• Title/Summary/Keyword: About confidence

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Research on Sex Education of Young Children's Mothers (유아 어머니의 자녀 성교육 실천정도)

  • Guem, Sun-Hee;Kim, Myung-Hee;Kang, In-Soon
    • Korean Parent-Child Health Journal
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.49-63
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: The present study is a descriptive research on the content of sex education conducted at home by the mothers of young children who are attending five kindergartens located in Busan, Korea. This study aims to provide basic materials for systematic sex education at home and in the school. Method: Based on the literature review and prior researches, the writer made a questionnaire consisting of 30 items regarding necessities, contents and difficulties of sex education. The 307 questionnaires were collected out of 480 which were distributed by the kindergarten teachers. Data was analysed with frequency and percentage using the SPSS Win 10.0 Program. The main subjects of the study were mothers in their thirties, who understood the necessity of sex education. However, they were lack of enough sexual knowledge in accordance with the transforming sexual culture and lack of suitable materials. They did not plan to educate their children according to their developmental stages, but just taught them verbally rather than using common materials for the situation. Result Regarding the origin of life that children often asks, mothers did not give a scientific and correct response to satisfy their curiosity about sex, saying that a baby was created after marrying a loved one. While more mothers than the prior research responded correctly to the queries of the path of delivery, some mothers did not. It may cause some children to suppress the questions, which may result a distorted sexual knowledge. That is because mothers understood that sex education was to deliver sexual knowledge, but not realized that sex education was a human education carried out throughout life. Mothers fell short of sexual knowledge, capability, and confidence, comparing with swift social changes and children's capacity. As a result, it is necessary to inspire sexual awareness into mothers and educate them through training. It is also needed to secure a training program similar to a teacher training program. Conclusion: It is essential to develop and to provide evaluation tools as well as proper materials in accordance with the children's developmental stage, so that organic management system among home, education institute and society must lead sex education Further, it is necessary to provide teaching methods and materials to mothers regularly, so that the school and home may conduct sex education together to cope with difficulties.

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Affecting Factors on National Health Insurance Coverage Dental Scaling Experience (건강보험 치석제거 수진에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Heo, Yun-Min;Kim, Hyoung-Joo;Kim, Mi-Na;Lim, Hee Jung;Kim, Myoung-Hee;Lim, Do-Seon;Ahn, Yong-Soon
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.287-294
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    • 2015
  • The aim of the study was to investigate the affecting factors on National Health Insurance coverage dental scaling experience. The self-reported survey for the adults living in Seoul, Gyeonggi province and Incheon had been progressed from February 10, 2014, to February 28, 2014, after receiving informed consents. And the 238 survey results had been analysed as the data of this study. The data analysis such as frequency analysis, ${\chi}^2$-test, and multi-logistic regression (p<0.05) for all collected survey data had been processed using IBM SPSS Statistics ver. 20.0. According to multiple logistic regression analysis, regular dental check-up (odds ratio [OR], 2.63; confidence interval [CI], 1.05~6.59) and dental scaling experience (OR, 3.06; CI, 1.09~8.54), monthly income (OR, 3.55; CI, 1.01~12.56) were the factors having statistically significant influence. Therefore, in order to increase of National health insurance dental scaling experience, it is necessary to increase awareness of the new dental scaling system through the promotion and oral health education about national health insurance dental scaling, and to emphasize the importance of dental Scaling by regular dental check-up.

Generator of Dynamic User Profiles Based on Web Usage Mining (웹 사용 정보 마이닝 기반의 동적 사용자 프로파일 생성)

  • An, Kye-Sun;Go, Se-Jin;Jiong, Jun;Rhee, Phill-Kyu
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.9B no.4
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    • pp.389-390
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    • 2002
  • It is important that acquire information about if customer has some habit in electronic commerce application of internet base that led in recommendation service for customer in dynamic web contents supply. Collaborative filtering that has been used as a standard approach to Web personalization can not get rapidly user's preference change due to static user profiles and has shortcomings such as reliance on user ratings, lack of scalability, and poor performance in the high-dimensional data. In order to overcome this drawbacks, Web usage mining has been prevalent. Web usage mining is a technique that discovers patterns from We usage data logged to server. Specially. a technique that discovers Web usage patterns and clusters patterns is used. However, the discovery of patterns using Afriori algorithm creates many useless patterns. In this paper, the enhanced method for the construction of dynamic user profiles using validated Web usage patterns is proposed. First, to discover patterns Apriori is used and in order to create clusters for user profiles, ARHP algorithm is chosen. Before creating clusters using discovered patterns, validation that removes useless patterns by Dempster-Shafer theory is performed. And user profiles are created dynamically based on current user sessions for Web personalization.

Development plans of FTA Experts in Product Areas (상품분야 FTA 전문 인력 양성 방안)

  • LIM, Mok-Sam;CHOI, Mi-Soo
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    • v.70
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    • pp.159-179
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    • 2016
  • Companies do not be resolved by the FTA services of external aid should be operational by assigning dedicated personnel inside the company. FTA is a choice, not an essential trade agreement requirements. If the exporter contracts to provide a certificate of origin in trade agreements, it shall issue a certificate of origin of goods originating management is performed. When considering the future trend of spreading wide FTA, it should be extended to one year to take advantage of the FTA Certificate of Origin environments utilizing a comprehensive environment for regional countries that require proof of origin between certain countries, such as current. FTA utilization of the future is to utilize the GVC(Global Value Chain) efficiently. In other words, the expansion of the consumer market and take advantage of an efficient production base across borders. These environmental changes are needed development of the FTA utilization promotion and FTA experts. The experts studying how to procure raw materials or intermediate goods exports in a variety of regional foreign countries, to meet the rules of origin is required for a successful FTA utilization. One of the objectives of Origin managers are qualified experts in the country of origin can take advantage of the FTA plan. Therefore, managers of origin shall collect their ability to expand the understanding and information about the industry as an international business perspective beyond the Certificate of Origin. In addition, it should be in their best learning expertise for the introduction and development of country of origin control system in an effort to effectively perform its international FTA utilization. Once the FTA is more widespread in the future and build a common origin information it must not be disconnected until the export enterprises from terminal manufacturers systematically. Therefore origin management is preferred by expanding the knowledge base of teaching and learning in the common sense to the universal subject of specialization from professional schools to promote the relevant departments so that they can be opened in a college or university. An FTA hub linking East and West, also need the confidence that in order to become a center of Glabal Supply Chain Using an FTA Certificate of Origin and stable environment for importers to import products from the country offers. Certificate of Origin and all of them thoroughly exporters and companies related to the administration of origin and should create an atmosphere that can effectively respond to the origin verification. Korea shall endeavor to elicit a geopolitical value (FTA Hub), as well as securing a competitive advantage in the global industry leverage, trading at a reasonable price competitive products thereby enhancing production and economic growth through the FTA.

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Influences of Chronic Pain on the Use of Medical Services in South Korea (만성 통증이 한국의 의료 이용 행태에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeong, Eui-Kyun;Kwak, Yeun-Hee;Song, Jae-Seok
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.363-369
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    • 2015
  • Chronic pain is one of the leading causes of hospital visits. It not only affects the patients themselves but also has a major negative impact on their families and society. In this study, we investigated epidemiology of musculoskeletal disorders induced chronic pain among general population based on Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey database and also analysed how it influenced on the use of medical services. This study was done by using the data of 5th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES V), taking aged 20 years and over adults as research subjects. The EuroQoL-5 Dimension Index(EQ-5D) was used as a survey instrument. T-test, chi-square test and multivariate logistic regression were used for statistical analysis. Subjects with chronic pain had a higher likelihood than control group to use medical services(odds ratio : 5.858, confidence interval 3.636-9.438). Controlling for existence of chronic pain, more women were likely to use medical services than men(1.156, 0.707-1.889). Age, gender and household income level did not affect the use of medical services. Proper control of chronic pain is very helpful in improving patient's quality of life and it also accounts for a large proportion in suppressing excessive consumption of medical services. Anesthesia and pain medicine specialists have superior knowledge about analgesics and anticonvulsants than other physicians do and also have specialized skills to perform procedures like nerve blocks in treating chronic pain. Therefore Anesthesia and pain medicine specialists need to play a leading role in managing chronic pain.

Consumers의 Awareness and Utilization of Food Labels (식품표시에 대한 소비자의 인식 및 이용 실태)

  • 김향숙;백수진;이경애
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.948-953
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    • 1999
  • The objective of this study was to contribute to the enhancement of food labeling and the development of food labels which are more informative to consumers. The questionnaires had been collected from adult female consumers living in Seoul, Kyonggi, Choongnam and Chungbuk province. Out of 950 answers collected 792 were analyzed. Ninety two percent of respondents were aware of food labels, however only 67.6% of them knew about the fact that food labeling was regulated by the law. Respondents recognized the major purpose of food labeling as informing and protecting the consumer. Most of the respondents answered that they confirmed the contents of food labels at the time of purchase especially with regard to safety aspects, such as expiration on data and manufacture date. Eighty four percent of the respon dents showed confidence in the contents of food labels.The rests answered they were hot confident because they experienced directly, or indirectly discord of food contents in fact and in label.

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Impact of Weight Change on Decline of Cognitive Function Among Korean Adults (체중 변화가 인지기능 저하에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Seungyeon;Shin, Sangyoon;Yoo, Hyejin;Park, Gi Hyue;Lee, Jee-Young;Lee, Jeong Sang;Lee, Euni
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.238-246
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    • 2019
  • Background: In South Korea, as an aged society, an understanding of dementia and its risk factors is important from clinical and healthcare policy perspectives. Relationship between cognitive impairment and body weight or weight changes have been reported, but these were contradictory. We have evaluated the association between weight changes and cognitive decline using national level longitudinal data. Methods: Data from the Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing from 2006 to 2012 were used. Association between weight changes and decline in cognitive function as measured by K-MMSE (the Korean version of the Mini-mental state examination) score was assessed by multivariate logistic regression. Weight changes were calculated from 1st wave and 3rd wave survey data, and classified into five groups as stable, increases, decreases of >10%, or 5%-10%. Results: About 37% of the total participants (n=4,512) were 65 years or older. These participants made up the largest proportion of the groups with weight change exceeding 10%. Multivariate logistic regression analyses revealed that weight changes exceeding 10% (10% increase vs stable, adjusted OR [aOR] 1.47, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.11-1.95; 10% decrease vs stable, aOR 1.44, 95% CI 1.11-1.88) were significant predictive factors for decline in cognitive function. In subgroup analyses, the association between weight changes and cognitive decline was significant in males aged over 65 years and in normal BMI groups. Conclusion: Weight changes, both increases and decreases exceeding 10% of baseline, were significantly associated with declines in cognitive function among older adults in South Korea.

The Dynamic Basement Amplification Characteristics of a Dam Site using a Reference Site Method (기준관측소 방법을 이용한 댐체 기반암의 동적 지반증폭특성)

  • Wee, Soung-Hoon;Kim, Jun-Kyoung;Yoo, Seong-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.161-171
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    • 2017
  • Observed ground motions are composed of three factors such as, seismic source, attenuation, and site amplification effect. Among them, the site amplification characteristics should be considered significantly when estimating seismic source and attenuation characteristics with more confidence. The site effect is also necessary when estimating not only seismic hazard in seismic design engineering but also rock mechanical properties. This study uses the method of H/V spectral ratio of observed ground motion between target site and reference site called a reference site method. In addition to using the vertical Fourier spectrum of the reference site, we try out the horizontal Fourier spectrum as a new method in this study. We analyze H/V spectral ratio of six ground motions respectively, observed at four sites close to Yedang Reservoir. We then compare site amplification effects at each site using 3 kinds of seismic energies including S waves, Coda waves energy, and background noise. The results suggest that each site showed similar site amplification patterns in S waves and Coda waves energy. However, the site amplification of background noise shows much different characteristics from those of S waves and Coda wave energy, which suggests that the background noises at each site have their own developing mechanism. Each station shows its own characteristics of specific resonance frequency and site amplification properties in low, high and specific resonance frequency ranges. Comparison of the method used in this study to the others that used different methods can provide us with more information about the dynamic amplification of a site characteristics and site classification.

Factors Affecting the Continuous Use of Mobile Music Contents (모바일 음악콘텐츠의 지속적 사용에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Seung-Kyu;Park, Seong-Won;Lee, Choong-C.
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.291-305
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    • 2008
  • Previous study about Mobile Music Contents was mainly focused on Industry factors & enterprise factors like Technology. This study is not only focused on Technology factors, but also Customer & System factors like TAM of original, and also, this study first tried to find the Mobile Internet medium's customer purchase by each property's Mobile Music Contents from assorting the Mobile music Contents property and defining them. So to speak of this study have tried to concretely verify the factors of purchase. And also, I proposed an transformated model, and added independent variable factors, 'distinction', 'speed of system', 'speed of network', 'a career of use', 'amount of use', 'preservation', 'customization', 'information', 'confidence', 'omni presentation', 'potential possibility of reproduce'. By applying TAM this study has measured how the product property. user property, and system property causes effect to customer purchase of Mobile Music Contents. In results, First, success 8 factors were determined to be the purchase of 'Ringtone'. Second, 8 factors were determined to be the purchase of 'Ring-Back tone', but, 'The use of convenience' was not influenced 'Intention of Purchase'. Third, 6 factors were determined to be the purchase of 'Full Track Download of Music'. At the Conclusion this study presented a scheme that these study results could be applied in actual company and academic world.

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The First Crustal Refraction Survey in the Korean Peninsula

  • Jung Mo Lee;Wooil Moon;Chang-Eob Baag;Heeok Jung;Ki Young Kim;Bong Gon Jo;Woohan Kim;Sung Kyun Kim
    • Proceedings of the International Union of Geodesy And Geophysics Korea Journal of Geophysical Research Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.15-15
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    • 2003
  • The first crustal refraction survey in the Korean Peninsula was carried out over the survey line connecting Seosan-Yeongdong-Kyeongiu on Dec. 15, 2002. The total length of the survey line was about 300 Km and 198 portable seismometers were deployed with approximately 1.5-km interval. The survey line itself was geologically important since it was almost normal to the so-called Sino-Korean structural trend. Two shots, one at Seosan (west end point) and the other at Yeongdong (mid-point), were exploded. They were 100-m deep drill well explosions. The Seosan shot consisted of a ton emulsion type explosive, while Youngdong consisted of 500 kg one. Both shots generated signals with good S/N ratios to the farthest receivers. Seismic signals were recorded by 195 receivers out of 198 ones. Although the originally planned Kyeongju shot (east end point) could not be exploded due to public discontent, the experiment was evaluated very successful. First breaks in all recorded traces were picked up and two preliminary analyses were carried out. The one is conventional flat layer analysis and the other was refraction tomographic analysis. The one resulted in average 32-km thick two-layer crust and the underlying mantle with 8.05-km/s P-velocity. The top crust layer with 3.86 kw/s P-velocity was 2.5-km thick and the lower crust layer with 6.0l km/s P-velocity was 29.5-km thick. The other resulted in a velocity cross-section. The confidence level of the velocity cross-section could not be evaluated at this time because only two shot were exploded. Detailed analyses such as surface wave dispersion are on going. Continuing crustal scale refraction surveys are planned in Korea.

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