• 제목/요약/키워드: Anti- Design

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The Study on the Spatial Relativism of Indoor Plaza in Complex-Cultural Facilities (복합문화시설의 실내광장에 나타난 상대적 공간개념)

  • 김선영
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.40
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    • pp.52-59
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    • 2003
  • Complex-cultural facilities in the contemporary era are significantly influenced by the anti-modernism and space relativism movement of the 20th century. Complex-cultural facilities have the complex-layered space. In many contemporary buildings, this complex-layered space has void center space within it which primarily functions as indoor plaza. This study pays attention to the fact that the design of indoor plaza has developed differently in Europe and the US, which vividly demonstrates spatial relativism in contemporary buildings. With this backdrop, I analyze the architectural and cultural backgrounds of indoor plaza in Europe and the US. In addition, I examine the cultural functions and visual interpretation of indoor plaza in the regions to compare the design features and functionality.

The Standard of Sump Design in Pump Station (펌프장내 흡수정 설계 기준)

  • Roh, H.W.;Oh, O.S.;Lee, Y.H.
    • 유체기계공업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.12a
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    • pp.589-592
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    • 2005
  • In general, the function of intake structure, whether it be a open channel, a fully wetted tunnel, a sump or a tank, is to supply an evenly distributed flow to a pump station. An even distribution of flow, characterized by strong local flow, can result in formation of surface or submerged vortices, and with certain low values of submergence, may introduce air into pump, causing a reduction of capacity and efficiency, an increase in vibration and additional noise. Unfortunately in order to design the sump station, the reasonable code or the standards weren't presented yet in Korea. Thus, some researchers had often referred the HI code, JSME code or CEN code to design the sump station. This study aims to prescribe the standard of sump design which were matched well the Korean pump station. Thus, the HI code and TSJ code would be interpreted fully to Korean language, the part of interpreted clauses of the western codes would be selected to compose the standard.

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Effects of Fleet-Angle on Sway Motions of a Cargo: Design Force Calculation (로프각이 화물의 진자운동에 미치는 영향: 설계력의 계산)

    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.19 no.1 s.62
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 2005
  • Over the last 10 years, significant changes have taken place in the world of container shipping. The size and the speed of the quay-side crane have been increased considerably. As a result, the stiffness of a crane is decreased and the sway oscillation of cargo may become violent. The purpose of this paper is to determine the design force caused by the sway oscillation of the cargo, lifted by four ropes, with an initial fleet angle, and the governing equations of the lifting system for an anti-sway control system design.

Optimal Dimension Design and Stability Analysis of Non-slip Steel Grating (금속 그레이팅의 높이변화에 따른 최적치수 설계 및 안정성 해석)

  • Son, In-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.357-363
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    • 2022
  • In this study, in order to develop an non-slip metal grating, the stability of the grating according to the span of the grating and the gap and height of the bearing bar was evaluated. The optimal shape design of the grating was performed using the results of determining the stability of the grating. The purpose of this study is to determine the stability according to the spacing and height of the bearing bar by applying the design pressure at the design stage to develop the anti-skid grating, and to design the optimal shape for cost reduction. In the optimal design, the target variable was set as the mass, and the optimal design of the grating was performed based on about 20%. Regardless of the height of the bearing bar of the grating, the stress and deformation of the span and the grating showed a proportional tendency to each other, and it was found that the stress decreased as the height of the bearing bar increased. Based on the structural analysis results, an optimal design was performed using mass as the objective variable, and the existing 2mm thickness was changed to 1.6mm, reducing the mass by about 19%. The stress increased by about 4.4% compared to the maximum stress of the existing grating, but the minimum safety factor was 3.1, indicating that the optimally designed grating was stable.

Optimal torque control of noncontact type eddy current brake system (비접촉식 와전류형 제동 장치의 최적 토오크 제어)

  • 이갑진;박기환;류제하
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1997.10a
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    • pp.261-264
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    • 1997
  • A contactless eddy current type braking system is developed to take advantages of the recent brake system which uses hydraulic force can show high efficiency in a certain velocity region, but not in a high velocity region, and has initial response delay time and pressure build-up time which make stopping distance longer. These are the limits of mechanical brake system of a contact type, which makes a concept brake system required. So, in this paper, the contactless brake system .of a inductive current type is chosen instead of hydraulic brake system. This brake system can be used almost forever for being no wear and contributed to lightening weight of a vehicle. Besides, the contactless brake system can be used as that of electric or solar car with anti-lock brake system. The analysis of induced electromotive force and braking torque obtained with theoretical approximate model, the design of a braking system and a nonlinear controller, and the results of simulation of the ABS, experiment are included.

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Improvement of Practical Control Method for Positioning Systems in the Presence of Actuator Saturation by Incorporating Takagi-Sugeno(TSK) Fuzzy Anti-reset Windup

  • Ibrahim, Tarig Faisal;;Salami, M.J.E.;Albagul, Abdulgani
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.08a
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    • pp.975-980
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    • 2004
  • Positioning system is widely used for many practical applications. This system requires a good controller to achieve high accuracy and fast response with simple and self-adjustable design. In order to satisfy the above requirements, a new practical controller for positioning systems, namely nominal characteristic trajectory following (NCTF) controller with PI compensator, has been proposed. However, the effect of actuator saturation can not be completely compensated for integrator windup when the object parameters vary. This paper presents a method to improve the NCTF controller by overcoming the problem of integrator windup by adopting a fuzzy system. The improvement of the NCTF controller is evaluated through simulation using a rotary positioning system. The simulation result has demonstrated the effectiveness of the compensated NCTF in overcoming the problem of integrator windup.

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Dynamic Compensation Method for State Delayed Control Systems with Input Saturation (입력제한이 존재하는 상태지연 시스템의 동적보상방법)

  • Park, Jong-Koo
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers D
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    • v.50 no.7
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    • pp.325-331
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    • 2001
  • A dynamic anti-windup method for state delayed control systems with input saturation is considered. Under the assumption that a linear controller has been designed for a state delayed control system based on the existing design technique which shows desirable nominal performance, an additional compensator is incorporated to provide a graceful performance degradation despite of input saturation. By regarding the difference of the controller states in the absence and presence of input saturation as an objective function, the dynamic compensator which minimizes it is determined explicitly. The proposed dynamic compensator is the closed form of plant and controller parameters. The proposed method not only provides graceful performance degradation, but it also guarantees the total stability of resulting systems. An illustrative example is provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

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Measurement of Sonobuoy Transmitting Antenna System for Anti-Submarine Warfare

  • Min Kyeong-Sik
    • Journal of electromagnetic engineering and science
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.97-103
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    • 2005
  • This paper describes the measured results of sonobuoy transmitting antenna system for anti-submarine warfare (ASW). Since radiation pattern and power density depend on impedance matching between transmitting RF part and antenna with termination resistance, design of matching circuit is very important for sonobuoy system performance. Matching circuit is designed by Smith chart using control of L and C. In standing wave ratio(SWR) measurement using Network Analyzer, SWR of antenna with matching circuit observed 1.5 below at the assigned VHF band. It shows very excellent performance comparison with conversional product that is used for the same object. The measured vertical and horizontal radiation patterns are also shown the satisfaction of military specifications. A drop out of sonobuoy system on the sea is happened when angle of elevation direction is over 10 degrees, and it is conformed that it takes less than I second return to original signal level. The required electric power density is $83\;mW/m^2$ in the military specification, and measured electric power density is observed over average $110\;mW/m^2$ at all frequency bands.

Numerical Analysis of the Mechanical Impedance and Transmitted Vibration of the Foundation for the Equipment in a Naval Vessel (수치해석을 이용한 함정용 장비 받침대의 기계적 임피던스 및 전달 진동 분석)

  • Han, Hyung-Suk;Son, Yoon-Jun
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.462-467
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    • 2009
  • Reduction of the structure-borne noise of the naval vessel is very important in order to reduce the underwater radiated noise of it. One of the important factors to reduce the structure-borne noise of the installed machine in a ship is the design of the foundation having sufficiently high mechanical impedance. In this paper, the mechanical impedance of the foundation for the fan-coil unit in a naval vessel is evaluated numerically according to variation of the thickness of the foundation. And also, the forced vibration analysis is conducted considering the dynamic property of the anti-vibration mount. Through the analysis results, it can be known that the dynamic property of the anti-vibration mount should be considered when the minimum level of the mechanical impedance of the foundation is set.

Anti-sway Control of Crane System using Time Optimal Control Method (최단시간 제어법을 이용한 크레인의 흔들림 방지제어)

  • 이진우;김상봉
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 1997
  • In the control of crane system, the traversing time of the trolley must be reduced as much as possible and the swing must be stopped at the end point. To design the minimum time control system, Pontryagim maximum principle is applied. In order to implement the control algorithm, the dynamic equation is linearlized at an equilibrium point, so that the linear time invariant state equation can be obtained. The overall performance of the closed loop system is evaluated by means of computer simulations and practical experiments in a broad range of working conditions. The effectiveness is proved through the experimental results for the anti-sway control of the load and the position control of trolly. It is expected that the proposed system will make an important contribution to the industrial fields.

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