• 제목/요약/키워드: Academic Gap

검색결과 223건 처리시간 0.024초

비대면 강의에서 학습양식유형과 강의태도가 학업성취도에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Learning Style and Lecture Attitude on Academic Achievement in Non-face-to-face Lectures)

  • 최윤희;안용아;최병욱;윤린
    • 공학교육연구
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.22-31
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of learning style and lecture attitude on academic achievement in non-face-to-face lectures. Among students attending H University in the first semester of 2020. 1,880 students voluntarily participated in the survey. The questionnaire consists of 33 questions, and actual GPA was used to determine academic achievement. In this study, ANOVA and regression were utilized to find out the factors affecting academic achievement. The results are as follows. First, in the correlation between learning style types, the higher the avoidant learning style, the lower the independent, cooperative, and competitive types. Second, the higher the independent learning type, the higher the positive lecture attitude and GPA, and the higher the type of cooperative learning, the higher the negative lecture attitude. Third, the positive attitudes of 4th graders were higher than that of 1st graders. Fourth, there was no difference in learning style between colleges. Fifth, independent/competitive learning styles and non-face-to-face lecture attitudes had a significant effect on academic achievement in non-face-to-face lectures. In conclusion, in order to narrow the academic gap, instructors must identify the type of learning style. And it is necessary to consider students' preferences for non-face-to-face lectures.

Variation of the Si-induced Gap State by the N defect at the Si/SiO2 Interface

  • 김규형;정석민
    • 한국진공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국진공학회 2016년도 제50회 동계 정기학술대회 초록집
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    • pp.128.1-128.1
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    • 2016
  • Nitrided-metal gates on the high-${\kappa}$ dielectric material are widely studied because of their use for sub-20nm semiconductor devices and the academic interest for the evanescent states at the Si/insulator interface. Issues in these systems with the Si substrate are the electron mobility degradation and the reliability problems caused from N defects that permeates between the Si and the $SiO_2$ buffer layer interface from the nitrided-gate during the gate deposition process. Previous studies proposed the N defect structures with the gap states at the Si band gap region. However, recent experimental data shows the possibility of the most stable structure without any N defect state between the bulk Si valence band maximum (VBM) and conduction band minimum (CBM). In this talk, we present a new type of the N defect structure and the electronic structure of the proposed structure by using the first-principles calculation. We find that the pair structure of N atoms at the $Si/SiO_2$ interface has the lowest energy among the structures considered. In the electronic structure, the N pair changes the eigenvalue of the silicon-induced gap state (SIGS) that is spatially localized at the interface and energetically located just above the bulk VBM. With increase of the number of N defects, the SIGS gradually disappears in the bulk Si gap region, as a result, the system gap is increased by the N defect. We find that the SIGS shift with the N defect mainly originates from the change of the kinetic energy part of the eigenstate by the reduction of the SIGS modulation for the incorporated N defect.

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2차원 MoS2 물질 기반의 전자소자 연구 (Introduction to research of atomically thin MoS2 and its electrical properties)

  • 이탁희;김태영;조경준;박진수
    • 진공이야기
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2016
  • Molybdenum disulfide ($MoS_2$), which has 0.65 nm-thick atomic layer, can be easily separated layer by layer due to weak van der Waals interactions in out-of-plane direction. ($MoS_2$), has a good potential in nanoelectronics, because it has high electrical mobility and On/Off ratio. Its band gap energy changes from indirect to direct band gap energy as it goes from bulk to monolayer. Therefore, atomically thin ($MoS_2$), is widely studied in academic and engineering fields. Here, we introduce the research of atomically thin $MoS_2$ and discuss the research directions.

종합병원의 내부마케팅 활동에 대한 간호사의 기대-지각간 차이 분석 (An analysis of the Gap between Expectations and Perceptions of Internal Marketing Activities in General Hospitals from a Nurse's Viewpoint)

  • 임지영
    • 간호행정학회지
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.204-212
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to analyze the gap between the nurse's expectation and perception of internal marketing activities. Methods: The participants of this study were 521 nurses working in four general hospitals. The data were collected by self-reporting questionnaires. They were analyzed using descriptive statistics and paired-t test. Results: First, the mean of the nurse's expectation of internal marketing activities was 3.83, and perception was 2.54, showing a significant difference. Second, in all of the five subcategories of internal marketing activities, there were also statistically significant differences. Regarding the vacation system, the expectation score was highest, and support of academic education programs in education and training, payed-leaves during vacation, discounting of medical fees in employee welfare, distress management and two-way intercommunication, and allowances in reward were followed. Conclusion: These results will be used to develop focused internal marketing strategies to enhance the nurses' motivation.

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전문대 간호학생들의 첫 임상실습 체험 연구 (A Qualitative Study of Nursing Students' first Clinical Experience)

  • 박미영;김순이
    • 한국간호교육학회지
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.23-35
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    • 2000
  • This qualitative nursing research used a hermeneutic phenomenological approach to discovery of meaning of the nursing students' clinical experience in junior colleges. Data collecting was utilized by in- depth face-to-face interviews of 10 sophomores who were participating in their first clinical experience. The following themes of the experience emerged. 1) The first step of fear (fear, being embarrassed) 2) Rhythmical patterning of theory and practice(disappointment of nurses, recognition of the gap between the theory and practice, the conflict between medical doctors and nurses, trouble with the students from other colleges, confusion from nurses' educational and noneducational attitudes, burden of responsibility for nurses' jobs, and the tiresome nature of repeated practice) 3) Discovery of changing self, awareness of self-expansion (awareness of professional nurses' roles, formation of self-confidence, changing of one's state of mind) From this study essential theme of clinical experience of nursing student's was identified, and continuous efforts to establish better adaptation of nursing students to clinical practice are required.

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대학도서관의 인적 서비스 품질에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Evaluation and Improvement of Staff Services Quality in Academic Library)

  • 강혜영
    • 한국도서관정보학회지
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    • 제41권4호
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    • pp.127-150
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    • 2010
  • 본 연구는 대학도서관 인적 서비스에 대한 대학생들의 인식정도, 신분별 상관성, 전반적인 도서관 만족도와의 영향관계를 검증하고, 품질 인식의 괴리 원인 분석과 개선안을 제시하고자 한다. 인식도의 분석결과, 이용자의 현행서비스에 대한 인식은 아주 낮고, 서비스 품질은 최소한의 수준에도 미치지 못하였다. 품질 요인에서 희망수준이 높은 것은 미소장자료의 신속한 입수와 공손함이었고, 희망수준과 괴리가 큰 요인은 충분한 주제전문서비스와 자발적인 도움이었다. 서비스 품질은 도서관 만족도에 영향을 주었으며, 주제전문서비스, 이용자 요구의 정확한 이해, 예의바르고 공손함이 영향을 많이 주었다. 인식 괴리 원인은 사서들의 무관심, 질문응답의 의욕부족, 커뮤니케이션의 부족, 이용자에 대한 배려 부족 등이었다.

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간호 술기 수행평가에서 실제 성취도, 지각된 성취도와 학습 동기 간의 관계 (The Relationships among Learning Motivation, Perceived Achievement, and Actual Achievement on Nursing Skill Performance Assessment)

  • 김은정
    • 한국간호교육학회지
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.48-56
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to identify the relationships between the perceived and actual achievement on skill performance assessment and identify the relation to learning motivation factors. Methods: A total of 80 senior nursing students currently studying at a university participated in the study in 2015. Students completed a performance examination of 20 nursing skills at the end of their 7-week training period; their performance was rated using checklists. Students then completed a survey, which included questions about learning motivation and perceived achievement level. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation, and Kruskal-Wallis test. Results: There was a weak correlation between perceived and actual achievement. Intrinsic and extrinsic goal-orientation and self-efficacy in learning motivation factors was significantly correlated to perceived achievement. Perceived achievement and self-efficacy in middle quartile of actual achievement were higher than other upper- or lower-quartile group. Conclusion: The findings suggest that the motivation factors of learners should be taken into account to maximize academic achievement in nursing skills training. In addition, it should be considered a strategy to reduce the gap between perceived and actual achievement.

부모의 사회경제적 지위가 학업성취에 미치는 영향 : 부모의 정서적 지지와 학생 자아탄력성의 매개효과를 중심으로 (The effect of parents'socioeconomic status on academic achievement: Focusing on the mediating effect of parental emotional support and student's ego resilience)

  • 김영은;엄명용
    • 사회복지연구
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    • 제49권4호
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    • pp.5-30
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    • 2018
  • 이 연구는 우리사회에서 갈수록 심화되는 계층 간 교육격차를 극복하거나 완화하는 기제가 무엇인지 탐색하기 위하여 수행되었다. 이를 위하여 부모의 사회경제적 지위가 중학생 자녀의 학업성취에 미치는 직접적인 영향과 가정 내 사회자본의 한 형태인 부모의 정서적 지지, 그리고 학생 자신의 자아탄력성을 매개로 학업성취에 미치는 영향을 분석했다. 한국 아동청소년 패널 조사의 중학교 1학년 코호트 1차 및 2차 년도 자료를 대상으로 구조방정식 모형을 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 부모의 사회경제적 지위와 부모의 정서적 지지 및 중학생의 자아탄력성은 학업성취에 직접적으로 유의미한 영향을 미쳤다. 둘째, 가정 내 사회자본의 하나인 부모의 정서적 지지는 부모 사회경제적 지위의 영향을 받았다. 셋째, 가정의 사회경제적 지위는 학업성취에 대하여 직접효과가 있을 뿐만 아니라, 부모의 정서적 지지와 자아탄력성을 매개로 한 간접효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 토대로 부모의 정서적 지지를 보완하거나 학생의 자아탄력성을 강화함으로써 교육격차 극복에 기여할 수 있는 사회복지 프로그램의 개발을 위한 제언을 하였다.