• Title/Summary/Keyword: Automatic Grid Generation

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Application of Conservation Voltage Reduction using Automatic Voltage Regulator of Linear Voltage Control in Campus Microgrid with Power Consumption Reduction (에너지 절감을 고려한 캠퍼스 마이크로그리드에서 선형 전압제어 방식의 AVR을 이용한 CVR의 적용)

  • Lim, Il-Hyung;Lee, Myung-Hwan;Shin, Yong-Hark
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.66 no.7
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    • pp.1039-1046
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    • 2017
  • Campus microgrid is designed and built by considering not only power generation but also power consumption management as connected microgrid type because the main goal of the campus microgrid is to save power consumption costs. There are many functions to achieve the goal and they are mainly to use generation-based functions such as islanding operation for peak management and for emergency events. In power distribution operation, Conservation Voltage Reduction (CVR) is applied in order to reduce power consumption. The CVR is defined as a function for load consumption reduction by voltage reduction in order to reduce peak demands and energy consumption. However, application of CVR to microgrid is difficult because the microgrid cannot control a tap of transformer in a substation and the microgrid normally is not designed with phase modifying equipment like a step-voltage-regulator which can control voltage in power distribution system operation. In addition, an impact of the CVR is depended on load characteristics such as a normal load, a rated power, and synchronous motors. Therefore, this paper proposes an application of CVR using linear voltage control based AVR in campus microgrid with power consumption reduction considering characteristics of load and component in the microgrid. The proposed system can be applied to each buildings by a configuration of power distribution cables; and the application results and CVR factor are presented in this paper.

Generation of a City Spatial Model using a Digital Map and Draft Maps for a 3D Noise Map (3차원 소음지도제작을 위한 도화원도와 수치지도를 이용한 도시공간모델 생성)

  • Oh, So-Jung;Lee, Im-Pyeong;Kim, Seong-Joon;Choi, Kyoung-Ah
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.179-188
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    • 2008
  • This study aims for generating a city spatial model required for the creation of a 3D noise map. In this study, we propose an efficient method to generate 3D models of the terrain and buildings using only a digital map and draft maps previously established without using any sensory data. The terrain model is generated by interpolating into a grid the elevation values derived from both the contour lines and the elevation point of the digital map. Building model is generated by combining the 2D building boundaries and the building elevations extracted from the digital map and the draft map, respectively. This method has been then applied to a digital map and three sets of draft maps created in the different times. covering the entire area of Yeongdeungpo-gu. The generated city spatial model has been successfully utilized for the noise analysis and the 3D visualization of the analysis results.

A Robust Method for Automatic Generation of Moire Reference Phase from Noisy Image (노이즈 영상으로부터 모아레 기준 위상의 강인 자동 생성 방법)

  • Kim, Kuk-Won;Kim, Min-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.909-916
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    • 2009
  • This paper presents the automatic vision algorithm to generate and calibrate reference phase plane to improve the accuracy of 3D measuring machine of using phase shifting projection moire method, which is not traditional N-bucket method, but is based on direct image processing method to the pattern projection image. Generally, to acquire accurate reference phase plane, the calibration specimen with well treated surface is needed, and detailed calibration method should be performed. For the cost reduction of specimen manufacturing and the calibration time reduction, on the specimen, not specially designed, with general accuracy level, an efficient calibration procedure for the reference phase generation is proposed. The proposed vision algorithm is developed to extract the line center points of the projected line pattern from acquired images, derive the line feature information consisting of its slope and intercept by using sampled feature points, and finally generate the related reference phase between line pairs. Experimental results show that the proposed method make reference phase plane with a good accuracy under noisy environment and the proposed algorithm can reduce the total cost to make high accurate calibration specimen, also increase the accuracy of reference phase plane, and reduce the complex calibration procedure to move grid via N-bucket algorithm precisely.

Development of an Automatic Generation Methodology for Digital Elevation Models using a Two-Dimensional Digital Map (수치지형도를 이용한 DEM 자동 생성 기법의 개발)

  • Park, Chan-Soo;Lee, Seong-Kyu;Suh, Yong-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.113-122
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    • 2007
  • The rapid growth of aerial survey and remote sensing technology has enabled the rapid acquisition of very large amounts of geographic data, which should be analyzed using real-time visualization technology. The level of detail(LOD) algorithm is one of the most important elements for realizing real-time visualization. We chose the triangulated irregular network (TIN) method to generate normalized digital elevation model(DEM) data. First, we generated TIN data using contour lines obtained from a two-dimensional(2D) digital map and created a 2D grid array fitting the size of the area. Then, we generated normalized DEM data by calculating the intersection points between the TIN data and the points on the 2D grid array. We used constrained Delaunay triangulation(CDT) and ray-triangle intersection algorithms to calculate the intersection points between the TIN data and the points on the 2D grid array in each step. In addition, we simulated a three-dimensional(3D) terrain model based on normalized DEM data with real-time visualization using a Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 program in the DirectX API library and a quad-tree LOD algorithm.

  • PDF

Effect Analysis for Frequency Recovery of 524 MW Energy Storage System for Frequency Regulation by Simulator

  • Lim, Geon-Pyo;Choi, Yo-Han;Park, Chan-Wook;Kim, Soo-Yeol;Chang, Byung-Hoon;Labios, Remund
    • KEPCO Journal on Electric Power and Energy
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.227-232
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    • 2016
  • To test the effectiveness of using an energy storage system for frequency regulation, the Energy New Business Laboratory at KEPCO Research Institute installed a 4 MW energy storage system (ESS) demonstration facility at the Jocheon Substation on Jeju Island. And after the successful completion of demonstration operations, a total of 52 MW ESS for frequency regulation was installed in Seo-Anseong (28 MW, governor-free control) and in Shin-Yongin (24 MW, automatic generation control). The control system used in these two sites was based on the control system developed for the 4 MW ESS demonstration facility. KEPCO recently finished the construction of 184 MW ESS for frequency regulation in 8 locations, (e.g. Shin-Gimjae substation, Shin-Gaeryong substation, etc.) and they are currently being tested for automatic operation. KEPCO plans to construct additional ESS facilities (up to a total of about 500 MW for frequency regulation by 2017), thus, various operational tests would first have to be conducted. The high-speed characteristic of ESS can negatively impact the power system in case the 500 MW ESS is not properly operated. At this stage we need to verify how effectively the 500 MW ESS can regulate frequency. In this paper, the effect of using ESS for frequency regulation on the power system of Korea was studied. Simulations were conducted to determine the effect of using a 524 MW ESS for frequency regulation. Models of the power grid and the ESS were developed to verify the performance of the operation system and its control system. When a high capacity power plant is tripped, a 24 MW ESS supplies power automatically and 4 units of 125MW ESS supply power manually. This study only focuses on transient state analysis. It was verified that 500 MW ESS can regulate system frequency faster and more effectively than conventional power plants. Also, it was verified that time-delayed high speed operations of multiple ESS facilities do not negatively impact power system operations. It is recommended that further testing be conducted for a fleet of multiple ESSs with different capacities distributed over multiple substations (e.g. 16, 24, 28, and 48 MW ESS distributed across 20 substations) because each ESS measures frequency individually. The operation of one ESS facility will differ from the other ESSs within the fleet, and may negatively impact the performance of the others. The following are also recommended: (a) studies wherein all ESSs should be operated in automatic mode; (b) studies on the improvement of individual ESS control; and (c) studies on the reapportionment of all ESS energies within the fleet.

Analysis of Geometric and Spatial Image Quality of KOMPSAT-3A Imagery in Comparison with KOMPSAT-3 Imagery

  • Erdenebaatar, Nyamjargal;Kim, Jaein;Kim, Taejung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2017
  • This study investigates the geometric and spatial image quality analysis of KOMPSAT-3A stereo pair. KOMPSAT-3A is, the latest satellite of KOMPSAT family, a Korean earth observation satellite operating in optical bands. A KOMPSAT-3A stereo pair was taken on 23 November, 2015 with 0.55 m ground sampling distance over Terrassa area of Spain. The convergence angle of KOMPSAT-3A stereo pair was estimated as $58.68^{\circ}$. The investigation was assessed through the evaluation of the geopositioning analysis, image quality estimation and the accuracy of automatic Digital Surface Model (DSM) generation and compared with those of KOMPSAT-3 stereo pair with the convergence angle of $44.80^{\circ}$ over the same area. First, geopositioning accuracy was tested with initial rational polynomial coefficients (RPCs) and after compensating the biases of the initial RPCs by manually collected ground control points. Then, regarding image quality, relative edge response was estimated for manually selected points visible from two stereo pairs. Both of the initial and bias-compensated positioning accuracy and the quality assessment result expressed that KOMPSAT-3A images showed higher performance than those of KOMPSAT-3 images. Finally, the accuracy of DSMs generated from KOMPSAT-3A and KOMPSAT-3 stereo pairs were examined with respect to the reference LiDAR-derived DSM. The various DSMs were generated over the whole coverage of individual stereo pairs with different grid spacing and over three types of terrain; flat, mountainous and urban area. Root mean square errors of DSM from KOMPSAT-3A pair were larger than those for KOMPSAT-3. This seems due to larger convergence angle of the KOMPSAT-3A stereo pair.

Passage Planning in Coastal Waters for Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships using the D* Algorithm

  • Hyeong-Tak Lee;Hey-Min Choi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.281-287
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    • 2023
  • Establishing a ship's passage plan is an essential step before it starts to sail. The research related to the automatic generation of ship passage plans is attracting attention because of the development of maritime autonomous surface ships. In coastal water navigation, the land, islands, and navigation rules need to be considered. From the path planning algorithm's perspective, a ship's passage planning is a global path-planning problem. Because conventional global path-planning methods such as Dijkstra and A* are time-consuming owing to the processes such as environmental modeling, it is difficult to modify a ship's passage plan during a voyage. Therefore, the D* algorithm was used to address these problems. The starting point was near Busan New Port, and the destination was Ulsan Port. The navigable area was designated based on a combination of the ship trajectory data and grid in the target area. The initial path plan generated using the D* algorithm was analyzed with 33 waypoints and a total distance of 113.946 km. The final path plan was simplified using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm. It was analyzed with a total distance of 110.156 km and 10 waypoints. This is approximately 3.05% less than the total distance of the initial passage plan of the ship. This study demonstrated the feasibility of automatically generating a path plan in coastal navigation for maritime autonomous surface ships using the D* algorithm. Using the shortest distance-based path planning algorithm, the ship's fuel consumption and sailing time can be minimized.

A Study on Application of PC Based Digital Photogrammetric System - Focusing on Producing Digital Map, DEM and Orthophoto - (PC 기반 수치사진측량시스템의 활용방안에 관한 연구 - 수치지도, DEM, 정사영상 제작을 중심으로-)

  • Park Byung Uk;Seo Sang Il
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.303-312
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    • 2005
  • Digital map, DEM and orthophoto were produced by using PC based digital photogrammetric system and aerial photo images that were obtained with scale of 1/5,000 and scanning density of 1200dpi and 600dpi, and the accuracies of these outputs were evaluated by various methods. Non-skilled operator produced digital map with PC based digital photogrammetric system and aerial photo images scanned by 1200dpi. The results showed that it was impossible to insert contour lines, but the rest elements could be drawn with the accuracy of 1/1,000. In automatic generation of DEM, scanning density of aerial photo and grid interval of DEM didn't affect the accuracy of DEM. In production of orthophoto, we could know that the larger grid interval of DEM, the lower accuracy of orthophoto, but scanning density of original image had more effect on quality of orthophoto. By the way, accuracy comparison between orthophoto and digital map with same check points showed that orthophoto was more accurate than digital map, and orthophoto could be used in more diverse areas. Hereafter in civilian part, aerial photo image and PC based digital photogrammetric system could make practical application of data correction and update in GIS.