• Title/Summary/Keyword: Action Decision

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Third Party's Legal Interest Protection from Commercialization of Drones -A focus on Decision of the German District Court- (카메라 장착 드론에 대한 지상 제3자의 법익 보호 - 독일의 하급심 판결을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Sung-Mi
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.3-32
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    • 2020
  • With controlling Drones, although it was discussed in the previous study which showed a possibility. Which is personality and property rights of third parties could be violated while operating the drone with a video camera. But It's hard to find out precedents related to drones in Korea. In case of that someone try to control the drone which is equipped with a camera in a yard of neighborhood, the German District Court (Potsdam) considered an operator of drone has little bit of careless to do his duty and admit nonfeasance claim in the owner of the one's property for prevention to repetition of similar situation according to a nonfeasance claim for prevention to Section 1004 (1) sentence 2 of the German Civil Code(BGB). The drone which is equipped with a camera have possibilities to disrupt property and personal rights of the owner. Because a danger in repetition is getting larger regarding the violation of law. Moreover, there is a case that someone shot down the drone which is equipped with a camer. Because it has a risk to interrupt private life and cause some dangerous in our life. The German district court(Riesa) recently have considered that controlling the drone with a camera in private spaces is illegal as a violation of personal life. In addtion to, the action of property owner shot down drone is a legal according to § 228 of the German Civil Code(BGB) which is caleed "Necessity". Although it is difficult to apply to foreign cases directly to Korea, similar cases are likely to be occurred in Korea. The decision of the German District Court showed implications to Korea. As demand for the camera-equipped drone increases in Korea, it is time to discuss specific measures for drone violations.

Optimal Payment Contracts in Agent-Owner Relationship (대리인-선주간의 최적보상계약에 관한 연구)

  • 육근효
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.37-57
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    • 1987
  • This article discussed the characteristics of several Pareto-optimal incentive contracts between owner and labor, more specifically, four situations: reporting output jointly observable by labor ana owner; reporting both output and effort; incorporating other endogenous elements (like capital) that affect the production process and Pareto-optimal fee schedules; and ascertaining the effects of private pre-decision information private- decision information, and per-contact informational asymmetries. Also presented were several extensions of the basic contractual model, and the different components of agency costs associated with labor-owner contractual relations. In a single-period model, the agency problem exists because the uncertainty prevents the owner from using the cash flow to determine unambiguously the labor's action. Holmstrom(1979) suggests that "when the same situation repeats itself over time, the effects of uncertainty tend to be reduced and dystunctional behavior is more accurately revealed, thus alleviating the problem of moral hazard. " Under these conditions, if the labor selects the first-best level of effect in each period, the cash flow will be independent and identically distributed over time. As the number of periods increases, the variance of the labows average output, if he selects the first-best level of effort in each period, gets smaller. Note that for this diversification effect to occur, it is necessary that the owner evaluate the labor's effort over the entire history of his employment, rather than evaluate each period's performance separately. Radner(1980) and Rubinstein and Yaari(1980) consider the extreme case in which there are an infinite number of observations. They show that the owner can eventually detect and systematic shirking on the part of the labor by comparing the labor's average output with what would be expected if the labor had been selecting the first-best level of effort in each period. In a dynamic model with incentive problems we have demonstrated that the labor's second-period compensation will depend on his first-period performance. This allows the owner to diversify away some of the uncertainty surrounding the labor's actions. In addition, this allows the owner to smooth the labor's income over time by spreading the risk of the first-period outcome over both periods. At least some unexplored avenves in this area invite future accounting research: situations where owner has different incompatible objectives and negotiates a contract with labor; circumstances in which owner deals with multiple objectives and negotiates contracts with several labors simultaneously; the value of costly accounting information systems and communication in establishing, Pareto-optimal incentive contracts, and the value and effects of inside information, Thorough theoretical or empirical research on each of these topics not only would increase our knowledge about the role and significance of accounting information but could also provide explanations of the inherent differences among various organizations and in their economic behavior. behavior.

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Development and Policy Applications of Integrated Information System for Climate Change Adaptation (기후변화 적응 정보 통합지원 체계구축 및 정책적 활용방안)

  • Kim, Geunhan;Lee, Moung-Jin;Jeon, Seong-Woo;Park, Songmi;Lee, Eunjin
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.3-20
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    • 2013
  • Recently, impacts and damages of extreme climate change have already affected on worldwide. Thus adaptation and action plan are essential concepts in minimizing the impacts of climate change. In order to introduce climate change adaptation decision-making measure, the need for high-quality and integrated information system within adaptation policy has increased enormously. However, most of adaptation information is based on different sources and various backgrounds. Currently, domestic climate change information is disseminated from about 132 internet sites and most of them are limited to general information of climate change, rather than information that are based on scientific evidence. Also, there are some difficulties in updating new resources. Reliable climate change information is provided from different agencies, which makes users difficult to locate right information they need. As a progress to overcome the limitations of these problems, we carried out a feasibility research on integrated information system for climate change adaptation. For the objectives, our solutions are as follows. First, we analyzed definition of climate change adaptation and climate change adaptation information. Second, we suggested integrating the information system for adaptation and phased implementation plan for establishing integrated information system for climate change. Finally, we verified the establishment of integrated support system based on policy applications of integrated information system. This system will provide an integrated climate change information and be a very useful tool to support the decision making process of effective climate change adaptation policies.

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A Study on the Estimation of Environmental Carrying Capacity and Sustainability in National Land using the Emergy Synthesis (에머지(Emergy) 개념을 이용한 국토환경용량 산정 및 지속성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Nam-Kook;Chang, Yoon-Young
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.141-154
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted laying the focus on finding the mutual action between the substantial ecological value and economic system in the national land, and calculating the environmental carrying capacity and sustainability of the national land using the emergy synthesis. Particularly, this study pays attention watchfully to the reality that the analytic framework to analyze sustainability is not arranged well, as the concept of sustainable development considering environmental carrying capacity, which becomes a widely discussed topic today, is defined differently according to the subjective views of respective researchers, and the situation which needs in-depth evaluation on the interaction between nature and economy which becomes the fundamental of sustainable development. This study also aims at groping for correct direction for the national land development by calculating the environmental carrying capacity and index value which is appropriate to the national land and providing the framework for preparing the policy to induce the sustainable use and management of the national land. The concept of emergy synthesis which is used for the evaluation of environmental carrying capacity and sustainability in the national land, as in this case, can notify the information on current situation of the national land as well as explain how the national land transforms according to time pass (the role of information synthesis), and gives knowledge if the national land policies advances toward the direction of sustainable development (the role of policy evaluation and observation). Emergy synthesis also can take role for selecting best policy on the process of decision making on the exploitation of the national land (the role on the process of decision making).

The statistical factors affecting the freezing of the road pavement (도로포장체의 동결에 영향을 미치는 통계적 요인)

  • Kim, Hyun-Ji;Lee, Jea-Young;Kim, Byung-Doo;Cho, Gyu-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2016
  • Due to the character of the climate of Korea, the pavement of a road is Influenced by freezing in winter season and thawing in thawing season. In the last few years, several articles have been devoted to the study to minimize the damage of freezing and thawing action. The purpose of this paper is to identify appropriacy of factors that influence road pavement thickness. We conduct the decision tree analysis on the field data of road pavement. The target variable is 'Frost penetration'. This value was calculated from the temperature data. The input variables are 'Region', 'Type of road pavement', 'Anti-frost layer', 'Month' and 'Air temperature'. The region was divided into 9 regions by freezing index $350{\sim}450^{\circ}C{\cdot}day$, $450{\sim}550^{\circ}C{\cdot}day$, $550{\sim}650^{\circ}C{\cdot}day$. The type of road pavement has three-section such as area of cutting, boundary area of cutting and bankin, lower area of banking. As the result, the variables that influence 'Frost penetration' are Month, followed by anti-frost layer, air temperature and region.

A Methodology for Selection of Habitat Management Areas for Amphibians and Reptiles Considering Soil Loss (토양유실을 고려한 양서파충류의 서식지 관리지역 선정방법)

  • Kim, Ji-Yeon;Lee, Dong-Kun;Mo, Yong-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.55-69
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    • 2018
  • As disaster risk and climate change volatility increase, there are more efforts to adapt to disasters such as forest fires, floods, and landslides. Most of the research, however, is about influence of human activities on disaster and there is few research on disaster adaptation for species. Previous studies focusing on biodiversity in selecting conservation areas have not addressed threats of disaster in the habitats for species. The natural disasters sometimes play role of drivers of ecological successions in the long run, but they might cause serious problems for the conservation of vulnerable species which are endangered. The purpose of this study is to determine whether soil loss (SL) is effective in selecting habitat management areas for amphibians and reptiles. RUSLE model was used to calculate soil loss (SL) and the distribution of each species (SD) was computed with MaxEnt model to find out the biodiversity index. In order to select the habitat management area, we estimated the different results depending if value of soil loss was applied or not by using MARXAN, a conservation priority selection tool. With using MARXAN, conservation goals can be achieved according to the scenario objectives, and the study has been made to meet the minimum habitat area. Finally, the results are expressed in two; 1) the result of soil loss and biodiversity with MATRIX method and 2) the result of regional difference calculated with MARXAN conservation prioritization considering soil loss. The first result indicates that the area with high soil loss and low species diversity have lower conservation values and thus can be managed as natural disturbances. In the area where soil loss is high and species diversity is also high, it becomes where a disaster mitigation action should be taken for the species. According to the conservation priorities of the second result, higher effectiveness of conservation was obtained with fewer area when it considered SL in addition to SD, compared to when considered only biodiversity. When the SL was not taken into consideration, forest area with high distribution of species were important, but when SL considered, the agricultural area or downstream of the river were represented to be a major part of habitats. If more species data or disaster parameters other than soil loss are added as variables later, it could contribute as a reference material for decision-making to achieve various purposes.

Analysis of the Difference Between Purchasing Decision Factors and Quality Satisfaction of Community Social Service Investment (지역사회서비스투자사업의 구매결정 요인과 품질만족 차이 분석)

  • Jang, Chun_Ok;Lee, Jung-Eun
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.251-256
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    • 2021
  • Currently, in the field of community service, it is expected that the demand will further increase in the future by enabling the form of providing various types of services. However, the local community service investment project is an abstract Although the structure for fair competition was created by introducing a market mechanism derived from the action or principle of psychology that affects human behavior in the field, systematic management and monitoring of the quality of social services is insufficient. The purpose of this study is to find out the relationship between service selection factors and service quality in order to improve the quality of social services in the consumer's way to meet these environmental needs, and to utilize the research results for quality improvement. The research model to be used in this paper measures the five element areas of service satisfaction such as reliability, responsiveness, empathy, certainty, and tangibility, which are used to measure the quality of local community service investment projects. In addition, we are various strategic implications that can induce the quality improvement of local community service investment projects are presented by finding the main factors of the four research hypotheses of this study and utilizing the results.

Development of Sequential Sampling Plan of Bemisia tabaci in Greenhouse Tomatoes (토마토 온실내 담배가루이의 축차표본조사법 개발)

  • SoEun Eom;Taechul Park;Kimoon Son;Jiwon Jeong;Jung-Joon Park
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.62 no.4
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    • pp.299-305
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    • 2023
  • Bemisia tabaci is one of polyphagous insect pests that transmits Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV) and Cassava Brown Streak Disease (CBSD). Insecticides are primarily applied to control B. tabaci, but it has limits due to the development of resistance. As a result, a fixed precision sampling plan was developed for its integrated pest management (IPM). The tomato plants were divided into top (more than 130cm from the ground), middle (70 cm to 100 cm above the ground), and bottom (50 cm or less above the ground) strata, before visual sampling of the larvae of B. tabaci. The spatial distribution analysis was conducted using Taylor's power law coefficients with pooled data of top, middle, bottom strata. Fixed precision sampling plan and control decision-making were developed with precision levels and action threshold recommended from published scientific papers. To assess the validation of the developed sampling plans, independent data not used in the analysis were evaluated using the Resampling Validation for Sampling Plan (RVSP) program.

Determining Priority of the Action Plan of Facilitation in Air Transport (Using CK model of Data Envelopment Analysis) (항공부문 출입국 절차 간소화 추진과제의 우선순위 결정 (자료포락분석기법 (DEA)의 CK 모형 적용))

  • Kim, Min-Jung;Hong, Seock-Jin;Kim, Yeon-Myung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.7-16
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    • 2008
  • The immigration procedure at airports is vital to making passenger and cargo transport faster. The rapid procedure of immigration could be an important determining factor when passengers select an air transport company, one that should have high satisfactory in terms of their service level and efficiency. Therefore, the advanced airport makes it easy for customers and their cargo to proceed. The coordination between authorities related to the Korean international airport is not satisfactory for customers. This paper analyzes the factors necessary to enhance the airport immigration procedure with the movement of aircrafts, passengers, cargo, and post, using the CK(Cook and Kress) model of DEA(Data Envelopment Analysis). From this study, the author found that research and development will be needed to improve the immigration procedure, especially on facilities and their operating systems. There are needed, also, performance indicators and a continuous monitoring system.

Factors Influencing Acceptance of Hedonic Ubiquitous Services (헤도닉 유비쿼터스 서비스의 수용에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo, Ho-Sun;Kim, Min-Yong;Kwon, Oh-Byung
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2012
  • Conventional studies on technology acceptance have focused on information technology for utilitarian value and hence based on 'theory of reasoned action'. Correspondingly, the studies depend on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use as rational decision making elements. However, in ubiquitous society, innovative technologies are applied to non-task area, as well as task-oriented area. Therefore, users are more influenced by affective factors than cognitive factors in causing their usage intention. In line with those discussions, we cannot make sure that the conventional technology acceptance model could fully explain the current u-service acceptance phenomenon. Hence, to overcome the limitations of the prior technology acceptance studies, we propose an amended TAM which includes one hedonic factor and two factors on ubiquitous computing technology : ubiquity and intelligence.