• Title/Summary/Keyword: Aerial image

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Building Detection Using Segment Measure Function and Line Relation

  • Ye, Chul-Soo;Kim, Gyeong-Hwan;Lee, Kwae-Hi
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 1999.11a
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    • pp.177-181
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    • 1999
  • This paper presents an algorithm for building detection from aerial image using segment measure function and line relation. In the detection algorithm proposed, edge detection, linear approximation and line linking are used and then line measure function is applied to each line segment in order to improve the accuracy of linear approximation. Parallelisms, orthogonalities are applied to the extracted liner segments to extract building. The algorithm was applied to aerial image and the buildings were accurately detected.

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Detecting Land Cover Change in an Urban Area by Image Differencing and Image Ratioing Techniques (영상의 차연산과 비연산 기법에 의한 도시지역의 토지피복 변화탐지)

  • Lee, Jin-Duk;Jo, Chang-Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.12 no.2 s.29
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    • pp.43-52
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    • 2004
  • This study presents the application of aerial photographs and the Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite, KOMPSAT-1 Electro-Optical Camera(EOC) imagery in detecting change in an urban area that has been rapidly growing. For the study, we used multi-temporal images which were acquired by two different sensors. Image registration and resampling were rallied out before performing change detection in a common reference system with the same spatial resolution. for all of the images. Results from image differencing and image ratioing techniques show that panchromatic aerial photographs and KOMPSAT-1 EOC images collected by different sensors have potential to detect changes of urban features such as building, road and other man-made structure. And the optimal threshold values were suggested in applying image differencing and image ratioing techniques for change detection.

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City-Scale Modeling for Street Navigation

  • Huang, Fay;Klette, Reinhard
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.411-419
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    • 2012
  • This paper proposes a semi-automatic image-based approach for 3-dimensional (3D) modeling of buildings along streets. Image-based urban 3D modeling techniques are typically based on the use of aerial and ground-level images. The aerial image of the relevant area is extracted from publically available sources in Google Maps by stitching together different patches of the map. Panoramic images are common for ground-level recording because they have advantages for 3D modeling. A panoramic video recorder is used in the proposed approach for recording sequences of ground-level spherical panoramic images. The proposed approach has two advantages. First, detected camera trajectories are more accurate and stable (compared to methods using multi-view planar images only) due to the use of spherical panoramic images. Second, we extract the texture of a facade of a building from a single panoramic image. Thus, there is no need to deal with color blending problems that typically occur when using overlapping textures.

Image Reconstruction Using Line-scan Image for LCD Surface Inspection (LCD표면 검사를 위한 라인스캔 영상의 재구성)

  • 고민석;김우섭;송영철;최두현;박길흠
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.69-74
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we propose a novel method for improving defect-detection performance based on reconstruction of line-scan camera images using both the projection profiles and color space transform. The proposed method consists of RGB region segmentation, representative value reconstruction using the tracing system, and Y image reconstruction using color-space transformation. Through experiments it is demonstrated that the performance using the reconstructed image is better than that using aerial image for LCD surface inspection.

Control of Camera Mounting on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Image Processing (무인 항공기 탑재 카메라 제어 및 영상처리)

  • Kim, Kwang-Jin;Ahn, Yong-Nam;Song, Yong-Kyu
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2009
  • This paper is about EO sensor module control based on the image processing. The main purpose of this research is acquiring a latitude and longitude of the target located on the ground by using image processing. For image processing, OpenCV is employed which is a computer vision library originally developed by Intel, and ATmega128 is used for the EO sensor module control. This task also involves realization of control programs and acquisition of sensor view angle for the position of the target.

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A Study on Digital Drawing and Boundary Extraction Using Targets in Aerial Photogrammetry (항공사진측량용 타겟을 이용한 수치도화 및 지적경계 추출에 관한 연구)

  • Yun, Bu-Yeol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.25 no.6_2
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    • pp.969-977
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    • 2022
  • Currently, in Korea, aerial photogrammetry is being studied for cadastral boundaries and numerical maps. Since the announced value of cadastral survey is closely related to ownership, the accuracy and reliability of the published value should be emphasized above all else. However, although aerial photogrammetry has great advantages in economic feasibility and surveying efficiency, it has many limitations when extracting the boundary of cadastral survey based on the acquired image. In order to improve these limitations, in this study, an aerial target was applied to obtain reliability improvement. Therefore, in order to examine the usefulness of aerial photogrammetry for cadastral survey application, cadastral boundary extraction and accuracy comparison analysis were conducted.

Design of Real-time Video Acquisition for Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

  • Jeong, Min-Hwa
    • Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.131-138
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we analyze the delay phenomenon that can occur when controlling an unmanned aerial vehicle using a camera and describe a solution to solve the phenomenon. The group of pictures (GOP) value is changed in order to reduce the delay according to the frame data size that can occur in the moving image data transmission. The appropriate GOP values were determined through experimental data accumulation and validated through camera self-test, system integration laboratory (SIL) verification test and system integration test.

The Land Cover Change Detection of an Urban Area from Aerial Photos and KOMPSAT EOC Satellite Imagery (항공사진과 KOMPSAT EOC 위성영상으로부터 도시지역의 토지피복 변화 검출)

  • 조창환;배상우;이성순;이진덕
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2004.04a
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    • pp.177-182
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    • 2004
  • This study presents the application of aerial photographs and KOMPSAT-1 Electro-Optical Camera(EOC) imagery in detecting the change of an urban area that has been rapidly growing. For the study, we used multi-time images which were acquired by two different sensors. For all of the images, the coordinate reference system and scale were first made identical through the 1st and 2nd geometric corrections and then image resampling were carried out to spatial resolution of 7m to detect changes under the same conditions. The Image Differencing was employed as a change detection technique. It was confirmed to be able to detect the changes of terrestrial surface like building, structure and road features from aerial photos and KOMPSAT EOC images with single band. The changes could be detected to some extent with the images acquired from different kinds of sensors as well as the same kinds of sensors.

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Recovering the Elevation Map by Stereo Modeling of the Aerial Image Sequence (연속 항공영상의 스테레오 모델링에 의한 지형 복원)

  • 강민석;김준식;박래홍;이쾌희
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics B
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    • v.30B no.9
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    • pp.64-75
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    • 1993
  • This paper proposes a recovering technique of the elevation map by stereo modeling of the aerial image sequence which is transformed based on the aircraft situation. The area-based stereo matching method is simulated and the various parameters are experimentally chosen. In a depth extraction step, the depth is determined by solving the vector equation. The equation is suitable for stereo modeling of aerial images which do not satisfy the epipolar constraint. Also, the performance of the conventional feature-based matching scheme is compared. Finally, techniques analyzing the accuracy of the recovered elevation map (REM) are described. The analysis includes the error estimation for both height and contour lines, where the accuracy is based on the measurements of deviations from the estimates obtained manually. The experimental results show the efficiency of the proposed technique.

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  • Yoon, Jong-Suk
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.181-184
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    • 2008
  • The quality of orthoimages mainly depends on the elevation information and exterior orientation (EO) parameters. Since LiDAR data directly provides the elevation information over the earth's surface including buildings and trees, the concept of true orthorectification has been rapidly developed and implemented. If a LiDAR-driven digital surface model (DSM) is used for orthorectification, the displacements caused by trees and buildings are effectively removed when compared with the conventional orthoimages processed with a digital elevation model (DEM). This study sequentially utilized LiDAR data to generate orthorectified digital aerial images. Experimental orthoimages were produced using DTM and DSM. For the preparation of orthorectification, EO components, one of the inputs for orthorectification, were adjusted with the ground control points (GCPs) collected from the LiDAR point data, and the ground points were extracted by a filtering method. The orthoimage generated by DSM corresponded more closely to non-ground LiDAR points than the orthoimage produced by DTM.

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