• 제목/요약/키워드: 3D(three-dimensional)

검색결과 4,316건 처리시간 0.266초

Numerical Optimization of a Multi-blades Centrifugal Fan for High-efficiency Design (원심다익송풍기의 고효율 설계를 위한 수치최적설계)

  • Seo, Seoung-Jin;Kim, Kwang-Yong
    • The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery
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    • 제7권3호
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    • pp.32-38
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    • 2004
  • Shape of a multi-blades centrifugal fan is optimized by response surface method based on three-dimensional Navier-Stokes analysis. For numerical analysis, Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations with standard $k-{epsilon}$ turbulence model are transformed into non-orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system, and are discretized with finite volume approximations. Due to the large number of blades in this centrifugal fan, the flow inside of the fan is regarded as steady flow by introducing the impeller force models for economic calculations. Optimizations with and without constraints are carried out. Design variables, location of cur off, radius of cut off, expansion angle of scroll and width of impeller were selected to optimize the shapes of scroll and blades. Data points for response evaluations were selected by D-optimal design, and linear programming method was used for the optimization on the response surface. As a main result of the optimization, the efficiency was successfully improved. The correlation of efficiency with relative size of inactive zone at the exit of impeller is discussed as well as with average momentum fluxes in the scroll.

3-D Magnetostatic Field Analysis Using Boundary Element Method (경계요소법을 이용한 3차원 정자장해석)

  • Jeon, K.E.;Koh, C.S.;Jung, H.K.;Hahn, S.Y.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 대한전기학회 1991년도 하계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.97-101
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    • 1991
  • A three-dimensional magnetostatic problem is analyzed using the boundary element method and the magnetic scalar potential are employed in order to reduce the size of system matrix. Although the total magnetic scalar potential gives very accurate solutions in inner and outer regions of magnetic material, it has limitation on application because the magnetic scalar potential due to applied magnetic field sources is hard to be obtained. The reduced magnetic scalar potential gives more or less inaccurate solutions inside the magnetic material but very accurate solutions outside. Hence it can be concluded that the reduced magnetic scalar potential is very useful when the magnetic fields of outside magnetic material only are interested. It is also shown, from the numerical results, that the linear shape function gives more efficient solutions than the constant shape functions because the former gives more accurate solutions in spite of relatively fewer unknowns than the latter.

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Temperature Field and Thermal Stress Simulation of Solid Brake Disc Based on Three-dimensional Model (3차원 브레이크 디스크 모델의 온도 분포와 열응력 시뮬레이션에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Pyung;Seo, Hee-Chang;Wu, Xuan
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.31-36
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    • 2010
  • The brake system is an important part of the automobile safety system. The disc brake system is divided into two parts: a rotating axi-symmetrical disc, and the stationary pads. The frictional heat, which is generated on the interface of the disc and pads, can cause high temperatures during the braking process. The frictional heat source (the pads) is moving on the disc and the location is time-dependent. Our study applies a moving heat source, which is defined by the time and space variable on the frictional surface, in order to simulate the frictional heat behavior accurately during the braking process. The object of the present work is the determination of the temperature distribution and thermal stress in the solid disc by non-axisymmetric 3D modeling for repeated braking.

Investigation into Development of Transfer Type for Variable Lamination Manufacturing Process and Apparatus (단속형 재료 공급식 가변 적층 쾌속조형공정 및 장치 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Dong-Yol;Ahn, Dong-Gyu;Lee, Sang-Ho;Choi, Hong-Seok;Park, Seung-Kyo;Chae, Hee-Chang
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 대한기계학회 2001년도 추계학술대회논문집A
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    • pp.760-765
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    • 2001
  • A new rapid prototyping process, as a transfer type of Variable Lamination Manufacturing by using expandable polystyrene foam (VLM-ST), has been developed to reduce building time, apparatus cost including the introduction and the maintenance and additional post-processing. The objective of this study is to propose a VLM-ST process and to develop an apparatus for implementation of the process. Design criteria of the apparatus were defined and the techniques were proposed to satisfy the design criterion. In order to examine the efficiency and applicability of the developed process, various three-dimensional shapes, such as a world-cup logo, a knob shape and a character, Son-o-kong, were fabricated on the apparatus in which unit shape layer (USL) was generated to build up each layer.

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Changes of Hemodynamic Characteristics during Angulated Stenting in the Stenosed Coronary (관상동맥 협착부에 각이진 스텐트 시술시 혈류역학적 특성변화)

  • Suh Sang-Ho;Cho Min-Tae;Kwon Hyuck-Moon;Lee Byung-Kwon
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 대한기계학회 2002년도 학술대회지
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    • pp.717-720
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    • 2002
  • The present study is to evaluate the performances of flow velocity and wall shear stress in the stenosed coronary artery using human in vivo hemodynamic Parameters and computer simulation. Initial and follow-up coronary angiographics in the patients with angulated coronary stenosis are performed. Follow-up coronary angiogram demonstrated significant difference in the percent of diameter in the stenosed coronary between two groups ($Group\;1:\;40.3{\%},\;Group\;2:\;25.5{\%}$). Flow-velocity wave obtained from in vivo intracoronary Doppler ultrasound data is used for the boundary condition for the computer simulation. Spatial and temporal variations of flow velocity vector and recirculation area are drawn throughout the selected segment of coronary models. The WSS of pre- and post-intracoronary stenting are calculated from three-dimensional computer simulation. Then negative shear stresses area on 3D simulation we noted on the inner wall of the post-stenotic area before stenting. The negative WSS is disappeared after stenting. High spatial and temporal WSS before stenting fell into within physiologic WSS after stenting. This finding was prominent in Model 2. The present study suggest that hemodynamic forces exerted by pulsatile coronary circulation termed WSS might affect on the evolution of atherosclerosis within the angulated vascular curvature. The local recirculation area which has low or negative WSS, might lead to progression of atherosclerosis.

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The effect of internal sound field and resonator on radiating sound of King Song-Dok bell : proposing effective size of resonator (선덕 대왕 신종 내부 음장 및 울림통이 신종의 소리에 미치는 영향과 새로운 울림통 크기의 제안)

  • Kim, Yang-Han;Park, Soon-Hong;Kim, Sea-Moon
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • 제16권5호
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    • pp.60-67
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    • 1997
  • the famous King Song-dok Bell which was cast in A.D. 771, during Silla dynasty has significant xize of concave cavity which acts as Helmholtz resonator on the ground. To see the effect of this cavity and the bell's internal acoustic cavity on radiating sound of bell, three dimensional measurement of internal sound field was performed. In this paper, the dtail measurement procedure and results are carefully addressed. The effect of the cavity on the radiating sound of bell is investigated using simple and physically representative model. A new size of cavity is proposed.

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A dynamic response Analysis of Tension Leg Platforms in Waves (II) (인장계류식 해양구조물의 동적응답해석(II))

  • 구자삼;박찬후;이창호
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.25-35
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    • 1996
  • A numerical procedure is described for predicting the motion and structural responses of tension leg platforms(TLPs) in waves. The developed numerical approach is based on a combination of a three dimensional source distribution method and the dynamic response analysis method, in which the superstructure of TLPs is assumed to be flexible instead of rigid. Restoring forces by hydrostatic pressure on the submerged surface of a TLP have been accurately calculated by excluding the assumption of the slender body theory. The hydrodynamic interactions among TLP members, such as columns and pontoons, and the structural damping are included in the motion and structural analysis. The equations of motion of a whole structure are formulated using element-fixed coordinate systems which have the orgin at the nodes of the each hull element and move parallel to a space-fixed coordinate system. Numerical results are compared with the experimental and numerical ones, which are obtained in the literature, concerning the motion and structural responses of a TLP in waves. The results of comparison confirmed the validity of the proposed approach.

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Design of a 3-D Adaptive Sampling Rate Tracking Algorithm for a Phased Array Radar (위상배열 레이다를 위한 3차원 적응 표본화 빈도 추적 알고리듬의 설계)

  • Son, Keon;Hong, Sun-Mog
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics B
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    • 제30B권5호
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    • pp.62-72
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    • 1993
  • The phased array antenna has the ability to perform adaptive sampling by directing the radar beam without inertia in any direction. The adaptive sampling capability of the phased array antenna allows each sampling time interval to be varied for each target, depending on the acceleration of each target at any time. In this paper we design a three dimensional adaptive target tracking algorithm for the phased array radar system with a given set of measurement parameters. The tracking algorithm avoids taking unnecessarily frequent samples, while keeping the angular prediction error within a fraction of antenna beamwidth so that the probability of detection will not be degraded during a track updata illuminations. In our algorithm, the target model and the sampling rate are selected depending on the target range and the target maneuver status which is determined by a maneuver level detector. A detailed simulation is conducted to test the validity of our tracking algorithm for target trajectories under various conditions of maneuver.

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Development of an Intelligent Spacer Built in the Internal type UHF Partial Discharge Sensor (초고주파 광대역 부분방전 센서를 내장한 지능형 스페이서 개발)

  • Kim, Dong-Suk;Hwang, Chul-Min;Kim, Young-Noh;Choi, Jae-Ok;Seo, Wang-Byuk;Han, Bong-Soo;Choi, Soo-Hyun;Jang, Yong-Mu
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 대한전기학회 2008년도 제39회 하계학술대회
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    • pp.1378-1379
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    • 2008
  • In this study, we developed intelligent spacer built in the internal type UHF PD sensors. 3-Dimensional electro-magnetic simulations were performed to analyze electric-field distribution of the single-phase GIS and three-phase GIS. After considering the spacer's specification, Sensor structures were designed and analyzed using the 3-D EM Simulator. As a result of the simulation the internal type UHF PD sensors were built in. Performance of the sensor built into real scale GIS spacer was measured in terms of return loss and detected Max voltage. And we identified a character of the intelligent spacer by using 5pC partial discharge cell.

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Estimation of Elastic Fracture Mechanics Parameters for Slanted Axial Through-Wall Cracks for Leak-Before-Break and Crack Growth Analysis (파단전누설 해석 및 균열거동 평가를 위한 축방향 경사관통균열의 탄성 응력확대계수 및 균열열림변위)

  • Huh, Nam-Su;Shim, Do-Jun;Choi, Suhn;Park, Keun-Bae
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 대한기계학회 2008년도 추계학술대회A
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    • pp.725-726
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    • 2008
  • This paper proposes elastic stress intensity factors and crack opening displacements (CODs) for a slanted axial through-wall cracked cylinder under an internal pressure based on detailed 3-dimensional (3-D) elastic finite element (FE) analyses. Based on the elastic FE results, the stress intensity factors along the crack front and CODs through the thickness at the center of the crack were provided. These values were also tabulated for three selected points, i.e., the inner and outer surfaces and at the mid-thickness. The present results can be used to evaluate the crack growth rate and leak rate of a slanted axial through-wall crack due to stress corrosion cracking and fatigue. Moreover, the present results can be used to perform a detailed Leak-Before-Break analysis considering more realistic crack shape development.

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