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Development of the Information Delivery System for the Home Nursing Service (가정간호사업 운용을 위한 정보전달체계 개발 I (가정간호 데이터베이스 구축과 뇌졸중 환자의 가정간호 전산개발))

  • Park, J.H;Kim, M.J;Hong, K.J;Han, K.J;Park, S.A;Yung, S.N;Lee, I.S;Joh, H.;Bang, K.S
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.4
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    • pp.5-22
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of the study was to development an information delivery system for the home nursing service, to demonstrate and to evaluate the efficiency of it. The period of research conduct was from September 1996 to August 31, 1997. At the 1st stage to achieve the purpose, Firstly Assessment tool for the patients with cerebral vascular disease who have the first priority of HNS among the patients with various health problems at home was developed through literature review. Secondly, after identification of patient nursing problem by the home care nurse with the assessment tool, the patient's classification system developed by Park (1988) that was 128 nursing activities under 6 categories was used to identify the home care nurse's activities of the patient with CAV at home. The research team had several workshops with 5 clinical nurse experts to refine it. At last 110 nursing activities under 11 categories for the patients with CVA were derived. At the second stage, algorithms were developed to connect 110 nursing activities with the patient nursing problems identified by assessment tool. The computerizing process of the algorithms is as follows: These algorithms are realized with the computer program by use of the software engineering technique. The development is made by the prototyping method, which is the requirement analysis of the software specifications. The basic features of the usability, compatibility, adaptability and maintainability are taken into consideration. Particular emphasis is given to the efficient construction of the database. To enhance the database efficiency and to establish the structural cohesion, the data field is categorized with the weight of relevance to the particular disease. This approach permits the easy adaptability when numerous diseases are applied in the future. In paralleled with this, the expandability and maintainability is stressed through out the program development, which leads to the modular concept. However since the disease to be applied is increased in number as the project progress and since they are interrelated and coupled each other, the expand ability as well as maintainability should be considered with a big priority. Furthermore, since the system is to be synthesized with other medical systems in the future, these properties are very important. The prototype developed in this project is to be evaluated through the stage of system testing. There are various evaluation metrics such as cohesion, coupling and adaptability so on. But unfortunately, direct measurement of these metrics are very difficult, and accordingly, analytical and quantitative evaluations are almost impossible. Therefore, instead of the analytical evaluation, the experimental evaluation is to be applied through the test run by various users. This system testing will provide the viewpoint analysis of the user's level, and the detail and additional requirement specifications arising from user's real situation will be feedback into the system modeling. Also. the degree of freedom of the input and output will be improved, and the hardware limitation will be investigated. Upon the refining, the prototype system will be used as a design template. and will be used to develop the more extensive system. In detail. the relevant modules will be developed for the various diseases, and the module will be integrated by the macroscopic design process focusing on the inter modularity, generality of the database. and compatibility with other systems. The Home care Evaluation System is comprised of three main modules of : (1) General information on a patient, (2) General health status of a patient, and (3) Cerebrovascular disease patient. The general health status module has five sub modules of physical measurement, vitality, nursing, pharmaceutical description and emotional/cognition ability. The CVA patient module is divided into ten sub modules such as subjective sense, consciousness, memory and language pattern so on. The typical sub modules are described in appendix 3.

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LCD 연구 개발 동향

  • 이종천
    • The Magazine of the IEIE
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.76-80
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    • 2002
  • 'Liquid Crystal의 상전이(相轉移)와 광학적 이방성(異方性)이 1888년과 1889년 F. Reinitzer와 O. Lehmann에 의해 Monatsch Chem.과 Z.Physikal.Chem.에 각각 보고된 후 부터 제2차 세계대전이 끝난 뒤인 1950년대 까지는 Liquid Crystal을 단지실험실에서의 기초학문 차원의 연구 대상으로만 다루어 왔다. 1963년 Williams가 Liquid Crystal Device로는 최초로 특허 출원을 하였으며, 1968년 RCA사의 Heilmeier등은 Nematic 액정(液晶)에 저주파(低周波) 전압(電壓)을 인가하면 투명한 액정이 혼탁(混濁)상태로 변화하는 '동적산란(動的散亂)'(Dynamic Scattering) 현상을 이용하여 최초의 DSM(Dynamic Scattering Mode) LCD(Liquid Crystal Display)를 발명하였다. 비록 150V 이상의 높은 구동전압과 과소비전력의 특성 때문에 실용화에는 실패하였지만 Guest-Host효과와 Memory효과 등을 발견하였다. 1970년대에 이르러 실온에서 안정되게 사용 가능한 액정물질들이 합성되고(H. Kelker에 의해 MBBA, G. Gray에 의한 Cyano-Biphenyl 액정의 합성), CMOS 트랜지스터의 발명, 투명도전막(ITO), 수은전지등의 주변기술들의 발전으로 인하여 LCD의 상품화가 본격적으로 이루어지게 되었다. 1971년에는 M. Shadt, W. Helfrich, J.L. Fergason등이 TN(Twisted Nematic) LCD를 발명하여 전자 계산기와 손목시계에 응용되었고, 1970년대 말에는 Sharp에서 Dot Matrix형의 휴대형 컴퓨터를 발매하였다. 이러한 단순 구동형의 TN LCD는 그래픽 정보를 표시하는 데에는 품질의 한계가 있어 1979년 영국의 Le Comber에 의해 a-Si TFT(amorphous Silicon Thin Film Transistor) LCD의 연구가 시작되었고, 1983년 T.J. Scheffer, J. Nehring, G. Waters에 의해 STN(Super Twisted Nematic) LCD가 창안되었고, 1980년 N. Clark, S. Lagerwall 및 1983년 K.Yossino에 의해 Ferroelectric LCD가 등장하여 LCD의 정보 표시량 증대에 크게 기여하였다. Color화의 진전은 1972년 A.G. Ficher의 셀 외부에 RGB(Red, Green, Blue) filter를 부착하는 방안과, 1981년 T. Uchida 등에 의한 셀 내부에 RGB filter를 부착하는 방법에 의해 상품화가 되었다. 1985년에는 J.L. Fergason에 의해 Polymer Dispersed LCD가 발명되었고, 1980년대 중반에 이르러 동화상(動畵像) 표시가 가능한 a-Si TFT LCD의 시제품(試製品) 개발이 이루어지고 1990년부터는 본격적인 양산 시대에 접어들게 되었다. 1990년대 초에는 STN LCD의 Color화 및 대형화(大型化) 고(高)품위화에 힘입어 Note-Book PC에 LCD가 본격적으로 적용이 되었고, 1990년대 후반에는TFT LCD의 표시품질 대비 가격경쟁력 확보로 인하여 Note-Book PC 시장을 독점하기에 이르렀다. 이후로는 TFT LCD의 대형화가 중요한 쟁점으로 부각되고 있고, 1995년 삼성전자는 당시 세계최대 크기의 22' TFT LCD를 개발하였다. 또한 LCD의 고정세(高情細)화를 위해 Poly Si TFT LCD의 개발이 이루어졌고, 디지타이져 일체형 LCD의 상품화가 그 응용의 폭을 넓혔으며, LCD의 대형화를 위해 1994년 Canon에 의해 14.8', 21' 등의 FLCD가 개발되었다. 대형화 방안으로 Tiled LCD 기술이 개발되고 있으며, 1995년에 Sharp에 의해 21' 두장의 Panel을 이어 붙인 28' TFT LCD가 전시되었고 1996년에는 21' 4장의 Panel을 이어 붙인 40'급 까지의 개발이 시도 되었으며 현재는 LCD의 특성향상과 생산설비의 성능개선과 안정적인 공정관리기술을 바탕으로 삼성전자에서 단패널 40' TFT LCD가 최근에 개발되었다. Projection용 디스플레이로는 Poly-Si TFT LCD를 이용하여 $25'{\sim}100'$사이의 배면투사형과 전면투사형 까지 개발되어 대형 TV시장을 주도하고 있다. 21세기 디지털방송 시대를 맞아 플라즈마디스플레이패널(PDP) TV, 액정표시장치 (LCD)TV, 강유전성액정(FLCD) TV 등 2005년에 약 1500만대 규모의 거대 시장을 형성할 것으로 예상되는 이른바 '벽걸이TV'로 불리는 차세대 초박형 TV 시장을 선점하기 위하여 세계 가전업계들이 양산에 총력을 기울이고 있다. 벽걸이TV 시장이 본격적으로 형성되더라도 PDP TV와 LCD TV가 직접적으로 시장에서 경쟁을 벌이는 일은 별로 없을 것으로 보인다. 향후 디지털TV 시장이 본격적으로 열리면 40인치 이하의 중대형 시장은 LCD TV가 주도하고 40인치 이상 대화면 시장은 PDP TV가 주도할 것으로 보는 시각이 지배적이기 때문이다. 그러나 이러한 직시형 중대형(重大型)디스플레이는 그 가격이 너무 높아서 현재의 브라운관 TV를 대체(代替)하기에는 시일이 많이 소요될 것으로 추정되고 있다. 그 대안(代案)으로는 비교적 저가격(低價格)이면서도 고품질의 디지털 화상구현이 가능한 고해상도 프로젝션 TV가 유력시되고 있다. 이러한 고해상도 프로젝션 TV용으로 DMD(Digital Micro-mirror Display), Poly-Si TFT LCD와 LCOS(Liquid Crystals on Silicon) 등의 상품화가 진행되고 있다. 인터넷과 정보통신 기술의 발달로 휴대형 디스플레이의 시장이 예상 외로 급성장하고 있으며, 요구되는 디스플레이의 품질도 단순한 문자표시에서 그치지 않고 고해상도의 그래픽 동화상 표시와 칼라 표시 및 3차원 화상표시까지 점차로 그 영역이 넓어지고 있다. <표 1>에서 보여주는 바와 같이 LCD의 시장규모는 적용분야 별로 지속적인 성장이 예상되며, 새로운 응용분야의 시장도 성장성을 어느 정도 예측할 수 있다. 따라서 LCD기술의 연구개발 방향은 크게 두가지로 분류할 수 있으며 첫째로는, 현재 양산되고 있는 LCD 상품의 경쟁력강화를 위하여 원가(原價) 절감(節減)과 표시품질을 향상시키는 것이며 둘째로는, 새로운 타입의 LCD를 개발하여 기존 상품을 대체하거나 새로운 시장을 창출하는 분야로 나눌 수 있다. 이와 같은 관점에서 현재 진행되고 있는 LCD기술개발은 다음과 같이 분류할 수 있다. 1) 원가 절감 2) 특성 향상 3) New Type LCD 개발.

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Studies on the Development of Acid Tolerant and Superior Nitrogen Fixation Symbionts for Pasture on Hilly Land -II. Selection of Acid Tolerant R. meliloti in virto and Inoculation Effect in Soils (야산(野山) 목초지용(牧草地用) 내산성(耐酸性) 우수(優秀) 질소고정균주(窒素固定菌株) 개발(開發) -II. 내산성(耐酸性) R. meliloti 의 기내선발(器內選拔) 및 토양(土壤) 접종효과(接種效果))

  • Kang, Ui-Gum;Choi, Ju-Hyeon;Cho, Kang-Jin;Jung, Yeun-Tae;Cho, Moo-Je
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.72-77
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    • 1989
  • A study was conducted to obtain acid tolerant and superior Rhizobium meliloti strain for alfalfa on hilly acid soils. With host plant, eight isolates of R, meliloti selected in the vicinity of Milyang were evaluated for their ability to establish symbiotic effectiveness in acidified tube culture medium and vermiculite pot with different urea levels. Among isolates "YA03" was characterized for the ability to manifest to acid tolerance in three different soils of which pH were 5.0, 6.0, and 7.5. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1. Of eight isolates "YA03" and "YA09" performed nodule in the tube medium of pH5.0, and in the symbiotic effectiveness YA03 was superior to others. 2. Alfalfa growth and $N_2-fixing$ activity by the inoculation of "YA03" isolate were better than others at the level of urea 1.25mM as well as nonurea. 3. Application of urea with inoculation of "YA03" islate to alfalfa was one of the effective factors for symbiotic effectiveness. 4. In infertile soil of pH5.0 inoculation of R. meliloti "YA03" to alfalfa caused the increase of shoot dry matter of 320% as compared to the control, and the total amount of yield was 131% as much yield in moderate fertile soil of pH7.5. Finally R. meliloti "YA03" isolate was selected as an acid tolerant strain.

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Evaluation of the stability of IgM and specific antibody response of sevenband grouper Epinephelus septemfasciatus for application of antibody-detection ELISA (항체검출 ELISA 적용을 위한 능성어 IgM의 안정성 및 특이 항체 반응 평가)

  • Kim, Chun-Seob;Jang, Min-Seok;Kim, Wi-Sik;Kim, Jong-Oh;Kim, Du-Woon;Kim, Do-Hyung;Han, Hyun-Ja;Jeong, Sung-Ju;Oh, Myung-Joo
    • Journal of fish pathology
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.335-342
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    • 2009
  • The stability of immunoglobulin M (IgM) on different serum storage conditions and specific antibody response were tested using the serum collected from sevenband grouper Epinephelus septemfasciatus by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). To test the effect of storage temperature and duration, sevenband grouper antiserum against bovine serum albumin (BSA) was stored at -80, -20 or 4${^{\circ}C}$ for 1, 34, 61 or 119 days. In addition, to test the effect of repeated freeze-thawing condition, the anti-BSA fish serum was frozen at -20 and -80${^{\circ}C}$ and then thawn and frozen for 1, 5 or 10 times repeatedly. Consequently, no significant difference was found in ELISA optical density (O.D.) values of sera for the above mentioned storage conditions: different temperatures (-80, -20 and 4${^{\circ}C}$), durations of storage (1, 34, 61 and 119 days), and repeated thaw-freeze cycles (1, 5, and 10 times), indicating that IgMs of test fish were stable. The specific antibody response of sevenband grouper was observed after BSA-immunization of the test fish reared at 20 ${^{\circ}C}$ or 25${^{\circ}C}$. At the rearing temperature of 20${^{\circ}C}$, the specific antibody against BSA first appeared at 14 days and maximum antibody titer was observed between 21 and 28 days, while at the rearing temperature of 25 ${^{\circ}C}$, specific antibody appeared at 7 days and maximum antibody titer was observed between 14 and 21 days. In conclusion, the rearing temperature at 25${^{\circ}C}$ gave a faster and higher specific antibody response than at 20${^{\circ}C}$ and the specific antibody response maintained for approximately 2 months at 20℃ and 25${^{\circ}C}$.

A study on the second edition of Koryo Dae-Jang-Mock-Lock (고려재조대장목록고)

  • Jeong Pil-mo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.17
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    • pp.11-47
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    • 1989
  • This study intends to examine the background and the procedure of the carving of the tablets of the second edition of Dae-Jang-Mock­Lock(재조대장목록). the time and the route of the moving of the tablets. into Haein-sa, and the contents and the system of it. This study is mainly based on the second edition of Dae-Jang-Mock-Lock. But the other closely related materials such as restored first. edition of the Dae- Jang-Mock-Lock, Koryo Sin-Jo-Dae-Jang-Byeol-Lock (고려신조대장교정별록). Kae-Won-Seok-Kyo-Lock (개원석교록). Sok-Kae­Won-Seok-Kyo-Lock (속개원석교록). Jeong-Won-Sin-Jeong-Seok-Kyo­Lock(정원신정석교록), Sok-Jeong-Won-Seok-Kyo-Lock(속정원석교록), Dea-Jung-Sang-Bu-Beob-Bo-Lock(대중상부법보록), and Kyeong-Woo-Sin-Su-Beob-Bo-Lock(경우신수법보록), are also analysed and closely examined. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. The second edition of Tripitaka Koreana(고려대장경) was carved for the purpose of defending the country from Mongolia with the power of Buddhism, after the tablets of the first edition in Buin-sa(부이사) was destroyed by fire. 2. In 1236. Dae-Jang-Do-Gam(대장도감) was established, and the preparation for the recarving of the tablets such as comparison between the content, of the first edition of Tripitalk Koreana, Gal-Bo-Chik-Pan-Dae­Jang-Kyeong and Kitan Dae- Jang-Kyeong, transcription of the original copy and the preparation of the wood, etc. was started. 3. In 1237 after the announcement of Dae-Jang-Gyeong-Gak-Pan-Gun­Sin-Gi-Go-Mun(대장경핵판군신석고문), the carving was started on a full scale. And seven years later (1243), Bun-Sa-Dae-Jang-Do-Gam(분사대장도감) was established in the area of the South to expand and hasten the work. And a large number of the tablets were carved in there. 4. It took 16 years to carve the main text and the supplements of the second edition of Tripitaka Koreana, the main text being carved from 1237 to 1248 and the supplement from 1244 to 1251. 5. It can be supposed that the tablets of the second edition of Tripitaka Koreana, stored in Seon-Won-Sa(선원사), Kang-Wha(강화), for about 140 years, was moved to Ji-Cheon-Sa(지천사), Yong-San(용산), and to Hae-In-Sa(해인사) again, through the west and the south sea and Jang-Gyeong-Po(장경포), Go-Ryeong(고령), in the autumn of the same year. 6. The second edition of Tripitaka Koreana was carved mainly based on the first edition, comparing with Gae-Bo-Chik-Pan-Dae-Jang-Kyeong(개보판대장경) and Kitan Dae-Jang-Kyeong(계단대장경). And the second edition of Dae-Jang-Mock-Lock also compiled mainly based on the first edition with the reference to Kae-Won-Seok-Kyo-Lock and Sok-Jeong-Won-Seok-Kyo-Lock. 7. Comparing with the first edition of Dae-Jang-Mock-Lock, in the second edition 7 items of 9 volumes of Kitan text such as Weol-Deung­Sam-Mae-Gyeong-Ron(월증삼매경론) are added and 3 items of 60 volumes such as Dae-Jong-Ji-Hyeon-Mun-Ron(대종지현문논) are substituted into others from Cheon chest(천함) to Kaeng chest(경함), and 92 items of 601 volumes such as Beob-Won-Ju-Rim-Jeon(법원주임전) are added after Kaeng chest. And 4 items of 50 volumes such as Yuk-Ja-Sin-Ju-Wang-Kyeong(육자신주왕경) are ommitted in the second edition. 8. Comparing with Kae-Won-Seok-Kyo-Lock, Cheon chest to Young chest (영함) of the second edition is compiled according to Ib-Jang-Lock(입장록) of Kae-Won-Seok-Kyo-Lock. But 15 items of 43 vol­umes such as Bul-Seol-Ban-Ju-Sam-Mae-Kyeong(불설반주삼매경) are ;added and 7 items of 35 volumes such as Dae-Bang-Deung-Dae-Jib-Il­Jang-Kyeong(대방등대집일장경) are ommitted. 9. Comparing with Sok-Jeong-Won-Seok-Kyo-Lock, 3 items of the 47 volumes (or 49 volumes) are ommitted and 4 items of 96 volumes are ;added in Caek chest(책함) to Mil chest(밀함) of the second edition. But the items are arranged in the same order. 10. Comparing with Dae- Jung-Sang-Bo-Beob-Bo-Lock, the arrangement of the second edition is entirely different from it. But 170 items of 329 volumes are also included in Doo chest(두함) to Kyeong chest(경함) of the second edition, and 53 items of 125 volumes in Jun chest(존함) to Jeong chest(정함). And 10 items of 108 volumes in the last part of Dae-Jung-Sang-Bo-Beob-Bo-Lock are ommitted and 3 items of 131 volumes such as Beob-Won-Ju-Rim-Jeon(법원주임전) are added in the second edition. 11. Comparing with Kyeong-Woo-Sin-Su-Beob-Bo-Lock, all of the items (21 items of 161 volumes) are included in the second edition without ;any classificatory system. And 22 items of 172 volumes in the Seong­Hyeon-Jib-Jeon(성현집전) part such as Myo-Gak-Bi-Cheon(묘각비전) are ommitted. 12. The last part of the second edition, Joo chest(주함) to Dong chest (동함), includes 14 items of 237 volumes. But these items cannot be found in any other former Buddhist catalog. So it might be supposed as the Kitan texts. 13. Besides including almost all items in Kae-Won-Seok-Kyo-Lock and all items in Sok-Jeong-Won-Seok-Kyo-Lock, Dae-Jung-Sang-Bo­Beob-Bo-Lock, and Kyeong-Woo-Sin-Su-Beob-Bo-Lock, the second edition of Dae-Jang-Mock-Lock includes more items, at least 20 items of about 300 volumes of Kitan Tripitaka and 15 items of 43 volumes of traditional Korean Tripitake that cannot be found any others. Therefore, Tripitaka Koreana can be said as a comprehensive Tripitaka covering all items of Tripitakas translated in Chinese character.

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Situation of Fertilizer Industry in Korea (비료산업(肥料産業)의 현황(現況)과 문제점(問題点))

  • Lee, Yun Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.34-48
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    • 1982
  • 1. Production and consumption of chemical fertilizers in Korea could be divided into five different phases of total imports, setting up fertilizer plants, self-sufficiency in production, net export, and diversification in compound fertilizers. Currently the nation has production capacity of 800 thousand M/T of nitrogen, 400 thousand M/T of phosphate ($P_2O_5$) and 200 thousand M/T of potash ($K_2O$). 2. Yearly consumption increased every year, since 1964, 28,000 M/T N, 7,700 M/T $P_2O_5$, and 7,500 M/T $K_2O$ until 1972, when the increase jumped by eight times for $P_2O_5$ and seven times for $K_2O$ for the following 3 years in anticipation of their short supply. Now total consumption has been more or less stabilized at the level of 450 thousand M/T N, 220 thousand M/T $P_2O_5$ and 180 thousand M/T $K_2O$ for the last 7 years. 3. Current operation rate of fertilizer plants is around 80% throughout the whole industry, after going through several different levels depending on demand at times. 4. Fertilizer export started in 1967 and reached a peak of 150 thousand nutrient ton in 1972, about 20% of total production, before temporarily stopping due to over-demand for next three years. The export resumed again in 1976 rise to the all time high of 670 thousand nutrient ton in 1980, almost half of total production, and then started to decline due to higher price of petroleum since then. 5. The decline in fertilizer export appears to be accelerated because several countries, in South-Eastern Asia, traditional export market for Korean fertilizers, started to build their own plants, since 1980, based on their raw materials of especially petroleum. 6. Current consumption in Korea is about 30 nutrient Kg per 10a, equivalent to that in Western European countries, partly due to new high-yielding rice varieties and extensive cultivation of fruit trees and vegetables. Additional fertilizer demand in future can be anticipated in reclaimed land for growing grass and forestry.

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