• Title/Summary/Keyword: Assistant

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Design and Implementation of Early Childhood Learning Assistant System using Block Coding Technique (블록 코딩기법을 이용한 유아 학습 보조 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Park, Sun-Yi;Park, Hee-Sook
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 2022
  • As the COVID-19 situation continues, early childhood are unable to attend early childhood education institutions and are spending more time with their parents at home. Parents are faced with a situation where they have to spend a lot of time at home to teach their children for Korean word learning or play activities. This act as a lot of psychological burden and stress for parents. In order to relieve the psychological burden of parents, the design and implementation of early childhood learning assistant system that can support Korea word education and play activities using artificial intelligence blocks of block coding technique was proposed in this study. The usage of a proposed system can not only reduce the burden on parents for their children's learning, but also can be actively used in the field of early childhood education so many learning effects can be expected.

Differences in Clinical Professors' Work-Life Balance by Position in Medical Schools (의과대학 임상교수 직급에 따른 일과 삶의 균형 차이 )

  • Yu Ra Kim;Hwan Ho Lee;So Jung Yune
    • Korean Medical Education Review
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2023
  • We investigated the work-life balance of clinical professors in charge of patient care, research, and education at medical schools and the demand for work-life balance support according to position (professor, associate professor, or assistant professor). In total, 163 clinical professors completed the consent form and participated in the study. They filled out an online survey consisting of questions about essential characteristics, a work-life balance test, stress, burnout, work-life satisfaction, and work-life balance support needs. We analyzed the results by analysis of variance and cross-tabulation using IBM SPSS ver. 23.0. Differences were found in work-life balance, stress, burnout, and satisfaction with life and work by position. The requirements for support for work-life balance also varied by professional status. Professors had a higher balance between life and work than associate professors or assistant professors. The specific requirements for work-life balance support were also slightly different for each position. Overall, there was a high demand for work process simplification and efficiency for work support, flexible working hours and sabbatical years for family and leisure, and career management consulting and training support for growth. Assistant professors and associate professors had a lower level of work-life balance than professors, as well as higher levels of stress and burnout. Professors' job satisfaction was also higher than that of the other groups. Based on the results of this study, we hope that a healthy work environment can be established through work-life balance support suitable for clinical professors' positions.

Path Analysis of the Effects of Nurse Staffing on Patient Outcomes in Long-Term Care Hospitals (요양병원 간호인력 배치수준이 환자결과에 미치는 영향에 관한 경로분석)

  • Seong, Jiyeong;Cho, Sung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.249-260
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: The study aimed to examine the effects of nurse staffing levels on patient outcomes in long-term care hospitals in South Korea using path analysis. Methods: We conducted a secondary analysis of national data, which included the 2021 hospital assessment results of long-term care hospitals from the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service. Data collection was performed between June 19 and June 27, 2023. The study sample consisted of 1,215 hospitals, and we analyzed the data using SAS 9.4 and Mplus 8 software. Results: The average numbers of patients per registered nurse, certified nursing assistant, and nursing staff, including both registered nurses and certified nursing assistant, was 10.00, 7.43, and 4.00, respectively. Path analysis revealed that the number of patients per registered nurse had direct effects on improvements in activities of daily living and indirect effects on indwelling catheterization, pressure ulcer improvement, and weight loss. The number of patients per certified nursing assistant had direct effects on new pressure ulcer development and pressure ulcer improvement, with no indirect effects. The number of patients per nursing staff had direct effects on pressure ulcer improvement and no indirect effects on other patient outcomes. Conclusion: The findings suggest that establishing policies to evaluate staffing levels of registered nurse and certified nursing assistants separately is necessary in order to improve registered nurse staffing levels and patient outcomes in long-term care hospitals.

Using ChatGPT as a proof assistant in a mathematics pathways course

  • Hyejin Park;Eric D. Manley
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.63 no.2
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    • pp.139-163
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the capabilities of ChatGPT as a tool for supporting students in generating mathematical arguments that can be considered proofs. To examine this, we engaged students enrolled in a mathematics pathways course in evaluating and revising their original arguments using ChatGPT feedback. Students attempted to find and prove a method for the area of a triangle given its side lengths. Instead of directly asking students to prove a formula, we asked them to explore a method to find the area of a triangle given the lengths of its sides and justify why their methods work. Students completed these ChatGPT-embedded proving activities as class homework. To investigate the capabilities of ChatGPT as a proof tutor, we used these student homework responses as data for this study. We analyzed and compared original and revised arguments students constructed with and without ChatGPT assistance. We also analyzed student-written responses about their perspectives on mathematical proof and proving and their thoughts on using ChatGPT as a proof assistant. Our analysis shows that our participants' approaches to constructing, evaluating, and revising their arguments aligned with their perspectives on proof and proving. They saw ChatGPT's evaluations of their arguments as similar to how they usually evaluate arguments of themselves and others. Mostly, they agreed with ChatGPT's suggestions to make their original arguments more proof-like. They, therefore, revised their original arguments following ChatGPT's suggestions, focusing on improving clarity, providing additional justifications, and showing the generality of their arguments. Further investigation is needed to explore how ChatGPT can be effectively used as a tool in teaching and learning mathematical proof and proof-writing.

Software Education Class Model using Generative AI - Focusing on ChatGPT (생성형 AI를 활용한 소프트웨어교육 수업모델 연구 - ChatGPT를 중심으로)

  • Myung-suk Lee
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.16 no.3_spc
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    • pp.275-282
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    • 2024
  • This study studied a teaching model for software education using generative AI. The purpose of the study is to use ChatGPT as an instructor's assistant in programming classes for non-major students by using ChatGPT in software education. In addition, we designed ChatGPT to enable individual learning for learners and provide immediate feedback when students need it. The research method was conducted using ChatGPT as an assistant for non-computer majors taking a liberal arts Python class. In addition, we confirmed whether ChatGPT has the potential as an assistant in programming education for non-major students. Students actively used ChatGPT for writing assignments, correcting errors, writing coding, and acquiring knowledge, and confirmed various advantages, such as being able to focus on understanding the program rather than spending a lot of time resolving errors. We were able to see the potential for ChatGPT to increase students' learning efficiency, and we were able to see that more research is needed on its use in education. In the future, research will be conducted on the development, supplementation, and evaluation methods of educational models using ChatGPT.

The Effect of Infection Control Education Program on Infection Control Knowledge and Infection Control Performance of Visiting Nursing Nursing Assistant Trainees (감염예방 교육프로그램이 방문간호 간호조무사 교육생의 감염관리 지식과 감염관리 수행도에 미치는 영향)

  • Seong-Mi Yu;Jeong-Hyeon Kong;Hee-Kyung Kong
    • Journal of the Health Care and Life Science
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.127-133
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to develop an infection control education program for visiting nursing assistant trainees and to verify its effectiveness. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire from 56 visiting nursing assistant trainees, and data were analyzed by applying frequency analysis, mean and standard deviation and t-test with the SPSS WIN 21.0 program. After applying the infection control program, the knowledge and performance of the subjects before and after education increased statistically significantly. In this way, it is necessary to continuously develop infection control education and programs to improve the level of infection control knowledge and performance of visiting nursing assistants.

Effects on the continuous use intention of AI-based voice assistant services: Focusing on the interaction between trust in AI and privacy concerns (인공지능 기반 음성비서 서비스의 지속이용 의도에 미치는 영향: 인공지능에 대한 신뢰와 프라이버시 염려의 상호작용을 중심으로)

  • Jang, Changki;Heo, Deokwon;Sung, WookJoon
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.22-45
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    • 2023
  • In research on the use of AI-based voice assistant services, problems related to the user's trust and privacy protection arising from the experience of service use are constantly being raised. The purpose of this study was to investigate empirically the effects of individual trust in AI and online privacy concerns on the continued use of AI-based voice assistants, specifically the impact of their interaction. In this study, question items were constructed based on previous studies, with an online survey conducted among 405 respondents. The effect of the user's trust in AI and privacy concerns on the adoption and continuous use intention of AI-based voice assistant services was analyzed using the Heckman selection model. As the main findings of the study, first, AI-based voice assistant service usage behavior was positively influenced by factors that promote technology acceptance, such as perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and social influence. Second, trust in AI had no statistically significant effect on AI-based voice assistant service usage behavior but had a positive effect on continuous use intention. Third, the privacy concern level was confirmed to have the effect of suppressing continuous use intention through interaction with trust in AI. These research results suggest the need to strengthen user experience through user opinion collection and action to improve trust in technology and alleviate users' concerns about privacy as governance for realizing digital government. When introducing artificial intelligence-based policy services, it is necessary to disclose transparently the scope of application of artificial intelligence technology through a public deliberation process, and the development of a system that can track and evaluate privacy issues ex-post and an algorithm that considers privacy protection is required.

Dental Assistant and Dental Hygienist-comparison with U.S. (치과 보조 인력과 치과위생사-미국의 제도 비교)

  • Youngyuhn Choi
    • Journal of Korean Dental Hygiene Science
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.65-77
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    • 2023
  • Background: The shortage of dental hygienists as assistant is a great concern to dental clinics, while dental hygienists are rather pursuing the role of oral hygiene control and preventive treatments which is the main role for dental hygienists in the United States. The dental hygienist and dental assistant system in the United States can be a reference in these discussions. Methods: Educational requirements for licensure and work areas for dental hygienists and dental assistants were investigated through the information provided by the American Dental Association (ADA), American Dental Hygienists Association, National Board Dental Hygiene Examination (NBDHE), Dental Assistants Association of America (ADAA), and Dental Assistants National Board (DANB). Results: In the United States, each state has different systems, but in general, dental hygienists obtain licenses after completing 2~3 years of associate degree programs in dental hygiene after obtaining basic learning skills, and mainly perform tasks related to patient screening procedures, oral hygiene management and preventive care. Dental assistants can take the license test after completing a training course of 9~11 months to obtain a dental assistant certification. Additional expanded work typically requires passing state qualification tests, completing a training program, obtaining a degree, or gaining clinical experience for a certain period of time, depending on the state Conclusion: The scope of work of dental hygienists designated by the Medical Engineer Act and the Enforcement Decree in Korea includes both the work of dental hygienists and dental assistants in the United States, and if a dental assistant system like the United States is introduced to address the current shortage of dental assistants, institutional supplementation such as adjustment of the scope of work and expansion of the role of dental hygienists in oral hygiene management and prevention work is needed and in-depth discussion is necessary.

Analysis of the Self-sufficiency's Level and Support Need for it in Rural Multicultural Families (농촌 다문화가족의 자립인식 수준과 지원 요구)

  • Yang, Soon Mi
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.953-987
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    • 2013
  • This study aimed at identifying level of self-sufficiency, and support need for it in rural multicultural families. Frist, the level of self-sufficiency in rural multicultural families was the lowest in a information sub-area, whereas it was the highest in a socio-psychological relation sub-area. Second, the chi-square test showed that the level of assistant request for a cost-of-living allowance was high in the multicultural family group received the medical social security(MSS) or not prepared the expenditure for children education or the golden years. Whereas the level of assistant request for the education of marketing or agricultural technology was high in the multicultural family group not received MSS or prepared the expenditure for children education or the golden years. Third, rate of PC ownership in the rural multicultural families was lower than that of national whole. and difference of it according to the living characteristics uch as MSS was not statistically significant. Fourth, difference in level of assistant request for children education and social dimension according to the living characteristics such as MSS was not statistically significant. It means that assistant request for children education and social dimension have universality without distinction the living characteristics such as MSS. And to conclude, support for self-sufficiency in rural multicultural families should be selective approach with discriminative or integrational viewpoint according to the living characteristics such as MSS or area of self-sufficiency. Findings of this study may be used as a basic material to establish the policy supporting self-sufficiency in rural multicultural families.

Feasibility Study of Applying the Acrylic Assistant Equipment (ACR) to Reduce Patient's Discomfort in Lower Abdomen MRI Scan (하복부 MRI 검사 시 환자의 불편함을 줄이기 위한 아크릴 보조 장치 사용의 타당성 조사)

  • Park, Eunhye;Lee, Minsik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.475-480
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    • 2018
  • In lower abdominal MRI scan, patients have been tested by physically contacting with the body array coil. In this study, we have designed the acrylic assistant equipment (ACR) which allows the contactless scan of the patient to the coil and evaluated the feasibility by comparing the acquired images with ACR to those obtained without ACR. We tested 10 cases (F: 5, m: 5) by using the Ingenia 3.0TTM MR system and dStreamTM torso coil (Philips Healthcare, Netherlands). We implemented T1 AX TSE and eTHRIVE (GRE) techniques. The scanned images were quantitatively and qualitatively assessed. In qualitatively, the TSE shows 4.44 and 4.56 mean values with and without the ACR and 4.34 and 4.28 at the GRE, respectively. In quantitatively, the TSE shows 12.15 CNR, 17.95 SNR and 12.71 CNR, 18.96 SNR with and without the ACR. And GRE shows 17.72 CNR, 22.59 SNR and 18.26 CNR, 24.47 SNR with and without the ACR, respectively. We have designed and implemented the acrylic assistant equipment to lower abdominal patients. Our data indicate that it is possible to obtain similar image qualities to current lower abdominal MRI scan without the physical contact to the patient.