• Title/Summary/Keyword: Arc Grid

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Estimation of Flows and Pollutant Loads from GIS Analysis using Cell-based Geospatial and Georgraphic Information Data (격자기반의 지형 및 지리정보자료와 GIS분석기법을 이용한 유역의 유출량 및 오염부하량 추정)

  • Cho, Jae-Myoung;Lee, Mi-Ran;Yun, Hong-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.381-392
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    • 2011
  • Pollutant loads calculated with unit factor method can not identity seasonal variations of pollutant inputs. Estimation of pollutant loads considering rainfall runoff can overcome these limits. SCS curve number method was applied to estimate runoff of each event of Koeup watershed of Koheung estuary lake. SCS curve numbers were calculated based upon land use, soil types of the catchment using GIS. Point and nonpoint source pollutant loads were summed up for total loads estimation. Those from nonpoint source were estimated by multiplying the calculated runoff and expected mean concentrations (EMC) presented by the Minister of Environment of Korea. DEM can present three dimensional views of a terrain, identity stream networks and flow accumulation. Furthermore, it can examine accumulated pollutant loads of specific point of a catchment. Therefore, cell based pollutant load estimation was attempted using DEM. ArcView was utilized to collect, store and manipulate spatial and attribute data of pollutant sources and features of the catchment. Cell-based DEM which was established by the GRID module of ARC/INFO was employed to estimate flows and pollutant loads.

A Study on the Soil Contamination(Maps) Using the Handheld XRF and GIS in Abandoned Mining Areas (휴대용 XRF와 GIS를 이용한 폐광산 지역의 토양오염에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyeon-Gyu;Choi, Yo-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.195-206
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    • 2014
  • In this study, soil contamination maps related to Cu and Pb were created at the Busan abandoned mine in Korea using a handheld X-Ray Fluorescence(XRF) and Geographic Information Systems(GIS). Hydrological analysis was performed using the Digital Elevation Model(DEM) of the study area to identify the flow directions of surface runoff where pollutants can be dispersed from the soil contamination sources. 24 locations for measuring the soil contamination related to Cu and Pb were selected by considering the result of hydrological analysis. The results measured at the 24 locations using the handheld XRF showed that the highest value of Cu contamination is 8,255ppm and that of Pb is 2,146ppm. The field investigation data were entered into ArcGIS software, and then soil contamination maps regarding Cu and Pb with a 5m grid-spacing were created after performing spatial interpolations using the ordinary kriging method. As a result, we could know that high concentrations of Cu and Pb are presented at the waste and tailings dumps around the abandoned mine openings. This study also showed that the handheld XRF and GIS can be utilized to create soil contamination maps related to Cu and Pb in the field.

A Study on Selection of an Overhead Electrical Transmission Line Corridor with Social Conflict (사회적 갈등을 갖는 송전선로 경과지 선정에 관한 연구)

  • Son, Hong-Chul;Moon, Chae-Joo;Kim, Hak-Jae
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.577-584
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    • 2021
  • Electrical energy is an essential component in present societies, which is an important basis for our technological society. In the design of new power infrastructure, it is important to consider the psychological aspects of how our culture considers and aspects its development as an integral component of the community environment. The construction of new high voltage overhead transmission lines has become a controversial issue for public policy of government due to social opposition. The members of community are concerned about how these power lines may have an impact on their lives, basically caused by their effects on health and safety. The landscape and visual impact is one of the most impact that can be easily perceived for local community. The computer 3D simulation of new landscape is illustrated by a real life use corresponding to the selection of the power line route with least observability for local community. This paper used ArcGIS(geographic information system tool) for planning, survey, basic route and detailed route, route for implementation of transmission line corridor. Also, the paper showed the map of natural environment, living environment, safety and altitude using database of power line corridor, and transmission siting model was developed by this study. The suggested landscape of computer simulation with lowest visibility on a power line zone can contribute to reducing oppositions of local community and accelerating the construction of new power lines.

A Study on the Uniform Mixing of Ammonia-Air with the Change of Ammonia Supply Device Shape in a De-NOx System (탈질설비에서 암모니아 혼합기의 형상에 따른 암모니아-공기 균일 혼합에 관한 연구)

  • Ha, Ji Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.20-26
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    • 2019
  • Selective catalytic reduction(SCR) method is widely used among various methods for reducing nitrogen oxides in combustion devices of coal power plant. In the present study, the computational fluid dynamic analysis was accomplished to derive the optimal shape of ammonia-dilution air mixing device in a ammonia injection grid. The distribution characteristics of flow and $NH_3$ concentration had been elucidated for the reference shape of ammonia mixing device(Case 1). In the mixing device of Case 1, it could be seen that $NH_3$ distribution was shifted to the wall opposite to the inlet of the ammonia injection pipe. For the improvement of $NH_3$ distribution, the case(Case 2) with closing one upper injection hole and 4 side injection holes, the case(Case 3) with installing horizontal plate at the upper of ammonia injection pipe, the case(Case 4) with installing horizontal plate and horizontal arc plate at he upper of ammonia injection pipe were investigated by analyzing flow and $NH_3$ concentration distributions. From the present study, it was found that the % RMS of $NH_3$ for Case 4 was 4.92%, which was the smallest value among four cases, and the range of $R_{NH3}$ also has the optimally uniform distribution, -10.82~8.34%.

A effect of the back contact silicon solar cell with surface texturing size and density (표면 텍스쳐링 크기와 밀도가 후면 전극 실리콘 태양전지에 미치는 영향)

  • Jang, Wanggeun;Jang, Yunseok;Pak, Jungho
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.112.1-112.1
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    • 2011
  • The back contact solar cell (BCSC) has several advantages compared to the conventional solar cell since it can reduce grid shadowing loss and contact resistance between the electrode and the silicon substrate. This paper presents the effect of the surface texturing of the silicon BCSC by varying the texturing depth or the texturing gap in the commercially available simulation software, ATHENA and ATLAS of the company SILVACO. The texturing depth was varied from $5{\mu}m$ to $150{\mu}m$ and the texturing gap was varied from $1{\mu}m$ to $100{\mu}m$ in the simulation. The resulting efficiency of the silicon BCSC was evaluated depending on the texturing condition. The quantum efficiency and the I-V curve of the designed silicon BCSC was also obtained for the analysis since they are closely related with the solar cell efficiency. Other parameters of the simulated silicon BCSC are as follows. The substrate was an n-type silicon, which was doped with phosphorous at $6{\times}10^{15}cm^{-3}$, and its thickness was $180{\mu}m$, a typical thickness of commercial solar cell substrate thickness. The back surface field (BSF) was $1{\times}10^{20}\;cm^{-3}$ and the doping concentration of a boron doped emitter was $8.5{\times}10^{19}\;cm^{-3}$. The pitch of the silicon BCSC was $1250{\mu}m$ and the anti-reflection coating (ARC) SiN thickness was $0.079{\mu}m$. It was assumed that the texturing was anisotropic etching of crystalline silicon, resulting in texturing angle of 54.7 degrees. The best efficiency was 25.6264% when texturing depth was $50{\mu}m$ with zero texturing gap in case of low texturing depth (< $100{\mu}m$).

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An Application of GIS Technique to Analyze the Location of Bank Branch Offices : The case of Kangnam-Gu , Seoul (GIS기법을 활용한 은행입지분석에 관한 연구 - 서울시 강남구를 사례로 하여)

  • 이희연;김은미
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.11-26
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the locational characteristics of bank branch offices in Kangnam-Gu, Seoul by using Geographic Information System. The number of bank branch offices have sharply increased due to financial liberalization, while the scale of them is getting smaller. The procedure of this research has four steps. First, the spatial distribution of bank branch offices in Seoul is analyzed by the places and time. Second, the spatial variations of bank offices in dong districts of Seoul is explained by factor analysis and multiple regression analysis. Third, the location-allocation model which is embedded within network module in Arc/Info is applied in order to find out optimal location of bank offices in Kangnam-Gu. Finally, the grid module is used in creating the potential surface map for locational sites of new bank branch offices The factors to affect the location of the bank offices contain mainly economic variables including local tax, collUl1ercial area, total establismnent and total employment. The actual locational pattern of bank offices is similar to the idealized locational pattern proposed by the function of min-distance in location-allocation models. In conclusion, this study shows that spatial analysis functions may potentially be improved using GIS technologies. However in order to analyze the location of bank offices more precisely, it should be found out the way to collect more appropriate data, construct computerized base maps, and investigate consumer behaviour and behavioural characteristics of bank themselves..

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Analysis results of the Anti-islanding Function for PV-AF System (액티브 필터기능을 갖는 3상 태양광 발전시스템의 단독운전 방지기능의 분석)

  • Kim, Gyeong-Hun;Seo, Hyo-Ryong;Jang, Seong-Jae;Park, Sang-Soo;Park, Min-Won;Yu, In-Keun;Jeon, Jin-Hong;Kim, Seul-Ki;Jo, Chang-Hee;Ahn, Jong-Bo
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2008.07a
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    • pp.1085-1086
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    • 2008
  • Shunt active filter can compensate harmonic current of utility results from non-linear loads such as rectifiers, cycloconverters and arc furnaces. It has the same structure as photovoltaic(PV) generation system. So, It was proposed the system that generates PV power and also has active filter function. It is called PV-AF(Photovoltaic and Active Filter) power generation system. Islanding can be occurred in an inverter based dispersed generation system, when the system disconnected from utility and loads are entirely supplied by PV system only. Islanding may result in interference to grid protection devices, equipment damage, and even personnel safety hazards. Therefore, islanding has to be detected and protected. The conventional anti-islanding methods have NDZ(None-Detection Zone) or power quality degradation. But PV-AF power generation system has the function of not only shunt active filter but also anti-islanding method without NDZ. In this paper, a novel anti-islanding method for PV-AF system is proposed and analysed in detail.

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Comparative Study of Truck Traffic System Management for Reducing Air Pollution Impact - Forcusing on Sihwa National Industrail Complex, Siheung City - (교통체계개선에 의한 화물교통 대기오염영향 저감방안 - 시흥시 시화국가산업단지를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Hee-Kwan;Kim, Hyung-Chul;Kwon, Woo-Taeg
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2006
  • The factor of air pollution in a large industrial city is not only manufactories but also, activities related to trucks. Sihwa National Industrial Complex is located in Siheung City; due to the industries, more diverse activities related to trucks occur in Siheung City than other cities. In particular, the new residential area in Siheung City is close to the industrial complex; so, the damage of this residential area is expected that it would be more serious and vulnerable than other areas. The aim of this study is to analyze influence of the air pollution by a truck in Siheung City. ISCST3 Model and Arc View program were used for this study and Siheung City was divided into 1,000 meter by 1,000 meter grid to analyze. Furthermore, this study suggested two reduction controls of air pollution in Siheung City, and analyzed the results from these reduction managements. The results of the present condition showed that residences located in north of Sihwa Industrial Complex are influenced by air pollution material. Furthermore, air pollution by trucks has affected on the residents which is near the road in Siheung City. Therefore, this study suggested two reduction controls by the Traffic System Management. The first alternative plan is setting the truck traffic limitation zone in the road that is located in south of resident areas and many trucks traffic. Next, the second alternative plan is setting freight truck way on the most traffic road to enter the industrial complex. The reduction effect of the first alternative is good on the residential area. And, the second alternate about freight truck way is divided passenger cars into trucks. Therefore, there are increase of average speed and decrease of average concentration, and spatial reduction effects found in wide areas.

Determination of the Improvement Priority in a Small River Using GRID Analysis Technology of GSIS (GSIS의 그리드 분석 기법에 의한 소하천 정비 우선순위 결정)

  • 양인태;최영재;오명진
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.233-240
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    • 2000
  • A small rivers take advantage of not only a site of superb scenic beauty, a play space, a rest place but also a momentous waters reservoir, a drainage on territory residents. Likewise, part of the most massed a life space to a region dwellers shall be extremely in harmony with coexistence space in that every kind plant, animal over again a human being and so on. For improvement planning of small river, various way and model are presented. But, it's want of ability for small rivers of a adaption many-side and throwing in a lot of financial resources. Because the improvement planning of small river was designed all small river in a county, the priority must be preprocessed. Now, the counties prioritized for improvement planning of small river are a few, and acquisition and manipulation of the data are time-consuming. Geo-Spatial Information System (GSIS) is specifically designed to manage and analyze spatial data. It will be to offer the benefit to the determination of the improvement priority in a small river. The purpose of this study is to offer priority for improvement planning of small river using GSIS. For this purpose, it was developed using Arc/Info software and AML was used as a developing tool.

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Localization and Navigation of a Mobile Robot using Single Ultrasonic Sensor Module (단일 초음파 센서모듈을 이용한 이동로봇의 위치추정 및 주행)

  • Jin Taeseok;Lee JangMyung
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.42 no.2 s.302
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2005
  • This paper presents a technique for localization of a mobile robot using a single ultrasonic sensor. The mobile robot is designed for operating in a well-structured environment that can be represented by planes, edges, corners and cylinders in the view of structural features. In the case of ultrasonic sensors, these features have the range information in the form of the arc of a circle that is generally named as RCD (Region of Constant Depth). Localization is the continual provision of a knowledge of position which is deduced from it's a priori position estimation. The environment of a robot is modeled into a two dimensional grid map. we defines a physically-based sonar sensor model and employs an extended Kalman filter to estimate position of the robot. The performance and simplicity of the approach is demonstrated with the results produced by sets of experiments using a mobile robot.