• Title/Summary/Keyword: Augmented Reality Technology

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A Study on the Tensile Deformation Characteristics of Knits and Appearance Using 3D Digital Virtual Clothing Systems (니트소재의 인장변형 특성과 3D 디지털 클로딩 시스템에 의한 외관표현에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Kyoung-Me;Kim, Jong-Jun
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.151-162
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    • 2012
  • The industry-wide development of digital technologies has also affected the textile and fashion industries immensely. The applications of 3D technology, virtual reality, and/or augmented reality systems have helped to create novel fashion brands based on the marriage of IT and textile/fashion industries. 3D digital virtual clothing systems have been developed to help the textile and fashion industries in terms of the planning, manufacturing, marketing and sales sectors. So far, most of the development effort for the 3d virtual clothing systems has been focused on the woven fabrics. The characteristics of woven fabrics differ from those of knitted fabric. Since the physical structures and mechanical properties of the knitted fabrics are definitely different from those of woven fabrics, the simulation process for the knitted fabrics should follow different approaches. The loops in a knitted fabric deform easily. The deformation results in a readily stretchable fabric appearance. Cloth simulation mostly employs models that approximate the mechanical properties of linear elastic planes. This simulation scheme does not, however, describe well enough the behavior of knitted fabrics, which deviate largely from the linear isotropic material characteristics. This study aims at characterizing the tensile deformation and surface textures of a knitted fabric product. Tensile deformation curves for the wale, course, and bias direction are analyzed. The surface texture of the knitted fabric is analyzed by using a 3-dimensional scanning device.

3D Human Shape Deformation using Deep Learning (딥러닝을 이용한 3차원 사람모델형상 변형)

  • Kim, DaeHee;Hwang, Bon-Woo;Lee, SeungWook;Kwak, Sooyeong
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 2020
  • Recently, rapid and accurate 3D models creation is required in various applications using virtual reality and augmented reality technology. In this paper, we propose an on-site learning based shape deformation method which transforms the clothed 3D human model into the shape of an input point cloud. The proposed algorithm consists of two main parts: one is pre-learning and the other is on-site learning. Each learning consists of encoder, template transformation and decoder network. The proposed network is learned by unsupervised method, which uses the Chamfer distance between the input point cloud form and the template vertices as the loss function. By performing on-site learning on the input point clouds during the inference process, the high accuracy of the inference results can be obtained and presented through experiments.

Measures for the Job Creation in the Convergence Content Industry : Focused on the VR/AR Game Industry (융합 콘텐츠 산업의 일자리 창출방안:VR/AR 게임 산업을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Ji-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.23 no.9
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    • pp.1110-1116
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    • 2019
  • With the rapid development of scientific technologies and the appearance of new industrial areas, the 4th industrial revolution is rapidly progressed while new values are created and realized by the conversion between industries. The researcher wrote the main questions through the preceding research on domestic and overseas major new technology convergence products and services. The researcher planned the in-depth interview, which is one of the qualitative research methodologies, and conducted the Kano method questionnaire that can embody multidimensional and strategic judgment rather than grasp fragmentary preference trends. According to the results, In addition to strengthening the technical capabilities of the VR/AR game industry, policy needs to raise professional manpower have been raised. Practical workforce development through close collaboration between industry and educational institutions, and continuous supply of human resources through retraining of existing game contents personnel. It gave direction to the creation of new jobs in the VR/AR game industry.

Study on AR/VR Model Generation Techniques Using Piping Isometric Drawing Files (배관 ISO도면 파일 기반 AR/VR모델 생성 기법 연구)

  • Lee, Jung-Min;Lee, Kyung-Ho;Kim, Yang-Ouk;Han, Young-Soo
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.19-24
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    • 2021
  • This paper presents a method to generate three-dimensional AR/VR models using the information in Isogen data files (IDFs). An IDF is an output file produced by ISOGEN that contains piping isometric drawings. A piping isometric drawing is used for pipeline installation in the shipyard; therefore, the drawing describes assembly information with symbolic features, not with detailed geometric features. An IDF specifies relationships between piping routes and components with three-dimensional points and tag information as well as the bill of the materials of a pipeline. The key idea of this paper is that AR/VR models can be generated with the piping route points data and piping components tag information in real time, without any conversion of standard data exchange file formats, such as STP, IGES, and SAT. This paper describes IDF data structure and suggests the geometry generation process with IDF data and parametric functions.

Directions for the Development of Digital Twins Applying the Grounded Theory Methods (근거이론을 활용한 디지털 트윈 발전 방향성 제시)

  • Kang, Minshik
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.65-70
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to propose specific directions for developing digital twin contents. This aim is achieved by thorough literature review and applying the grounded theory. Based on customers' need analysis, this study suggests the priorities of contents development of digital twins. As a result, complex workflows and dangerous training contents are adequate to be developed. Moreover, large-scale projects such as nuclear powerplants that are hard to build the mock-ups were considered to be effective. This study provides significant information for not only software developers but also clients who desire to reduce training fees and improve the complex workflows. Since these client companies operate based upon multiple complex workflows, this study encourages stakeholders to make effective decisions. This research needs further analysis of current digital twin technology- possibilities and limitations.

Smoke Rendering Method in Post-processing for Safety-Training Contents (안전 훈련 콘텐츠에 적합한 포스트 프로세싱 단계에서의 연기 렌더링 방법)

  • Park, Sanghyun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.26 no.11
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    • pp.1644-1652
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    • 2022
  • In the case of safety training where practical training is impossible due to risk problems, training contents using realistic media such as virtual reality or augmented reality are becoming a new alternative. In this paper, we propose a smoke modeling method that can be applied to safety-training contents implemented with realistic media technology. When an accident occurs in a hazardous area such as a petrochemical plant, visibility is not secured due to gas leakage and fire. In order to create such a situation, it is important to realistically express smoke. The proposed method is a smoke model implementation technique that can be effectively applied to the background of complex passages and devices such as petrochemical plants. In the proposed method, the smoke is expressed using volumetric rendering in the post-processing stage for the resulting image of scene rendering. Implementation results in the background of the factory show that the proposed method produces models that can express the smoke realistically.

A Study on Trainer and Cover Recognition Algorithm for Posture Recognition of Virtual Shooting Trainer (가상 사격 훈련자 자세인식을 위한 훈련자와 엄폐물 인식 알고리즘 연구)

  • Kim, Hyung-O;Hong, ChangHo;Cho, Sung Ho;Park, Youster
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2021.05a
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    • pp.298-300
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    • 2021
  • The Ministry of National Defense decided to build a realistic combat simulation training system based on virtual reality and augmented reality in accordance with the expansion of the scientific training system of "Defense Reform 2.0". The realistic combat simulation training system should be able to maximize the tension and training effect as in actual combat through engagement between trainers. In addition, it should be possible to increase the effectiveness of survival training at the same time as shooting training similar to actual combat through cover training. Previous studies are suitable techniques to improve the shooting precision of the trainee, but it is difficult to practice bilateral engagement like in actual combat, and it is particularly insufficient for combat shooting training using cover. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a S/W algorithm for generating a virtual avatar by recognizing the shooting posture of the opponent on the screen of the virtual shooting trainer. This S/W algorithm can recognize the trainer and the cover based on the depth information acquired through the depth sensor and estimate the trainer's posture.

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A Study on the Geomorphic Landscape of Yeongdong Area Described in the Haedong Myeongsan Docheop (해동명산도첩에 나타난 영동지역 지형 경관에 대한 연구)

  • Shin, Won Jeong;Kim, Jong Yeon
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.53-70
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    • 2020
  • Silgyeong sansuhwa (Realistic landscape paintings) are drawn in Korea since 17th century. It has characteristics of more realistic description of landscape than painting from previous periods. Kim Hong Do's 'Haedong Myeongsan docheop (The album of paintings of famous mountains in Korea)' has been recognized as fine example of realistic description of geomorphic landscapes. Kim Hong Do and Kim Eung hwan did official travel to Gwandong and Geumgangsan area by order of King Jeongjo in 1788. As a result of that travel they draw about 100 piece of landscape painting. About 60 pieces of the paintings are still remaining. These are open to public by Korea National Museum in 1996. 14 pieces of painting, Daegwanryeong and Gangneung, Gyeongpo-dae, Hohae-jeong, Gahak-jeong, Cheonggan-jeong, Mun-am, Mangyang-jeong, Wolsong-jeong, Neungpa-dae, Naksan-sa, Mureung-gye, Gyejo-gul, and Hyeonjong-am, are analysed in this study. Coastal depositional landforms, like lagoon, sand beach and spit or barriers, erosional forms, like sea stack, sea cliff and sea cave, depicted in the paintings are analysed. In addition, structural landforms, colluvial landform and bedrock incision form by the running water in mountain area were analysed and weathered forms of granite and excursion to karst cave also discussed. It is found that sea arch in the printing destroyed since 1788, though exact position and reason is still unknown. There are strong need for discovery and identification of geomorphic landscape resources, for applied geomorphological studies and for prepare educational materials for non-face-to-face education. It also be emphasized that it can be used of the course work materials for future education using augmented reality and virtual reality technology.

Fabrication of Flexible Micro LED for Beauty/Biomedical Applications (미용/의료용 유연 마이크로 발광 다이오드 디바이스 제작 공정)

  • Jae Hee Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.563-569
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    • 2023
  • Micro light-emitting diodes (LEDs), with a chip size of 100 micrometers or less, have attracted significant attention in flexible displays, augmented reality/virtual reality (AR/VR), and bio-medical applications as next-generation light sources due to their outstanding electrical, optical, and mechanical performance. In the realm of bio-medical devices, it is crucial to transfer tiny micro LED chips onto desired flexible substrates with low precision errors, high speed, and high yield for practical applications on various parts of the human body, including someone's face and organs. This paper aims to introduce a fabrication process for flexible micro LED devices and propose micro LED transfer techniques for cosmetic and medical applications. Flexible micro LED technology holds promise for treating skin disorders, cancers, and neurological diseases.

Research on Digital twin-based Smart City model: Survey (디지털 트윈 기반 스마트 시티 모델 연구 동향 분석)

  • Han, Kun-Hee;Hong, Sunghyuck
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.11 no.11
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    • pp.172-177
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    • 2021
  • As part of the digital era, a digital twin that simulates the weak part of a product by performing a stress test that reduces the lifespan of some expensive equipment that cannot be done in reality by accurately moving the real world to virtual reality is being actively used in the manufacturing industry. Due to the development of IoT, the digital twin, which accurately collects data collected from the real world and makes it the same in the virtual space, is mutually beneficial through accurate prediction of urban life problems such as traffic, disaster, housing, quarantine, energy, environment, and aging. Based on its action, it is positioned as a necessary tool for smart city construction. Although digital twin is widely applied to the manufacturing field, this study proposes a smart city model suitable for the 4th industrial revolution era by using it to smart cities and increasing citizens' safety, welfare, and convenience through the proposed model. In addition, when a digital twin is applied to a smart city, it is expected that more accurate prediction and analysis will be possible by real-time synchronization between the real and virtual by maintaining realism and immediacy through real-time interaction.