• Title/Summary/Keyword: Art Rehabilitation Program

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An Experimental Clinical Phonetic Study on Patients of Dysarthria, Tonsilhypertrophy, Nasal Obstruction, and Cleft Palate (마비성조음장애, 편도 비대, 비폐쇄 및 구개열 환자의 실험 임상 음성학적 연구)

  • Kim, H.G.;Ko, D.H.;Shin, H.K.;Hong, K.H.;Seo, J.H.
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.2
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    • pp.67-88
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    • 1997
  • The aim of this study is to develop an assessment program of speech rehabilitation for children having some language and speech disorders. Patients of dysarthria, tonsillectomy, tonsilhypertrophy, and nasal obstruction were selected for this experimental clinical phonetic study. Formant variations ($F_1\;&\;F_2$) show pre- and post-operation differences in tonsillectomy and cleft palate patients. Nasal formants ($NF_1\;&\;NF_2$) show pre- and post-operation differences in nasal obstruction. The articulation reaction time (ART) as a parameter was used to assess Voice Onset Time(VOT). It was shown longer duration for hypokinetic dysarthria and shorter for atoxic dysarthria.. The diadochokinetic rate was measured by Visi-pitch. Lower diadochokinetic rate appeared to spastic and dysarthria in comparison with the control group. It was shown that the nasalance of tonsilhypertrophy, nasal obstruction, and cleft palate patients was seen to increase after operation. In addition, the assessment of nasality can be measured only by simple vowels such as /a/ and /i/.

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Cortical Network Activated by Korean Traditional Opera (Pansori): A Functional MR Study

  • Kim, Yun-Hee;Kim, Hyun-Gi;Kim, Seong-Yong;Kim, Hyoung-Ihl;Todd. B. Parrish;Hong, In-Ki;Sohn, Jin-Hun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility Conference
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.113-119
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    • 2000
  • The Pansori is a Korean traditional vocal music that has a unique story and melody which converts deep emotion into art. It has both verbal and emotional components. which can be coordinated by large-scale neural network. The purpose of this study is to illustrate the cortical network activated by a Korean traditional opera, Pansori, with different emotional valence using functional MRI (fMRI).Nine right-handed volunteers participated. Their mean age was 25.3 and the mean modified Edinburgh score was +90.1. Activation tasks were designed for the subjects to passively listen to the two parts of Pansories with sad or hilarious emotional valence. White noise was introduced during the control periods. Imaging was conducted on a 1.5T Siemens Vision Vision scanner. Single-shot echoplanar fMRI scans (TR/TE 3840/40 ms, flip angle 90, FOV 220, 64 x 64 matrix, 6mm thickness) were acquired in 20 contiguous slices. Imaging data were motion-corrected, coregistered, normalized, and smoothed using SPM-96 software.Bilateral posterior temporal regions were activated in both of Pansori tasks, but different asymmetry between the tasks was found. The Pansori with sad emotion showed more activation in the light superior temporal regions as well as the right inferior frontal and the orbitofrontal areas than in the right superior temporal regions as well as the right inferior frontal and the orbitofrontal areas than in the left side. In the Pansori with hilarious emotion, there was a remarkable activation in the left hemisphere especially at the posterior temporal and the temporooccipital regions as well as in the left inferior and the prefrontal areas. After subtraction between two tasks, the sad Pansori showed more activation in the right temporoparietal and the orbitofrontal areas, in contrast, the one with hilarious emotion showed more activation in the left temporal and the prefrontal areas. These results suggested that different hemispheric asymmetry and cortical areas are subserved for the processing of different emotional valences carried by the Pansories.

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Innovative approaches to the health problems of rural Korea (한국농촌보건(韓國農村保健)의 문제점(問題點)과 개선방안(改善方案))

  • Loh, In-Kyu
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.5-9
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    • 1976
  • The categories of national health problems may be mainly divided into health promotion, problems of diseases, and population-economic problems which are indirectly related to health. Of them, the problems of diseases will be exclusively dealt with this speech. Rurality and Disease Problems There are many differences between rural and urban areas. In general, indicators of rurality are small size of towns, dispersion of the population, remoteness from urban centers, inadequacy of public transportation, poor communication, inadequate sanitation, poor housing, poverty, little education lack of health personnels and facilities, and in-accessibility to health services. The influence of such conditions creates, directly or indirectly, many problems of diseases in the rural areas. Those art the occurrence of preventable diseases, deterioration and prolongation of illness due to loss of chance to get early treatment, decreased or prolonged labour force loss, unnecessary death, doubling of medical cost, and economic loss. Some Considerations of Innovative Approach The followings art some considerations of innovative approaches to the problems of diseases in the rural Korea. 1. It would be essential goal of the innovative approaches that the damage and economic loss due to diseases will be maintained to minimum level by minimizing the absolute amount of the diseases, and by moderating the fee for medical cares. The goal of the minimization of the disease amount may be achieved by preventive services and early treatment, and the goal of moderating the medical fee may be achieved by lowering the prime cost and by adjusting the medical fees to reasonable level. 2. Community health service or community medicine will be adopted as a innovative means to disease problems. In this case, a community is defined as an unit area where supply and utilization of primary service activities can be accomplished within a day. The essential nature o the community health service should be such activities as health promotion, preventive measures, medical care, and rehabilitation performing efficiently through the organized efforts of the residents in a community. Each service activity should cover all members of the residents in a community in its plan and performance. The cooperation of the community peoples in one of the essential elements for success of the service program, The motivations of their cooperative mood may be activated through several ways: when the participation of the residents in service program of especially the direct participation of organized cooperation of the area leaders art achieved through a means of health education: when the residents get actual experience of having received the benefit of good quality services; and when the health personnels being armed with an idealism that they art working in the areas to help health problems of the residents, maintain good human relationships with them. For the success of a community health service program, a personnel who is in charge of leadership and has an able, a sincere and a steady characters seems to be required in a community. The government should lead and support the community health service programs of the nation under the basis of results appeared in the demonstrative programs so as to be carried out the programs efficiently. Moss of the health problems may be treated properly in the community levels through suitable community health service programs but there might be some problems which art beyond their abilities to be dealt with. To solve such problems each community health service program should be under the referral systems which are connected with health centers, hospitals, and so forth. 3. An approach should be intensively groped to have a physician in each community. The shortage of physicians in rural areas is world-wide problem and so is the Korean situation. In the past the government has initiated a system of area-limited physician, coercion, and a small scale of scholarship program with unsatisfactory results. But there might be ways of achieving the goal by intervice, broadened, and continuous approaches. There will be several ways of approach to motivate the physicians to be settled in a rural community. They are, for examples, to expos the students to the community health service programs during training, to be run community health service programs by every health or medical schools and other main medical facilities, communication activities and advertisement, desire of community peoples to invite a physician, scholarship program, payment of satisfactory level, fulfilment of military obligation in case of a future draft, economic growth and development of rural communities, sufficiency of health and medical facilities, provision of proper medical care system, coercion, and so forth. And, hopefully, more useful reference data on the motivations may be available when a survey be conducted to the physicians who are presently engaging in the rural community levels. 4. In communities where the availability of a physician is difficult, a trial to use physician extenders, under certain conditions, may be considered. The reason is that it would be beneficial for the health of the residents to give them the remedies of primary medical care through the extenders rather than to leave their medical problems out of management. The followings are the conditions to be considered when the physician extenders are used: their positions will be prescribed as a temporary one instead of permanent one so as to allow easy replacement of the position with a physician applicant; the extender will be under periodic direction and supervision of a physician, and also referral channel will be provided: legal constraints will be placed upon the extenders primary care practice, and the physician extenders will used only under the public medical care system. 5. For the balanced health care delivery, a greater investment to the rural areas is needed to compensate weak points of a rurality. The characteristics of a rurality has been already mentioned. The objective of balanced service for rural communities to level up that of urban areas will be hard to achieve without greater efforts and supports. For example, rural communities need mobile powers more than urban areas, communication network is extremely necessary at health delivery facilities in rural areas as well as the need of urban areas, health and medical facilities in rural areas should be provided more substantially than those of urban areas to minimize, in a sense, the amount of patient consultation and request of laboratory specimens through referral system of which procedures are more troublesome in rural areas, and more intensive control measures against communicable diseases are needed in rural areas where greater numbers of cases are occurred under the poor sanitary conditions.

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The Effect of 12-weeks Aquatic Exercise on Dynamic Balance and Pain Factors in Elderly Osteoarthritis Patients (12주간의 수중운동이 노인 골관절염 환자의 동적평형성과 통증요인에 미치는 영향)

  • Im, Sun-Young;Eo, Su-Ju;Kim, Song-June;Hur, Sung-Hoon;An, Kyung-Jun;Lee, Jang-Kyu;Lee, Jong-Sam
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.601-609
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    • 2016
  • This study evaluated the dynamic balance and pain after 12 weeks aquatic exercise in old osteoarthritis patients. The dynamic balances were assessed using 2 different experimental conditions (Open Eye Condition; OEC, Closed Eye Condition; CEC). Twenty-two subjects were assigned one of the two experimental groups: arthritis group (ART, age=$65.25{\pm}5.9$, n=11), control group(CON, age=$64.50{\pm}7$, n=11). All subjects participated in the aquatic exercise program three times a week for 12 weeks. The dynamic balances (OEC (p<.001), CEC (p<.05)) capability were improved significantly in the ART group after 12 week aquatic exercise. Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) was decreased significantly [Factor 10(Soft chair, p<0.01), 11 (Lying down, p<0.05), 12(Handicap, p<0.05), 13 (Work interference, p<0.01)] in the ART group. In conclusion, aquatic exercise was effective in improving the overall health status and the capacity of dynamic balances and reducing the degree of pain in osteoarthritis patients.

The Effect of Intervention on Improving Cognitive Function of Patients with Dementia in Korea : A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials (국내 치매환자의 인지기능 향상을 위한 중재의 효과: 무작위 대조군 실험연구의 체계적 문헌고찰)

  • Jung, Jae-Hun
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.91-102
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to systematically review about randomized controlled trials the characteristics and effect of cognitive function intervention for patient with dementia. We searched studies published from January 2010 to June 2021 in 5 databases. A total 1,104 studies were found and included 27 studies in final analysis. Methodological quality was assessment with the Cochrane's RoB(risk of bias) tool. Mini-Mental State Examination(MMSE) was the most used as the assessment tool for identifying the cognitive function. Cognitive function intervention were exercise, art, cognitive stimulation, reminiscence, music, multimodal cognitive rehabilitation, virtual reality, horticultural, computerized cognitive training, intentional snoezelen, beauty, cooking, korean traditional familiarity program. Most of the intervention except exercise 2, virtual reality 1, beauty 1 were effective in improving cognitive function. This study provided a clinical evidence for planning and implementing intervention for cognitive function intervention. In the future, various intervention studies suitable for the characteristics of dementia should be conducted by improving the quality of research methods.

The Effect of Fumanet Exercise Program for Life care on Cognition Function, Depression in Dementia (라이프케어 증진을 위한 후마네트 운동프로그램이 치매노인의 인지기능, 우울기능에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Na Yun;Ahn, So Hyun;Yang, Yeong Ae
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: As dementia progresses, cognitive function decreasing leads to memory loss, speech degradation, time and space degradation and judgment degradation, which causes difficulties in carrying out tasks related to daily life. It was said that community-based non-drug intervention therapy for early dementia patients was important to participate in entertainment treatment, including activities such as awareness and exercise therapy, exercise rehabilitation, aerobic exercise, and art. Methods: This study conducted 15 experimental and 15 control groups(experimental group : Fumanet exercise, control group : general occupational therapy) for eight weeks at the Daycare Center in Gyeonggi-do to find out the impact of the Fumanet exercise program on cognitive and depression functions of the elderly. The pre-post evaluation used KGDS, MMSE. Results: There were significant differences between the two groups in the function of menopause, memory recall, attention concentration and calculation, and depression, and no significant results were obtatined in memory registration, language function, understanding and fracture. The Fumanet movement was judged to be effective in improving cognitive function and reducing depression for the elderly with dementia. Conclisions: The Fumanet movement was judged to be effective in improving cognitive function and reducing depression for the elderly with dementia.

Case Study on the Application and Evaluation of an Integrated Medical Service Model to Improve the Quality of Life for Breast Cancer Patients and Caregivers (유방암 환자와 보호자의 삶의 질 증진을 위한 통합의료서비스모델 적용평가 사례 연구)

  • Moon Joo Cheong;Do-Eun Lee;Un Jong Choi;Han Baek Cho;Hyung Won Kang
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.163-178
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    • 2024
  • Purpose : This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of an integrative medical service model applied to breast cancer patients and their caregivers, exploring its feasibility and challenges within the context of South Korean healthcare system. Methods : A case study approach was chosen to assess the integrative medical service model's efficacy, involving one breast cancer patient and her primary caregiver from W University Hospital. The patient had completed reconstructive surgery and chemotherapy and was undergoing radiotherapy. The model included standard treatments alongside psychological counseling, aromatherapy, axillary rehabilitation exercise, make-up program, art therapy, laughter therapy, horticultural therapy, and yoga programs, and meditation programs delivered over eight weeks. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected through surveys, psychological tests, and feedback assessments. Results : The integrative medical service model demonstrated notable improvements in the quality of life for both breast cancer patients and their caregivers. Participants reported enhanced emotional well-being, reduced stress levels, and improved coping mechanisms throughout the treatment journey. Qualitative feedback highlighted the positive impact of holistic interventions in alleviating psychological distress and fostering resilience. Quantitative data corroborated these findings, showing statistically significant improvements in various psychosocial parameters assessed. Conclusions : Our findings underscore the benefits of integrative medical service model with standard medical treatments in the care of breast cancer patients and their caregivers. The holistic approach not only addresses physical symptoms but also enhances overall well-being and quality of life. However, the implementation of such models faces challenges within the South Korean healthcare system, including fragmented service networks and financial constraints. Addressing these structural barriers is crucial for the widespread adoption and sustainability of integrative care models in oncology practice. Future research should focus on larger-scale studies to further validate these findings and inform policy decisions aimed at optimizing cancer care delivery.

A Preliminary Study on Setting Philosophy and Curriculum Development in Nursing Education (간호교육 철학정립 및 교육과정 개발을 위한 기초조사)

  • 정연강;김윤회;양광희;한경자;한상임
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.162-188
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    • 1988
  • The purpose of this study is to guide the direction of the Korean nursing education to analysize ⑴ the philosophy and objectives ⑵ curriculum, and ⑶ educational environment. This analysis is based on the data from 50 nursing schools (14 4-year colleges and 35 3-year colleges) The survey was conducted from Dec. 1986 through Jan. 1987 by mail. 1) Educational philosophy and objectives 10 4-year colleges and 8 3-year college program have curricular philosoph. Most popular curricular philosophies are human beings, health, nursing, nursology, nursing education, nurses role in the present and in the future. 10 nursing schools mentioned that human being is the subject to interact with : environment physically, mentally and socially. 2 schools mentioned that health is the state of functioning well physically, mentally and socially. 13 schools mentioned that the nursing is the dynamic act to maintain and to promote the highest possible level of health. 4 schools mentioned that the nursology is an applied science. 4 schools mentioned that nursing education is the process to induce the behavioural changes based on the individual ability. There is different opinion about the nurses' role between 4-year college and 3-year college. In the responses from 4-year colleges they focus on the leadership in effective changes, self-regulating and self-determining responsibilities, applying the new technology, continuing education, and participation in research to further nursing knowledge. In the responses from 3-year colleges, they focus on the education in college, primary health care nursing, direct care provider and public health education. Among 50 respondents 40 schools have educational goals which can be divided into two categories. One is to establish the moral and the other is to develop the professionalism. 2) Curriculm The analsis of curriculum is only based on the data from the 4-year colleges because the most of 3-year colleges follow the curriculum guideline set by the Ministry of Education. a) Comparison of the credits in cultural subject and in nursing major. The average required credit for graduation is 154.6 and the median credit is the range of 140-149. The average credit of cultural subjects is 43.4. In detail, the average number of credit of required course and elective courses are 24.1 and 19.3 respectively. The average credit for major subject is 111.2. In detail, the average credit for required courses and electives course are 100.9 and 10.4 respectively. In 5 colleges, students are offered even on elective course b) Comparison of the credit by class. The average earned credits are as follows : 41.1 in freshman, 400 in sophormore 38.3 in junior and 32.4 in senior. Cultural subjects are studied in early phases. c) Comparison of the compulsory and elective cultural subject by institute. The range of credit is 7-43 in compulsory cultural subjects and there are lot of differences among institutions. While all respondents require liberal arts as compulsary subjects, few respondents lists social science, natural science and behavioral science as required subjects. Social science-related subjects are frequently chosen as cultural subjects d) Distribution of creditsin cultural subjects by institute. The liberal art subjects are taught in 20 institute. English and physical education courses are taught in all instituions. The social science subjects are taught in 15 colleges and the basic Psycology and the Basic sociology are the most popular subjects. The natural science subjects are taught in 7 colleges and Biology and Chemistry are the most popular subjects among them. e) Distribution of credits in major basic courses by institute. Most of the institutes select Anatomy, Microbiology, Physiology, biochemistry and Pathology as basic major courses. f) Comparison of the required and elective courses for nursing major by institutions. Subjects and credit ranges in major are varing by institute. More than half of the respondents select the following subjects as required major subjects. (1) Adults Health Nursing and Practice (19.5 credits) (2) Mother and Child Care and Practice (8.9 credits) (3) Community Health Care and Practice (8.5 credits) (4) Psychiatric Nursing Care and Practice (8.1 credits) (5) Nursing Management and Practice (3.9 credits) (6) Fundamental of Nursing, Nursing Research and Health Assessment and Practice. Three institutions select Introduction to nursing, Rehabilitation Nursing, School Nursing, Public Health Nursing, Nursing English, Communication, Human Development as electives in nursing major. 3) Educational environment a) Nursing institution There are forty-three 3-year colleges and seventeen 4-year colleges and 81.4% of which are private b) Number of students and faculty 19.2% of the students are in 4-year colleges and 80.8% of the students are in 3-year colleges. In 4-year colleges, the number of nursing faculty members is in the other of assistant professor, instructor and professor. In 3-year colleges, the orderiis lecturer, associate professor, full time instructor and assistant professor. In 4-year colleges, 18.8 students are allocated per nursing faculty and in 3-year colleges, 33.1 students are allocated per nursing faculty. c) Clinical practices 66.7% of the 4-year colleges practice over 1201 hours in clinic and 28.5% of 3-year colleges practice over 1201 hours in clinic. In 4-year colleges, 11.5 students are allocated per nursing faculty and in 3-year colleges,17 students are allocated per nursing faculty The survey shows no difference in the procedure between 4-year colleges and 3-year colleges but 3-year colleges choose the more variety practicing site such as special hospital and community health clinic. d) Audiovisual facilities The survey shows a lot of difference in audiovisual facilities among institution and 3-year colleges are less equipped than 4-year colleges.

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