• Title/Summary/Keyword: B-chromosome

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Mapping of the Reduced Culm Number Trait in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) rcn10(t) Mutant

  • Yeo, Un-Sang;Lee, Jong-Hee;Kim, Choon-Song;Jeon, Meong-Gi;Oh, Tae-Yong;Han, Chang-Deok;Shin, Mun-Sik;Oh, Byeong-Geun
    • Korean Journal of Breeding Science
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.223-227
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    • 2008
  • In rice, tillering is an important trait determining yield. To study tillering at the agricultural and molecular aspects, we have examined a spontaneous rice mutant that showed reduction in the number of culms. The mutant was derived from a $F^6$ line of the cross of Junambyeo*4 / IR72. It could produce, on average, 4 tillers per hill in the paddy field while wild-type plants usually have 15. Except the reduced culm numbers, they also show pale green phenotypes. The phenotypes of this mutant were co-segregated as the monogenic Mendelian ratio (${\chi}^b=0.002$, p=0.969). In order to locate a gene responsible for the rcn phenotype, the mutant with the japonica genetic background was crossed with Milyang21 of the indica background. Bulked segregant analysis was used for rapid determination of chromosomal location. Three SSR markers (RM551, RM8213, and RM16467) on chromosome 4 were genetically associated with the mutant phenotype. Each of the 217 $F_2$ plants was genotyped with simple sequence length polymorphisms. The data showed that RM16572 on chromosome 4 was the closest marker that showed perfect co-segregation among the $F_2$ population. We suggest the new rcn gene studied here name as $rcn10^t$ because there was no report which exhibit a rcn phenotype with a pleiotropic effect of pale green (chlorophyll deficiency), and mapped at same position on chromosome 4.

Efficient Genetic Algorithm for Channel Assignment (채널할당을 위한 효율적인 유전자 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Sung-Soo;Kim, Kun-Bae
    • Journal of Industrial Technology
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    • v.22 no.B
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2002
  • The objective of this paper is to develop an efficient genetic algorithm (GA) to find a channel assignment method for minimum interference among the channels within reasonable time. The series of specific channel number is used as a representation of chromosome. We use minimum-channel-distance encoding scheme within the same cell to consider cosite channel interference (CSI) when chromosomes are generated. The cell base crossover is also used. This proposed method improves solution quality within limited time.

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Systematic Studies of Korean Rodents : IV. Morphometric and Chromosomal Analyses of two Species of the Genus Apodemus (Muridae) (한국산 설치류의 계통분류학적 연구 : 4. 붉은쥐 속 2종의 염색체 및 형태적 형질 의 분석)

  • 고흥선
    • Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.103-120
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    • 1988
  • 한국에 서식하고 있는 붉은쥐속 2 종, 등줄쥐(Apodemus agrarius coreae, A. agrarius chejuensis)와 흰넓적다리 붉은쥐 (A. peninsulae peninsulae)의 염색체 및 형태적 형질의 분석을 하였다. A. agrasius coreae는 작은 형이고, A. agrarius chejuensis 와 A .peninsulae peninsulae 는 큰 형이었다. 또한A. agrarius chejuensis 는 A.peninsule peninsulae 보다도 큰 편이었다. A.peninsulae peninsulae 에 있는 B chromosomes 은 C.-negative 즉 진정염색질임이 밝혀졌다.

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Complete Genome Sequence of Bifidobacterium bifidum DS0908, Isolated from Human Fecal Sample

  • Haneol Yang;Yong-Sik Kim;Doo-Sang Park
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.566-568
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    • 2023
  • In this report, we present the whole-genome sequence of Bifidobacterium bifidum DS0908 isolated from the human fecal sample. The genome composed of a single circular chromosome is 2,223,317 bp long and the DNA G+C content is 62.65%. No virulence genes were detected in the genomic sequences of B. bifidum DS0908.

Isozymes and Karyotypes of Bufo Species (두꺼비 종류의 아이소자임과 염색체)

  • Yung J. Kim;Yang I, Sunwoo;Kang S. Rhee
    • The Korean Journal of Zoology
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.123-138
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    • 1976
  • Isozymes and chromosomes of Bufo bufo and B. kangii were studied by starch gel electrohporesis and bone marrow air-drying method. Twently-three enzymes and nonenzymatic proteins in Bufo species collected in Korea provided a basis for the estimating the proportion of polymorphic loci in the genum. Of 23 loci controlling the proteins examined, 26% and 17$% were polymorphic in B. bufo and B. kangii, respectively. In B. bufo, 4 loci had 3 alleles and no loci had more than 2 alleles in B. kangii. Both species had same karyotypes with 22 chromosomes except one pair of chromosome which had sat-chromosomes in B. bufo karyotypes. The genetic similarity was approximately 0.5.

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Complete Genome Sequence of Bifidobacterium longum subsp. longum DS0950 Isolated from Infant Feces with Obesity-Ameliorating Effects

  • Hana Jo;Yong-Sik Kim;Doo-Sang Park
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.218-220
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    • 2024
  • Bifidobacterium longum subsp. longum DS0950 (B. longum DS0950) was isolated from infant feces and has been reported to be effective in preventing obesity. The whole-genome sequence of B. longum DS0950 was obtained using the PacBio RS II platform, and it was consists of a single chromosome of 2,433,092 bp. The B. longum DS0950 contains genes associated with the synthesis of bacteriocins and a series of genes capable of producing xylitol from ribulose-5-phosphate.

Identification of Quantitative Traits Loci (QTL) Affecting Growth Traits in Pigs

  • Kim, T.H.;Choi, B.H.;Lee, H.K;Park, H.S.;Lee, H.Y.;Yoon, D.H.;Lee, J.W.;Jeong, G.J.;Cheong, I.C.;Oh, S.J.;Han, J.Y.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.1524-1528
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    • 2005
  • Molecular genetic markers were used to detect chromosomal regions which contain economically important traits such as growth, carcass, and meat quality traits in pigs. A three generation resource population was constructed from a cross between Korean native boars and Landrace sows. A total of 240 F2 animals from intercross of F1 was produced. Phenotypic data on 17 traits, birth weight, body weights at 3, 5, 12, and 30 weeks of age, teat number, carcass weight, backfat thickness, body fat, backbone number, muscle pH, meat color, drip loss, cooking loss, water holding capacity, shear force, and intramuscular fat content were collected for F2 animals. Animals including grandparents (F0), parents (F1), and offspring (F2) were genotyped for 80 microsatellite markers covering from chromosome 1 to 10. Least squares regression interval mapping was used for quantitative trait loci (QTL) identification. Significance thresholds were determined by permutation tests. A total of 10 QTL were detected at 5% chromosome-wide significance levels for growth traits on SSCs 2, 4, 5, 6, and 8.

Mutagenicity studies of food and cosmetic dyes (1) (식용 및 외용색소의 유전독성에 관한 연구 (1))

  • 하광원;정해관;오혜영;허옥순;손수정;한의식;정성철;한순영;최선주
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.171-179
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    • 1993
  • The mutagenicity of 22 food and cosmetic dyes had been evaluated. Two different short-term mutagenicity tests were used: (1) Salmonella typhimurium preincubation assay (Ames test) (2) Chromosome aberration test with cultured Chinese hamster lung (CHL) fibroblast cells. Orange No. 203 was mutagenic in Salmonella typhimurium with and without rat liver microsomal activation, and Red No. 204 was mutagenic in Salmonelhl typhimurium with rat liver microsomal activation. Red No. 104-1 and Red No. 215 showed slight increase of chromosomal aberration in CHL cells.

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Mapping a Quantitative Trait Locus for Growth and Backfat on Porcine Chromosome 18

  • Wu, X.L.;Lee, C.;Jiang, J.;Peng, Y.L.;Yang, S.L.;Xiao, B.N.;Liu, X.C.;Shi, Q.S.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.14 no.12
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    • pp.1665-1669
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    • 2001
  • A QTL was localized near S0120 on porcine chromosome 18. The QTL was significant (p<0.05) for average daily gain (ADG) of body weight and backfat thickness (BFT). The estimates of additive and dominance effects for the QTL were 0.0135 kg/day (p<0.001) and 0.0138 kg/day (p>0.5) for ADG and 1.6115 mm (p<0.001) and 0.9281 mm (p>0.05) for BFT. The location of this QTL coincided with a few growth hormone pathway genes. This study suggested that a QTL allele probably resulted from a mutation responsible for physiological lipase deficiency favoring obesity. This QTL might be important to obesity as well as growth in pigs.

Sex Determination of In Vitro Fertilized Bovine Embryos by Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization Technique

  • Han, M.S.;Cho, E.J.;Ha, H.B.;Park, H.S.;Sohn, S.H.
    • Reproductive and Developmental Biology
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.133-137
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    • 2004
  • Sexing from bovine embryos which were fertilized in vitro implicate a possibility of the sex-controlled cattle production. This study was carried out to investigate the possibility of determining of embryo sex by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique. FISH was achieved in in vitro fertilized bovine embryos using a bovine Y-specific DNA probe which constructed from the btDYZ-1 sequences. To evaluate Y-chromosome specificity of the FISH probe, metaphase spreads of whole embryos and lymphocytes were prepared and tested. A male-specific signal was detected on 100% of Y chromosome bearing metaphase specimens. Using the FISH technique with a bovine Y-specific probe, 232 whole embryos of 8 cell- to blastocyst-stage were analyzed. Observing the presence of the Y-probe signal on blastomeres, 102 embryos were predicted as male, and 130 embryos as female. The determining rate of embryo sex by FISH technique was about 93% regardless of embryonic stages. In conclusion, the FISH using a bovine Y-specific DNA probe is an accurate, reliable and quick method for determining the sex of bovine embryos.