• Title/Summary/Keyword: Antidiabetic Activity

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Antioxidant and antidiabetic Activity of Jehotang according to Different Cooking Methods (제조방법에 따른 제호탕의 항산화 및 항당뇨 활성)

  • Jeong, Se-Hyun;Kim, Sun-Im;Sim, Ki-Hyun;Jin, So-Yeon;Kim, Myung-Hyun
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.233-242
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    • 2012
  • Jehotang is a cold traditional Korean drink made with honey and several ingredients used in traditional Korean medicine. The ingredients include Fructus mume, Fructus amomi, Fructus tsaoko, Santalum album and honey. In this study, Jehotang and its ingredients were determined through the analysis of antioxidant activity, total phenolic content, ${\alpha}$-glucosidase and ${\alpha}$-amylase inhibitory activity. In addition, quality characteristics of Jehotang made by a traditional recipe(Yeonmil) and a modern recipe(double boiling and boiling) were also compared in terms of pH, color and sugar content. Total phenolic content of extract from Fructus ammomi was found to be 120.45 mg, and Yeonmil recipe was discovered 152.66 mg equivalent of gallic acid per g of extract. DPPH free radical scavenging activity were Feuctus amomi(93.13%) and Yeonmil recipe(56.44%). The Fructus amomi extract showed the highest ${\alpha}$-glucosidase inhibitory activity(89.51%) at the concentration of $100{\mu}g/mL$. ${\alpha}$-glucosidase and ${\alpha}$-amylase inhibitory activity of boiled Jehotang were 52.38% and 72.52%, respectively. These results suggest that extract of Fructus amomi has an antioxidant activity and antidiabetic effects. Yeonmil recipe is useful for antioxidant effects more than the others. Also, the double boiling recipe has an excellent antidiabetic effect.

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Effect of Medicinal Herb Prepared through Traditional Antidiabetic Prescription on α-Glucosidase Activity and Evaluation Method for Anti-Melanogenesis Agents Using α-Glucosidase Activity (당뇨 처방에 근거한 생약재의 α-Glucosidase 활성 저해 효과 및 이를 활용한 미백 소재 평가법)

  • Kim, Mi Jin;Im, Kyung Ran;Yoon, Kyung-Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.44 no.7
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    • pp.993-999
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    • 2015
  • For the purpose of investigating the in vitro antidiabetic activity of a medicinal herb and herb mixture extracts prepared through traditional antidiabetic prescription, this study examined ${\alpha}$-glucosidase inhibitory activity. Tyrosinase, a type I membrane glycoprotein, is synthesized and glycosylated in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi. The enzyme is subsequently transported to melanosomes, where it participates in melanogenesis. Previous studies showed that disruption of early ER N-glycan processing by an ${\alpha}$-glucosidase inhibitor suppresses tyrosinase enzymatic activity and melanogenesis. According to the results, most oriental medicinal herbal extracts were stronger than acarbose and N-butyldeoxynojirimycin, known as an ${\alpha}$-glucosidase inhibitor. Interestingly, ethyl acetate layer of enzyme hydrolyzed Cheongsimyeonjaeum had an inhibitory effect on melanin synthesis in B16F1 cells, although it did not inhibit tyrosinase activity directly. Together, ${\alpha}$-glucosidase inhibition activity could be used to evaluate anti-melanogenesis, although cross-checking with melanin inhibitory assay is recommended.

Acute Toxicity and Antimicrobial Activity of 1-Deoxynojirimycin (1-Deoxynojirimycin의 급성독성 및 항균효과)

  • 백남수;김영만
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.629-634
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    • 1998
  • 1-Deoxynojirimycin which is a potent intestinal ${\alpha}$-glucosidase inhibitor was purified from the culture broth by ion exchange chromatography, Sephadex LH20 column chromatography, TSK gel chromatography and HPLC respectively. Acute toxicity of 1-deoxynojirimycin, which was loaded through the oral as dose of 200mg/kg, was investigated in IRC mouse. None of the tested IRC mice were not dead and increase of body weight showed also the same results in comparison with control mice. The antimicrobial susceptibility of 20 pathogenic strains against 3 antidiabetic compounds (1-deoxynojirimycin, AO-128, acarbose) were obtained by agar dilution method. All of the three antidiabetic compounds has very weak antimicrobial activity (MIC>100$\mu\textrm{g}$/ml).

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Anti-diabetic Activity of Herbal Drugs (수종 생약의 혈당강하작용)

  • Kim, Bak-Kwang;Park, Man-Ki;Cho, Sool-Yeon;Lee, Jae-Shin;Han, Hye-Kyung;Jeong, Choon-Sik;Jung, Ki-Hwa;Park, Jeong-Hill
    • Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.72-74
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    • 1997
  • Antidiabetic activity of several herbal drugs, which are used as antidiabetics in folkmedicine, was evaluated. Among tested herbal drugs, extract of Astragali Radix significantly lowered blood glucose level in streptozotocin-induced diabetic model rat.

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Antidiabetic and Beta Cell-Protection Activities of Purple Corn Anthocyanins

  • Hong, Su Hee;Heo, Jee-In;Kim, Jeong-Hyeon;Kwon, Sang-Oh;Yeo, Kyung-Mok;Bakowska-Barczak, Anna M.;Kolodziejczyk, Paul;Ryu, Ok-Hyun;Choi, Moon-Ki;Kang, Young-Hee;Lim, Soon Sung;Suh, Hong-Won;Huh, Sung-Oh;Lee, Jae-Yong
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.284-289
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    • 2013
  • Antidiabetic and beta cell-protection activities of purple corn anthocyanins (PCA) were examined in pancreatic beta cell culture and db/db mice. Only PCA among several plant anthocyanins and polyphenols showed insulin secretion activity in culture of HIT-T15 cells. PCA had excellent antihyperglycemic activity (in terms of blood glucose level and OGTT) and HbA1c-decreasing activity when compared with glimepiride, a sulfonylurea in db/db mice. In addition, PCA showed efficient protection activity of pancreatic beta cell from cell death in HIT-T15 cell culture and db/db mice. The result showed that PCA had antidiabetic and beta cell-protection activities in pancreatic beta cell culture and db/db mice.

Effect of Berberis tinctoria leaf (Berberidaceae) extract on antidiabetic, antihyperlipidemic and antioxidant status in streptozotocin induced diabetes in rats

  • Murugesh, K;Yeligar, Veerendra C;Dash, Deepak Kumar;Maiti, BC;Maity, Tapan K
    • Advances in Traditional Medicine
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.336-343
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    • 2006
  • The present study was carried out to investigate the antidiabetic and antioxidant effect of methanolic extract of Berberis tinctoria leaves (MEBT), in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. Oral administration of MEBT extract (150 mg/kg and 300 mg/kg) for a period of 14 days. Blood glucose levels, body weight food and liquid intake were measured on every $5^{th}$ day over a period of 14 days. In diabetic rats, MEBT at the dose of 150 mg/kg and 300 mg/kg body weight resulted in significant reduction in blood glucose levels. The study was further investigated to determine antioxidant and antihyperlipidemic potential of MEBT in streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic rats. These results suggest that the MEBT possess antidiabetic activity and is able to ameliorate biochemical damages in STZ induced diabetic rats and the results were found to be in a dose dependent manner.

Anti-diabetic Activity of Constituents of Lycii Fructus (구기자 성분의 혈당강하작용)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Soon;Shim, Sang-Hee;Jeong, Gi-Hwa;Cheong, Chun-Sik;Ko, Kwang-Ho;Park, Jeong-Hill;Huh, Hoon;Lee, Bong-Jin;Kim, Bak-Kwang
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.378-382
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    • 1998
  • In the previous screening on antidiabetic effect of Lycii fructus by glucose transport method using $N_2$-STZ diabeted rat model, each extracts showed the potent antidiabetic activity. We obtained three compounds isolated from the water fraction, EtOAc fraction and n-BuOH fraction of Lycii fructus in the present work and their structures were identified as 1-carboxy-N,N,N-trimethylmethanaminium hydroxide inner salt, 2,4(1H,3H)-pyrimidinedione and 3,3',4',5,7-pentahydroxyflavone-3-rutinoside . Among the constituents separated from Lycii fructus, 2,4(IH,3H)-pyrimidinedione, 3,3',4',5,7-pentahydroxyflavone-3-rutinoside and ascorbic acid were shown a remarkable antidiabetic effect.

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Development of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTPIB) Inhibitors from marine sources and other natural products-Future of Antidiabetic Therapy : A Systematic Review

  • KAUR, Kulvinder Kochar;ALLAHBADIA, Gautam;SINGH, Mandeep
    • The Korean Journal of Food & Health Convergence
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.21-33
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    • 2019
  • The incidence of both obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus( DM) is increasing proportionately so that causes of deaths from these has overtaken from that of malnourishment. Hence it has been recommended to treat the 2 in parallel considering the role of diabesity on health. Important causes of T2DM are insulin resistance (IR) and /or inadequate insulin secretion. Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B(PTPIB) has a negative impact in insulin signaling pathways and hence plays crucial role inT2DM,since its overexpression might induce IR. Thus PTPIB is considered a therapeutic target for both obesity and T2DM, there has been a search for novel ,promising natural inhibitors. We conducted a pubmed search for articles related to PTPIB inhibitors from natural causes be it marine sources or other natural sources. Out of 988 articles we selected 100 articles for review. Thus various bioactive molecules isolated from marine organisms that can acts as PTPIB Inhibitors and thus possess antidiabetic activity both in vitro/ in vivo studies ,besides products from fruits like Chinese raspberry or curcumin used as routine spices are described with their chemical classes, structure-activity relationships and potency as assessed by IC 50 values are discussed. More work is required to make this a reality.