• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3-D elasto-plastic analysis

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Study on Springback Control in Reconfigurable Die Forming (가변금형 성형에서 탄성회복 제어 연구)

  • Ha, S.M.;Park, J.W.;Kim, T.W.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.393-400
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    • 2008
  • Springback is one of the most difficult phenomena to analyze and control in sheet forming. Most of traditional springback control methods rely on experiences of skilled workers in industrial fields. This study focuses on prediction and generation of optimum reconfigurable die surfaces to control shape errors originated by springback. For this purpose, a deformation transfer function(DTF) was combined with finite element analysis of the springback in the 2D sheet forming model of elastic-perfectly plastic materials under the condition without blank holder. The results showed shape errors within 1% of the objective shape, which were comparable with analytically predicted errors. In addition to this theoretical analysis, DTF method was also applied to 2D and 3D sheet forming experiments. The experimental results showed ±0.5±0.5 mm and ±1.0±1.0 mm shape error distribution respectively, demonstrating that reconfigurable die surfaces were predicted well by the DTF method. Irrespective of material properties and sheet thickness, the DTF method was applicable not only to FEM simulation but also to 2D and 3D elasto-reconfigurable die forming. Consequently, this study shows that springback can be controlled effectively in the elasto-RDF system by using the DTF method.

Prediction of Cutting Stress by 2D and 3D-FEM Analysis and Its Accuracy (2D-3D FEM 해석에 의한 절단응력의 해석 및 정도)

  • 장경호;이상형;이진형
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2001.04a
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    • pp.95-101
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    • 2001
  • Steel bridges, which have been damaged by load and corrosion, need repair or strengthening. In general, before the repair welding procedure, cutting procedure carry out. Therefore, the investigating of the behavior of stress generated by cutting is so important for safety of structure. Residual stress produced by gas cutting was analyzed using 2D and 3D thermal elasto-plastic FEM. According to the results, the magnitude of temperature was analyzed by 2D-FEM is smaller than that was analyzed using the 3D-FEM program at the start and end edge of flange. And the magnitude and distribution of residual stress of perpendicular to the cutting line was analyzed by the 2D-FEM program was similar to that was analyzed by the 3B-FEM program. Therefore, it is possible to predict of cutting stress by 2D and 3D FEM.

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Path-dependent three-dimensional constitutive laws of reinforced concrete -formulation and experimental verifications-

  • Maekawa, Koichi;Irawan, Paulus;Okamura, Hajime
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.5 no.6
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    • pp.743-754
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    • 1997
  • A three-dimensional constitutive modeling for reinforced concrete is presented for finite element nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete. The targets of interest to the authors are columns confined by lateral steel hoops, RC thin shells subjected to combined in-plane and out-of-plane actions and massive structures of three-dimensional (3D) extent in shear. The elasto-plastic and continuum fracture law is applied to pre-cracked solid concrete. For post cracking formulation, fixed multi-directional smeared crack model is adopted for RC domains of 3D geometry subjected to monotonic and reversed cyclic actions. The authors propose a new scheme of decomposing stress strain fields into sub-planes on which 2D constitutive laws can be applied. The proposed model for 3D reinforced concrete is experimentally verified in both member and structural levels under cyclic actions.

The Characteristics of Elasto-Plastic Behaviour for the Latticed Dome Structures (래티스 돔 구조물의 탄소성 거동 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Chul-Ho;Han, Sang-Eul;Yang, Jea-Guen
    • 한국공간정보시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2004
  • A single layer latticed dome is one of the most efficient structures because of its low specivic gravity. For easily analyzing of a single layer latticed dome, joint system is assumed to be pin or rigid joint. However, its joint uses ball whose system has intermediate properties of pin and rigid joint. Therefore this study has a grasp of bending rigidity, stress and mechanical properties through experimental and analyzing method of the bolt inserted ball joint. To analyze the stress of bolt and sleeve, this study uses through 3D elastic contact and cubic element, and then the ball and the bolt are perfectly connected for easily analyzing Compared experimental results to F.E.M, each specimen has an error of less than 12 percent. In the results of stress distribution through F.E.M, stress occurs from bottom of bolt to top of sleeve, and most of tension appears on the bolt, also compression occurs from upper parts of the bolt to the sleeve. The assumption of bending stiffness in ball joint is well known that bolt resists only tension and upper sleeve resiss compression. The results of experiment and analysis have 756756 error, assuring that upper part of bolt occurs of partial compression. In the result of modified assumption have 420420 error.

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Numerical Simulation of Cold Compaction of 3D Granular Packings

  • Chen, Yuan;Imbault, Didier;Doremus, Pierre
    • Proceedings of the Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute Conference
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    • 2006.09a
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    • pp.189-190
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    • 2006
  • During cold compaction processes loose powder is pressed under tooling action in order to produce complex shaped engineering components. Here, the analysis of the plastic deformation of granular packings is of fundamental importance to the development of computer simulation models. Powders can be idealized by packing discrete particles, where each particle is a sphere meshed with finite elements. The pressing of a body centered cubic packing was compared with numerical prediction and experimental data. The global response was expressed in force-displacement curve, and the accuracy of the numerical models analyzed for high relative densities up to 0.95.

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Efficient Methods of Prediction Incorporating Equivalent Models for Elasto-Plastic Bending Behavior of Metallic Sandwich Plates with Inner Dimpled Shell Structure (등가형상을 이용한 딤플형 금속 샌드위치 판재의 효율적 굽힘 거동 예측)

  • Seong D. Y.;Jung C. G.;Yoon S. J.;Yang D. Y.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.14 no.8 s.80
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    • pp.718-724
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    • 2005
  • An efficient finite element method has been introduced for analysis of metallic sandwich plates subject to bending moment. A full model 3-point bending FE-analysis shows that the plastic behavior of inner structures appears only at the load point. The unit structures of sandwich plates are defined to numerically calculate the bending stiffness and strength utilizing the recurrent boundary condition for pure bending analysis. The equivalent models with the same bending stiffness and strength of full models are then designed analytically. It is demonstrated that the results of both models are almost the same and the FE-analysis method incorporating the equivalent models can reduce the computation time effectively. The dominant collapse modes are face buckling and face yielding. Since the inner dimpled structures prevent face buckling, sandwich plates with inner dimpled shell structure can absorb more energy than other types of sandwich plates during the bending behavior.

3D material model for nonlinear basic creep of concrete

  • Bockhold, Jorg
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.101-117
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    • 2007
  • A new model predicting the nonlinear basic creep behaviour of concrete structures subjected to high multi-axial stresses is proposed. It combines a model based on the thermodynamic framework of the elasto-plastic continuum damage theory for time-independent material behaviour and a rheological model describing phenomenologically the long-term delayed deformation. Strength increase due to ageing is regarded. The general 3D solution for the creep theory is derived from a rate-type form of the uniaxial formulation by the assumption of associated creep flow and a theorem of energy equivalence. The model is able to reproduce linear primary creep as well as secondary and tertiary creep stages under high compressive stresses. For concrete in tension a simple viscoelastic formulation is applied. The material law is then incorporated into a finite element solution procedure for analysis of reinforced concrete structures. Numerical examples of uniaxial creep tests and concrete members show excellent agreement with experimental results.

Metal forming analysis using meshfree-enriched finite element method and mortar contact algorithm

  • Hu, Wei;Wu, C.T.
    • Interaction and multiscale mechanics
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.237-255
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, a meshfree-enriched finite element method (ME-FEM) is introduced for the large deformation analysis of nonlinear path-dependent problems involving contact. In linear ME-FEM, the element formulation is established by introducing a meshfree convex approximation into the linear triangular element in 2D and linear tetrahedron element in 3D along with an enriched meshfree node. In nonlinear formulation, the area-weighted smoothing scheme for deformation gradient is then developed in conjunction with the meshfree-enriched element interpolation functions to yield a discrete divergence-free property at the integration points, which is essential to enhance the stress calculation in the stage of plastic deformation. A modified variational formulation using the smoothed deformation gradient is developed for path-dependent material analysis. In the industrial metal forming problems, the mortar contact algorithm is implemented in the explicit formulation. Since the meshfree-enriched element shape functions are constructed using the meshfree convex approximation, they pose the desired Kronecker-delta property at the element edge thus requires no special treatments in the enforcement of essential boundary condition as well as the contact conditions. As a result, this approach can be easily incorporated into a conventional displacement-based finite element code. Two elasto-plastic problems are studied and the numerical results indicated that ME-FEM is capable of delivering a volumetric locking-free and pressure oscillation-free solutions for the large deformation problems in metal forming analysis.

Ultimate Fracture Strength Analysis of Initially Cracked Plate (초기균열을 가진 판의 최종파괴 강도해석)

  • 백점기;서흥원
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 1991.10a
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    • pp.133-138
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    • 1991
  • The aim of the present paper is to develop a computer program predicting ultimate fracture strength of initially cracked structure under monotonically increasing external loads. For this purpose, two kinds of 3-D isoparametric solid elements, one 6-node wedge element and another 8-node brick element are formulated along the small deformation theory. Plasticity in the element is checked using von Mises' yield criterion. Elasto-plastic stiffness matrix of the element is calculated taking account of strain hardening effect. If the principal strain at crack tip which is one nodal point exceeds the critical strain dependin on the material property, crack tip is supposed to be opened and the crack tip node which was previously constrained in the direction perpendicular to the crack line is released. After that, the crack lay be propagated to the adjacent node. Once a crack tip node is fractured, the energy of the newly fractured node should be released which is to be absorbed by the remaining part. The accumulated reaction force which was carried by the newly fractured node so far is then applied in the opposite direction. During the action of crack tip relief force, since unloading may be occured in the plastic element, unloading check should be made. If a plastic element unloads, elastic stress-strain equation is used in the calculation of the stiffness matrix of the element, while for a loading element, elasto-plastic stress-strain equation is continuously used. Verification of the computer program is made comparing with the experimental results for center cracked panel subjected to uniform tensile load. Also some factors affecting ultimate fracture strength of initially cracked plate are investigated. It is concluded that the computer program developed here gives an accurate solution and becomes useful tool for predicting ultimate fracture load of initially cracked structural system under monotonically increasing external loads.

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Welding deformation analysis based on improved equivalent strain method to cover external constraint during cooling stage

  • Kim, Tae-Jun;Jang, Beom-Seon;Kang, Sung-Wook
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.805-816
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    • 2015
  • In the present study, external restraints imposed normal to the plate during the cooling stage were determined to be effective for reduction of the angular distortion of butt-welded or fillet-welded plate. A welding analysis model under external force during the cooling stage was idealized as a prismatic member subjected to pure bending. The external restraint was represented by vertical force on both sides of the work piece and bending stress forms in the transverse direction. The additional bending stress distribution across the plate thickness was reflected in the improved inherent strain model, and a set of inherent strain charts with different levels of bending stress were newly calculated. From an elastic linear FE analysis using the inherent strain values taken from the chart and comparing them with those from a 3D thermal elasto-plastic FE analysis, welding deformation can be calculated.