, Jin-Hyoung;Lee, Hee-Seung;Shin, Yong-Deok
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.342-351
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    • 2010
  • The SiC-$ZrB_2$ composites were fabricated by combining 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 vol. % of zirconium diboride ($ZrB_2$) powders with silicon carbide (SiC) matrix. The SiC-$ZrB_2$ composites and the sintered compacts were produced through spark plasma sintering (SPS) under argon atmosphere, and its physical, electrical, and mechanical properties were examined. Also, the thermal image analysis of the SiC-$ZrB_2$ composites was examined. Reactions between $\beta$-SiC and $ZrB_2$ were not observed via x-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. The apparent porosity of the SiC+30vol.%$ZrB_2$, SiC+35vol.%$ZrB_2$, SiC+40vol.%$ZrB_2$, SiC+45vol.%$ZrB_2$ and SiC+50vol.%$ZrB_2$ composites were 7.2546, 0.8920, 0.6038, 1.0981, and 10.0108%, respectively. The XRD phase analysis of the sintered compacts demonstrated a high phase of SiC and $ZrB_2$. Among the $SiC+ZrB_2$ composites, the SiC+50vol.%$ZrB_2$ composite had the lowest flexural strength, 290.54MPa, the other composites had more than 980MPa flexural strength except the SiC+30vol.%$ZrB_2$ composite; the SiC+40vol.%$ZrB_2$ composite had the highest flexural strength, 1011.34MPa, at room temperature. The electrical properties of the SiC-$ZrB_2$ composites had positive temperature coefficient resistance (PTCR). The V-I characteristics of the SiC-$ZrB_2$ composites had a linear shape in the temperature range from room to $500^{\circ}C$. The electrical resistivities of the SiC+30vol.%$ZrB_2$, SiC+35vol.%$ZrB_2$, SiC+40vol.%$ZrB_2$ SiC+45vol.%$ZrB_2$ and SiC+50vol.%$ZrB_2$ composites were $4.573\times10^{-3}$, $1.554\times10^{-3}$, $9.365\times10^{-4}$, $6.999\times10^{-4}$, and $6.069\times10^{-4}\Omega{\cdot}cm$, respectively, at room temperature, and their resistance temperature coefficients were $1.896\times10^{-3}$, $3.064\times10^{-3}$, $3.169\times10^{-3}$, $3.097\times10^{-3}$, and $3.418\times10^{-3}/^{\circ}C$ in the temperature range from room to $500^{\circ}C$, respectively. Therefore, it is considered that among the sintered compacts the SiC+35vol.%$ZrB_2$, SiC+40vol.%$ZrB_2$ and SiC+45vol.%$ZrB_2$ composites containing the most outstanding mechanical properties as well as PTCR and V-I characteristics can be used as an energy friendly ceramic heater or ohmic-contact electrode material through SPS.

Case Study on Building of Cooperative B2B2C E-Commerce (기업공동 B2B2C 전자상거래 구축사례에 관한 연구)

  • 김종관;차준섭
    • Proceedings of the Korea Association of Information Systems Conference
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    • 2001.12a
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    • pp.252-260
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    • 2001
  • 전자상거래는 우리나라 뿐 아니라 여러 선진국에서 새로운 비즈니스 환경으로 급속히 개발 되고 있으며, 아울러 기업에게 위협 요인과 동시에 새로운 기회로 다가오고 있다. 본 논문에서는 기존 전자상거래 모델에서 벗어나 쇼핑몰 관련 그룹을 제조. 유통. 생산업체인 공급자(B)그룹과 제품을 공급받아 소비자에게 직접 판매하는 도·소매(B)그룹 그리고 제품을 구매하는 소비자(C)그룹으로 나누고 서로 윈 윈(Win Win) 할 수 있는 효과적인 전자상거래 모델(B2B2C)의 사례를 연구하고자 한다. 이러한 기업 공동 B2B2C 전자상거래 모델을 웹 어플리케이션 전문제작회사인 D개발회사가 본 시스템 솔루션에 2개월을 소요·개발하여 적용한 결과 고객은 온라인-오프라인 상에서 상호적으로 대응 할 수 있었고, 제품에 대한 품질보증 역할을 더할 수 있어 기존 단골 고객을 중심으로 효율적인 수익을 창출 할 수 있는 전자 상거래 모델을 구축하였다. 즉, 기존의 오프라인의 점 조직 형태의 판매망을 통해 온라인 전자상거래와 상호 유기적으로 도움을 줄 수 있다. 이는 B2B2C의 새로운 전자상거래 모델 제시와 더불어 기존고객을 관리할 수 있는 CRM 도입 효과를 가져와 향후 전자상거래를 통한 온라인 유통망형성에 있어 새로운 솔루션 개발의 기반기술이 될 것이다.

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Effect of Ball-Milling on the Superconducting Properties of C and C-Based Compound Doped $MgB_2$ (탄소 및 탄소화합물이 도핑된 $MgB_2$ 초전도체의 볼밀링 효과)

  • Ahn, Jung-Ho;Jang, Min-Kyu;Oh, Sang-Jun
    • Progress in Superconductivity
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.17-22
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    • 2008
  • We have examined the effect of ball-milling on the superconducting properties of $MgB_2$ doped with C. The ball-milling of pre-reacted $MgB_2$ powder was carried out in dry or wet state using C or diethylenetriamine ($C_{4}H_{13}N_3$) as additives. The diethylenetriamine, whose chemical formula contains no oxygen, was chosen to avoid an excess oxidation during doping. The superconducting transition temperature (Tc) of the ball-milled or doped $MgB_2$ powders was only slightly smaller than that of undoped $MgB_2$. The critical current density (Jc) of the highly ball-milled $MgB_2$ was higher than that of C-doped $MgB_2$. The addition of diethylenetriamine was detrimental to Jc, although Tc was almost unchanged.

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Functions for RFID Middleware Development on Mobile Device Emulator (모바일 단말 에뮬레이터에서 RFID 미들웨어 구현을 위한 기능 연구)

  • Ye, Seoung-Bin;Han, Soon-Hee;Ceong, Hee-Taek
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.106-111
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    • 2008
  • At the ubiquitous computing, Mobile RFID, which the convergence RFID and mobile device, researches are core method and infra to service B2B, B2C, and B2B2C service domain. We propose the functions of middleware to develop the mobile RFID device. It consists of multi-code integrated recognition module, the reader control module, the module code interpretation, and Dispatcher module. These functions can recognize the tag of EPC/ISO and mCode type. We describe the zone file of local ODS and the implemented module to read the 13.56MHz tag.

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