• 제목/요약/키워드: Above sea level

검색결과 425건 처리시간 0.03초

Study on Flowering, Bearing Fruit, Seed Harvesting and Seedling Transplanting Cultivation of Valeriana fauriei Briquet (쥐오줌풀 개화·결실 특성과 적정 채종방법 및 육묘이식재배에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn, Young-Sup;Hur, Mok;An, Tae-Jin;Park, Chun-Geun;Kim, Young-Guk;Park, Chung-Berm;Baek, Wan-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • 제20권5호
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    • pp.365-371
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    • 2012
  • This study was carried out to know the characteristics of flowering and bearing fruit, the optimum period, regions and methods for seed harvesting, the optimum temperatures for seed storage and germination, and the optimum period for sowing at nursery bed and seedling transplanting of Valeriana fauriei Briquet. The flowering and bearing fruit of Valeriana fauriei was developed from the before-year root. Optimum period for seed harvest of Valeriana fauriei was from late July to middle August, and optimum areas were the high elevated areas over 500 m above the sea level as Jinbu-myeon, Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon-do. Using of net-bag for seed harvesting was the effective method to gather the full ripe seed, and bagging of net-bag was necessary from the season of middle May that was the flowering middle-stage. Germination rates don't show the difference among the different temperatures of storage as approximately 41% at $-20^{\circ}C$, $2^{\circ}C$ or $20^{\circ}C$ of seed storage temperatures. The optimum temperature range was in $15{\sim}30^{\circ}C$ for seed germination at nursery bed. The optimum period for seed sowing at nursery bed was the late February, and the optimum period for seedling transplanting was the middle April.

The Vegetation Structure of Fraxinus mandshurica Community in Mt. Minjuji, Youngdong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do (충청북도 영동군 민주지산지역 들메나무군집 식생구조)

  • 최송현;송근준;이경재
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.166-176
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    • 1997
  • To investigate the vegetation structure of Fraxinus mandshurica communith, twenty plots were set up and surveyed in the valley of Mt. Minjuji area that rises 700~1,100m above the sea level. Each plot has 100m$^{2}$ in size. By using the TWINSPAN of classification technique, total plots was divided into six communities. In the species composition analysis, it was expected that F. mandshurica community would derive from Quercus mongolica community. The F. mondshurica community was composed together of Carpinus laxiflora, Acer mono and Cornus controversa. It was turned out that F. mandshurica community was edaphic climax because the competition species not appeared. In the DBH distribution analysis, F. mandshurica appeared through all layers, and species diversity showed lower index(Shannon's index 0.72~0.82) because the community was stable. The number of mean individuals and species was about 111.5 and 11.0 per 100m$^{2}$ respectively.

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The Effect of Unleached Agents on the Stabilization/Solidification of Hazardous Sludge Containing Heavy Metals (有害슬러지 固形化에 따른 重金屬 溶出防止剖의 影饗)

  • 이성호
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.46-54
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    • 1993
  • This study was carried out on the stabilized/solidified treatment for the reducing leachability of hazardous heavy metals copper, lead, chromium and cadmium in the hazardous sludge which treated to be unleached heavy metals by sodium diethyl dithiocarbamate. Cement matrix was analyzed for the leachability of 24 hrs and dynamic leaching test, structure and the optimum condition for the stabilization and solidification of the hazardous sludge. In 28 days of curing time the unconfined compressive strength was 21.5 kg/cm$^2$ at the ratio of portland cement (0.5)+fly ash (0.25) and 23.5 kg/cmz at the ratio of portland cement (0.5)+fly ash (0.25) + cake (0.25). High concentration of Pb, Cr and Cd in the sea water and Cu in the distilled water were leached at the dynamic leaching test. The concentration of leaching heavy metals for specimens which were tested 24 hrs were found low leachability with decreasing pH of leachant. According to dynamic leaching test, the low level of copper, lead, cadmium and chromium were leached in the cement matrix with sodium diethyl dithiocarbamate. But the effective diffusion coefficient of unleached cement matrix which was treated sodium diethyl dithiocarbamate was decreased above 2 times than that of cement matrix. The relation of leachant renewal period (Y) and cumulative fraction ion leached (X) was the following regression equations. Solidification with unleached agent. Y$_{Cu}$ = 1413752X + 247, Y$_{Pb}$ = 223501IX + 214, Y$_{Cr}$ = 8310601X - 472, Y$_{Cd}$ = 168787X + 1061 The structure of' solidified matrix with X-ray diffraction analysis was composed more Ca(OH)$_2$, Si, Mg(OH)$_2$ and Al in the unleached cement matrix than those in cement matrix.

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A Study on the wild Rhododendron micranthum for being used as Landscape Plant (꼬리진달래의 조경수목화를 위한 기초연구(1) : 자생지의 생육환경을 중심으로)

  • 이기의;유근창;이병용
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.41-46
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    • 1989
  • Rhododendron micranthum grown over the area of Kyoung Puck, Kang Weon Province is showy and very attractive evergreen broad-leaned shrub of shade resistance. This shrub is considered very useful for exploiting as a garden plant. Environments, growth characteristics and vegetation association in the wild habitat and in the garden planted with this shrub, were investigated to find out some appropriate means of propagation and cultivation of this shrub. The results thus obtained were stated as follows ; 1. Light intensity for the native habitat ranged in the proximity of 9%. The most abundant stand of this shrub occurred in the northen side of mountains, while still some plants were found in the eastern sides also. 2. Soil of the native habitat was acidic (pH 4.4) and infertility. 3. Average elevation of the native habitat was shown to be 230m above the sea level. 4. The plant of the native habitat showed an average of 3.9 new shoots per branch, whereas that of the garden planted (light intensity 100%) showed 1.2, 5% of an average was for sun-burn leaves were noted, while garden Plants(light intensity 100%) showed 90% of them. 5. Other tree species associated with Rhododendron micrathum in the native habitat were primarily Pinus densiflora and secondarily Sorbus alnifolia, hemerocallis aurautiaca, Rubus crataegifolius, and Salix hulteni. 6. Vegetation rate of plant habitats in the Rhododendron growing area was observed to be 0 to 80% involving 27 to 50 species of associated trees in the vegetation for the 10${\times}$10m quadrat area.

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Elevational Distribution of Breeding Bird Communities in Seoraksan National Park, Korea

  • Hwang, Hyun-Su;Lee, Jae-Kang;Eom, Tae-Kyung;Bae, Ho-Kyoung;Lee, Dong-Ho;Lim, Jong-Hwan;Jung, Sung-Cheol;Park, Chan-Ryul;Rhim, Shin-Jae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • 제109권1호
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    • pp.109-114
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    • 2020
  • In this study, the elevational distribution of breeding birds in Seoraksan National Park, Korea was investigated. Forty-six species of birds were documented from line transect surveys taken from Seorakdong at 230 m above sea level (a.s.l.) to the Daechungbong summit at 1708 m asl. Birdspecies richness and diversity were highest in Seorakdong and lowest at the Daechungbong summit. As elevation increased, bird species richness and diversity decreased, with a humped-shape trend being observed between 700 m and 1200 m a.s.l. Stepwise analyses revealed that breeding bird species diversity indices were significantly negatively correlated with elevation (r2 = 0.327, P < 0.001) and positively correlated with vegetational coverage (r2 = 0.324, P = 0.046). Higher elevations supported fewer birds than low and intermediate elevations. Projections at the local scale, including data on behavior and habitat use by birds, will be necessary for optimal conservation and management of the bird communities in Seoraksan National Park.

Quality changes of salted and semi-dried mackerel fillets by UV treatment during refrigerated storage (자외선 처리가 반염건 고등어 필레의 냉장저장중 품질변화에 미치는 영향)

  • Song, Hyo-Nam;Lee, Dae-Gyu;Han, Sung-Wook;Yoon, Hye-Kyung;Hwang, In-Kyeong
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • 제21권5호
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    • pp.662-668
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    • 2005
  • To investigate the quality retention method of salted and semi-dried mackerel fillets, pH, volatile basic nitrogen (VBN), trimethylamine (TMA) and total bacterial counts in the fillets that were UV treated for 1, 3, and 4 hr were periodically measured during 48 days of refrigerated storage. The moisture, crude protein, crude lipid, and ash contents were 45.46 %, 18.87 %, 33.75 %, and 2.99 %, respectively. The freshness as determined by pH measurement could be maintained up to 25 days for the control and 31 days for the UV-treated fillets. VBN contents were continually increased over the storage time. The control reached the initial putrid level after 21 days while the UV-treated fillets after $25{\sim}31$ days. A similar tendency was shown for the changes of trimethylamine TMA contents, although the period differed slightly and the increase of the UV treatment time could decrease the TMA contents. The changes on the total bacterial counts of the fillets were maintained under 105 CFU/g during 48days. Especially, due to the effective decrease of the microorganism count by UV treatment at the beginning of the storage, UV -treated fillets showed lower bacterial counts than control over the whole period. E. coli. and Listeria were not detected in any fillets. Combining the above data and the sensory changes, the storage period of the fillets could be prolonged from 15 days at present to 30 days by UV treatments.

Comparison of GPS/Levelling Geoid with PNU95 Geoid in Cheju Island (제주도의 GPS/Levelling 지오이드와 PNU95 지오이드)

  • Choi, Kwang-Sun;Park, Je-Hui;Hong, Sun-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 2000
  • In this study, GPS surveying at bench marks in Cheju Island and with these data, calculate GPS/Levelling geoid in Cheju area. And compare this geoid with PNU95 Geoid. The results are as follows : 1. The ellipsoidal height of each bench mark was measured ${\pm}3cm$ with accuracy in GPS surveying. 2. Calculated CPS/Levelling Geoid well represents the variations of Cheju terrain. The correlation formula between the geoid and elevation above sea level in Cheju area is as fellow : $$N\;=\;0.001082\;{\times}\;h\;+\;25.458\;{\pm}\;0.227\;s.d.$$ 3. Calculated GPS/Levelling Geoid and PNU95 Geoid are welt fitted and the RMS difference between the two Geoids is 0.14 m.

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Environmentally Sound Land Use Planing in Cheju Island, Korea (제주도 중산간 지역의 환경보전적 토지 이용 계획)

  • 양하백
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Soil and Groundwater Environment Conference
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    • 한국지하수토양환경학회 1997년도 추계 국제학술심포지움 논문집
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    • pp.145-159
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    • 1997
  • Cheju Island is the most attractive resort area in Korea for its exotic landscape, natural beauty, and traditional culture which is quite different from that of the mainland. Until now, most of the recreational facilities and accomodations have been constructed along the coastal areas. Recently, mid-mountain area has been under very heavy development pressure because it is suitable for new sites for tourism facilities and the land price in the coastal area is very high. The mid-mountain area is the land located 200-600m above the sea level. It is a major source of water supply for the island and has exotic scenic beauty, which cannot be found in mainland but it is the area very vulnerable to water pollution Therefore, it is very important to manage this area based on the concept of environmentally sound and sustainable development in order to meet ever increasing demand for the land development The purposes of this project are: 1) to establish Geographic Information System for the whole island, 2)to formulate environmentally sound landuse plat However, There has been accuracy of the original map, defining criteria of analysis, updating of the data were identified for future tasks to be studied.

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Evaluation of Chemical Composition and In vitro Digestibility of Appennine Pasture Plants Using Yak (Bos grunniens) Rumen Fluid or Faecal Extract as Inoculum Source

  • Tufarelli, V.;Cazzato, E.;Ficco, A.;Laudadio, V.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제23권12호
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    • pp.1587-1593
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    • 2010
  • Pastures of the Apennines of Central Italy contribute to feed resources of high altitude (above 1,300 m sea level) grazing systems. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of faecal extract from the yak (Bos grunnienes) as an alternative microbial inoculum to rumen fluid for estimation of digestibility of several forage species. Forage samples produced at high altitude were tested in this study: four legumes (Lathyrus sativus L., Lotus corniculatus L., Onobrychis viciaefolia L. and Trifolium pratense L.), three forbs (Achillea millefolium L., Potentilla reptans L. and Teucrium flavum L.) and one grass (Brachipodyum pinnatum L.) were incubated with yak rumen fluid or faecal extract. A large variability in chemical composition was observed among the species collected. Rumen liquor and faecal samples were collected from adult healthy yak. The $Daisy^{II}$ incubator was used to evaluate the nutrient digestibility of forages using rumen liquor as control and faecal extract as alternative microbial inoculum sources. Filter bags containing samples of browse species were added to the four digestion vessels along with their respective inoculum and then incubated for 48 h and dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), neutral and detergent fiber (NDF) digestibility was determined. There was a significant relationship between estimates, indicating that faecal liquor has the potential to be used instead of rumen fluid for estimation of in vitro digestibility of plants. It is concluded that the $Daisy^{II}$ incubator results are appropriate for the determination of in vitro digestibility of nutrients using faecal liquor to define the potential for adaptation of yak to new pastures.

Effects of Raising Altitude on the Fatty Acid Composition, Aroma Pattern, Color, and Oxidative Stability of M. Longissimus from Hanwoo Steers

  • Panjono, Panjono;Kang, Sun-Moon;Lee, Ik-Sun;Lee, Sung-Ki
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • 제29권2호
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    • pp.245-251
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    • 2009
  • This study was carried out to investigate the fatty acid composition, aroma pattern, color, and oxidative stability of M. longissimus from 28-mon-old Hanwoo steers with different raising altitude (100, 200, 300, 400, 700, and 800 m above sea level). The samples were stored at $2{\pm}0.2^{\circ}C$ for 9 d. Meat from 700 and 800m had lower palmitic acid, saturated fatty acids and higher oleic acid, monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) than that from 100 m (p<0.05). There was no positive discrimination of the aroma pattern of meat among all groups. There were no significant difference in TBARS values of beef among all groups at 6 and 9 d of storage. At 9d of storage, meat from 700m showed the highest MetMb concentration and the lowest a* value among all groups. However, the differences in Mb concentration and color among groups were not linear to the difference in raising altitude. Consequently, the difference in raising altitude at 100-800 m affected the fatty acid composition of meat from Hanwoo steers; the higher the raising altitude, the higher the MUFA concentration. The difference in fatty acid composition among them didn't affect the aroma pattern and oxidative stability.