• Title/Summary/Keyword: Adolescents' Health

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Suicide Attempts and Contributing Factors among South and North Korean-Family Youth Using the Korean Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey

  • Rim, Soo Jung;Lee, Min Geu;Park, Subin
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: There is an increasing number of North Korean adolescents in South Korea. These adolescents need clinical attention as they experience a high risk of suicidal behavior because of the childhood adversity and acculturative challenges that they face before and after arriving in South Korea. This study assessed the risk of suicide attempts among North Korean adolescents compared to South Korean adolescents, and investigated the contributing factors for each group. Methods: We used data from the Korean Youth Risk Behavior Web-Based Survey (KYRBS) spanning 2011 to 2018, in which 404 adolescents had a father and/or mother who was a North Korean native. Data on 1,212 propensity-matched South Korean adolescents were extracted from the 2011 to 2018 KYRBS. Prevalence was calculated and compared by group. Separate odds ratios were calculated by group. Results: The North Korean group had a significantly higher suicide attempt rate [unadjusted odds ratio (OR)=8.27; adjusted OR=8.45]. Multivariate analysis indicated that having a low or high socioeconomic status and depressive symptoms were significantly associated with suicide attempts in North Korean adolescents, while being female, having a high socioeconomic status, alcohol use, and depressive symptoms were significantly related to suicide attempts in South Korean adolescents. Conclusion: The results found similarities and differences in the factors associated with the likelihood of suicide attempts in the two groups. From these results, different approaches are needed when planning interventions for each group.

Impact of Conventional and Electronic Cigarette Use on the Adolescents' Experience of Periodontal Disease Symptoms

  • Ahn, Eunsuk;Lee, Jin-ha
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.133-139
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    • 2021
  • Background: Smoking in adolescence leads to an intensified addiction to nicotine when physical and mental growth has not yet been completed. With the advent of e-cigarettes, the rate of e-cigarette use among Korean adolescents has been steadily increasing. To date, studies on e-cigarettes and oral health, especially on the relationship between smoking styles and oral health in adolescents, are limited. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the risk factors for oral health problems caused by the repeated use of conventional cigarettes and e-cigarettes. Methods: This explanatory research study compared the adolescents' experiences of periodontal disease symptoms according to smoking type through a secondary analysis of the original data from the 15th Adolescent Health Behavior Survey (2019). Cross-analysis was performed to compare the smoking patterns according to the adolescents' general characteristics. Finally, a binary logistic regression analysis was performed to determine how smoking characteristics affect the adolescents' experience of periodontal disease symptoms. Results: In terms of patients' general characteristics, significant differences were observed in sex, school level, grades, household economic status, type of residence, and father's education level between adolescents who smoked conventional cigarettes alone and those who smoked both conventional cigarettes and e-cigarettes (p<0.05). After checking the factors affecting the smoking pattern and the experience of periodontal disease symptoms in adolescents, it was found that the duplicate smoking group was more likely to experience periodontal disease symptoms (odds ratio, 1.20) than the group that smoked conventional cigarettes alone (p<0.05). Conclusion: Duplicate smokers experienced more symptoms of periodontal disease than those who smoked cigarettes alone. Based on the findings of this study, smoking cessation counseling according to the smoking type and differentiated education for oral health promotion should be provided.

Predicting Adolescents' Smoking Behavior Using Health Belief Model (건강신념모델을 이용한 청소년 흡연 행위 예측)

  • Hong Yoon Mi;Lee Chung Yul;Lee Kyung Hee;Bae Sun Hyoung;Ham Ok Kyung;Han Joo Hee
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.218-224
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    • 2004
  • This study was conducted to explain adolescents' smoking behavior using Health Belief Model. A cross-sectional study design was used to analyze characteristics and factors that influence smoking behavior among Korean adolescents. A total of 1.535 adolescents attending 21 high schools in one district of Seoul participated in the study. The results indicated that perceived susceptibility, severity, benefits, and barriers were significant in predicting smoking behavior of adolescents. Likewise, the degree of juvenile delinquency, gender, the amount of pocket money, and having smoking parent(s) and friend(s) significantly affect smoking behavior of adolescents. Based on the study results, it is recommended to incorporate HBM components in smoking cessation programs, and to include parents and friends in smoking prevention and cessation programs for high school students in Korea.

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Factors related to suicidal ideation by gender among adolescents in Peru : Focused on baseline survey for adolescents in poor urban area of Peru (성별에 따른 페루 청소년의 자살생각 관련 요인: 페루 도시빈민지역 학생 기초조사 결과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Ha Yun;Nam, Eun Woo
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.71-85
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: The aim of this study is to verify relationship between suicidal ideation and associated socio-demographic, psychological and behavioral, violence, protective factors among in poor urban area adolescents in Peru. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in a sample of 981 secondary school adolescents in 2014 collaborating with Korea International Cooperation Agencies (KOICA) Peru office. For statistical analysis, Chi-square test, logistic regression analysis methods were used. Results: 14.0% of male and 37.1% of female were reported having suicidal ideation during the past 12 months. Suicidal ideation experience of male is affected by mother's education level, depression, life satisfaction, sexual intercourse experience, fight experience, insulted experience. Female is affected by depression, life satisfaction, sexual intercourse experience, insulted experience and physical abuse experience. Conclusions: Suicidal ideation experience in poor urban area of Peru is affected by socio-demographic, psychological and behavioral, violence factors. To solve and prevent suicide of adolescents in this kind of area, it is necessary to apply an integrated development program for parents and teachers to participate. For the sustainable preventive program, there is a need to introduce a counseling program, such as psychological counseling to adolescents suicide prevention programs.

A study on depression among adolescents with asthma in South Korea using the 15th Korea Youth Risk Behaviour Web-Based Survey

  • Park, Jin H;Kim, Mi Jin
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.276-285
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: This study investigated the factors that influence depression in adolescents diagnosed with asthma in South Korea, providing basic data supporting efforts to improve adolescents' mental health. Methods: Multiple regression analysis was conducted on 4,020 subjects who had been diagnosed with lifelong asthma among the 57,303 respondents to the 15th Korea Youth Risk Behaviour Web-Based Survey from 2019. Results: The participants were more likely to have depression if they were female, in middle school, their academic achievement was poor, they were drinkers or smokers, if they felt a very high amount of stress, and if they experienced very inadequate recovery from fatigue. Adolescents with asthma were 9.00 times more likely to experience depression when they felt a very high amount of stress (95% confidence interval [CI]=5.51-14.69, p<.001) than when they felt no stress. Conclusion: Given these factors, measures to improve the mental health of adolescents should be developed and expanded, especially to decrease their stress levels. A separate program that is different from the school's regular health curriculum should be developed to manage the stress levels of adolescents with asthma, such as an after-school program or a program conducted at a local community centre.

Factors affecting Health Promotion Behaviors among Adolescents (청소년의 건강증진행위에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Kim, Jin Sun;Sim, Mi Jung;Kwon, In Sook
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2018
  • A descriptive correlation study was conducted to identify the factors of health promotion behaviors among adolescents. Participants were 643 students in a high school. Data were collected using a self administered questionnaire. Participants' health promotion behaviors were relatively high. Among sub-domains of health promotion behaviors, infectious diseases prevention was the highest domain and accident prevention was the lowest domain. Participants' smoking, self-efficacy, and social support were statistically significant factors to explain their health promotion behaviors and these variables accounted for 38.0% variance of health promotion behaviors among high school students. Among the variables that were statistically significant, social support was the most explanatory. Conclusions: Accident prevention education should be strengthened in health promotion program for adolescents. More attention is needed for health promotion behaviors among smoking group adolescents. Moreover, we confirmed the importance of social support from school, family and community to improve health promotion behaviors among adolescents.

Estimating the Socioeconomic Costs of Alcohol Drinking Among Adolescents in Korea (우리나라 청소년 음주의 사회경제적 비용 추계)

  • Kim, Jae-Yeun;Chung, Woo-Jin;Lee, Sun-Mi;Park, Chong-Yon
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.341-351
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to estimate the socioeconomic costs resulting from alcohol drinking among adolescents as of 2006 from a societal perspective. Methods: The costs were classified into direct costs, indirect costs, and other costs. The direct costs consisted of direct medical costs and direct non-medical costs. The indirect costs were computed by future income losses from premature death, productivity losses from using medical services and reduction of productivity from drinking and hangover. The other costs consisted of property damage, public administrative expenses, and traffic accident compensation. Results: The socioeconomic costs of alcohol drinking among adolescents as of 2006 were estimated to be 387.5 billion won (0.05% of GDP). In the case of the former, the amount included 48.25% for reduction of productivity from drinking and hangover, 39.38% for future income losses from premature death, and 6.71% for hangover costs. Conclusions: The results showed that the socioeconomic costs of alcohol drinking among adolescents in Korea were a serious as compared with that of the United States. Therefore, the active interventions such as a surveillance system and a prevention program to control adolescents drinking by government and preventive medicine specialist are needed.

A comparative analysis of oral health behavior in adolescents between multicultural and ordinary Korean families (다문화가족과 일반가족 청소년의 구강건강행태 비교 분석)

  • Park, Ji-Hye
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.505-512
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    • 2015
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare the oral health behavior in adolescents between multicultural and ordinary Korean families. Methods: The subjects were 66,797 adolescents who were derived from the web-based survey of the National 2014 Korean Youth Risk Behavior of Korean Center for Disease Control. A self-reported web-based questionnaire survey was carried out from June 1 to 30, 2013. A multicultural family is defined as the immigrant mother and child in the study. The variable included demographic, socioeconomic, and oral health related behavior. The demographic characteristics included sex, age, residence area, subjective academic achievement, type of family, education of parents, subjective economic status, and nationality before marriage. Data were analyzed by PASW statistics 18.0. Results: Tooth brushing frequency was closely related to family type, age, residence area, academic achievement, residential type, education level of the parents, and economic status. Conclusions: It is necessary to support oral health services and oral health promotion programs for the adolescents in the multicultural family.

Relationship between the Degree of Physical Activity and Oral Health Behaviors of Adolescents (청소년의 신체활동 정도와 구강건강행태와의 관계)

  • NamKoong, Eun-Jung;Ryu, Da-Young
    • Journal of Korean Dental Hygiene Science
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2021
  • Background: The purpose of the present study was to confirm the degree of physical activity and oral health behaviors of adolescents, and to investigate the relationship between them. Methods: The present study utilized data from the 15th (2019) Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-Based Survey data, which included a total of 57,303 adolescents for analysis. Statistical analysis was performed using PASW Statistics 21.0. The significance level for significance was set at 0.05. Results: The rate of toothbrushing before sleeping was 1.152 times higher in the group that performed muscle strengthening exercises more than 3 times a week than in the group that did not (p < 0.001). The rate of use of oral hygiene products was 1.246 times higher in the group that performed physical activity for 60 min or more every day than in the group that did not, and 1.207 times higher in the group that performed muscle strength exercise at least 3 times a week than in the group that did not (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Adolescents who engaged in physical activities had a high rate of practice for some oral health behaviors. These results suggested that the group with positive health behaviors has a higher rate of oral health behavior practice, showing that health behaviors are highly interrelated.

Evaluation of beverage consumption patterns and oral health in Korean adolescents and young adults (한국 청소년과 청년층의 음료 섭취 실태와 구강건강에 관한 연구)

  • Eun-Ju Jung;Hye-Jeong Youn
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.447-457
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    • 2024
  • Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the beverage consumption patterns and analyze the relationship between the frequency of beverage consumption and oral health in Korean adolescents and young adults who consumed large amounts of sugar from beverages. Methods: Data from the 8th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2019-2021) were analyzed, and 2,787 individuals aged 12-29 years were selected as the study subjects. A complex sample general linear model was used to assess the associations of subject general characteristics and oral health with the frequency of beverage consumption. Results: Both adolescents and young adults frequently consumed carbonated beverages 2.04 and 2.12 times per week, respectively. The most commonly consumed volume per drink was 200 cc. In both groups, the lower the average number of times teeth were brushed daily, the higher was the frequency of fizzy drink consumption. When teeth were brushed less than once daily, the frequency of carbonated drink consumption was 2.63 in adolescents and 2.22 in young adults. Conclusions: This study highlights the need for oral health education of adolescents and young adults on diet and beverage intake. Additionally, information should be provided on oral diseases associated with beverage consumption, such as dental caries and erosion.