• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3D maps

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Developing and Valuating 3D Building Models Based on Multi Sensor Data (LiDAR, Digital Image and Digital Map) (멀티센서 데이터를 이용한 건물의 3차원 모델링 기법 개발 및 평가)

  • Wie, Gwang-Jae;Kim, Eun-Young;Yun, Hong-Sic;Kang, In-Gu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.19-30
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    • 2007
  • Modeling 3D buildings is an essential process to revive the real world into a computer. There are two ways to create a 3D building model. The first method is to use the building layer of 1:1000 digital maps based on high density point data gained from airborne laser surveying. The second method is to use LiDAR point data with digital images achieved with LiDAR. In this research we tested one sheet area of 1:1000 digital map with both methods to process a 3D building model. We have developed a process, analyzed quantitatively and evaluated the efficiency, accuracy, and reality. The resulted differed depending on the buildings shape. The first method was effective on simple buildings, and the second method was effective on complicated buildings. Also, we evaluated the accuracy of the produced model. Comparing the 3D building based on LiDAR data and digital image with digital maps, the horizontal accuracy was within ${\pm}50cm$. From the above we derived a conclusion that 3D building modeling is more effective when it is based on LiDAR data and digital maps. Using produced 3D building modeling data, we will be utilized as digital contents in various fields like 3D GIS, U-City, telematics, navigation, virtual reality and games etc.

Classification of Binary Obstacle Terrain Based on 3D World Models for Unmanned Robots (무인로봇을 위한 3D 월드모델에 기초한 Binary 장애지형의 판정)

  • Jin, Gang-Gyoo;Lee, Hyun-Sik;Lee, Yun-Hyung;Lee, Young-Il;Park, Yong-Woon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.516-523
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    • 2009
  • Recently, the applications of unmanned robots are increasing in various fields including surveillance and reconnaissance, planet exploration and disaster relief. To perform their missions with success, the robots should be able to evaluate terrain's characteristics quantitatively and identify traversable regions to progress toward a goal using mounted sensors. Recently, the authors have proposed techniques that extract terrain information and analyze traversability for off-road navigation of an unmanned robot. In this paper, we examine the use of 3D world models(terrain maps) to classify obstacle and safe terrain for increasing the reliability of the proposed techniques. A world model is divided into several patches and each patch is classified as belonging either to an obstacle or a non-obstacle using three types of metrics. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified on real terrain maps.

Comparative study of data selection in data integration for 3D building reconstruction

  • Nakagawa, Masafumi;Shibasaki, Ryosuke
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.1393-1395
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    • 2003
  • In this research, we presented a data integration, which integrates ultra high resolution images and complementary data for 3D building reconstruction. In our method, as the ultra high resolution image, Three Line Sensor (TLS) images are used in combination with 2D digital maps, DSMs and both of them. Reconstructed 3D buildings, correctness rate and the accuracy of results were presented. As a result, optimized combination scheme of data sets , sensors and methods was proposed.

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3D Omni-directional Vision SLAM using a Fisheye Lens Laser Scanner (어안 렌즈와 레이저 스캐너를 이용한 3차원 전방향 영상 SLAM)

  • Choi, Yun Won;Choi, Jeong Won;Lee, Suk Gyu
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.634-640
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    • 2015
  • This paper proposes a novel three-dimensional mapping algorithm in Omni-Directional Vision SLAM based on a fisheye image and laser scanner data. The performance of SLAM has been improved by various estimation methods, sensors with multiple functions, or sensor fusion. Conventional 3D SLAM approaches which mainly employed RGB-D cameras to obtain depth information are not suitable for mobile robot applications because RGB-D camera system with multiple cameras have a greater size and slow processing time for the calculation of the depth information for omni-directional images. In this paper, we used a fisheye camera installed facing downwards and a two-dimensional laser scanner separate from the camera at a constant distance. We calculated fusion points from the plane coordinates of obstacles obtained by the information of the two-dimensional laser scanner and the outline of obstacles obtained by the omni-directional image sensor that can acquire surround view at the same time. The effectiveness of the proposed method is confirmed through comparison between maps obtained using the proposed algorithm and real maps.

Terrain Matching Technique Using 3-D Terrain Maps (3차원 지형정보를 이용한 지형영상의 정합기법)

  • 김준식;강민석;박래홍;이쾌희
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.13-27
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    • 1991
  • DEM(digital elevation map) is a very useful information in various applications. In this paper, we have studied on the terrain matching algorithm using the DEM, which was proposed by Rodriguez and Aggarwal(1990) for an aircraft navigation system. We evaluated its performance using syntactic images. Cliff maps and critical points are used for the reduction of computation time and information size to be processed. The computer simulation shows that though the computational complexity is high, the technique is efficient even to noisy images.

Implementation of Disparity Information-based 3D Object Tracking

  • Ko, Jung-Hwan;Jung, Yong-Woo;Kim, Eun-Soo
    • Journal of Information Display
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.16-25
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, a new 3D object tracking system using the disparity motion vector (DMV) is presented. In the proposed method, the time-sequential disparity maps are extracted from the sequence of the stereo input image pairs and these disparity maps are used to sequentially estimate the DMV defined as a disparity difference between two consecutive disparity maps Similarly to motion vectors in the conventional video signals, the DMV provides us with motion information of a moving target by showing a relatively large change in the disparity values in the target areas. Accordingly, this DMV helps detect the target area and its location coordinates. Based on these location data of a moving target, the pan/tilt embedded in the stereo camera system can be controlled and consequently achieve real-time stereo tracking of a moving target. From the results of experiments with 9 frames of the stereo image pairs having 256x256 pixels, it is shown that the proposed DMV-based stereo object tracking system can track the moving target with a relatively low error ratio of about 3.05 % on average.

Hybrid High-Density Depth Map Generation Using 360-Degree Camera Images (360 카메라 이미지를 통한 하이브리드 고밀도 Depth Map 생성)

  • WooSung Shin;WooRi Han;Yong Hwan Lee;YoungSeop Kim
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.172-176
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    • 2024
  • In modern applications such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and autonomous vehicles, the accuracy and reliability of Depth Maps play a critical role in enhancing user experience and optimizing system performance. These applications fundamentally rely on Depth Maps for visual information processing, interaction, and decision-making. While 360-degree cameras have emerged as an innovative solution, offering comprehensive visual coverage of the surrounding environment, current technologies face significant challenges in efficiently processing large volumes of data and generating precise Depth Maps. This study addresses the critical role of Depth Maps in VR, AR, and autonomous vehicles, proposing a novel hybrid depth estimation framework. The framework combines patch-based depth estimation with Vision Transformers (ViT) to enhance the accuracy and reliability of Depth Maps in 360-degree imaging applications. Patch-based depth estimation leverages Structure from Motion (SFM) to improve local spatial precision, while ViTs address distortions caused by wide field-of-view projections and learn global features. By integrating these approaches, the framework improves the accuracy and resolution of Depth Maps, enabling the generation of dense 3D point clouds for detailed spatial representation and reconstruction. This method overcomes challenges of computational complexity and accuracy, marking significant advancements in 360-degree imaging technology for immersive and autonomous systems.

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Motion Planning for Legged Robots Using Locomotion Primitives in the 3D Workspace (3차원 작업공간에서 보행 프리미티브를 이용한 다리형 로봇의 운동 계획)

  • Kim, Yong-Tae;Kim, Han-Jung
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.275-281
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents a motion planning strategy for legged robots using locomotion primitives in the complex 3D environments. First, we define configuration, motion primitives and locomotion primitives for legged robots. A hierarchical motion planning method based on a combination of 2.5 dimensional maps of the 3D workspace is proposed. A global navigation map is obtained using 2.5 dimensional maps such as an obstacle height map, a passage map, and a gradient map of obstacles to distinguish obstacles. A high-level path planner finds a global path from a 2D navigation map. A mid-level planner creates sub-goals that help the legged robot efficiently cope with various obstacles using only a small set of locomotion primitives that are useful for stable navigation of the robot. A local obstacle map that describes the edge or border of the obstacles is used to find the sub-goals along the global path. A low-level planner searches for a feasible sequence of locomotion primitives between sub-goals. We use heuristic algorithm in local motion planner. The proposed planning method is verified by both locomotion and soccer experiments on a small biped robot in a cluttered environment. Experiment results show an improvement in motion stability.

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  • Kim, Hye-Jin;Byun, Young-Gi;Choi, Jae-Wan;Han, You-Kyung;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2007.10a
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    • pp.238-242
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    • 2007
  • Today's commercial high resolution satellite imagery such as that provided by IKONOS and QuickBird, offers the potential to extract useful spatial information for geographical database construction and GIS applications. Digital maps supply the most generally used GIS data probiding topography, road, and building information. Currently, the building information provided by digital maps is incompletely constructed for GIS applications due to planar position error and warped shape. We focus on extracting of the accurate building information including position, shape, and height to update the building information of the digital maps and GIS database. In this paper, we propose a new method of 3D building information extraction with a single high resolution satellite image and digital map. Co-registration between the QuickBird image and the 1:1,000 digital maps was carried out automatically using the RPC adjustment model and the building layer of the digital map was projected onto the image. The building roof boundaries were detected using the building layer from the digital map based on the satellite azimuth. The building shape could be modified using a snake algorithm. Then we measured the building height and traced the building bottom automatically using triangular vector structure (TVS) hypothesis. In order to evaluate the proposed method, we estimated accuracy of the extracted building information using LiDAR DSM.

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A Study on the Measurement Methods of the Cognitive Effects of Map Use (지도사용의 인지적 효과 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Hyun-Jeong;Shin, Hyu-Seok;Park, Key-Ho
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to establish an analytical framework and quantitative methodologies to analyze 'the cognitive effects of web map use' and to empirically test it. This experimental design was established based on the literature about spatial cognition. Accuracy, reaction time, and confidence within each participant were compared to measure the cognitive effects of web map use for wayfinding. Geometric accuracy of the cognitive maps was estimated and calculated based on the bidimensional regression. The experimental results showed that characteristics of map users and repetition of map use rather than types of map representation did significantly affect accuracy and reaction time of spatial cognition by using web maps. And confidence appeared to be low when the participants referred to both 2D and 3D maps for wayfinding tasks on the web maps. Understanding spatial cognition of web map users, which was suggested in the study, will help cartographers make more effectively-communicated maps.