• 제목/요약/키워드: 3D data model

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A Study on LoD1 Spatial Data Generation Using 2D Geospatial Data and CityGML Standard Texture Mapping Techniques (2D 공간정보 데이터를 활용한 LoD1 수준의 3D 객체 생성 및 CityGML 표준 기반 텍스처 적용 기법에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jeong-Yeon;Kang, Dong-Hwi;Lee, Hae-Ju;Choi, Gwang-Yeol
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.97-109
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    • 2024
  • This study presents a methodology for generating LoD1 objects using 2D spatial data in Shapefile format, converting them into CityGML 3.0 standard files, and applying textures for validation. High-resolution Z-values were extracted using DEM data, and a constrained Delaunay triangulation algorithm was applied to create LoD1 objects efficiently. Orthophoto TIF files were used as textures for these generated objects to achieve realistic visual representation. Finally, the CityGML 3.0 Validator tool was used to verify that the generated LoD1 models comply with the CityGML 3.0 standard. This research offers an efficient LoD1 object generation and texture application method that enhances visual realism, which can be beneficial for urban planning, disaster management, and smart city implementation.

Feature Detection and Simplification of 3D Face Data with Facial Expressions

  • Kim, Yong-Guk;Kim, Hyeon-Joong;Choi, In-Ho;Kim, Jin-Seo;Choi, Soo-Mi
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.791-794
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    • 2012
  • We propose an efficient framework to realistically render 3D faces with a reduced set of points. First, a robust active appearance model is presented to detect facial features in the projected faces under different illumination conditions. Then, an adaptive simplification of 3D faces is proposed to reduce the number of points, yet preserve the detected facial features. Finally, the point model is rendered directly, without such additional processing as parameterization of skin texture. This fully automatic framework is very effective in rendering massive facial data on mobile devices.

A Study on the Automatic Pattern Development of Adult Male Basic Pattern Using 3D Body Scan Data

  • Jeong, Mi-E;Nam, Yun-Ja
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 2007
  • This study examined how to create 2D basic pattern of individuals by means of 3-D body figure, which is to develop a flat of individual basic pattern directly from the 3-D body scan data of each subject using that of the upper body of a male adult. In terms of methodology, this study adopted 3D body scan data on system and body to make examinations in the following steps: 1. Standard point and line were set on human body, along with 3-D definition points(feature points). 2. PB was created by modifying horizontal and longitudinal section of scan data. 3. Ways to set reserve were established in the findings of PB planar development. Respective developed flat patterns were compared with pattern findings in previous studies by means of sensory evaluation. As a result, it was found that both system and body model are basic pattern and belong to appropriate pattern as semi-tight-fit basic pattern with overall appropriate tolerances. Thus, this study came to a conclusion that it is feasible and valid to develop theories for flat development as considered herein.

A Study on Effect of Beachface Gradient on 3-D Currents around the Open Inlet of Submerged Breakwaters (해빈경사에 따른 잠제 개구부의 3차원적인 흐름특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Woo-Dong;Hur, Dong-Soo;Park, Jong-Bae;An, Sung-Wook
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.7-15
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    • 2009
  • The aim of this study was to survey the effects of the beachface gradient on 3-D currents around the open inlets of submerged breakwaters. First, the numerical model was validated by a comparison with existing experimental data. This model is able to consider the flow through a porous medium with inertial, laminar, and turbulent resistance terms, i.e. simulate directly WAve?Structure?Seabed/Sandy beach interaction, and can determine the eddy viscosity with a LES turbulent model in a 3-Dimensional wave field (LES-WASS-3D). Using the numerical results of this model, the 3-D currents around the open inlets of submerged breakwaters were examined in relation to the beachface gradient. Moreover, the wave height distribution and mean flow around them are also discussed, as well as the distribution of the wave breaking points over the crest.

Performance Analysis of Service Model between server and client on PMSS System (PMSS 시스템에서 서버/클라이언트 간 서비스 모델의 성능분석)

  • Lee, Min-Hong;Kim, Kyung-Hoon;Nam, Ji-Seung
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.11A no.3
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    • pp.207-212
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    • 2004
  • This paper provides the higher user QoS(Quality of Service) by analyzing media service model between server and client in single VoD(Video on Demand) environment and applying it to parallel VoD environment. Media service model is divided into the Client Pull, Server Push, and IPP(Interleaving Pull & Push) model. A server sends data based on client's request in the Client Pull Model. A server one-sidedly sends data without client's request in the Server Pull model. And the WP model unites above two models. For a parallel VoD environment, We built the PMSS system which provides the parallel media streaming services that one client is simultaneously served by several servers. In the single and parallel VoD environment, We compare and analyze the performance of service models with respect to network delay and data size in buffer. In this experiment, we found that IPP service model keeps the least network delay and stable client buffer in the parallel VoD environment. This result shows that PMSS can provide the more quality of service.

Performance Tests of 3D Data Models for Laser Radar Simulation (레이저레이더 시뮬레이션을 위한 3차원 데이터 모델의 성능 테스트)

  • Kim, Geun-Han;Kim, Hye-Young;Jun, Chul-Min
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.97-107
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    • 2009
  • Experiments using real guided weapons for the development of the LADAR(Laser radar) are not practical. Therefore, we need computing environment that can simulate the 3D detections by LADAR. Such simulations require dealing with large sized data representing buildings and terrain over large area. And they also need the information of 3D target objects, for example, material and echo rate of building walls. However, currently used 3D models are mostly focused on visualization maintained as file-based formats and do not contain such semantic information. In this study, as a solution to these problems, a method to use a spatial DBMS and a 3D model suitable for LADAR simulation is suggested. The 3D models found in previous studies are developed to serve different purposes, thus, it is not easy to choose one among them which is optimized for LADAR simulation. In this study, 4 representative 3D models are first defined, each of which are tested for different performance scenarios. As a result, one model, "Body-Face", is selected as being the most suitable model for the simulation. Using this model, a test simulation is carried out.

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3D Overhead Modeling Using Depth Sensor

  • Song, Eungyeol;Lee, Sangyoun
    • Journal of International Society for Simulation Surgery
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.83-86
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    • 2014
  • Purpose This paper was purposed to suggest the method to produce the supportive helmet (head correction) for the infants who are suffering from plagiocephaly and to evaluate the level of transformation through 3D model. Method Either of CT or X-ray restored images has been used in making the supportive helmet (Head correction) in general, but these methods of measuring have problems in cost and safety. 3D surface measurement technology was suggested to solve such matters. Results It was to design the transformed model of the head within 0.7cm in average by scanning the surface of head and performing 3D restoration with marching cube and the changing rate of the head was compared in numerical data with 3D model. Conclusion The suggested methods displayed the better performance than the conventional method in respect of the speed and cost.

Extraction and 3D Visualization of Trees in Urban Environment

  • Yamagishi, Yosuke;Guo, Tao;Yasuoka, Yoshifumi
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.1174-1176
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    • 2003
  • Recently 3D city models are required for many applications such as urban microclimate, transportation navigation, landscape planning and visualization to name a few. The existing 3D city models mostly target on modeling buildings, but vegetation also plays an important role in the urban environment. To represent a more realistic urban environment through the 3D city model, in this research, an investigation is conducted to extract the position of trees from high resolution IKONOS imagery along with Airborne Laser Scanner data. Later, a tree growth model is introduced to simulate the growth of trees in the identified tree-positions.

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Study on a Override Behavior during Train Collision by Crush Characteristic of Train Carbody (차체의 압괴특성에 의한 충돌 후 타고오름 거동에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Geo-Young;Koo, Jung-Seo;Park, Min-Young
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.604-608
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    • 2010
  • This paper proposed a new 2D multibody dynamic modeling technique to analyze overriding behavior taking place during train collision. This dynamic model is composed of nonlinear spring, damper and mass by considering the deformable characteristics of carbodies as well as energy absorbing structures and components. By solving this dynamic model of rollingstock, collision energy absorption capacity, acceleration of passenger sections, impact forces applied to interconnecting devices, and overriding displacements can be well estimated. For a case study, we choose KHST (Korean High Speed Train), obtained crush characteristic data of each carbody section from 3D finite element analysis, and established a 2D multibody dynamic model. This 2D dynamic model was suggested to describe the collision behavior of 3D Virtual Testing Model.

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