• 제목/요약/키워드: 3D지도

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A Study on Method of Framework Data Update and Computing Land Change Ratio using UFID (UFID를 이용한 기본지리정보 갱신 및 지형변화율 산출 방안 연구)

  • Kim, Ju Han;Kim, Byung Guk
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.1D
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    • pp.157-167
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    • 2006
  • During the first and second NGIS projects by the Korean government, The first one (1995~2000) was limited on constructing geographic information and the second (2001~2005) was focused on circulation and practical use of geoinformation from the result of the first project. In the latter half of 2nd NGIS project, However, the geographic information from the NGIS projects have not been renewed even though there were significant geographical changes. The accurate renewal of geoinformation is a matter of great importance to the next generation industry (e.g. LBS, Ubiquitous, Telematics). In this respect, it is time to update the geographic information in the latter half of the second NGIS project. Therefore, It is not only important to build an accurate geoinformation but also rapid and correct renewal of the geoinformation. NGII (National Geographic Information Institute) has been studying for improvement of digital map that was constructed by the result of the 1st NGIS project. Through the construction of clean digital map, NGII constructed Framework Data to three kinds of formats (NGI, NDA, NRL). Framework Data was contained to other database, and provided the reference system of location or contents for combining geoinformation. Framework Data is consist of Data Set, Data Model and UFID (Unique Feature Identifier). It will be achieved as national infrastructure data. This paper attempts to explore a method of the update to practical framework data with realtime geoinformation on feature's creation, modification and destruction managed by 'Feature management agency' using UFID's process. Furthermore, it suggests a method which can provide important data in order to plan the Framework update with the land change ratio.

Measurement Accuracy for 3D Structure Shape Change using UAV Images Matching (UAV 영상정합을 통한 구조물 형상변화 측정 정확도 연구)

  • Kim, Min Chul;Yoon, Hyuk Jin;Chang, Hwi Jeong;Yoo, Jong Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 2017
  • Recently, there are many studies related aerial mapping project and 3 dimensional shape and model reconstruction using UAV(unmanned aerial vehicle) system and images. In this study, we create 3D reconstruction point data using image matching technology of the UAV overlap images, detect shape change of structure and perform accuracy assessment of area($m^2$) and volume($m^3$) value. First, we build the test structure model data and capturing its images of shape change Before and After. Second, for post-processing the Before dataset is convert the form of raster format image to ensure the compare with all 3D point clouds of the After dataset. The result shows high accuracy in the shape change of more than 30 centimeters, but less is still it becomes difficult to apply because of image matching technology has its own limits. But proposed methodology seems very useful to detect illegal any structures and the quantitative analysis of the structure's a certain amount of damage and management.

Registration of Three-Dimensional Point Clouds Based on Quaternions Using Linear Features (선형을 이용한 쿼터니언 기반의 3차원 점군 데이터 등록)

  • Kim, Eui Myoung;Seo, Hong Deok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.175-185
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    • 2020
  • Three-dimensional registration is a process of matching data with or without a coordinate system to a reference coordinate system, which is used in various fields such as the absolute orientation of photogrammetry and data combining for producing precise road maps. Three-dimensional registration is divided into a method using points and a method using linear features. In the case of using points, it is difficult to find the same conjugate point when having different spatial resolutions. On the other hand, the use of linear feature has the advantage that the three-dimensional registration is possible by using not only the case where the spatial resolution is different but also the conjugate linear feature that is not the same starting point and ending point in point cloud type data. In this study, we proposed a method to determine the scale and the three-dimensional translation after determining the three-dimensional rotation angle between two data using quaternion to perform three-dimensional registration using linear features. For the verification of the proposed method, three-dimensional registration was performed using the linear features constructed an indoor and the linear features acquired through the terrestrial mobile mapping system in an outdoor environment. The experimental results showed that the mean square root error was 0.001054m and 0.000936m, respectively, when the scale was fixed and if not fixed, using indoor data. The results of the three-dimensional transformation in the 500m section using outdoor data showed that the mean square root error was 0.09412m when the six linear features were used, and the accuracy for producing precision maps was satisfied. In addition, in the experiment where the number of linear features was changed, it was found that nine linear features were sufficient for high-precision 3D transformation through almost no change in the root mean square error even when nine linear features or more linear features were used.

Convenient Virion Capture (VC)/PCR for Tomato yellow leaf curl geminivirus Occurring on Tomato in Korea (우리나라 토마토에 발생한 토마토황화잎말림바이러스(Tomato yellow leaf curl geminivirus)의 초간편 Virion Capture(VC)/PCR 진단법)

  • Cho, Jeom-Deog;Kim, Tae-Seong;Kim, Ju-Hee;Choi, Gug-Seoun;Chung, Bong-Nam;Choi, Hong-Soo;Kim, Jeong-Soo
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.233-237
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    • 2008
  • Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV), a newly reported Geminivirus from tomato, generated recently large economic losses in Korea. Development of a fast and precise genetic diagnosis technique for detecting TYLCV which Agricultural research and extension services can utilize easy and handy is very important to prevent yield losses. Virion Capture (VC)/PCR is a simple, accurate and economical genetic detection method without any works or commercial kits for the extraction of the nucleic acid from the infected plants. Primers of twenty two for detection of TYLCV were designed and tested with extracted total DNA or crude sap from tomato leaf infected with TYLCV and healthy plant. Nine primers for total DNA using conventional PCR and another 9 primers for VC/PCR were selected eventually. Primers of six having same specificity were selected from the two methods and tested with other Geminivirus, Tobacco leaf curl virus (TLCV) by VC/PCR. Finally specific primers of four were selected for detection of TYLCV using VC/PCR, and Deng (540, 541), a degenerate primer for Geminivirus reported in 1996, was also developed for VC/PCR.

A Study on the Application of FLO-2D Model for Analysis of Debris Flow Damage Area (토석류 피해지역 분석을 위한 FLO-2D 모형의 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Jo, Hang-Il;Jun, Kye-Won
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2022
  • As the frequency of torrential rains and typhoons increases due to climate change, the frequency of occurrence of debris flow is also increasing. In particular, in the case of Kangwon-do, the occurrence of damage caused by mountain disasters is increasing as it has a topographical characteristic where the mountains and the coast are in contact. In order to analyze the flow characteristics in the sedimentary part of the debris flow, input data were constructed through numerical maps and field data, and a two-dimensional model, FLO-2D, was simulated. The damaged area was divided into the inflow part of the debris flow, the village center, and the vicinity of the port, and the flow center and flow velocity of the debris flow were simulated and compared with field survey data. As a result, the maximum flow depth was found to be 2.4 m at the debris flow inlet, 2.7 m at the center of the village, and 1.4 m at the port adjacent to the port so the results were similar when compared to the field survey. And in the case of the maximum flow velocity, it was calculated as 3.6 m/s at the debris flow inlet, 4.9 m/s in the center of the village and 1.2 m/s in the vicinity of the port, so It was confirmed that the maximum flow center occurred in the section where the maximum flow rate appeared.

Development of a Flood Disaster Evacuation Map Using Two-dimensional Flood Analysis and BIM Technology (2차원 침수해석과 BIM 기술을 활용한 홍수재난 대피지도 작성)

  • Jeong, Changsam
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2020
  • In this study, the two-dimensional flow analysis model Hydro_AS-2D model was used to simulate the situation of flooding in Seongsangu and Uichang-gu in Changwon in the event of rising sea levels and extreme flooding, and the results were expressed on three-dimensional topography and the optimal evacuation path was derived using BIM technology. Climate change significantly affects two factors in terms of flood damage: rising sea levels and increasing extreme rainfall ideas. The rise in sea level itself can not only have the effect of flooding coastal areas and causing flooding, but it also raises the base flood level of the stream, causing the rise of the flood level throughout the stream. In this study, the rise of sea level by climate change, the rise of sea level by storm tidal wave by typhoon, and the extreme rainfall by typhoon were set as simulated conditions. The three-dimensional spatial information of the entire basin was constructed using the information of topographical space in Changwon and the information of the river crossing in the basic plan for river refurbishment. Using BIM technology, the target area was constructed as a three-dimensional urban information model that had information such as the building's height and location of the shelter on top of the three-dimensional topographical information, and the results of the numerical model were expressed on this model and used for analysis for evacuation planning. In the event of flooding, the escape route is determined by an algorithm that sets the path to the shelter according to changes in the inundation range over time, and the set path is expressed on intuitive three-dimensional spatial information and provided to the user.

Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorous Ratios of Zooplankton in the Major River Ecosystems (국내 주요 강 생태계 내 동물플랑크톤의 탄소, 질소, 인 비율 해석)

  • Kim, Hyun-Woo;La, Geung-Hwan;Jeong, Kwang-Seuk;Kim, Dong-Kyun;Hwang, Soon-Jin;Lee, Jaeyong;Kim, Bomchul
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.581-587
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    • 2013
  • The amounts of carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in relation to dry weight (D.W.) were measured in zooplankton from the large four rivers (Han R., Geum R., Yeongsan R. and Seomjin R.) during 2004~2008. The stoichiometry of total zooplankton in four river systems was highly variable. The ranges of average C, N and P-contents were $70{\sim}620mgC\;mg^{-1}$ D.W., $7.1{\sim}85.5{\mu}gN\;mg^{-1}$ D.W. and $2.5{\sim}7.4{\mu}gP\;mg^{-1}$ D.W., respectively. The mean C :N: P atomic ratios reflected large spatial differences. The C : P and N : P ratios of the zooplankton community ranged from 38 to 392 : 1 and from 4 to 65 : 1 in all sampling sites. Self-Organizing Map (SOM) was applied to the survey data, and the study sites were clearly classified into 3 clusters. Clustering was largely affected by the distribution pattern of C, N, P-contents, which is related with characteristics of river systems on the basis of stoichiometry.

Cloning of the Polyhedrin Gene-Containing DNA Fragment of Hyphantria cunea Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (흰불나방 핵다각체바이러스 다각체단백질 유전자포함 절편의 클로닝)

  • 박호영;진병래;박순식;김정일;깅석권
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 1993
  • The polyhedrin gene-containing DNA fragment of Hyphantria cunea nuclear polyhedrosis virus (HcNPV) was localized by southern hybridization with Autographa california CPA EcoRI-I fragment (7.3 kb), Bombyx mori NPV PatI-F fragment (7 kb) and synthetic oligonucleotide(30-mer) as probes. the PstI-L(5.3 kb) fragment of HcNPV was cloned to E. coli and the plasmid of the fragment was named as pHcP-L(8.0 kb). The pHcP-L was physically mapped and subcloned to E. coli as pHcP-L1(4.7 kb), pHcP-L2(7.1 kb), pHcP-L3(5.3 kb), pHcP-L4(4.2 kb) and pHcP-L5(4.5 kb).

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Analysis of the effect of turbulence on the motion of inertial particle using 3D simultaneous PIV,PTV (3차원 동시 PIV, PTV를 활용한 난류가 관성 입자의 거동에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Park, Hyoungchul;Hwang, Jin Hwan
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.281-281
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    • 2022
  • 바닥에서 생성되는 난류는 순간적으로 강한 모멘텀을 바닥에 전달함과 동시에 바닥에 있는 입자를 움직이게 한다. 경계층 내 난류 운동에 대한 분석은 다양한 유사 이송 문제를 이해하기 위해 필수적이며 이에 따라 많은 선행 연구들은 실험실 실험을 통해 해당 연구를 수행하였다. 본 연구에서는 선행 연구에서 사용하지 못했던 진보된 실험 방법을 활용하여 바닥 경계층 내의 난류 운동에 대해 확인하고 해당 운동에 의해 관성 입자의 움직임이 어떻게 발생하는지에 대하여 물리적으로 설명하고자 한다. 다양한 흐름 조건에서 3가지의 입경 크기를 가지는 모래 입자를 가지고 실험을 수행하였으며, 실험 조건별 고해상도 유속장 및 관성 입자의 움직임은 3차원 입자 영상 유속계 (Particle Image Velocimetry; 이하 PIV)와 입자 추적 유속계 (Particle Tracking Velocimetry; 이하 PTV)를 동시에 적용하여 파악하였다. 취득된 3차원 유속장과 입자 궤적을 기반으로 실험 조건별 흐름 및 입자 거동 특성에 대해 분석하였으며, 관성 입자의 움직임을 발생시키는 3차원 난류 운동은 측정된 유속장에서 산정한 Q-criterion 값을 기반으로 도식화하였다. 측정값 내에는 난류 운동에 대한 정보와 더불어 잡음이 포함되어 있으므로 이를 제거하고자 적합 직교 분해 (Proper Orthogonal Decomposition; 이하 POD) 방법을 적용하였다. 그리고 POD로 추출한 유속장을 통해 바닥면 부근에 존재하는 헤어핀 와류 운동 혹은 와류 묶음과 같은 난류 고유 구조를 파악하였다. 해당 와류 운동들의 3차원 난류 특성을 확인하고자 비등방성 불변 지도(anisotropy invariant map)를 활용하였으며 경계층 내부에서 난류의 형태가 흐름 방향으로 늘어진 럭비공 형태임을 확인하였다. 마지막으로, 입자의 움직임을 발생시키는 난류 이벤트를 결정하고자 사방구 분석 (Quadrant analysis) 기법을 적용하였으며 흐름 조건별로 입자를 움직이게 하는 난류 이벤트는 달라짐을 확인하였다.

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The Korean Defense Industry System and Its Policy Leverages (한국 방위산업의 시스템과 정책 레버리지)

  • Seo, Hyeok;Myung, Geon-Seek
    • Korean System Dynamics Review
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.83-114
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    • 2007
  • The Korean defense industry was brought up in the government policy since 1970's. The important parts of defense industrial technologies have not been developed, and usually introduced from overseas. Moreover, the development of advanced technologies was not actively stimulated or pursued, consequently shaping the current structure of the defense industry which lacks global competitiveness due to the dearth of high technologies necessary for high-technology weapons. This research analyzes the systems of the Korean defense industry through a systems thinking approach in order to understand the whole mechanism and to find ways to improve the defense industry. Finding some leverages is the main purpose of systems thinking, that yields desirable results with a little effort. The three policy leverages are: (1) the policy for timely fielding; (2) the R&D investment for development and production of domestic high-technology weapons; and (3) the policy measures for exports. The research findings will contribute to the invigorating and developing the Korean defense industry by providing policy-makers and acquisition practitioners with systematic understanding and insight into the dynamics of the defense industry for them to make and execute efficient policies taking into account the Korean overall defense industry.

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