• Title/Summary/Keyword: Agricultural R and D

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Status and Changes in Chemical Properties of Paddy Soil in Gangwon Province

  • Yoon, Byeong-Sung;Choi, Seung-Chul;Lim, Soo-Jeoung;Heo, Su-Jeong;Kim, In-Jong;Kang, Seong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.293-299
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    • 2016
  • The chemical properties of paddy fields in Gangwon province were monitored every 4 years from 2003 to 2015 in order to provide basic information for soil fertility management of paddy fields. In 2015, the soil chemical properties of paddy fields were 5.9 in pH, 22gkg1 in organic matter (OM), and 123mgkg1 in available (Avail.) phosphate P2O5. Exchangeable (Exch.) potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) were 0.39, 4.8 and 0.9cmolckg1, respectively, and Avail. SiO2 was 170mgkg1. In the long-term analysis, the contents of Avail. SiO2, Exch. K and pH of paddy soils showed increasing tendency. However, Avail. P2O5, Exch. Ca and Mg tended to decrease, and there were no significant changes in the contents of OM. Soil OM, Avail. P2O5 and SiO2 were not different among the different topographical sampling sites. However, the mean value of Exch. K and Ca were different among the different topographical sampling sites, and exceeded optimal values in the fluvio-marine plains. Different soil texture resulted in different soil pH, while no difference for OM, Avail. P2O5 and SiO2. Paddy soil samples within appropriate pH range increased from 65% in 2003 to 77% in 2007, 68% in 2011, and 71% in 2015. In case of Avail. SiO2, soil samples within appropriate range increased from 20% in 2003, to 37% in 2007, 29% in 2011, and 45% in 2015. Meanwhile, Cd and Pb were distributed to less than 5% of soil pollution standards. Cu, As and Zn were distributed to less than 10%, 15% and 20%, respectively. Therefore, paddy soil in Gangwon Province was judged to be safe. As a result, paddy fields with more or less in nutrient level need to be fertilized based on the soil analysis. And the application of silicate fertilizer is strongly recommended to those of paddy fields in need. In addition, soil management including the cultivation of green manure crop or application of rice straw is necessary to increase the organic matter content of paddy soil.

Performance of Weaner Lambs on Conventional Feeds or Supplemented with Mango Seed Kernel (Mangifera indica) and Babul Pods Chuni (Acacia nilotica) under Intensive Production System

  • Saiyed, L.H.;Parnerkar, S.;Wadhwani, K.N.;Pandya, P.R.;Patel, A.M.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.16 no.10
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    • pp.1469-1474
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    • 2003
  • Twenty four weaner lambs, eight each of Marwari, Patanwadi and Merino×Patanwadi breeds (9.9 to 10.8 kg) were randomly divided into two dietary treatments on body weight basis Viz. T1-conventional (Maize-38%, GN Cake-25%, Rice Polish-24%, Jaggery solution-10%, Mineral mixture-3%) and T2-supplemented non conventional group (GN Cake-25%, Rice Polish-14%, Mango seed kernel-25%, Babul Pods chuni-23%, Jaggery solution-10%, Mineral mixture-3%). The Jaggery solution was prepared by mixing 6.5 kg Jaggery and 3.5 kg water. The average final body weight at the end of the experiment was recorded to be 19.33±0.76 and 19.72±0.8kg in conventional and non-conventional groups, respectively. The total dry matter intake (DMI) during the entire experiment period was recorded to be 89.56±5.19 and 95.08±1.06 (kg/head) and 532.83±9.94 and 566.75±10.49g/d in conventional and nonconventional groups, respectively. The body weight gain and body measurements did not influenced by diet. The ration effect was found to be significant when the DMI was expressed in terms of g/d. The crude protein (CP) and digestible crude protein (DCP) intake/head and per kg gain observed during experiment under conventional and non-conventional treatment group did not differ from each other. However, the total digestible nutrients (TDN) intake per kg gain was significantly (p<0.05) higher in supplemented non-conventional group. The intake values of DCP and TDN were more or less in agreement with Indian Council Agricultural Research (1985) recommendations. The estimated total feed cost (Rs./animal) for experimental lambs was 274.16±8.57 and 242.67±5.10 in conventional and non- group, respectively. The non-conventional group had significantly (p<0.05) lower feed cost (11.6%). The return as percent of feed cost and feed cost/kg dressed weight were 92.89±5.58 (%) and Rs. 35.40±1.11 and 122.61±5.06 (%) and Rs.30.47±1.71 in conventional and non-conventional group (p<0.05), respectively which is the reflection of significantly lower total feed cost incurred during feeding in non-conventional group. Lambs fed non-conventional based diet had similar live weights as those fed conventional diets but costed less money to achieve those weights.

Determine the effects of drying temperature on the quality change and antioxidant activity characteristics of blueberry (건조 온도에 따른 블루베리의 품질변화 및 항산화특성)

  • Shin, Dong-Sun;Yoo, Yeon-Mi;Kim, Ha-Yun;Han, Gwi-Jung
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.505-511
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    • 2015
  • This study was performed to investigate the effect of drying temperature on the quality characteristics and antioxidant activity of blueberry. Blueberries were dried at different times and temperatures, including A (40C, 72 hr), B (40C, 48 h and 50C, 24 hr), C (50C, 72 hr), and D (60C, 72 hr). The yield and pH ranges of blueberry were determined to be 17.73~31.17% and 3.20~3.25, respectively. The yield rate of A treatments, soluble solid of D treatments, was the highest. The yield rate and soluble content was the highest in the treatment of A and D, respectively. The moisture content and water activity were significantly decreased with the increase in drying temperature (p<0.05). The L value of A treatment, and a and b values of D treatment were the greatest. In the analysis of texture analyzer, hardness, springiness, cohesiveness, gummiess and chewiness were significantly increased with the increase in drying temperature (p<0.05). In the sensory evaluation of blueberry, the appearance and color were the highest in the A treatment. The moisture, texture and taste was highest in the B treatment. The overall acceptability was in the order of B > A > C >D. The total polyphenol content and DPPH radical-scavenging activity were 9.21~13.05 mg/GAEg and 61.90~81.42%, respectively, which were significantly decreased with the increase in drying temperature (p<0.05). Therefore, the optimum time and temperature for blueberry drying was founded to be B treatment (40C, 48 hr and 50C, 24 hr) among other treatments.

A study on standardization and R&D strategies of agrifood-ICT convergence technology (농식품-ICT 융·복합 기술 개발 및 표준화 추진방향)

  • Min, J.H.;Huh, M.Y.;Park, J.Y.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.777-780
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    • 2015
  • Currently, our country has promoted sustainable growth in agriculture field by expanding the growth engine which is going to creat new value through agrifood industry & ICT convergence, the deployment of computerization in rural areas and the efficiency increase of agricultural administration system. Since the level of domestic agriculture-ICT convergence technology focusing on production areas is at early stage, it is necessary to deploy the successful models through the systematic development of technology and standardization including production, distribution and consumption phase. In addition, because the management and control systems of large glass greenhouse are mostly foreign products with no standardization and related small domestic companies, there is a limit to agri-food & ICT convergence activation led by the agri-food private sector. Also, it is vital to increase productivity & efficiency and improve quality throughout the entire agricultural process including production, distribution and consumption by the fusion of information technology, automatic control technology and unique ICT on existing agricultural technology, Therefore, in this paper we propose the agricultural-ICT convergence technology fields in which our country can lead technology and the standardization plans through analyzing the development, policy and standardization trends on agricultural-ICT convergence technology.

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A Case Study of Successful Strategy for Farm's Franchise Commercialization through Local Agricultural Products - Focusing on the case of Jung Donuts Co. Ltd., in Yeongju, Gyeongbuk - (지역농산물을 이용한 농촌프랜차이즈 사업화 성공 사례연구 - 경북 영주시 (주)정도너츠 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Seo, Min-gyo;Hwang, Bo-Jun;Song, Ji-Hyeon
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this work is to analyze the case that Yeongju Municipality Government of Gyeongbuk and Jung Donuts Co., Ltd., a franchise company, activated local economy through Farm's Franchise Commercialization (FCC) and to establish the concept of FCC. As a food service franchise company, Jung Donuts specializes in making and selling glutinous rice donuts. In cooperation with Commodity Dept. of Yeongju Municipality Government, the company cultivates raw materials under contract. Such farm's franchise business has the following advantages: First, it is meaningful in the point that it contributes to opening a new market of local agricultural products in a stable way. In short, by using most agricultural products of Yeongju as raw materials, the business serves as a stable market for farmers. Secondly, it is possible to set a reasonable price through stable supply of raw materials. It is to advantages of both producers and consumers. Thirdly, the business brings about the effect of employment rise. It can cause increases in employment of franchise head office and its agencies, and of the Commodity Dept.. Lastly, it produces the promotion effect of local special products. By expanding its agencies across the country, a franchise business can promote the items of raw materials in terms of marketing. The successful FCC needs to meet three requirements as follows. The first one is to establish systematic logistic system. Stable logistic system is required in order to directly distribute and deliver products to nationwide agencies by a producing place. The second one is constant R&D activity. Through the activity of R&D of raw materials and equipment, they should be used most effectively. The third one is to build mutual trust relationship. For long-term business achievements, it is required to establish mutual trust relationship in which relevant entities share their visions with each other and cooperate with each other.

Effects of Fermented Potato Pulp on Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Carcass Traits and Plasma Parameters of Growing-finishing Pigs

  • Li, P.F.;Xue, L.F.;Zhang, R.F.;Piao, Xiangshu;Zeng, Z.K.;Zhan, J.S.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.24 no.10
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    • pp.1456-1463
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    • 2011
  • A total of 629 Duroc×Landrace×Large White crossbred pigs were utilized in three experiments (Exp. 1, 222 pigs weighing 25.6±2.0kg BW; Exp. 2, 216 pigs weighing 56.2±4.3kg BW; Exp. 3, 191 pigs weighing 86.4±4.6kg BW) conducted to determine the effects of fermented potato pulp on performance, nutrient digestibility, carcass traits and plasma parameters in growingfinishing pigs. Each experiment lasted 28 d. The pigs were assigned to one of two corn-soybean meal-based diets containing 0 or 5% fermented potato pulp. The inclusion of fermented potato pulp increased weight gain (p<0.05) in experiments 1 and 2 and increased feed intake (p<0.05) in experiment 2. Feed conversion was improved (p<0.05) in experiment 2 and showed a tendency to improve (p<0.10) in experiments 1 and 3 when pigs were fed fermented potato pulp. Fermented potato pulp increased (p<0.05) dry matter digestibility in experiments 1 and 3 and energy digestibility in experiment 2. Feeding fermented potato pulp decreased plasma urea nitrogen (p<0.05) and alanine aminotransferase (p<0.05) in experiments 1 and 2, while plasma aspartate aminotransferase was decreased (p<0.05) in experiment 3. Dietary fermented potato pulp did not affect the carcass characteristics of finishing pigs. Feeding fermented potato pulp reduced (p<0.05) fecal ammonia concentration in all three experiments. In conclusion, feeding growing-finishing pigs diets containing 5% fermented potato pulp improved weight gain and feed conversion without any detrimental effects on carcass traits. The improvements in pig performance appeared to be mediated by improvements in nutrient digestibility.

Present Status of Smart Greenhouses Growing Fruit Vegetables in Korea: Focusing Management of Environmental Conditions and Pests in Greenhouses (한국의 과채류 재배 스마트 온실 실태: 온실 환경 및 병해충 관리)

  • Park, Young-gyun;Baek, Sunghoon;Im, Jae Seong;Kim, Min-Jung;Lee, Joon-Ho
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.59 no.1
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    • pp.55-64
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    • 2020
  • Smart greenhouses are primarily used for growing fruits and vegetables, such as sweet peppers, tomatoes, strawberries. Although the number of smart greenhouses has been increasing exponentially, no studies have been performed to evaluate the state of smart greenhouses in Korea. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine current state of smart greenhouses with regard to greenhouse specifications, crop growing methods, pests, and user satisfaction in Korea. Contact information for smart greenhouses was provided by the officials of local agricultural research and extension services. This survey was conducted by visiting each greenhouse. Results showed that approximately 50% of surveyed smart greenhouses were between 3,300 ㎡ and 6,600 ㎡. The most frequently chosen method for pest control was chemical pesticides (97.1%). Powdery mildew and gray mold comprised 54.4% and 33.8% of the crop diseases, respectively. All tomato greenhouse farmers considered whiteflies the most problematic pest. In contrast, 76.5% and 70.6% of sweet pepper farmers believed thrips and aphids posed significant threats, respectively. The mean satisfaction score was 7.5 out of 10 points, with 10 being "extremely satisfied". These results will aid in decision making with respect to the management of current smart greenhouses and the design of future smart farms in Korea.

Memory Enhancing and Neuroprotective Effects of Selected Ginsenosides

  • Sao Hai Ying;Zhang Jing;Yeo Soo Jeong;Myung Chang Seon;Kim Hyang Mi;Kim Jong Moon;Park Jeong Hill;Cho Jung Sook;Kang Jong Seong
    • Archives of Pharmacal Research
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.335-342
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    • 2005
  • The effects of ginsenosides Rg3(R) , Rg3(S) and Rg5/Rk1 (a mixture of Rg5 and Rk1 1:1, w/w), which are components isolated from processed Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer (Araliaceae), on memory dysfunction were examined in mice using a passive avoidance test. The ginsenosides Rg3(R), Rg3(S) or Rg5/Rk1, when orally administered for 4 days, significantly ameliorated the memory impairment induced by the single oral administration of ethanol. The memory impairment induced by the intraperitoneal injection of scopolamine was also significantly recovered by ginsenosides Rg3(S) and Rg5/Rk1. Among the three ginsenosides tested in this study, Rg5/Rk1 enhanced the memory function of mice most effectively in both the ethanol­and scopolamine-induced amnesia models. Moreover, the latency period of the Rg5/Rk1­treated mice was 1.2 times longer than that of the control (no amnesia) group in both models, implying that Rg5/Rk1 may also exert beneficial effects in the normal brain. We also evaluated the effects of these ginsenosides on the excitotoxic and oxidative stress-induced neuronal cell damage in primary cultured rat cortical cells. The excitotoxicity induced by glutamate or N­methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) was dramatically inhibited by the three ginsenosides. Rg3(S) and Rg5/Rk1 exhibited a more potent inhibition of excitotoxicity than did Rg3(R). In contrast, these ginsenosides were all ineffective against the H2O2- or xanthine/xanthine oxidase-induced oxidative neuronal damage. Taken together, these results indicate that ginsenosides Rg3(S) and Rg5/Rk1 significantly reversed the memory dysfunction induced by ethanol or scopolamine, and their neuroprotective actions against excitotoxicity may be attributed to their memory enhancing effects.

Performance Test for the Long Distance Sprayer by an Image Processing (영상처리를 이용한 광역방제기 팬의 성능실험)

  • Min, B.R.;Kim, D.W.;Seo, K.W.;Hong, J.T.;Kim, W.;Choi, J.H.;Lee, D.W.
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.159-166
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    • 2008
  • This research was carried out to test and analyze capacity of the long distance sprayer fan in large livestock farmhouses. Long distance sprayer was manufactured to be able to spray a lot of water, which was a solvent for agricultural chemicals and black dye with the maximum spraying distance of 140 m and the effective spraying distance of 100 m. The spraying quantity and the distance were measured the intensity values of images within A4 papers, which absorbed the agricultural chemicals by spraying by binary image processing. These A4 papers were fixed upon the height of 1 m from soil ground at regular 10 m interval. After the A4 papers were collected and analyzed the intensity values of gray level. Gray level was ranged from 0 to 255, where 0 was black and 255 was white. A4 paper was fallen down from the stick at 10 m distance, because there were too large amount of sprayed water with black dye. Also, the paper showed low gray level at distance 30 m because of dropping lots of black water. The intensity value of gray level was showed almost less than 200 on the A4 papers between the distance 20 m and 100 m, which meant equality of spraying quantity. Additionally, it was possible to spay agricultural chemicals of until 180 m. Throughout this research, long distance sprayer could apply for preventing hoof-and-mouth disease in large livestock farmhouses.

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Developmental Characteristics of Zophobas atratus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) at Varing Temperatures (온도에 따른 아메리카왕거저리(Zophobas atratus)의 발육 특성)

  • Kwak, Kyu-Won;Kim, Sun Young;Lee, Kyeong Yong;Yoon, Hyung Joo
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.61 no.2
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    • pp.357-368
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    • 2022
  • We investigated the developmental characteristics of super mealworm (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) at four different temperatures (25℃, 27℃, 30℃, and 33℃). The rearing conditions were 9L/15D, 65% RH, and 1,330 to 1,800 lux with wheat bran. The length of developmental period of 1 to 18 instars at each temperature showed that 30℃ was the shortest at 120.0±5.8 days, compared to that at 27℃ (132.6±10.7 days), 33℃ (136.5±9.2 days), and 25℃ (156.7±7.5 days). The larval developmental period was statistically significantly longer at 25℃, 27℃, and 30℃ compared to the length at 33℃. However, the death rate of larvae at 33℃ was 2.7-3.3 times higher than the rate at other temperatures. Body weight was heaviest at 30℃ followed by 27℃, 33℃, and 25℃. The patterns of head capsule, body capsule, and body length were similar to that of body weight. Regression analyses of developmental period, larval body weight, and length according to temperature revealed 29-30℃ as the most suitable temperature. The prepupa rate was 43.1% in 17 instars, 30.3% in 18 instars, 15.4% in 16 instars, 7.1% in 19 instars, 2.2% in 15 instars, and 1.9% in 20 instars, accounting for 88.8% in 16-18 instars. Prepupal period was longer at lower temperatures. For the average prepupal period of 15-18 instars, prepupa time was 18.8±1.9 days at 27℃, 18.8±2.3 days at 30℃, 23.0±2.4 days at 33℃, and 23.1±2.9 days at 25℃. The average pupal period of females and males was 11.1±2.2 and 11.6±2.4 days, respectively. The data indicate that the most suitable rearing temperature of super mealworm was 30℃.