• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3D modelling & rendering

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A Study on 3D MODELLING DATA BANK & 3D RENDERING Effect (3D MODELLING DATA BANK와 3D RENDERING 효과에 대한 연구 - 전통 문양의 현대적 재해석과 '함' 디자인 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • 이대우
    • Journal of the Korea Furniture Society
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 1999
  • 본 연구는 국내가구 디자인 산업의 경쟁력 강화를 위한 사례의 하나로 디자인 작품을 시도하게 되었다. 지존의 디자인 모델링은 소프트 모델 또는 목업(mock up)개념에서 시행되어 디자이너가 직접 제작하기 전에는 3차원의 형상을 구현하기가 어려웠으며, 더욱이 문야의 적용은 실크스크린 또는 인쇄와 같은 처리기법으로 사용되었다. 이 방법은 시간, 경비, 공간, 자료의 보관 및 축적, 기타의 많은 문제점과 생산성 향상에 애로사항이 되어왔다. 요지와 같이 많은 문제점과 렌더링의 데이터베이스 뱅크는 활용 가능한 분야와 직종에 따라서 응용 가능하기 때문에 많은 실험적 시도가 요구된다. 디자인의 발상은 우리나라 전통문화의 가구디자인을 접목시킨 사례로서 시도하였으며, 형태와 문양을 현대적 개념에서 재해석하여 대입시켰다. 적용디자인 사례는 2개의 모델에 10가지의 패턴을 복합적으로 활용한 디자인 작품의 결과물이다. 이러한 결과는 다양한 디자인 연출과 시안을 추출할 수 있으며, 디자인 활동과 설계에 능률을 배가시키는 효과를 검증할 수 있겠다.

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Generative AI-based Exterior Building Design Visualization Approach in the Early Design Stage - Leveraging Architects' Style-trained Models - (생성형 AI 기반 초기설계단계 외관디자인 시각화 접근방안 - 건축가 스타일 추가학습 모델 활용을 바탕으로 -)

  • Yoo, Youngjin;Lee, Jin-Kook
    • Journal of KIBIM
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 2024
  • This research suggests a novel visualization approach utilizing Generative AI to render photorealistic architectural alternatives images in the early design phase. Photorealistic rendering intuitively describes alternatives and facilitates clear communication between stakeholders. Nevertheless, the conventional rendering process, utilizing 3D modelling and rendering engines, demands sophisticate model and processing time. In this context, the paper suggests a rendering approach employing the text-to-image method aimed at generating a broader range of intuitive and relevant reference images. Additionally, it employs an Text-to-Image method focused on producing a diverse array of alternatives reflecting architects' styles when visualizing the exteriors of residential buildings from the mass model images. To achieve this, fine-tuning for architects' styles was conducted using the Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) method. This approach, supported by fine-tuned models, allows not only single style-applied alternatives, but also the fusion of two or more styles to generate new alternatives. Using the proposed approach, we generated more than 15,000 meaningful images, with each image taking only about 5 seconds to produce. This demonstrates that the Generative AI-based visualization approach significantly reduces the labour and time required in conventional visualization processes, holding significant potential for transforming abstract ideas into tangible images, even in the early stages of design.

Virtual Campus Development using 3D GIS (3D GIS를 활용한 가상 캠퍼스 구현)

  • KSong, Sang-Hun;Jeong, Jong-Pil
    • KSCI Review
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.147-152
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    • 2006
  • Data size of moving current GIS great exponentially from 2D to 3D and the processing speed becomes slow thereby and user's real time rendering request is growing. Have problem that time and expense to process data of bulky quantity produce constraint condition of the processing speed. third dimension processing skill, virtual reality processing skill etc. and third dimension GIS about space data of bulk much overmuch to materialize. In this paper DEM data that acquire from satellite or aviation solve these problem embody virtual city in web save topography information that visualization to 3D visualization by VRML, and use modelling tool and acquire 3D campus information for building and road. 3D information acquired this to express texture and natural gifts that have truth stuff more to thing through near texture mapping work 3D imagination illustration of web based embody can.

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Influence of threshold value of computed tomography on the accuracy of 3-dimensional medical model (전산화단층 촬영상의 임계치가 3차원 의학모델 정확도에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구)

  • Lee Byeong-Do;Lee Wan
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2002
  • Purpose: To evaluate the influence of threshold value of computed tomography on the accuracy of rapid prototyping (RP) medical model Material and Methods : CT datas of a human dry skull were transferred from CT scanner via compact disk to a personal computer (PC). 3-dimensional image reconstruction on PC by V-works/sup TM/ 3.0 (CyberMed. Inc.) software and RP models fabrication were followed. 2-RP models were produced by threshold value of 500 and 800 selected in surface rendering process. Linear measurements between arbitrary 12 anatomical landmarks on dry skull, 3-D image model, and 2-RP models were done and compared. Thus, the accuracy of 500 RP and 800RP models was respectively evaluated. Results: There was mean difference (% difference) in absolute value of 2.27 mm (2.73%) between linear measurements of dry skull and 500 RP model. There was mean difference (% difference) in absolute value of 1.94 mm (2.52%) between linear measurements of dry skull and 800 RP model. Conclusion: Slight difference of threshold value in rendering process of 3-D modelling made a influence on the accuracy of RP medical model.

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Improved Radial Sweep Algorithm for 3-dimensional Terrain Modelling (3차원 지형 모델링을 위한 개선된 Radial Sweep 알고리즘)

  • Ryoo, Seung-Taek;Ahn, Chung-Hyun;Yoon, Kyung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.5 no.2 s.10
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 1997
  • Researches in the field of Computer Graphics and Geographical Information Systems(GIS) have extensively studied the method of photo-realistic landscape modelling, because it have become a commom requirement in applications such as flight simulators, mission rehearsal, and construction planning. A common approach to the display of terrain uses a Digital Elevation Model(DEM). DEM is an evenly spaced array of the terrain elevation data and can be obtained from stereo satellite data. With the DEM data, the process of 3D terrain modelling consists of three steps. The first step is to extract the meaningful data (such as peak, pit, passes...) from DEM data based on LOD(Level Of Detail) criteria. The second is to construct the 3D surface by TIN, which represents a surface as a set of non-overlapping continuous triangular facets of irregular size and shape. The third is a rendering of 3D terrain model. The goal of this research is a construction of 3D terrain with TIN. To do this, we are going to app]y Radial Sweep Algorithm. Radial Sweep Algorithm for generating TIN works quickly and efficiently. However, it does not solve the problem caused by the approximated nature of triangulated surface. To solve this problem, this research derive improved radial sweep algorithms with the optimal triangle definition.

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Development of Multimedia Contents System for Gogurye Ancient Tomb Mural (고구려 고분벽화를 소재로 한 멀티미디어 콘텐츠 개발)

  • Lee, Yong-Hwan;Lee, YuKyong;Cho, Han-Jin;Lee, June-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.13-19
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, we design and develop an educational virtual system which can experience Goguryeo tomb murals in the virtual world. Goguryeo tomb murals are well known in the world, and they are registered as a UNESCO World Heritage site by the value Acknowledged worldwide. We design an user-friendly interface for Goguryeo tome murals by Flash, and make a modelling and rendering with 3D Max. In addition, we create an educational animation with Adobe Premiere. We choose some of items such as Goguryeo tomb murals, historical sites, high-level description of periodization, Goguryeo's clothes, home, play as sub-themes, and we develop a system with detailed views and informations for the daily life of the people of Goguryeo.