• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3D Mesh Model

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Parametric Study on Bellows of Piping System Using Fuzzy Theory

  • Lee Yang-Chang;Lee Joon-Seong
    • International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.58-63
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    • 2006
  • This paper describes a novel automated analysis system for bellows of piping system. An automatic finite element (FE) mesh generation technique, which is based on the fuzzy theory and computational geometry technique, is incorporated into the system, together with one of commercial FE analysis codes and one of commercial solid modelers. In this system, a geometric model, i.e. an analysis model, is first defined using a commercial solid modelers for 3-D shell structures. Node is generated if its distance from existing node points is similar to the node spacing function at the point. The node spacing function is well controlled by the fuzzy knowledge processing. The Delaunay triangulation technique is introduced as a basic tool for element generation. The triangular elements are converted to quadrilateral elements. Practical performances of the present system are demonstrated through several analysis for bellows of piping system.

Clustering based Normal Vector Compression of 3D Model (클러스터링기법을 이용한 3차원 모델의 법선 벡터 압축)

  • Cho Youngsong;Kim Deok-Soo
    • Proceedings of the Society of Korea Industrial and System Engineering Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.455-460
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    • 2002
  • As the transmission of 3D shape models through Internet becomes more important, the compression issue of shape models gets more critical. The issues for normal vectors have not yet been explored as much as it deserves, even though the size of the data for normal vectors can be significantly larger than its counterparts of topology and geometry. Presented in this paper is an approach to compress the normal vectors of a shape model represented in a mesh using the concept of clustering. It turns out that the proposed approach has a significant compression ratio without a serious sacrifice of the visual quality of the model.

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3D Generic Vertebra Model for Computer Aided Diagnosis (컴퓨터를 이용한 의료 진단용 3차원 척추 제네릭 모델)

  • Lee, Ju-Sung;Baek, Seung-Yeob;Lee, Kun-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.297-305
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    • 2010
  • Medical image acquisition techniques such as CT and MRI have disadvantages in that the numerous time and efforts are needed. Furthermore, a great amount of radiation exposure is an inherent proberty of the CT imaging technique, a number of side-effects are expected from such method. To improve such conventional methods, a number of novel methods that can obtain 3D medical images from a few X-ray images, such as algebraic reconstruction technique (ART), have been developed. Such methods deform a generic model of the internal body part and fit them into the X-ray images to obtain the 3D model; the initial shape, therefore, affects the entire fitting process in a great deal. From this fact, we propose a novel method that can generate a 3D vertebraic generic model based on the statistical database of CT scans in this study. Moreover, we also discuss a method to generate patient-tailored generic model using the facts obtained from the statistical analysis. To do so, the mesh topologies of CT-scanned 3D vertebra models are modified to be identical to each other, and the database is constructed based on them. Furthermore, from the results of a statistical analysis on the database, the tendency of shape distribution is characterized, and the modeling parameters are extracted. By using these modeling parameters for generating the patient-tailored generic model, the computational speed and accuracy of ART can greatly be improved. Furthermore, although this study only includes an application to the C1 (Atlas) vertebra, the entire framework of our method can be applied to other body parts generally. Therefore, it is expected that the proposed method can benefit the various medical imaging applications.

Advanced Design Environmental With Adaptive And Knowledge-Based Finite Elements

  • Haghighi, Kamyar;Jang, Eun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 1993.10a
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    • pp.1222-1229
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    • 1993
  • An advanced design environment , which is based on adaptive and knowledge -based finite elements (INTELMESH), has been developed. Unlike other approaches, INTEMMESH incorporates the information about the object geometry as well as the boundary and loading conditions to generate an ${\alpha}$-priori finite element mesh which is more refined around the critical regions of the problem domain. INTEMMESH is designed for planar domains and axisymmetric 3-D structures of elasticity and heat transfer subjected to mechanical and thermal loading . It intelligently identifies the critical regions/points in the problem domain and utilize the new concepts of substructuring and wave propagation to choose the proper mesh size for them. INTEMMESH generates well-shaped triangular elements by applying trangulartion and Laplacian smoothing procedures. The adaptive analysis involves the intial finite elements analyze and an efficient ${\alpha}$-posteriori error analysis involves the initial finite element anal sis and an efficient ${\alpha}$-posteriori error analysis and estimation . Once a problem is defined , the system automatically builds a finite element model and analyzes the problem though automatic iterative process until the error reaches a desired level. It has been shown that the proposed approach which initiates the process with an ${\alpha}$-priori, and near optimum mesh of the object , converges to the desired accuracy in less time and at less cost. Such an advanced design/analysis environment will provide the capability for rapid product development and reducing the design cycle time and cost.

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An Efficient Triangulation Algorithm for Trimmed NURBS Surfaces (트림된 NURBS 곡면의 효율적인 삼각화 알고리즘)

  • 정재호;박준영
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.144-154
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    • 2000
  • We propose an algorithm for obtaining a triangular approximation of a trimmed NLRBS surface. Triangular approximation is used in the pre-processing step of many applications such as RP(Rapid Prototyping), NC(Numerical Control) and FEA(Finite Element Analysis), etc. The algorithm minimizes the number of triangular elements within tolerance and generates a valid triangular mesh for STL file and NC tool path generation. In the algorithm, a subdivision method is used. Since a patch is a basic element of triangular mesh creation, boundary curves of a patch are divided into line segments and the division of curves is applied for the interior of the surface. That is, boundary curves are subdivided into line segments and two end points of each line segment are propagated to the interior of the surface. For the case of a trimmed surface, triangulation is carried out using a model space information. The algorithm is superior because the number of elements can be controlled as the curvature of the surface varies and it generates the triangular mesh in a trimmed region efficiently. To verify the efficiency, the algorithm was implemented and tested for several 3D objects bounded by NURBS surfaces.

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3D finite element simulation of human proximal femoral fracture under quasi-static load

  • Hambli, Ridha
    • Advances in biomechanics and applications
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, a simple and accurate finite element model coupled to quasi-brittle damage law able to describe the multiple cracks initiation and their progressive propagation is developed in order to predict the complete force-displacement curve and the fracture pattern of human proximal femur under quasi-static load. The motivation of this work was to propose a simple and practical FE model with a good compromise between complexity and accuracy of the simulation considering a limited number of model parameters that can predict proximal femur fracture more accurately and physically than the fracture criteria based models. Different damage laws for cortical and trabecular bone are proposed based on experimental results to describe the inelastic damage accumulation under the excessive load. When the damage parameter reaches its critical value inside an element of the mesh, its stiffness matrix is set to zero leading to the redistribution of the stress state in the vicinity of the fractured zone (crack initiation). Once a crack is initiated, the propagation direction is simulated by the propagation of the broken elements of the mesh. To illustrate the potential of the proposed approach, the left femur of a male (age 61) previously investigated by Keyak and Falkinstein, 2003 (Model B: male, age 61) was simulated till complete fracture under one-legged stance quasi-static load. The proposed finite element model leads to more realistic and precise results concerning the shape of the force-displacement curve (yielding and fracturing) and the profile of the fractured edge.

Automatic Local Update of Triangular Mesh Models Based on Measurement Point Clouds (측정된 점데이터 기반 삼각형망 곡면 메쉬 모델의 국부적 자동 수정)

  • Woo, Hyuck-Je;Lee, Jong-Dae;Lee, Kwan-H.
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.335-343
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    • 2006
  • Design changes for an original surface model are frequently required in a manufacturing area: for example, when the physical parts are modified or when the parts are partially manufactured from analogous shapes. In this case, an efficient 3D model updating method by locally adding scan data for the modified area is highly desirable. For this purpose, this paper presents a new procedure to update an initial model that is composed of combinatorial triangular facets based on a set of locally added point data. The initial surface model is first created from the initial point set by Tight Cocone, which is a water-tight surface reconstructor; and then the point cloud data for the updates is locally added onto the initial model maintaining the same coordinate system. In order to update the initial model, the special region on the initial surface that needs to be updated is recognized through the detection of the overlapping area between the initial model and the boundary of the newly added point cloud. After that, the initial surface model is eventually updated to the final output by replacing the recognized region with the newly added point cloud. The proposed method has been implemented and tested with several examples. This algorithm will be practically useful to modify the surface model with physical part changes and free-form surface design.

An Accelerated IK Solver for Deformation of 3D Models with Triangular Meshes (삼각형 메쉬로 이루어진 3D 모델의 변형을 위한 IK 계산 가속화)

  • Park, Hyunah;Kang, Daeun;Kwon, Taesoo
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of our research is to efficiently deform a 3D models which is composed of a triangular mesh and a skeleton. We designed a novel inverse kinematics (IK) solver that calculates the updated positions of mesh vertices with fewer computing operations. Through our user interface, one or more markers are selected on the surface of the model and their target positions are set, then the system updates the positions of surface vertices to construct a deformed model. The IK solving process for updating vertex positions includes many computations for obtaining transformations of the markers, their affecting joints, and their parent joints. Many of these computations are often redundant. We precompute those redundant terms in advance so that the 3-nested loop computation structure was improved to a 2-nested loop structure, and thus the computation time for a deformation is greatly reduced. This novel IK solver can be adopted for efficient performance in various research fields, such as handling 3D models implemented by LBS method, or object tracking without any markers.

3D Head Modeling using Depth Sensor

  • Song, Eungyeol;Choi, Jaesung;Jeon, Taejae;Lee, Sangyoun
    • Journal of International Society for Simulation Surgery
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.13-16
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    • 2015
  • Purpose We conducted a study on the reconstruction of the head's shape in 3D using the ToF depth sensor. A time-of-flight camera (ToF camera) is a range imaging camera system that resolves distance based on the known speed of light, measuring the time-of-flight of a light signal between the camera and the subject for each point of the image. The above method is the safest way of measuring the head shape of plagiocephaly patients in 3D. The texture, appearance and size of the head were reconstructed from the measured data and we used the SDF method for a precise reconstruction. Materials and Methods To generate a precise model, mesh was generated by using Marching cube and SDF. Results The ground truth was determined by measuring 10 people of experiment participants for 3 times repetitively and the created 3D model of the same part from this experiment was measured as well. Measurement of actual head circumference and the reconstructed model were made according to the layer 3 standard and measurement errors were also calculated. As a result, we were able to gain exact results with an average error of 0.9 cm, standard deviation of 0.9, min: 0.2 and max: 1.4. Conclusion The suggested method was able to complete the 3D model by minimizing errors. This model is very effective in terms of quantitative and objective evaluation. However, measurement range somewhat lacks 3D information for the manufacture of protective helmets, as measurements were made according to the layer 3 standard. As a result, measurement range will need to be widened to facilitate production of more precise and perfectively protective helmets by conducting scans on all head circumferences in the future.

A System for 3D Face Manipulation in Video (비디오 상의 얼굴에 대한 3차원 변형 시스템)

  • Park, Jungsik;Seo, Byung-Kuk;Park, Jong-Il
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.440-451
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    • 2019
  • We propose a system that allows three dimensional manipulation of face in video. The 3D face manipulation of the proposed system overlays the 3D face model with the user 's manipulation on the face region of the video frame, and it allows 3D manipulation of the video in real time unlike existing applications or methods. To achieve this feature, first, the 3D morphable face model is registered with the image. At the same time, user's manipulation is applied to the registered model. Finally, the frame image mapped to the model as texture, and the texture-mapped and deformed model is rendered. Since this process requires lots of operations, parallel processing is adopted for real-time processing; the system is divided into modules according to functionalities, and each module runs in parallel on each thread. Experimental results show that specific parts of the face in video can be manipulated in real time.