Purpose We conducted a study on the reconstruction of the head's shape in 3D using the ToF depth sensor. A time-of-flight camera (ToF camera) is a range imaging camera system that resolves distance based on the known speed of light, measuring the time-of-flight of a light signal between the camera and the subject for each point of the image. The above method is the safest way of measuring the head shape of plagiocephaly patients in 3D. The texture, appearance and size of the head were reconstructed from the measured data and we used the SDF method for a precise reconstruction. Materials and Methods To generate a precise model, mesh was generated by using Marching cube and SDF. Results The ground truth was determined by measuring 10 people of experiment participants for 3 times repetitively and the created 3D model of the same part from this experiment was measured as well. Measurement of actual head circumference and the reconstructed model were made according to the layer 3 standard and measurement errors were also calculated. As a result, we were able to gain exact results with an average error of 0.9 cm, standard deviation of 0.9, min: 0.2 and max: 1.4. Conclusion The suggested method was able to complete the 3D model by minimizing errors. This model is very effective in terms of quantitative and objective evaluation. However, measurement range somewhat lacks 3D information for the manufacture of protective helmets, as measurements were made according to the layer 3 standard. As a result, measurement range will need to be widened to facilitate production of more precise and perfectively protective helmets by conducting scans on all head circumferences in the future.