• 제목/요약/키워드: Airport Safety Performance

검색결과 31건 처리시간 0.02초

공항 안전관리시스템이 경영성과에 미치는 영향 (Influence in the Management Performance by the Airport Safety Management System)

  • 송종선;김기웅;이영길
    • 한국항공운항학회지
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.64-80
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    • 2015
  • In this article, we verify to influence in the management performance by the safety management system that is recommended by the ICAO for the safety management on the airside area in the airport. Also, We present a comprehensive mediator effect that the employees perceive safety culture and safety behavior. We design how participants were selected as study the employees from 4 airports on the airside areas of the Incheon International Airport, Gimpo International Airport, Jeju International Airport and Gimhae International Airport in the Korea using the simple random sampling method. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire, and it was developed. Data analysis was to conduct structural equation modeling. Test of the hypotheses were verified to Maximum Likelihood Estimator. As a result of the analysis, safety behavior and risk management of the safety management system found out that affect management performance. Also, the employees of a high awareness about safety policy could be seen that is a high impact on management performance through a safety culture and a safety behavior. Safety behavior has significant mediator effect within the relationship between the safety management system and management performance. So, We provide guidance of the safety policies for the safety management on the airside area in the airport.

Developing Airport Safety Performance Indicators and Index - The Case of Incheon Airport Airside -

  • In Kie Na;Yu-Jin Choi
    • 한국항공운항학회지
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    • 제31권3호
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    • pp.103-118
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    • 2023
  • An indicator system is an effective way to monitor ongoing safety status. Current aviation safety measurements account for many qualitative technical and lagging indicators. Conversely, quantitative and leading indicators have only a tiny proportion. This research added more quantitative leading indicators and reviewed them to harmonize lagging and leading indicators to measure airport safety and provide an index. The South Korean national gate, Incheon International Airport's indicators, were applied as primary data to verify this research practically. Then, examples from International and national authorities were reviewed and extracted for use. Fifty-five safety specialists participated in the focus group discussion and three rounds of the Delphi survey. Finally, 51 sub-indicators were newly chosen. After this process, weights for each indicator could be assigned using the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) to provide an integrated index. The result of the simulation with newly added indicators in the past five years (2020-2022) reliable trend showed in indicators and integrated index. Moreover, this allows monitoring the status of the details of indicators and holistic insight. This study considered that it is more suitable for a single company or service provider to use it according to the exact situation than in a macro- and general-purpose at the country or regional level.

ESG경영과 안전경영 그리고 경영성과의 구조적 관계 : 지역 공항을 중심으로 (Structural Relationship between ESG Management and Safety Management and Business Performance : Focused on Regional Airport)

  • 조영진;성행남;권진택
    • 한국정보시스템학회지:정보시스템연구
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    • 제32권4호
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    • pp.51-67
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    • 2023
  • Purpose While research on ESG management in airlines is ongoing, research on airports, especially regional ones, remains insufficient. This study's point of departure is the inquiry into how the local airport industry is addressing global environmental shifts and engaging in ESG management activities. Design/methodology/approach Based on previous studies, the relationship between ESG(Environmental, Social, Governance) management, safety management, reputation, and management performance was analyzed. We analyzed 578 questionnaires through structural equation modeling using AMOS 21.0 to test our hypotheses. Findings First, environmental, social, governance, and safety management have a positive effect on both reputation and business performance. Second, reputation has affected business performance. Third, reputation was affected in the order of governance management, safety management, environmental management, and social management.

공항개발계획과 사업에서의 항공안전성 제고에 대한 법률적 소고 (A Study on The Enhancement of Aviation Safety in Airport Planning & Construction from a Legal Perspective)

  • 김태한
    • 항공우주정책ㆍ법학회지
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.67-106
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    • 2012
  • 오늘날 항공운송의 볼륨이 크게 증가함에따라 항공사고도 끊임없이 발생하고 있다. 따라서 항공교통의 핵심가치인 항공교통 안전의 중요성을 새롭게 인식하여야 한다. 이에 항공교통의 기본 인프라로서 공항의 입지, 시설, 장비에 대한 안전성 확보는 무엇보다 중요하다고 할 수 있다. 그러한 차원에서 공항의 건설 또는 개량단계에서 공항개발사업 단계별로 고려되어야 할 안전요소를 현행법과 제도내에서 분석하여 공항시설의 설계, 건설단계에서의 안전성 제고에 대한 소견을 제시하고자 한다. 공항은 물론 항공교통의 안전은 공항시설을 포함하는 공항을 입지, 개발, 설계, 시공, 검사, 관리하느냐에 달려 있는 문제인 것이다. 이는 결국 공항개발계획 단계에서부터 항공안전을 우선 고려하는 입지에 대한 기준 및 전문가 개입 제도화 등에 관한 입법화를 통하여 현대사회가 내포하는 불특정다수에 대한 대형 사회간접자본의 리스크를 예방하는 국가적 책무를 다할 수 있기 때문이다. 아울러 공항개발 과정에서 핵심사항인 공항과 항행안전시설의 설치기준의 명확화는 공항과 공항시설의 안전성을 담보하는 것이라 할 수 있다. 물론 공항과 항행안전시설의 설치기준은 항공교통의 특성상 세계적인 기준이 제시되어 있으나, 이를 국내 입법화하는 과정에서 안전 측면의 기준은 더욱 구체적으로 세분화하여 설계, 시공, 검사 단계에서 이에 대한 혼돈이 발생하지 않게 하는 것도 항공안전을 확보하는 방법으로 검토할 만하다. 항행안전시설의 설치에 대한 기준은 무엇보다 자세히 규정하고 있다. 그러나 항행안전시설 성능적합증명제도와 관련해서는 임의적 규제를 의무적 규제로 변경하고, 제작자는 국내뿐만 국외제작자에게도 증명제도가 적용되도록 하는 것이 항행안전시설의 운용 안전성을 담보하는 방안이라 할 것이다. 물론 항공사고의 많은 부분이 조종사 과실 또는 항공기 정비 불량에 의한 것으로 귀결된다. 그러나 더욱 중요한 것은 공항이나 공항시설이 안전을 담보할 수 있을 정도로 완벽하다면 항공교통 사고를 더욱 감소시킬 수 있을 것으로 생각한다. 따라서 공항개발 단계에서부터 항공안전을 우선시 하는 법률적 제도적 보완이 필요하다고 할 수 있다.

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인천국제공항철도 직통형 차량의 주행안전성 평가 (Estimation of Running Safety of Electric Multiple Unit for Express Train in Incheon International Airport Railway)

  • 함영삼;서정원;허현무;이동형;권석진;권성태;홍용기;박옥정
    • 한국철도학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국철도학회 2007년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.109-114
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    • 2007
  • For the safety of railway, it should be evaluated for the running safety by measuring the derailment coefficient. Although railway has run the fixed and maintained rail, some of railway is derailed. This report shows the results that performed the static load test, wheelset manufacturing for test, main line running test on the basis of the derailment theory and experience. It is executed main line test to 120 km/h for estimating the running safety of express train in Incheon International Airport. As the test results, could confirm the curving performance and running safety of Incheon International Airport EMU from the results of the wheel unloading, lateral force, derailment coefficient etc. Derailment coefficient was less than 0.8, and lateral force allowance limit and wheel load reduction ratio were enough safe.

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인천국제공항철도 통근형 차량의 주행안전성 평가 (Estimation of Running Safety of Electric Multiple Unit for Commute use in Incheon International Airport Railway)

  • 서정원;허현무;권석진;이동형;권성태;홍용기;박옥정;함영삼
    • 한국철도학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국철도학회 2006년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.56-61
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    • 2006
  • For the safety of railway, it should be evaluated for the running safety by measuring the derailment coefficient. Although railway has run the fixed and maintained rail, some of railway is derailed. This report shows the results that performed the static load test, wheelset manufacturing for test, main line running test on the basis of the derailment theory and experience. It is executed main line test into more than 110km/h for estimating the running safety of Incheon Int'l Airport EMU. As the test results, could confirm the curving performance and running safety of Incheon Int'l Airport EMU from the results of the wheel unloading, lateral force, derailment coefficient etc. Derailment coefficient was less than 0.8, and lateral force allowance limit and wheel load reduction ratio were enough safe.

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IPA기법을 활용한 인천국제공항 이용객의 항공보안서비스 만족도와 중요도 평가 (Evaluation for Incheon International Airport security: passenger satisfaction and significance, using IPA method)

  • 변아름;최진영;최연철
    • 한국항공운항학회지
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.77-82
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    • 2017
  • Currently the international flight passenger visit at Incheon International Airport increased 12.4% compared to January 2017. Such increase affects on the congestion of an airport and the security check is one of the most congested area. There is a prejudice that airport security is not related to the airport service and is only a type of control that limits the quality of service. However, considering the huge impact that airport security agents have on passenger move within the airport, trustworthy, fast and kind service at airport security check is one of the most important part of airport service quality improvement. This research is an importance performance analysis of Incheon International Airport security service passenger satisfaction and its significance using IPA method. This research will contribute to the improvement of airport operation and service quality, by proving the relation between airport security and service.

지상조업서비스 품질 제고를 위한 인식조사 -인천공항을 중심으로- (Recognition Survey for Quality Improvement of Ground Handling Service - Focused on Incheon International Airport -)

  • 박정희;최유진
    • 한국항공운항학회지
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.116-122
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    • 2018
  • Due to the opening of Incheon International Airport Terminal 2, the operation range of ground operators is expanding and the workload is increased, which may cause a deterioration of the operation quality. Airline and airport corporations are concerned about safety delays as well as delays in flight due to delays in operations. Air traffic demand at Incheon International Airport is expected to increase steadily in the future. Therefore, this study intends to derive quality improvement plan by investigating the perception of stakeholders about the status of fishing service in order to improve service quality of Incheon airport ground handling company. The results of the analysis are expected to be used as basic data for improving quality of service.

울산공항 활주로 18 LPV 계기접근절차 개발 (Development of Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance Instrument Approach Procedure on Runway 18 in Ulsan Airport)

  • 조현수;김은정;김성엽;이명식
    • 한국항행학회논문지
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    • 제28권5호
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    • pp.594-600
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    • 2024
  • 한국형 위성기반보정시스템(KASS)의 운영으로 LPV (localizer performance with vertical guidance) 계기접근절차를 개발 및 운영할 수 있게 되었다. 본 연구에서는 장애물로 인해 ILS 설치가 어려운 울산공항의 18 활주로를 대상으로 하여 LPV 절차를 개발해보고 결항 감소 효과를 연구하였다. 연구 결과 LPV 계기접근절차 개발시 결심고도는 380 ft, 시정제한치는 1,200 m가 예상된다. 이에 따라 LPV 계기접근 개발시 18 방향 활주로 이용시 시정과 운고에 따른 결항은 2023년 결항횟수 기준 92%가 감소할 것으로 예상되므로 울산공항 활주로 18 LPV 계기접근절차의 개발 및 운영은 반드시 필요해보인다.

공항 경제권 형성을 통한 허브 경쟁력 향상 방안에 대한 연구: 인천국제공항을 중심으로 (A Study on Ways to Improve Hub-Airport Competitiveness Through Forming Economy Zone: Focus on the Incheon International Airport)

  • 남승주;김준환;최솔샘;유영준;김진기
    • 경영정보학연구
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.21-40
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    • 2022
  • 본 연구는 인천국제공항 중심 경제권 형성을 통한 허브 경쟁력 확보를 위해 향후 인천국제공항이 중점적으로 고려 및 개선해야 하는 요인을 도출하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 세계적 수준의 환승 공항을 이용한 승객이 작성한 온라인 리뷰를 대상으로 텍스트 분석을 실시하여, 승객이 중요하게 인식하는 환경요인을 도출하였다. 이후, 구체적인 인식 조사를 위해 도출된 환경 요인 중 15개의 세부평가 요인을 선행 연구에 기반하여 선정하였다. 해당 요인들은 전문가를 대상으로 중요도와 수행도를 확인하고자 설문조사 및 IPA 분석을 수행하였다. 분석 결과, 모든 요인에 있어, 중요도보다 수행도가 낮은 것으로 평가되었으며, 향후 인천국제공항이 중점적으로 개선해야 하는 상위 3개 요인으로 접근시설(편의성 및 다양성, 비용, 시간), 경제자유지역, 다양하고 우수한 쇼핑시설이 제시되었다. 본 연구는 텍스트 분석과 설문조사의 장점을 복합적으로 활용하여 승객의 인식을 이해했다는 점에서 의의가 있다. 본 연구 결과는 향후 허브 공항의 입지를 확고히 하기 위한 정책적, 전략적 방향성 수립에 활용될 수 있다.