• Title/Summary/Keyword: 2.5D Mapping System

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Analysis on 3D Positioning Precision Using Mobile Mapping System Images in Photograrmmetric Perspective (사진측량 관점에서 차량측량시스템 영상을 이용한 3차원 위치의 정밀도 분석)

  • 조우석;황현덕
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.431-445
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we experimentally investigated the precision of 3D positioning using 4S-Van images in photograrmmetric perspective. The 3D calibration target was built over building facade outside and was captured separately by two CCD cameras installed in 4S-Van. After then, we determined the interior orientation parameter for each CCD camera through self-calibration technique. With the interior orientation parameter computed, the bundle adjustment was performed to obtain the exterior orientation parameters simultaneously for two CCD cameras using calibration target image and object coordinates. The reverse lens distortion coefficients were computed and acquired by least squares method so as to introduce lens distortion into epipolar line. It was shown that the reverse lens distortion coefficients could transform image coordinates into lens distorted image coordinates within about 0.5 pixel. The proposed semi-automatic matching scheme incorporated with lens distorted epipolar line was implemented with scene images captured by 4S-Van in moving. The experimental results showed that the precision of 3D positioning from 4S-Van images in photograrmmetric perspective is within 2cm in the range of 20m from the camera.

A Study on Making Fabric Images According to Fancy Yarn Structures Using the Computer (컴퓨터를 이용한 장식사의 구조 요인에 따른 직물이미지 제작에 관한 연구)

  • Sul, Jung-Hwa
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.56-62
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    • 2005
  • Fancy Yarn has developed diverse textures in fabrics, reducing the time in yarn and fabric production or apparel making in order to develop creative goods. In this study aimed to propose the use of a 4D box system to make fancy yarn shapes with loops, knops and spirals and the like. The change in texture was analysed and simulated to produce a suitable fabric image by using the fancy yarns fabric. The results are as follows. The plain weave, 2/2 basket weave, 2/2 twill weave, 2/2 2 complete broken weaves, and 5 harness sateen weaves were woven and a fabric image formed. In the case of the loop and the knop yarns fabric image, compared to the twisted fabric image the surface was covered by loops or some parts became partially black. In the case of the spiral shape it showed pattern continuity in spiral shapes 1, 2 and 3. The more twisted spirals produced a diamond shaped pattern or a twill line and a herring bone shaped twill line. An evenly distributed black fabric image appeared in 5 harness sateen weave. For the loop shape the broken weave or 5 harness sateen weave was produced; basket weave and broken weave for the knop yarn 1 or knop yarn 2; and for the spiral shape a plain fabric or 5 harness sateen weave were produced much similar to the fabric image. The surface texture of the mapped image compared to the twisted fabric image produces fancy yarn fabric images covered with loops or irregular spots caused by the knop and the spiral. Therefore it is appropriate or suitable for the simulation of tweed or woolen wool fabrics. The fabric image which produced consistent and continuous lines is therefore more suitable for simulations of twill or herringbone fabric images.

The imaging of 128 channels cardiac activation signal (128채널 심장전기도 신호의 영상화)

  • Han, Young-Oh
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.133-137
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    • 2010
  • In this study, The imaging of 128 channels cardiac activation signal is implemented. It is performed within one minutes and very useful in open-heart operation with analysis in a short time. Especially the keeping of data and the moving of system is facility because it was implemented with being based on PC. The cardiologist can call data and analysis them anytime after a surgery.

Targeted Resequencing of 30 Genes Improves the Detection of Deleterious Mutations in South Indian Women with Breast and/or Ovarian Cancers

  • Rajkumar, Thangarajan;Meenakumari, Balaiah;Mani, Samson;Sridevi, Veluswami;Sundersingh, Shirley
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.13
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    • pp.5211-5217
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    • 2015
  • Background: We earlier used PCR-dHPLC for mutation analysis of BRCA1 and BRCA2. In this article we report application of targeted resequencing of 30 genes involved in hereditary cancers. Materials and Methods: A total of 91 patient samples were analysed using a panel of 30 genes in the Illumina HiScan SQ system. CLCBio was used for mapping reads to the reference sequences as well as for quality-based variant detection. All the deleterious mutations were then reconfirmed using Sanger sequencing. Kaplan Meier analysis was conducted to assess the effect of deleterious mutations on disease free and overall survival. Results: Seventy four of the 91 samples had been run earlier using the PCR-dHPLC and no deleterious mutations had been detected while 17 samples were tested for the first time. A total of 24 deleterious mutations were detected, 11 in BRCA1, 4 in BRCA2, 5 in p53, one each in RAD50, RAD52, ATM and TP53BP1. Some 19 deleterious mutations were seen in patients who had been tested earlier with PCR-dHPLC [19/74] and 5/17 in the samples tested for the first time, Together with our earlier detected 21 deleterious mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2, we now had 45 mutations in 44 patients. BRCA1c.68_69delAG;p.Glu23ValfsX16 mutation was the most common, seen in 10/44 patients. Kaplan Meier survival analysis did not show any difference in disease free and overall survival in the patients with and without deleterious mutations. Conclusions: The NGS platform is more sensitive and cost effective in detecting mutations in genes involved in hereditary breast and/or ovarian cancers.

Investigation of SO2 Effect on TOMS O3 Retrieval from OMI Measurement in China (OMI 위성센서를 이용한 중국 지역에서 TOMS 오존 산출에 대한 이산화황의 영향 조사 연구)

  • Choi, Wonei;Hong, Hyunkee;Kim, Daewon;Ryu, Jae-Yong;Lee, Hanlim
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.629-637
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    • 2016
  • In this present study, we identified the $SO_2$ effect on $O_3$ retrieval from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) measurement over Chinese Industrial region from 2005 through 2007. The Planetary boundary layer (PBL) $SO_2$ data measured by OMI sensor is used in this present study. OMI-Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) total $O_3$ is compared with OMI-Differential Optical Absorption Spectrometer (DOAS) total $O_3$ in various $SO_2$ condition in PBL. The difference between OMI-TOMS and OMI-DOAS total $O_3$ (T-D) shows dependency on $SO_2$ (R (Correlation coefficient) = 0.36). Since aerosol has been reported to cause uncertainty of both OMI-TOMS and OMI-DOAS total $O_3$ retrieval, the aerosol effect on relationship between PBL $SO_2$ and T-D is investigated with changing Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD). There is negligible aerosol effect on the relationship showing similar slope ($1.83{\leq}slope{\leq}2.36$) between PBL $SO_2$ and T-D in various AOD conditions. We also found that the rate of change in T-D per 1.0 DU change in PBL, middle troposphere (TRM), and upper troposphere and stratosphere (STL) are 1.6 DU, 3.9 DU and 4.9 DU, respectively. It shows that the altitude where $SO_2$ exist can affect the value of T-D, which could be due to reduced absolute radiance sensitivity in the boundary layer at 317.5 nm which is used to retrieve OMI-TOMS ozone in boundary layer.

Real-Time Forecast of Rainfall Impact on Urban Inundation (강우자료와 연계한 도시 침수지역의 사전 영향예보)

  • KEUM, Ho-Jun;KIM, Hyun-Il;HAN, Kun-Yeun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.76-92
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    • 2018
  • This study aimed to establish database of rainfall inundation area by rainfall scenarios and conduct a real time prediction for urban flood mitigation. the data leaded model was developed for the mapping of inundated area with rainfall forecast data provided by korea meteorological agency. for the construction of data leaded model, 1d-2d modeling was applied to Gangnam area, where suffered from severe flooding event including september, 2010. 1d-2d analysis result agree with observed in term of flood depth. flood area and flood occurring report which maintained by NDMS(national disaster management system). The fitness ratio of the NDMS reporting point and 2D flood analysis results was revealed to be 69.5%. Flood forecast chart was created using pre-flooding database. It was analyzed to have 70.3% of fitness in case of flood forecast chart of 70mm, and 72.0% in case of 80mm flood forecast chart. Using the constructed pre-flood area database, it is possible to present flood forecast chart information with rainfall forecast, and it can be used to secure the leading time during flood predictions and warning.

Spatial reproducibility of complex fractionated atrial electrogram depending on the direction and configuration of bipolar electrodes: an in-silico modeling study

  • Song, Jun-Seop;Lee, Young-Seon;Hwang, Minki;Lee, Jung-Kee;Li, Changyong;Joung, Boyoung;Lee, Moon-Hyoung;Shim, Eun Bo;Pak, Hui-Nam
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.507-514
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    • 2016
  • Although 3D-complex fractionated atrial electrogram (CFAE) mapping is useful in radiofrequency catheter ablation for persistent atrial fibrillation (AF), the directions and configuration of the bipolar electrodes may affect the electrogram. This study aimed to compare the spatial reproducibility of CFAE by changing the catheter orientations and electrode distance in an in -silico left atrium (LA). We conducted this study by importing the heart CT image of a patient with AF into a 3D-homogeneous human LA model. Electrogram morphology, CFAE-cycle lengths (CLs) were compared for 16 different orientations of a virtual bipolar conventional catheter (conv-cath: size 3.5 mm, inter-electrode distance 4.75 mm). Additionally, the spatial correlations of CFAE-CLs and the percentage of consistent sites with CFAE-CL<120 ms were analyzed. The results from the conv-cath were compared with that obtained using a mini catheter (mini-cath: size 1 mm, inter-electrode distance 2.5 mm). Depending on the catheter orientation, the electrogram morphology and CFAE-CLs varied (conv-cath: $11.5{\pm}0.7%$ variation, mini-cath: $7.1{\pm}1.2%$ variation), however the mini-cath produced less variation of CFAE-CL than conv-cath (p<0.001). There were moderate spatial correlations among CFAE-CL measured at 16 orientations (conv-cath: $r=0.3055{\pm}0.2194$ vs. mini-cath: $0.6074{\pm}0.0733$, p<0.001). Additionally, the ratio of consistent CFAE sites was higher for mini catheter than conventional one ($38.3{\pm}4.6%$ vs. $22.3{\pm}1.4%$, p<0.05). Electrograms and CFAE distribution are affected by catheter orientation and electrode configuration in the in-silico LA model. However, there was moderate spatial consistency of CFAE areas, and narrowly spaced bipolar catheters were less influenced by catheter direction than conventional catheters.

Mapping QTLs for Tissue Culture Response of Mature Wheat Embryos

  • Jia, Haiyan;Yi, Dalong;Yu, Jie;Xue, Shulin;Xiang, Yang;Zhang, Caiqin;Zhang, Zhengzhi;Zhang, Lixia;Ma, Zhengqiang
    • Molecules and Cells
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.323-330
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    • 2007
  • The mature wheat embryo is arguably one of the best explants for genetic transformation because of its unlimited availability and lack of growth season restriction. However, an efficient regeneration system using mature wheat embryos (Triticum aestivum L.) is still not available. To identify genes related to the tissue culture response (TCR) of wheat, QTLs for callus induction from mature embryos and callus regeneration were mapped using an RIL population derived from the cross of 'Wangshuibai' with 'Nanda2419', which has a good TCR. By whole genome scanning we identified five, four and four chromosome regions conditioning, respectively, percent embryos forming a callus (PEFC), percent calli regenerating plantlets (PCRP), and number of plantlets per regenerating callus (NPRC). The major QTLs QPefc.nau-2A and QPcrp.nau-2A were mapped to the long arm of chromosome 2A, explaining up to 22.8% and 17.6% of the respective phenotypic variance. Moreover, two major QTLs for NPRC were detected on chromosomes 2D and 5D; these together explained 51.6% of the phenotypic variance. We found that chromosomes 2A, 2D, 5A, 5B and 5D were associated via different intervals with at least two of the three TCR indexes used. Based on this study and other reports, the TCRs of different explant types of wheat may be under the control of shared or tightly linked genes, while different genes or gene combinations may govern the stages from callus induction to plantlet regeneration. The importance of group 2 and 5 chromosomes in controlling the TCRs of Triticeae crops and the likely conservation of the corresponding genes in cereals are discussed.

BIM and Thermographic Sensing: Reflecting the As-is Building Condition in Energy Analysis

  • Ham, Youngjib;Golparvar-Fard, Mani
    • Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.16-22
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    • 2015
  • This paper presents an automated computer vision-based system to update BIM data by leveraging multi-modal visual data collected from existing buildings under inspection. Currently, visual inspections are conducted for building envelopes or mechanical systems, and auditors analyze energy-related contextual information to examine if their performance is maintained as expected by the design. By translating 3D surface thermal profiles into energy performance metrics such as actual R-values at point-level and by mapping such properties to the associated BIM elements using XML Document Object Model (DOM), the proposed method shortens the energy performance modeling gap between the architectural information in the as-designed BIM and the as-is building condition, which improve the reliability of building energy analysis. Several case studies were conducted to experimentally evaluate their impact on BIM-based energy analysis to calculate energy load. The experimental results on existing buildings show that (1) the point-level thermography-based thermal resistance measurement can be automatically matched with the associated BIM elements; and (2) their corresponding thermal properties are automatically updated in gbXML schema. This paper provides practitioners with insight to uncover the fundamentals of how multi-modal visual data can be used to improve the accuracy of building energy modeling for retrofit analysis. Open research challenges and lessons learned from real-world case studies are discussed in detail.

Inundation Hazard Zone Created by Large Lahar Flow at the Baekdu Volcano Simulated using LAHARZ

  • Park, Sung-Jae;Lee, Chang-Wook
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.75-87
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    • 2018
  • The Baekdu volcano (2,750 m a.s.l.) is located on the border between Yanggando Province in North Korea and Jilin Province in China. Its eruption in 946 A.D. was among the largest and most violent eruptions in the past 5,000 years, with a volcanic explosivity index (VEI) of 7. In this study, we processed and analyzed lahar-inundation hazard zone data, applying a geographic information system program with menu-driven software (LAHARZ)to a shuttle radar topography mission 30 m digital elevation model. LAHARZ can simulate inundation hazard zones created by large lahar flows that originate on volcano flanks using simple input parameters. The LAHARZ is useful both for mapping hazard zones and estimating the extent of damage due to active volcanic eruption. These results can be used to establish evacuation plans for nearby residents without field survey data. We applied two different simulation methods in LAHARZ to examine six water systems near Baekdu volcano, selecting weighting factors by varying the ratio of height and distance. There was a slight difference between uniform and non-uniform ratio changes in the lahar-inundation hazard zone maps, particularly as slopes changed on the east and west sides of the Baekdu volcano. This result can be used to improve monitoring of volcanic eruption hazard zones and prevent disasters due to large lahar flows.