• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ancient Chinese History

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A Study on the Evaluation System for Night Lighting Design of Chinese Ancient Building by using AHP Method (AHP 기법을 활용한 중국 고건축물 야간경관 조명디자인의 평가에 관한 연구)

  • He, Shun-Ping;Hong, Kwan-Seon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.7
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    • pp.291-303
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    • 2019
  • For cities with ancient buildings at core areas, night lighting is an effective means to demonstrate their history and culture. In this regard, night scenes of these ancient buildings are evaluated from multiple aspects, such as color rendition, brightness ratio affected by ambient light and technological realization of lighting facilities. This study builds a visual evaluation system for night scenes of ancient buildings based on three dimensions, namely ancient architecture carrier performance, visual perception and technological realization, and explains specific evaluation sub-criteria one by one. In addition, this study adopts Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to analyze the impact of each sub-criteria item on the weight of the whole evaluation system, and conducts a consistency test to show that the evaluation system meets the reasonable requirements of hierarchy setting. Moreover, relative importance of each sub-criteria item may be determined based on their corresponding weights.

Ancient Korean Costume Speculated on the Samguk-yusa (三國遺事)

  • Kang, Min-Hye;Cho, Woo-Hyun
    • International Journal of Costume and Fashion
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.37-49
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    • 2010
  • The Samguk-yusa(三國遺事) is one of the two classics of Korean ancient history together with the Samguk-sagi(三國史記); however there has not been any positive attempt to analyse clothing culture centering on the Samguk-yusa until now. Thereupon, this study aims to find the records related to fabrics, color and fashion appearing in the Samguk-yusa, and to analyse the fashion culture of the three kingdoms projected in the Samguk-yusa, referring to the Samguk-sagi and ancient Chinese reference books. According to the records in the book, the fabrics used for clothing of those days included Jikgeum-wimun(織錦爲紋), Geum(錦), Chaebaek(彩帛), Osaek-geumchae(五色錦彩), Geumbaek(錦帛), Geumsam(錦衫), Ma(麻), Neung(綾), Geum-su-neung-ra(錦繡綾羅), Poh(布), Daecho, Bira-geumjeom(緋羅金點), Gyeon(絹). Japchoe(雜綵), Robtyeom(羅緋染). Chimilpoh(緻密布), Gi(綺) and Whan(紈), and they had colors such as brown black(緇), black(黑), purple(紫), yellow(黃), blue(碧), clear white(素), white(白), five colors(五色). There is substantial amoung of report on Buddhism, and the terms used for Buddhist clothing included Beobeui(法衣), Nabeui(衲衣), Bangpoh(方袍), Gasa(袈裟) and Yueui(由衣). It is also ascertained that Gasa had a variety of Bira-geumjeom-gasa(緋羅點袈裟), Manap-gasa(摩納袈裟) and Geumra-gasa(金羅袈裟).

A Pilot Study on Lee Gyu-Jun(李圭晙)'s Life and Thoughts (이규준(李圭晙)의 생애(生涯)와 사상적(思想的) 경향(傾向))

  • Kwon, Oh-mi;Park, Sang-young;Ahn, Sang-young;Han, Chang-huyn;Ahn, Sang-woo
    • The Journal of Korean Medical History
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.7-13
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    • 2009
  • This article conducted an pilot study on Lee Gyu-Jun(李圭晙)'s life and thoughts. He championed, and is mainly based on, old annotations of ancient Confucian bibles古文 that were made in the Han漢 and Tang唐 era in Chinese history and consequently took additionally into account Zuxi朱熹's annotations on Confucian bibles. This cause big trouble to him in conservative Gyeong Shang Province(嶺南). He participated in the Confucian Religion Movement孔敎運動 and proposed constitutional monarchy as a new polity fit for changing Korean history. He closely interacted with many resistants to the Japanese rule of Korea and had a mixed perspective on Western culture, science and technology, and social system, positive or negative, contingent on cases. He made great footprints in the history of both modern Korean medicine and philosophy. Thus there is an urgent need for the overall study on Lee Gyu-Jun in every aspect.

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The Study of the Literature on the Book of Neijingshiyifanglun with additions and emendations ("증보내경습유방론(增補內經拾遺方論)"에 대한 문헌(文獻) 연구(硏究))

  • Ahn, Jae-Young;Jo, Hak-Jun
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.25-41
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    • 2012
  • Objective : Neijingshiyifanglun with additions and emendations was written by Liu Yude, a doctor who lived during Ming period. I researched the origin of the book, and analyzed the features of it as well. I also approximated his birth date and death date. In doing this, I gained a better understanding the practice of medicine in ancient China. Method : I researched the book by comparing its contents, including the causes of diseases, the descriptions of symptoms, the transmissions of diseases, and treatments, with other sources that he had referenced. Result : In understanding Hwangdineijing, Liu Yude was influenced by many medical scholars such as, Wang Bing, Ma Shi, and Wu Kun, but his opinion is most similar to that of Zhang Jiebin. In the field of the Chinese Medical Theory, he was deeply influenced by 'JinYuan-Sidaijia's theories, particularly Li Gao and Zhu Zhenheng. In fanglun, he was greatly influenced by Yifangkao. He concluded that 'aggregationaccumulation' was a disease of stuffiness, and suggested its cure in through 'yangjingzezichu' and 'treatment of blood aspect'. He recognized the disease of 'reversal of qi' as the disease of 'jiaoqi'. He also indicated that the word of 'qi' is not 'rough' but 'tears' or 'yingfengliulei'. Conclusion : 1. He was an excellent medical practitioner and scholar in the history of oriental medicine. 2. He found and corrected errors in the opinions of Wang Bing, Ma Shi, and Wu Kun. 3. He frequently practiced Taipinghuiminhejijufang, and considered Spleen-Stomach, yin-blood, and fire-heat important. 4. He captured the spirit of Huangdisuwenxuanminglunfang, Neijingshiyifanglun, Yifangkao in views of remedy and theory. 5. Neijingshiyifanglun with additions and emendations is the most comprehensive book about fanglun because of its thorough analysis of the Hwangdineijing and its connection to the treatment of ancient diseases in Oriental Medical History.

A Study on Principle of Ancient Mix Seeding and Hypothesis by Practical Technology (고대 혼파(混播)원리와 응용기술로서의 가설(假說) 연구)

  • Guh, Ja-Ock;Kuk, Yong-In
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.394-400
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    • 2011
  • Ancient mix seeding that started in China and generated in Korea is one of the methods of securing foods against natural calamities. The history of this technology was excerpted and presented from Chinese agricultural books as "Jeminyosul"(closely one upon the other 5C), "Wangjungnongseo"(from 1313) and Korean agricultural books as "Nongsajikseol"(from 1429), "Hanjeongrok"(from 1610), "Saekyeong" (from 1676), "Jeungbosanrimkyeongje"(from 1766), "Kwanongsocho"(from 1799), "Rimwonkyeongje" (from 1843). In this study, we suggested new environment-friendly agricultural technique to save labors using ancient mix seeding principle, which is seeding different varieties rice without fertilizer and agricultural pesticides. It is essential prerequisite to have the process such as injecting Azolla, no-tillage direct and broadcast seeding with multiple varieties of rice. Based on the results of previous studies, we evaluated the practical validity.

A Study on the Origin of "Myeongnyundang(明倫堂)", the Common Name of the Main Lecture Halls at Confucian Schools -Based on Chinese Historical Documents- ("명륜당(明倫堂)" 명칭의 유래에 관한 연구 -중국의 역대 고문헌을 중심으로-)

  • Baik, So-Hun
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.7-18
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    • 2021
  • This paper studied the origin of Myeongnyundang(明倫堂), the common name of the main lecture halls at confucian schools in ancient China. Through an extensive investigation of local chronicles, biographies, decrees and construction essays, it found the first Myeongnyundang were titled on the main hall of a local school in the early Southern Song(南宋) period, and it might become the most popular name due to Zhuxi (朱熹), a famous confucian scholar in the Southern Song dynasty. In Yuan(元) period, it almost become the fixed name for the main lecture hall at local confucian schools, and even the official government documents began to use it as a common noun since the beginning of Ming(明) dynasty.

Analysis of Introduction to Science of Prescriptions in Teaching Materials Related with Science of Prescriptions at Colleges of Korean Oriental Medicine and Colleges of Traditional Chinese Medicine ("한국 한의과대학과 중국 중의약대학의 방제학(方劑學) 관련 교재중 "방제학(方劑學) 총론(總論)"의 구성내용 분석")

  • Kim Do-Hoy;Shin Soon-Shik
    • Herbal Formula Science
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2003
  • Science of prescriptions is an important part in the education of Korean Oriental Medicine. In spite of that, there is less agreement on measures for improving the education quality of science of prescriptions. Science of prescriptions can be classified into generalities and particulars. This study sought to present contents that must be incorporated into Introduction to Science of Prescriptions to enhance the quality of education by examining both teaching materials being used in colleges of traditional Chinese medicine and those of Korean oriental medicine and the Introduction part of books related with science of prescriptions. And when this study was carried out, training Korean oriental medicine practitioners and researchers and educators of science of prescriptions was taken into account. It is judged that Introduction to Science of Prescriptions needs to be divided into seven chapters and that each chapter requires containing opinions of ancient doctors and references to lay the basis of learning and revised and practical contents in addition to traditional ones. Chapter One Introduction (Conception, History, Disciplinery, Study, How to Learn, Range of Study, How to Study, Academic Activities) Chapter Two Prescriptions and Selection of Treatment Based on the Differential Diagnosis Chapter Three Prescriptions and Therapeutic Methods (Eight Therapeutic Methods, Sixty Four Therapeutic Methods etc.) Chapter Four Classification of Prescriptions Chapter Five Designing and Modification of Prescriptions (Compatibility, Designing, Modification) Chapter Six Preparation Forms of the Prescriptions (Origin, Charicteristics) Chapter Seven Methods of Decocting and Taking Korean Oriental Herbal Medicines Appendix Tables of Apothecaries' Measures and Weights in Current and Ancient Times

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Discussion for the periodical basis of 'Wongi(原氣)' described in 『Nanjing(難經)』 (『난경(難經)』의 용어 '원기(原氣)'의 시대적 배경에 대한 소고(小考))

  • Kim, Jin-Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Medical History
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2014
  • Objectives : Actually Wongi did not exist in "Neijing(內經)" as a word. Wongi is one of specific features that distinguish "Nanjing" from "Neijing". I have researched for the foundation of history and thought. Methods : I have looked into cognitive variation for Heaven (天), that is from Chinese ancient times through the period of the Han (漢) Dynasty. Results : 1. Before the period of the Yin (殷) Dynasty : There was some worship. 2. The period of the Yin Dynasty : The Lord (上帝) was respected and idolized. 3. The period of the Zhou (周) Dynasty : That the origin of existence is also in human was recognized through Doctrine of Heaven (天命思想). 4. The period of the Han Dynasty : Doctrine of Heaven was transfigured as ideological instrument for politics. The spiritual and physical human's independence was flowed into even though it was not separated from Heaven. Conclusions : As concerned above, the variation shows that consideration for the origin of existence flowed from the outside of human being, like the progenitor of human race, nature, and Heaven, through inside gradually. In the other words, the origin of existence was come to inquire inside of human being. As an aspect of medical science, it can be showed that the term of Wongi was influenced of these process.

A Study on the Lime of Government Constructions Based on the Analysis of Construction Reports in the Late of Joseon Dynasty(17~19c) - Emphasized on the production, provision, and application of lime - (산릉(山陵).영건의궤(營建儀軌) 분석을 통한 조선후기 관영 건축공사의 석회에 관한 연구 - 석회의 생산.조달.적용을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Kweon-Yeong
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.23-46
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    • 2009
  • The history to have used lime in building construction was much long without distinction of the East or the West. The ancient nations of korean peninsula had used lime as construction material. The witness was discovered in the kings' tombs of fifth century. In the Joseon dynasty(15~19c), what applied several developed lime compounds to the kings' tombs have been recorded in 'Sanleong-Uigwe(山陵儀軌)' & 'Yeonggeon-Uigwe(營建儀軌)' of those days documents. Therefore, this paper is to examine the whole procedures from the product and provision of lime to its application through those days documents. Following conclusions have been reached through the study. Three lime compounds to be developed for the kings' tombs was extendedly applied to residential government buildings step by step within the current of time. These compounds to be used in the kings' tombs of the Joseon dynasty had been correlated to those of the ancient nations, which were nations of korean peninsula in narrow range, chinese and orient nations in broad range. These compounds have possibilities of development as the environmental-friendly building material. And these compounds should provide a standard specification for conservation & restoration of the traditional and cultural properties. I could confirm that the whole procedures had not been developed within limited space-time of the specified nation & period, but within interactions of the nations & periods. In the periods which disturb its interaction, the expansion of productivity in building construction was interfered.

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A Brief Analysis of the Application of Chinese Traditional Culture in Big Fish and Begonia (<대어해당> 중 중국전통문화의 응용에 대한 간략 분석)

  • Xiaoli, Wang
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.67-72
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    • 2019
  • Animation is a comprehensive audio-visual art, animation literature, painting, music, architecture, photography and other art forms are integrated. China's animation industry has made some achievements in the new century, but on the whole, with the globalization of China, China's animation industry has been influenced by Japan and the United States. China has a history and culture of five thousand years, with profound social deposits and cultural foundation. Of the four ancient civilizations in the world, the Chinese civilization is the only one that has survived. China has too many stories to tell. From the development history of Chinese and foreign animation, we can see that many Chinese traditional cultural elements are used for reference. Since the 1980s, Chinese animation has been on the road of national revival. Chinese animation has begun to draw close to traditional culture in terms of themes, characters and scenes, and integrate Chinese traditional cultural elements. The theme of big fish and begonia is to repay kindness by sacrificing one's own life for the sake of justice and friendship. This fearless spirit of sacrificing one's life for justice is the concentrated embodiment of the fine qualities of the Chinese nation over the past several thousand years. Kun to save chun and give up his life, chun in order to repay rather give up half of his life, and qiushui in order to help their beloved, also would rather give up all of their own. These three protagonists are very distinctive personality characteristics, are to "righteousness" and give up their most precious things. At the same time, big fish and begonia combines many traditional Chinese cultural elements to form an animated film with Chinese characteristics.