• 제목/요약/키워드: Awareness and attitude

검색결과 895건 처리시간 0.023초

시조에 나타난 남성의 이상적 삶과 그 변주의 양상 (The Men's Ideal Lives and the Aspects of their Variation in Sijo)

  • 정인숙
    • 한국시조학회지:시조학논총
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    • 제42권
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    • pp.69-91
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    • 2015
  • 본고는 남성의 이상적인 삶을 표방한 두 편의 사설시조가 후대에 지속적으로 향유되면서 다양하게 변주된 양상을 검토하고 그 의미를 살펴보는 데 목적을 두었다. 노랫말의 변주가 수용자의 다양한 반응과 요구에 기인한 것이라 할 때, 그 변주의 양상을 살펴봄으로써 후대에 이상적 삶에 대해 어떻게 반응하고 욕망과 현실 사이의 갈등 속에서 삶의 지향점이 어떻게 설정되는지 탐색할 수 있으리라 보았다. 우선 논의의 중심이 되는 두 작품은 <남아의 소년행락~>이라는 작자미상의 사설시조(<1>)와 <대장부 공성신퇴후하야~>라는 이정보의 사설시조(<2>)이다. 전자가 남성들이 욕망하는 이상적 삶을 일대기 형식으로 형상화한 작품이라면, 후자는 치사 이후에 물질적 풍요를 근거로 한 여유롭고 풍류적인 삶을 보여 주는 작품이다. 이 두 작품이 후대에 변주된 양상을 보면 첫 번째로 호기롭고 유락적인 삶이 강조된 경우를 들 수 있다. 이는 <1>과 <2>의 노랫말을 적절히 결합하여 유락적 성격을 강조한 작품(<3>)과, <2>의 시상을 그대로 수용하면서도 '공성신퇴'라는 어휘를 배제한 채 유락적 삶의 모습을 강조하면서 '나'라는 주체를 부각시킨 작품(<4>)을 통해 확인할 수 있다. 두 번째는 부귀공명의 불가능성을 인식하고 대안적 삶에 대한 소신을 드러낸 경우이다. 이는 작품 <5>에서 확인할 수 있는데, 외부 세계와의 부조화 속에 욕망과 현실 사이의 갈등이 내재되어 있는 점이 <3>, <4>와 다르다. 세 번째는 세속적 출세의 욕망에서 벗어나 행복한 노년에 대한 관심을 표출한 경우이다. 여기에는 부귀공명의 욕망을 초탈하고 자발적으로 자연에 돌아와 노년을 보내면서 깊은 내면의 성찰을 보여준 작품(<9>)이 있는가 하면, 부귀공명의 욕망에서는 벗어난 듯하면서도 여전히 여색이나 장수의 욕망을 강하게 부각시킨 작품(<10>)도 확인된다. 이러한 노랫말의 변주 양상이 갖는 의미를 살펴보면, 첫 번째 변주 양상은 우선 유흥공간의 간섭의 결과로 해석해 볼 수 있다. 즉 유흥공간의 분위기에 요구되는 노랫말이 선택 첨가되면서 자연스럽게 호기롭고 유락적인 삶이 강조된 것이라 볼 수 있다. 아울러 유락적 분위기의 고조와 더불어 풍요로운 물질적 조건이 갖춰진 상황에서 유흥을 만끽하는 자신을 부각시킴으로써 호기로운 삶의 주인공을 '남아(대장부)'에서 '나'로 구체화하는 변화를 보이기도 한다. 그런가 하면 두 번째 변주 양상은 처음부터 부귀공명의 실현불가능성을 상정하고 있는 점에서 외부적 성공이 쉽지 않은 계층적 한계를 엿보게 한다. 그런 점에서 두 번째 경우는 그러한 계층적 한계에 공감하는 수용자가 적극 반응한 결과로 볼 수 있다. 한편 세 번째 변주 양상은 무엇보다 노년의 삶의 문제에 관심을 두고 있는 점이 주목된다. 출사의 경험이 있든 그렇지 않든 노년의 행복한 일상을 구체적으로 담아낸 점은, 늙어서의 편안한 삶 혹은 쾌락적 삶을 갈구하는 통속적 욕망을 스스럼없이 표출한 것으로 추상적 이념이 아닌 구체적 삶의 일상이 중요하게 인식되는 면모를 보여주는 점에서 중요하다고 하겠다.

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분석심리학적 관점으로 고찰한 창조신화 : '알(卵)'의 상징성 중심으로 (Jungian Interpretation of Creation Myths Focused on Egg Symbolism)

  • 김진숙
    • 심성연구
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    • 제27권1_2호
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    • pp.28-70
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    • 2012
  • 본 논문은 창조신화들 중 특히 '알'이 출현하는 창조신화를 중심으로 그 상징성을 살피고, 이를 무의식적인 내용물에서 출현하는 '알'의 모티브와 비교하여 무의식적인 영역에 속하는 창조신화의 상징성을 의식적인 영역에서 이해하려는 것이 그 취지이다. 먼저 창조신화가 원형적인 투사현상으로서 무의식에서 자아가 탄생하는 것과 관련되며 인간의 의식적인 깨달음의 기원에 관한 것이라는 점을 부각하고, 개인사나 인류사에서 새로운 질서를 필요로 할 때 무의식에 의하여 저절로 만들어지는 현상으로서, 자아의 자세에 따라서 새로운 의식의 도약이나 재건의 조짐이 될 수도 있고 무의식이 자아의식으로 침범하게 될 수도 있음을 논한다. 관련문헌으로서 창조신화에서 출현하는 '우주 알'을 우주창생의 원 질료이자 자기의 상징으로 보는 융, 폰 프란츠, 노이만, 하딩, 에딘져의 연구를 소개한다. 창조신화의 분석심리학적인 의미에서 '태초의 혼돈(messa confusa)'은 고태적 동일시(무의식), 유아기의 경험, 혹은 하나 속에 모든 것이 들어있는 우로보로스적인 경험으로서 분리를 해야 하는 과제를 가지고 있다고 보았다. 그러나 장자의 우화에 등장하는 상제(上帝)로서의 혼돈이나, 연금술에서 검은 색의 단계인 니그레도(nigredo)가 가지는 의미에서 볼 때 너무 성급하게 분리해야 하는 것이 아니며 이러한 사실이 임상에서 시사하는 바를 논한다. '천지개벽(분리)'는 객체로부터 주체를 구별할 수 있게 되어 자아가 출현하는 것과 관련이 있고, 의식의 진보가 있을 때 나타난다고 보면서 연금술의 분리과정(separatio)과 연관하였다. '빛'은 의식성의 획득으로 보았고, 자아의 자세에 따라 다른 경험이 될 수도 있음을 논하면서 창조신화의 전 과정이 의식성을 획득해 가는 과정과 동일하다는 것을 에스키모 창조신화를 통하여 소개한다. '알'이 출현하는 창조신화의 분석심리학적 의미에서 먼저 '알'에 대한 확충과, '알'이 출현하는 창조신화들, 그리고 시조 신들의 모체로서의 '알'을 소개하고 '알'이 자기의 상징과 다르지 않음을 논한다. '알'의 상징성을 알의 출현-품기-분리로 보고 '알 출현'의 심리학적인 의미를 창조론적인 싹인 시바점(Shiva bindu), 히라니야가르바(Hyranyagarba), 황금알(태)의 의미와 자궁 또는 '알'의 의미를 가지고 있는 불교의 여래장(如來藏)과 진여(眞如)와 연관하였고, '세계 알'이자 연금술의 용기로서의 메르쿠리우스이자 세계의 창조혼(Geist)의 의미를 가진다고 보았다. '알 품음'의 심리학적 의미는 스스로에게 리비도를 집중하는 타파스(tapas)로서, 발렌티우스(Valentinus) 문헌의 오토파터(autopater)와 그의 내면의 여성성인 엔노이아(ennoia)를 품음으로서 세상을 만드는 것과, 새가 알을 품고 있는 형상인 주역(周易)의 61괘 중부(中孚)가 가지는 의미인 내적인 진실과, 원효의 지관(止觀)사상, 그리고 '밤의 항해'가 가지는 상징적인 의미와 연관하였고, 연금술적으로 메디타치오(meditatio)의 의미를 가지며, 알의 출현과 품음에 고뇌와 고통이 동반됨에 대해서 논한다. '알 분리'의 심리학적 의미는 미망의 껍질을 벗고 시공을 초월하는 태양적, 의식성의 획득으로서 알에서 출현한 초 개인적인 새의 의미를 새로운 인격의 출현으로 보았고, 연금술적으로 분리과정(separatio)와 상승과정(sublimatio)과 연관하였다. '알'과 관련된 임상 자료들을 통하여 '알의 상징성'(알 출현, 품음, 분리)이 피분석자들의 무의식의 자료에서도 같은 맥락으로 나타난다는 점을 부각하면서 알의 상징성에서 보여주는 전 과정이 내(자아, 주체, 분화됨)가 나 아닌 것(무의식, 객체, 미분화됨)으로부터 분리되는 것과 관련되며 인간정신의 전체성을 지향하는 자기실현과정과 다르지 않음을 논하는 것으로 마감한다.

영남지역(嶺南地域) 중고등학교학생(中高等學校學生)들의 보건의식행태조사(保健意識行態調査) 연구(硏究) (A Study on Health Awareness of Middle and High School Students in Yong Nam Area)

  • 김형남;남철현
    • 한국학교보건학회지
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.119-135
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    • 1991
  • The study was designed to gain necessary basic data order to grasp health knowledge, attitude, practice level of middle and high school students and to analyse th problem and to point out the method of improvement in the field of school health education. The survery was carried out through this reporter's interview for 2,400 students who attend to ten schools in Young Nam area during the period of a month from 25 the June to 25th July 1989. The result of this study can be summaried as follows. 1. The total number of answers on the question was 2,346. As for general characteristics the percent of female middle school students was 60.6% and the percent of male students was 77.7%, 45.9% of high school students was evening school students. 52.9% of middle school students and 42.3% of high school students were borne in rural area. 2. The percentage of unknown and misunderstanding for Epidemic Hepatitis infection was 46.3% of middle school students and 29.6% of high school students. 3. The percentage of unknown and misunderstanding for Epidemic Hemorrhage fever infection was 85.6% of middle school students and 66.9% of high school students. 4. The percentage of right knowledge for AIDS infection was 66.0% of middle school students and 90.4% of high school students. 5. The percentage of right knowledge for Typhoid infection was 47.8% of middle school students and 69.4% of high school students. 6. The percentage of unknown and misunderstanding for Tuberculosis infection was 71.6% of middle school students and 62.2% of high school students. 7. As for personal hygiene, the percentage of toothbrushing after every meal was high level : 44.2% of middle school students and 42.0% of high school students. 8. 60.9% of middle school students take a bath twice a week, 49.2% oh high school students take a bath a week. Times of bath of middle school students was higher than that of high school students. 9.The percentage of washing hand after using toilet was 42.1% of middle school students and 35.1% of high school students. 49.0% of middle school students and 55.1% of high school students wash hand sometimes after using toilet. 10. The percentage of change of underwear twice a week was 57.6% of middle school students and 49.8% of high school students. 11. The percentage of habit of unbalanced diet was 30.% of middle school students and 27.6% of high school students. 50.8% of middle school students and 51.7% of high school students have balanced diet. 12. Index of health practice of personal hygiene can be summarized as follows. A. A case of middle school students. 1) The percentage of health practice index in male and female was 49.6% and 48.1% respectively. Index of female students was higher than that of male students. 2) As for parent's occupation, public servants and company emplyee was upper level. Farming was low level. 3) As for income level, middle, level with 56.5% was highest in high income level and low level with 27.4% was highest in low income level. B. A case of high school students. 1) Middle level of health practice index was 46.0% of male students, upper and low level was 32.4% and 28.0% of female students respectively. 2) Middle level of health practice index was high in farming and company employee and upper level was high in commerce and service, low level with 60.0% was high in unemployed. 3) Upper practice index 35.7% appears in the rich and low practice index 38.3% appears in the poor. 13. Average points of Health practice about personal hygiene were as follows. (Full marks at 4). A. A case of middle school. Female (1.87 point) was higher than male (1.26 point). Night time (2.03 point) was higher than day time (1.66 point) and middle or small cities (2.17 point) are high than any other places. As for parent's occupation, students whose parents are company clerk get high marks (2.32) and ten students whose parent's job are service get next high marks (2.20). B. A case of high school. Female (1.53 point) was higher than male (1.22 point), as parents educational level were higher the point were higher, and as income level was higher, the points of health practice (1.78) were higher, and as for parents occupation, service get highest point (1.93) and commerce get next high point (1.86) public servant get low point (1.66). 14. The percentage of experience in smoking was 11.9% of middle school students and 60.9% of high school students. 15. The percentage of experience in inhalation of bond and administrating LSD was 4.3% of male middle school students, 8.4% of female middle school students, 6.9% of male high school students and 4.2% of female high school students. The knowledge level of communicable disease infection are very low in middle and high school students and practice level of personal hygiene are also very low. As a whole we can evaluate that middle and high school students are low level of health knowledge and practice. In conclusion, we must consider preparation for school health education program through establishing of health subjects in the carriculum, and securing of health education teachers and using materials and media program of health education. It is very important to establish macroscopic policy and strategy for public health education and to get people have right knowledge and practice for health.

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가정학교육 영역에서의 인구교육문제에 관한 조사연구 -선임가정학자들을 대상으로- (A Study of the Attitude of/and Problems Encountered by Senjor Home Economist Toward the Integration of Family Planning Education in the Korean Formal School System)

  • 김지화
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.83-101
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    • 1981
  • Under the full consideration of the growing need and importance of population education in the field of home economics in Korea, the study was carried out to verify and assess the following facts on the current issues of population education of home economists who are presently engaging in teaching professions as the teachers of middle and high school and professors of college and universities by setting its primary objectives of the study as followings; 1) to assess the degree of general knowledge and attitudes of home economists toward population education in the field of home economics, 2) to verify the problems encountered in implementing population education by home economists in its field, 3) to find an existing status of previous trainings received and other activities of population education of home economists aimed at utilizing these findings as a part of reference materials when the population education is conducted in the field of home economics. In order to attain these objectives described above, the questionnaire was carefully designed to house a total of 40 questions with good combination of multiple-choice and the simple answer questions. The mail questionnaire survey was conducted by establishing teachers of home economics at middle/high schools and college/universities as Senior Home Economists(SHE) who are from public, private liberal arts and vocational schools. The rate of response observed during the survey was 45.6 percent and the findings of the survey research are as follows: 1) Examining the status of the respondents by residence and religion, it was found that 45 percent of middle & high school teachers ar.d 59. 1 percent of college professors are residing in Seoul city area and that the largest percent of them are christian in their religion. Analyzing respondents by their ages, 56 percent of middle/high school teachers are in their 30s, 45 percent of college professors are in their 40s, and 37 percent of college teachers are in their 30s. In addition, 13 percent of the total respondents are found to be unmarried. The study also revealed that 71 percent of the college professors finished Master Degree course and 82 percent of middle/high school teachers are graduated from college level lasting 4 years. Looking over the status cf major fields of respondents, 68.4 percent of middle/high school teachers are specialized in home economic education and the college professors, on the other hand, show relatively even prortion by specializing in the order of food & nutrition science, clothes & textile science and home managerial science. As far as the length of teaching experience is concerned, a relatively longer period of teaching experience is observed in the college professors in comparison with that of middle/high school teachers. In other words, 33.3 percent of middle/high school teachers are experienced in teaching from 6 to 10 years on average while 43.9 percent of college professors show more than 16 years of experience. 2) Examining the status of existing number of children cf the respondents, one boy and one daughter pattern is predominant, showing 28.5 percent in middle/high school teachers and 21.1 percent in college professors. As for the desired number of children of unmarried respondents, it is observed that 43.8 percent of middle/high school teachers desire to have one boy and one girl, and 31.3 percent of college professors want to have one child regardless of the sex. By assessing the degree of awareness of the population education through their students, it is observed that 53 percent of middle/high school teachers and 50 percent of college professors are aware of population education in some extent and that a majority of respondents took the positive attitudes toward an inclusion of family planning components into the formal school education. Another noteworthy to observe is that a total of 84.8 percent out of middle/high school teachers pointed that the population education currently conducted at schools as a part of home economics are less sufficient than it should be. 3) Analyzing the tendency as to whether the respondents were experienced in receiving population education during the time when they were students, 75 percent of college professors and 59 percent of middle/high school teachers responded negative answers in the survey. In the mean time, a total of 50 percent of the respondents replied that they began to acknowledge the importance of population education mainly through the participation of some sort of population-education orientend seminars, experienced by 40 percent of college professors and 80 percent of middle/high school teachers. 4) What it calls attention in this study was to find that 96.5 percent of middle/high school teachers and 72 percent of college professors conduct population education to some extent during their lecture hours and that more than 80 percent of them are never experienced in teaching population and family planning contents in their regular classes. It is, on the other hand, found that no more than once was the response of those who believe themselves that they are experienced in teaching these relevant components to their students. Analyzing the contents of the subjects being taught in the class, a large percent of them are found to be consisted of population and family planning contents. According to this study, the current population education through the formal school is quite inactive. Analyzing the facts, 44.9 percent of the college professors responded that the population and family planning components are quite apart from their specialization which eventually generates lack of interest in the field. 5) It is also noticed through the study that the degree of frequency of commenting on population and family planning contents during the classes was depending significantly on their specializations which means that the degree of frequency varies from a major to another. Those who majored in home managerial science was the first one, as compared to others who majored in different specializations. Glancing over the status of correlations between ages of the respondents and numbers of seminar paticipation, it is quite clear that the aged group participated more than the younger group did, and that the most highest number of participations made by college professors were those who are in 50s. In addition, it is also found that those who are aged 20s and 60s of the respondents were the group who comments least on the contents of population and family planning at their classes. The suggestions and recommendation made through this survey research are as follows. 1) No one denies that the rapid increase of population, as compared to the limited size of land and resources, will certainly affect adversly to an enhancement of individual life quality which will, eventually, bring forth the poverty of the nation. This is the reasson why we are insisting that the world population be controlled up to an optimum level with a matter of global concerns. It is our understading that the primary aim for reducing number of population is believed to be attained only by conducting the systematic and comprehensive population education through the formal schools. Therefore, the role of home economists in the field of population/family planning education is considered very importment due to the fact that an ultimate goal of population education is placed in elevating the quality of family life by having optimum number of children through family planning program. 2) It is quite clear that home economists as teachers of formal school in all level are invited to pay their attention on redefining the ultimate goal of education and that of population education. We also understant that the primary objective of population education is to change the norm and value of the clients by replenishing the students with pertinent knowledge and attitudes on population and its related problems through a sort of education in order to attain the ultimate goal for enhancing the quality of life. There is no exception in the theory of home economics. An altimate goal of home economics is to elevate the general quality of life through an establishment of value existed in daily life. Considering the relations between population education and home economics, it is quite indespensable to bandle population components as an integral part in the field of home economics. We believe, therefore, that the senior home economists positive participation in the effort population control is more needed than it has been. 3) It is also strongly urged that population education should be a part of instructor training course for home economics. In other words, the teacher of home economics should be well aware of population and its problems by teaching interrelationship between population education and home economics, needs, contents and methods of population education during the instructor training courese for home economics. In addition, the senior home economists should be encouraged through positive participation on the short term training by types of domestic and international seminar, workshop, etc. 4) We certainly believe that the population education can not sustain itself without any backing-up of information and findings' of various and comprehensive researches of natural and social sciences. Accordingly, every senior home economist is invited to exert their maximum effort to conduct systematic study with an aim to utilize these findings and information at best in population education in the field of home economics. Therefore, we consider that the development of training material is imminent in order to provide effective and efficient population education through the for training of home economies. It should be noted that these training materials must be carefully designed, tailored and developed to meet the different classes of trainees under the considerations as to whether it is easily adaptable and infusable into the curricula of every field of home economics, and it is acceptable in the degree of difficulty and quality in its contents. 5) It is true that there are many domestic and international research rapers, reports and findings in the field of population education and family planning. However, there is a tendency that the most of research papers are heavily relying on the authors intension and preferences in its expression and publication. Under these circumstances, it is urged that the home economists should aware of the growing need of the technical training in order to keep these available information and research findings reprocessed and redesigned to insure the practical application into the population education in the field of home economics in Korea.

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일부(一部) 중학생(中學生)의 성(性)에 대한 의식행태조사(意識行態調査) (A study on the Awareness and Behavior about Sex of Middle School Students -from middle school students in Taegu area-)

  • 김상옥;남철현
    • 한국학교보건학회지
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.42-65
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    • 1992
  • A survey was made of 976 students who were selected among students of 5 middle schools at Taegu so that it could furnish basic knowledge about sex education of adolescents by analyzing students recognition of sex, acquaintance with the opposite-sex, sex-education, The survery took a month from Nov. 1, to Nov 30, 1991. The results of this study are summarized as follows. 1. The general characteristics of the surveyed students. The survey consisted of 332 boys middle school student & 325 girls middle school students, 157 male & 162 female students of coeducational middle schools. 32.9% of them were from the first grade, 33.2% from the second grade & 33.9% from the third grade. 35.7% of them believed in Buddhism, 19% Christianism and the mode of their living standard, 86.7%, fell on 34.7% of their parents engaged in commerce and they were followed by salary man and public officals, 93.1 % of the students, parents were alive. 44.9% of their fathers were graduates of high school and 42.2% of their mothers middle school. 2. Sexual maturity 89.1 % of the surveyed girls had experienced menstruation. The mode of first menstruation, 48.2%, was at the age of 13 and the mean of it was 12.9, 3.7% the surveyed boys had exprienced a wet drem before. The mode of the first wet dream, 40.0%, was at the age of 14 and the mean was 13.4. 21.3% of surveyed students had the experience of masturbation but the number of girls fell far short of that boys. The mode of the first masturbation, 37.0%, was at the age of 14 and the mean was 13.4. 3. The acquaintance and sexual relations with the opposite sex 1) Analyzing the students actual conditions with the opposite, I found out that 52.3% of them wanted to have any kind of relations with the opposite and that 30.25 had already had some kind of relations. 73.2% of the students having relations with the opposite thought the other sex merely as a friend and the number of students who were thinking that way was distributed evenly among schools. 28.8% of the students had got acquainted with the other sex through their frieds and there were not much difference between boys and girls in the method of getting acquainated with the opposite. About 35.2% of the students having relations with the opposite came from the third grade. 47.8% of them answered that the meeting place was not fixed and 26.4% answered that they were meeting their parthers outdoors. 60.7% replyed that they were not disturbed in their studies by the relations with the other sex. 2) Most of the students 79.4%, answered that they had never had sexual relations and 16.3% of the rest said that thery were expressing their feelings by grasping each other's hand. 3) 16.6% of the surveyed students asid that they had the exprience of smoking, 1.1 % of an illusion caused by inhaling chemical addhesives, 44.0% of drinking and 41.4% of warching pornographic films. 4. The knowledge and attitude about the sex 1) The distribution and analysis according to schools and grades : 64.8% of the surveyed students answered correctly to the questions about mensturation, 49.3 % did so about wet dreams, 94.3 % did so about conception, 60.6% did so about child birth, 73.9% did so about AIDS and 50.1 % did so about sexual diseases. Roughly speaking, they had not much knowledge of sexual diseases. 2) The recognition of sex according to schools and grades : 39.0% of the students said that they had worries about sex. 33.1 % of what they worried was concerned with their bodies and 26.8% was about the acqaintance and relationship with the opposite sex. The girls were much more concerned about the former and the boys the latter. 51.1 % of the students asid that they had no specific opinion of masturbation but 19.2% said that's alright if self-restrained. About the sexual intercourse before marriage, 75.7% said negatively. 5. The need for sex education most of the students, 99.4% said they needed sex education and there was not much difference in that thought among schools. And 49.7% answered that schools, families, and societies were equlally important in sex education. About half of the students, exactly 50.2%. considered it as the main reason of sex education to prevent accidents cauesd by ignorance of sex. 81.4% said that they had had some kind of sex education. Most of the educations, 87.0%, had taken place at schools but 5.2% said they were getting most of the knowledge about sex from therir friednds, juniors and seniors. 59.5% of the students who had ever had a sex education said "Just so, so" when asked of the level of their contentment but the number of students who said "satisfied" was only a few, 16.1 %. 20.7% of the survered answered that thery wanted sex education to be made in the course of home life, and 26.6 % of the students most wanted to know about the acquaintance and relationship with the oppostie sex, 29.0% preferred nurse teachers as proper councellors of sex education. The mode of their present councellors, 42.0%, was friends but only 7.6% answered they dicussed with teachers. 6. The correlation analysis between general characteristcs and sexual behaviors of the surveyed students revealed that sex had a signigicant(P<0.001) positive correlation with parents' love toward students(P<0.01), the experience of masturbation, smoking, an illusion caused by inhaling chemical adhesives and the experience of watching pornographic films. And the standard of living had a significant(P<0.01) positive correlation(P<0.01) with grade point average, parents' existence(P<0.01) and parents' love, but a significant(P<0.01) negative correlation with sexual worries. grade point average had a significant(P<0.01)negative correlation with the experience of an illusion caused by chemical adhesives(P<0.01) and smoking. Parents' existence had significant(P<0.01) positive correlations with parents' love and smoking but a significant(P<0.01) negative correlation with the experience of an illusion by chemical adhesives. There was a significant(P<0.01) negative correlations between parents' love and the experience of an illusion by chemical adhesives, and a significant(P<0.001) positive correlation among masturbation and sexual worries, smoking, an illusion by chemical adhesives and the experience of watching pornographic films. There was a significant(P<0.001) positive correlation among acquaintance with the opposite sex, smoking, the experience of an illusion by chemical adhesives and watching pornographic films. Sexual worries had significant(P<0.01) positive correlations with smoking, the experience of an illusion by chemical adhesives and watching pornographic films. smoking had a significant positive correlation with drinking the experirence of, an illusion by chemical adhesives and watching pornographic films. Finally, there was a significant(P<0.01) positive correlation between the drinking experience and the illusion experience by chemical adhesives. According to the results mentioned above, the fact is certain that there is a great need for sex education of adolescents. Therefore, it is desirable that the schools teach sexual physiology and normal positively and that sex education including hygien education be an independant course in the curriculums. Furthermore, it is essential that the schools should have enough nurse teachers to take up sex education, expand training opportunities for them and that they develop educational materials. Considering the unbalance of the level of sex educations between boys and girls, I want to suggest that all boys and girls have sex education evenly and lead happy lives by correction irrational thought about sex, that is to say, sex discrimination, Sex education programs, especially of middle school students, should be reexamined if it is to give the students effective and profitable knowledge about sex. In addition, the government should establish a policy of adolescents' sex education to have healthy opinions of sex settled nationwide.

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