• Title/Summary/Keyword: Academic Category

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A Study on the Development of Academic Classification System for Biomedical Laboratory Science (임상병리검사학의 학문분류체계 개발을 위한 연구)

  • Koo, Bon-Kyeong
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.477-488
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    • 2017
  • This study presents a discussion on the biomedical laboratory science (formally clinical laboratory science or medical laboratory science) with the identity of biomedical laboratory science, as well as the academic classification system for systematic approach. The field of biomedical laboratory science is not registered in the academic research area classification system of the National Research Foundation of Korea. Since the inception of the first department of biomedical laboratory science in 1963, about 52 departments were since established. Despite the scientific identity, biomedical laboratory science have not been acknowledged professionally in most institutions. Observing the academic research area classification, the physical therapy, occupational therapy, and dental hygiene science are systematically classified and approved the identities by the authorities. This study is freshly academic area classification system of the biomedical laboratory science. The contents of this study are summarized as follows. The medical laboratory technologist's discipline is considered within the medical and science category, clinical pathology in class, and biomedical laboratory science in division. Sections of biomedical laboratory science include hematology, transfusionology, immunology, biochemistry, microbiology, parasitology, science, molecular biology, histology, cytology, cardiopulmonary physiology, and neurophysiology.

Functional Lexical Bundles in Nuclear Science and Engineering Research Articles (원자력과학공학 학술 논문에 나타난 기능적 어휘다발 분석)

  • Nam, Daehyeon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.426-435
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to functionally classify lexical bundles appearing in academic papers on nuclear science and engineering written in English and then analyze the lexical bundles' characteristics compared to those appearing in general academic papers. To this end, the texts of nuclear science and engineering papers were collected and produced as a corpus(c. 1 mil. tokens). Then they were statistically compared through Chi-square tests and standardized residuals with the corpus of general academic papers(c. 750,000 tokens). The results revealed that, compared to general academic papers, the bundles in the stance lexical bundle category were mainly used among the functional lexical bundle in nuclear science and engineering. The use of the lexical bundles lacked much variety. The same type of lexical bundles was 're-used' and 'recycled'. Based on these research results, educational implications for English for Academic Purposes and the further direction of follow-up research were discussed and suggested.

Commute Type and Academic Stress among South Korean Undergraduate Students -Sustainable Transport and Academic Environments- (한국 대학생의 통학방법과 학업 스트레스 사이의 연관성 -지속가능한 교통과 학업 환경-)

  • Ji Won Kim;Yujeong Jin;Yun-Hee Choi;Habyeong Kang;Hyunsoo Kim;Wonhee Jo;Seongeun Choi;Wonho Choi;Yoon-Hyeong Choi
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.157-167
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    • 2024
  • Background: Several previous studies have shown that commuting is a source of stress for undergraduate students. However, few studies have investigated the effect of commuting on academic stress among undergraduate students, and there has been little awareness of the environmental impact of commuting. Objectives: To evaluate the associations between commute type and/or time and academic stress among undergraduate students in South Korea, focusing on environmental sustainability. Methods: We conducted an online survey and obtained information on commute types, commute times, and academic stress from 510 undergraduate students aged ≥19 years. Academic stress was comprised of five sub-categories of stress, and total academic stress ranged from 5 to 25 points. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to analyze the associations between commute type and commute time and academic stress. Furthermore, the students were grouped into 21 categories based on their transportation mode for commuting. CO2 emission factors per each commuting category were calculated using the transportation type's CO2 emission data from previous studies. Spearman's correlation analysis was used to confirm the correlation between CO2 emission factors and total academic stress. Results: Students using home-to-school transportation without transfers (vs. walking) showed a significantly higher total academic stress of 2.19 points (95% CI: 0.58, 3.80). In contrast, students using school-to-home transportation without transfers (vs. walking) showed a significantly lower total academic stress of 1.96 points (95% CI: -3.55, -0.38). Moreover, students using transportation with lower CO2 emission factors had lower academic stress scores (home-to-school: correlation coefficient = 0.507, p<0.001; school-to-home: correlation coefficient = 0.491, p<0.001). Conclusions: Our findings suggest that both commute type and time are significantly associated with academic stress among South Korean undergraduate students. When students select environmentally-friendly transportation, they may not only improve their mental health but also improve climate resilience.

The Effects of Personality Types of Flight Instructor and Student Pilot on the Introductory Flight Training Results (비행교수와 학생조종사의 성격특성에 따른 비행입문과정 훈련결과 분석)

  • Yoon, Youkyung;Lee, Seungwon;Park, Seikwon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2015
  • In this study, MBTI(Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) test was carried out targeting flight instructors and student pilots in charge of introductory flight training course. The results was analyzed in accordance with the personality type, the preferred indicator, and the combination of preferred indicators in order to see how these characteristics affect the flight training results. Most of personality types of the instructor, regardless of the attitude category such as E or I, were -STJ(70.6%), however the student pilot showed a variety of personality types, rather than professors. Sensing-type(S) students showed higher academic achievement scores than Intuition-type(N), and Judging-type(J) students showed higher academic achievement scores and pilot qualification scores than Perceiving-type(P). The success rate of Extraversion-type(E) student pilots was higher than that of Introversion-type(I) student pilots. As the personality combinations of instructor and student pilot, the academic achievement scores of Judging-Judging(J-J) type were higher than those of Perceiving-Perceiving(P-P) type. The combination of Extraversion-Extraversion(E-E) type showed higher success rate than Extraversion-Introversion(E-I). This result suggests that if both instructor and student pilot have same attitude of Extroversion(E), good training results can be expected.

Current Situation and Perspectives for Home Care Nursing Research In Korea (한국 가정간호 연구의 현황과 전망)

  • Kim, Soyaja;Kwon, Bo-Eun
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.39-57
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    • 2000
  • This study was conducted to identify the current situation of home care nursing research and to propose future research in the area of home care nursing in Korea. The design was a retrospective descriptive study based on 171 studies. The studies were collected from nursing academic magazines, the national library web site and dissertations on home care. The data were classified according to the independent and dependent variables which were represented in the research title. The final category classification was defined by considering the research objectives and content as found in the 171 studies. Eight categories were created to describe the results of home care nursing research in Korea. They included: home care needs. home care services. home care costs. development of home care programs and equipment. management of home care services. effectiveness of home care services, development of an educational curriculum for home care, and recognition of home care services. Based on our research we have identified other future research areas that need to be developed such as community needs assessment, standards and guidelines for home care nursing, quality assurance and quality improvement for controlling home care quality, home care informatics. and a system of home care cost and ethics.

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Research Topic Analysis of the Domestic Papers Related to COVID-19 Using LDA (LDA를 사용한 COVID-19 관련 국내 논문의 연구 토픽 분석)

  • Kim, Eun-Hoe;Suh, Yu-Hwa
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.423-432
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    • 2022
  • This paper analyzes a total of 10,599 papers related to COVID-19 from January 2020 to July 2022 collected from the KCI site using LDA topic modeling so that academic researchers can understand the overall research trend. The results of LDA topic modeling are analyzed by major research categories so that academic researchers can easily figure out topics in their research fields. Then, the detailed research category information in which a lot of research is done by topic is analyzed. It is very important for academic researchers to understand the trend of research topics over time. Therefore, in this paper, the trend of topics is analyzed and presented using time series decomposition.

Students' college life adaptation experiences in the accelerated second-degree bachelor of science in nursing program in South Korea

  • Lee, Hyun-Ju;Lee, Nayoon
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.167-178
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: South Korea has expanded its accelerated second-degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing program to resolve its supply-demand imbalance in nursing, although how these students are adapting to and performing in college after admission remains unclear. Therefore, this study aimed to conduct an in-depth exploration of how Korean accelerated second-degree Bachelor of Science nursing students interact with society and adapt to college life for establishing further supportive educational policies and programs. Methods: Participants comprised 20 South Korean accelerated second-degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing students. The data were collected via online or offline in-depth interviews and analyzed using Strauss and Corbin's grounded theory and by applying a constant comparative method to achieve theoretical saturation. Results: The core category, derived using open, axial, and selective coding, was "process of the uncharted journey toward a new dream." The participants' college adaptation processes were found to involve three phases: trial and error, adjustment, and acceptance and integration. Conclusion: These findings can be used to develop, apply, test, and improve various support programs for accelerated second-degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing students and to advance the nursing profession by nurturing a workforce with diverse academic backgrounds and faster college life adaptation.

Designs of Academic Category and Modern Learning in Nishi Amane and Choe Han-gi's Philosophy (니시 아마네와 최한기의 '학역(學域)'과 근대학문의 구상)

  • 김성근
    • Studies in Philosophy East-West
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    • no.95
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    • pp.95-120
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    • 2020
  • This study compares Nishi Amane and Choi Han-gi's designs of modern learning in 19th century. Nishi and Choi had a strong belief that human learning had advanced in history. Nishi had gained such an idea of academic progress through Comte's empirical philosophy and Western natural science, on the other hand Choi Han-gi came to the idea of such academic progress through studying Western natural science which was translated to Chinese. However, Nishi and Choi were very different in their acceptance of Western natural science into their academic systems and in designing new modern learning. Two goals of Nishi's modern learning were the division of academic disciplines, and the design of integrated academics by an interconnection of academic disciplines. Nishi divided all disciplines into three larger frameworks of Intellectual Science, Physical Science, and Common Science, and placed detailed subjects within them. In particular, Intellectual Science and Physical Science correspond to today's Humanities and Natural Science. Nishi could effectively achieve the classification of such learning by dividing ri(principle) of Confucianism to the laws of the human world and the laws of the physical world. Nishi tried to pursuit Philosophy by again linking these divided disciplines together. In Nishi's academic methodology, the influence of Comte's philosophy of revealing sociology through the study of the natural sciences was well represented. Choi Han-gi also paid attention to the establishment of integrated learning through the distinction of academic studies and reunion of such disciplines. Choi was not as elaborate as Nishi in terms of division of studies. Whereas Nishi divided the learning into Intellectual Science and Physical Science by the distinction of the law of the physical world and the law of human world, Choi Han-Gi thought that all subjects shared the so-called law of ki(vital force). Nishi thought that the reunification of all learning could be achieved by reconnecting the law of the physical world and the law of the human world. As a result, howerer, Nishi's academic chain, and his philosophy was not successful. After Nishi's thinking, Japanese academic society was dominated by Dualistic concepts such as natural sciences and humanities, subjectivity and objectivity, and Nature and humans. Choi's view of dividing all disciplines with the universal law of ki was more vague than Nishi's one. However, Choi's ki-science, although lacking concreteness, was able to escape the dual cognitive structure that East Asians had since Nishi. It is worth noting that Choe's philosophy leaves possibilities for new modern study.

Analysis of K-Pop Dance as an Academic Subject

  • Eunjoo, Oh
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.268-276
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    • 2022
  • This study examined whether K-pop dance is qualified as an academic subject and how university students perceive K-pop dance as a liberal art subject. The survey was conducted with 138 students. Among the total of 138, 40 participants were male, and 53 participants were female. Fourteen(14) participants had experience with K-pop classes, and 124 participants did not have any experience with K-pop dance classes. According to the study, K-pop is a form of Korean culture that adds unique cultural and social characteristics to Koreans. It is in the cultural and art education category. In addition, K-pop dance is a socio-cultural phenomenon characterized by dance. However, K-pop dance is not qualified as an academic subject because it lacks theoretical foundations. The survey result also revealed that the students did not perceive that K-pop dance had personal, aesthetic, social, or educational value. They did not want to take a class if K-pop dance is offered as an academic subject in liberal art class. When analyzing the data by gender and experiences with dance classes, there was a difference based on gender in the two questions. In the case of females, they responded to having fun and joy from K-pop dance, while male respondents did not. Regarding the learners' interest in Kpop dance class, female respondents were more optimistic about the learner interest than male respondents. In conclusion, K-pop dance is a sociocultural phenomenon, and many informal online courses are created daily, spreading everywhere. However, the status of K-pop dance as an academic area is not set up yet.

Personality and Learning Behavioral Characteristics as Predictors of Academic Achievement of Medical Students

  • Jang-Rak Kim;Young-A Ji;Mi-Ji Kim;Jong Ryeal Hahm
    • Korean Medical Education Review
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.70-76
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    • 2024
  • This study investigates whether personality characteristics and learning behaviors can predict medical students' academic achievement in Korea, specifically in terms of successfully completing medical school without delays or achieving a high grade point average (GPA) in their final year. In May 2018, 316 medical students took the Multi-Dimensional Learning Strategy Test, 2nd edition, which provided data on their personality and learning behavioral characteristics. Their final year's GPA and any delays in completing medical school were ascertained by reviewing all electronic academic records of each semester they had been enrolled. The combination of personality and learning behavioral characteristics was significantly associated with completing medical school without delays, even after adjusting for sex and admission path. A multiple logistic regression analysis showed that the adjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for completing medical school without delays were 1.52 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.83-2.78) and 3.64 (95% CI, 1.70-7.82) for "others" and "both high" categories, respectively, when compared with the "both low" category. For 235 students who completed medical school without delays, their learning behavioral characteristics (scores) were significantly associated with their final year's GPA even after adjusting for sex, admission path, and personality characteristics (scores) as determined by the multiple linear regression analysis. This study suggests that individual personality and learning behavior characteristics are predictors of medical students' academic achievement. Therefore, interventions such as personalized counseling programs should be provided in consideration of such student characteristics.