• 제목/요약/키워드: 3 차원 스캐너

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Design of Face Recognition Algorithm based Optimized pRBFNNs Using Three-dimensional Scanner (최적 pRBFNNs 패턴분류기 기반 3차원 스캐너를 이용한 얼굴인식 알고리즘 설계)

  • Ma, Chang-Min;Yoo, Sung-Hoon;Oh, Sung-Kwun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.748-753
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, Face recognition algorithm is designed based on optimized pRBFNNs pattern classifier using three-dimensional scanner. Generally two-dimensional image-based face recognition system enables us to extract the facial features using gray-level of images. The environmental variation parameters such as natural sunlight, artificial light and face pose lead to the deterioration of the performance of the system. In this paper, the proposed face recognition algorithm is designed by using three-dimensional scanner to overcome the drawback of two-dimensional face recognition system. First face shape is scanned using three-dimensional scanner and then the pose of scanned face is converted to front image through pose compensation process. Secondly, data with face depth is extracted using point signature method. Finally, the recognition performance is confirmed by using the optimized pRBFNNs for solving high-dimensional pattern recognition problems.

High-qualtiy 3-D Video Generation using Scale Space (계위 공간을 이용한 고품질 3차원 비디오 생성 방법 -다단계 계위공간 개념을 이용해 깊이맵의 경계영역을 정제하는 고화질 복합형 카메라 시스템과 고품질 3차원 스캐너를 결합하여 고품질 깊이맵을 생성하는 방법-)

  • Lee, Eun-Kyung;Jung, Young-Ki;Ho, Yo-Sung
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.02a
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    • pp.620-624
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we present a new camera system combining a high-quality 3-D scanner and hybrid camera system to generate a multiview video-plus-depth. In order to get the 3-D video using the hybrid camera system and 3-D scanner, we first obtain depth information for background region from the 3-D scanner. Then, we get the depth map for foreground area from the hybrid camera system. Initial depths of each view image are estimated by performing 3-D warping with the depth information. Thereafter, multiview depth estimation using the initial depths is carried out to get each view initial disparity map. We correct the initial disparity map using a belief propagation algorithm so that we can generate the high-quality multiview disparity map. Finally, we refine depths of the foreground boundary using extracted edge information. Experimental results show that the proposed depth maps generation method produces a 3-D video with more accurate multiview depths and supports more natural 3-D views than the previous works.

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Analysis of Accuracy and Productivity of Terrestrial Laser Scanner for Earthwork (3차원 스캐너의 토공현장 적용을 위한 정밀도 및 생산성 분석)

  • Kim, Seok;Park, Jae-Woo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.10
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    • pp.587-596
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    • 2015
  • 3D scanners are applied to many industries, such as manufacturing, construction, and shipbuilding. Recently, 3D scanner is used in 3D imaging of worksite in order to control and guide earthmoving heavy equipments, which provides basic information for intelligent excavation. This study compares the accuracy and productivity between total stations and high-resolution 3D scanners. The analysis results show that 3D scanner has high accurate rate of greater than 99 percent and has low error rate of less than 2.0mm compared to total stations. In terms of productivity, 3D scanner saves 71 percent of measuring time compared to the total station. This study confirms that 3D scanner can measure the earthwork sites with high accuracy and better productivity.

Measuring Leaf Areas with a Structured-Light 3D Scanner (3차원 구조광 스캐너를 이용한 식물의 잎 면적 측정 방법)

  • Nam, Kyong-Hee;Ko, Eun Mi;Mun, Saeromi;Kim, Chang-Gi
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.232-238
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    • 2014
  • We have developed a non-destructive, touch-free method for estimating leaf areas with a structured-light three-dimensional (3D) scanner. When the surfaces of soybean leaves were analyzed with both the 3D scanner and a leaf area meter, the results were linearly related ($R^2=0.90$). The strong correlation ($R^2=0.98$) was calculated between shoot fresh weights and leaf areas when the scanner was employed during growth stages V1 to V4. We also found that leaf areas measured by the scanner could be used to detect changes in growth responses to abiotic stress. Whereas under control conditions the areas increased over time, salt and drought treatments were associated with reductions in those values after 14 d and 12 d, respectively. Based on our findings, we propose that a structured-light 3D scanner can be used to obtain reliable estimates of leaf area and plant biomass.

Application of 3-D Laser Scanner for the Measurement of Slope Displacement (사면 변형 측정을 위한 3차원 레이저 스캐너의 적용)

  • Oh, Seok-Hoon;Suh, Baek-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.555-562
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    • 2010
  • Three-dimensional laser scanner was used to accurately measure any possible strain on a slope under pertaining stress with the time difference of 7 months. The laser scanner has the ability to measure the 3-D coordinate of a target point by calculating the travel time of laser beam between the laser device and the target point, and has been proved to be effective for analysis of the displacement of slopes or large construction. The scanning data measured with time difference were analyzed to find any strain by approaches of plane angle change, curvature variation, twist of frame, displacement of merging point, etc. From the analysis, some weak points showing heavily distorted shape were detected, which was used to design the reinforcement.

Study of Servo Controller for Improving Position Accuracy of 3D Terrestrial Laser Scanner (지상용 3차원 레이저 스캐너의 측정 위치 정확도 향상을 위한 서보 제어기의 연구)

  • Yu, Jong-Wook;Jeong, Joong-Yeon;Kim, Tae-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.187-194
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    • 2009
  • This study is to improve position accuracy by selecting proper a servo motor and applying FOC(Field Oriented Control) on developing a 3D terrestrial laser scanner. A 3D terrestrial laser scanner under developing has range of scanning of azimuth 360$^\circ$and elevation 270$^\circ$. It is implemented by precise controlling of a azimuth motor and a elevation motor. In the consequence of study, we have known that position accuracy of the motor can be able to be improved with constant torque of the motor by using FOC(Field Oriented Control). The control technic of the motor is possible to apply a 3D terrestrial laser scanner as well as a robotic total station.

An Affective 3D Facial Makeup Simulation Using a Multi-sensory Interaction (다중 감각 인터랙션을 이용한 감성적 3차원 얼굴 메이크업 시뮬레이션)

  • Kim, Jeong-Sik;Kim, Hyeon-Joong;Choi, Soo-Mi
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.02a
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    • pp.500-506
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    • 2007
  • 얼굴에 대한 시각적 인지는 오랫동안 인간에게 중요한 문제로 인식되어 왔다. 수 세기 동안 이루어져 왔던 미용 화장과 성형, 치아 교정 등의 다양한 연구는 사람의 얼굴을 감성적 측면에서 어떻게 하면 아름답게 만들 수 있는 가에 초점을 두었다. 본 논문에서는 휴먼 입출력 인터페이스로서 햅틱 장치와 스테레오 디스플레이를 혼합한 다중 감각 인터랙션 기반의 감성적인 3차원 얼굴 메이크업 시뮬레이션 프레임워크를 개발한다. 본 연구는 3차원 스캐너 장비로부터 사용자의 얼굴 모델을 추출하고, 그 데이터를 이용하여 자연스럽고 직관적인 얼굴 메이크업 시뮬레이션을 수행하는 것을 목표로 하고 있다. 이를 위하여 본 연구에서는 surface elements 표현 기반의 3차원 얼굴 필터링 방법과 얼굴 메이크업을 지원하는 페인팅 방법을 개발한다. 우선 사용자의 얼굴 모델을 3차원 스캐너로 획득한 후, 전처리 얼굴 필터링을 수행하여 조명, 그리고 사용자 얼굴 피부 상태에 기인하는 에러 및 속성들을 보정하고 피부 톤을 사용자가 선호하는 색으로 변경한다. 최종적으로 사용자는 햅틱 및 스테레오 디스플레이 장치를 이용하여 두 개의 레이어로 구성된 페인팅 표면 모델에 메이크업을 수행한다. 본 연구에서 적용한 surface elements 표현 기반의 그래픽 렌더링은 일반적인 메쉬 기반 페인팅의 문제점인 텍스쳐 왜곡 현상을 완화하고, 3차원 스캐너 장치에 기인하는 표면 에러를 보정한다. 그리고 전처리 얼굴 필터링과 메이크업 페인팅 방법은 사용자 중심의 감성적인 3차원 얼굴을 재구성하도록 한다. 결과적으로 본 연구에서 개발한 이러한 기술들이 다중 감각 인터페이스 기반의 메이크업 시뮬레이터의 기본 프레임워크가 되어, 차후 메이크업이나 코디네이션 분야 등의 디지털 콘텐츠 산업에서 활용될 수 있음을 확인하였다.

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3D Road Shape Production Technique Using Composition of Laser Data and CCD Image (레이저 데이터와 CCD영상의 합성을 통한 3차원 도로형상 생성기법)

  • Rhee Soo-Ahm;Kim Tae-Jung;Jeong Dong-Hoon;Sung Jung-Gon
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2006.03a
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    • pp.15-18
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    • 2006
  • 도로의 정보를 취득하기 위하여 제작된 도로 안정성 조사 분석 차량(RoSSAV)은 도로의 3차원 정보를 취득하는 한 방법으로 레이저 스캐너를 사용한다. 레이저 스캐너로부터 취득된 도로의 3차원 정보는 많은 목적으로 활용할 수 있는 매우 유용한 정보이나, 도로의 3차원 정보를 사용자가 육안으로 확인할 수 있도록 영상으로 편집을 하게 되면, 현실감 있는 영상이 생성되기는 어렵다. 이를 보완하기 위하여 본 연구에서는 레이저 스캐너로부터 얻은 정보와는 별도로 CCD 카메라로 도로 전방 영상을 촬영하였고, 이 두 가지 데이터를 합성하여 현실감 있는 3차원 도로영상을 생성하는 기법을 연구 개발하였다. 레이더 영상과 CCD 영상의 합성은 레이저 데이터가 가지고 있는 3차원의 위치에 해당하는 CCD영상에서의 영상점을 찾아 이 점에서의 RGB 밴드의 밝기값을 찾아내어 이를 레이저 데이터에 기록, 적용시키는 것을 의미한다. 이 방법을 사용하기 위해서는 영상간의 관계모델을 수립할 필요가 있으며, 본 연구에서는 직접선형변환(DLT) 모델을 사용하였다. 이 모델을 이용하기 위해 레이저 데이터를 영상으로 편집하였고 이 영상과 CCD영상과 일치하는 지점을 육안으로 찾아 각 영상별로 DLT센서모델에 필요한 개수의 기준점을 제작하여 실행하였다. 실험 결과 영상은 기준점의 정확도에 따라 약간의 차이는 있으나 합성 전의 레이저 데이터 영상에 비해 실세계에 가까운 색깔을 나타냄이 확인되었다.

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A Study on Precision Measurement of Rock Joint Using 3D-Laser Scanner (3D-Laser scanner를 이용한 암반 절리의 정밀측정에 관한 연구)

  • 이승호;황영철;김세현;심석래;정태영
    • Explosives and Blasting
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.103-111
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    • 2004
  • The existing methods that can be adopted for measuring joints involve either to use borehole or photogrammetry. Due to restricted space, acquisition of data in limited area, and measurement errors, above methods have limitations acquiring the objective and correct results. To get over defects of existing joint measurement methods, joints have been measured using 3D-Laser scanner with accuracy and efficiency. This research aims to investigate an accuracy and applicabiliy of 3D-Laser scanner for measuring rock slope joints. Measurement of rock slope joints has been executed using 3D-Laser scanner & clinometer and then, results from both methods are compared. Results from both methods indicate that they show nearly equal features for joint distributions and numbers of joint information obtained by 3D-Laser scanner are much more than ones measured using clinomer. Therefore, 3D-Laser scanner turns out to be very effective by the fact that it contributes to reduce investigation costs & periods, objectify data from rock slope joints.

Automatic Generation of 3D Models using ETRI- Moire Scanner (ETRI-모아레 스캐너를 이용한 3차원 모델의 자동생성)

  • 권대현;최이배;이의택
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 1999.11b
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    • pp.47-52
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    • 1999
  • The visualization of Moire or laser-scanned data has been explored by many researchers and has been an important issue on computer graphics research. In this paper, we present various techniques that handle tremendous amount of 3D range data which are generated by the ETRI- Moire Scanner. The techniques include constructing an efficient data structure, constructing triangle meshes and decimation and registration of multiple-view range images and textures.

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