• Title/Summary/Keyword: 2-dimensional transformation

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CAD Data Conversion to a Node-Relation Structure for 3D Sub-Unit Topological Representation (3차원 위상구조 생성을 위한 노드 - 관계구조로의 CAD 자료 변환)

  • Stevens Mark;Choi Jin-Mu
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.41 no.2 s.113
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    • pp.188-194
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    • 2006
  • Three-dimensional topological data is essential for 3D modeling and application such as emergency management and 3D network analysis. This paper reviewed current 3D topological data model and developed a method to construct 3D topological node-relation data structure from 2D computer aided design (CAD) data. The method needed two steps with medial axis-transformation and topological node-relation algorithms. Using a medial-axis transformation algorithm, the first step is to extract skeleton from wall data that was drawn polygon or double line in a CAD data. The second step is to build a topological node-relation structure by converting rooms to nodes and the relations between rooms to links. So, links represent adjacency and connectivity between nodes (rooms). As a result, with the conversion method 3D topological data for micro-level sub-unit of each building can be easily constructed from CAD data that are commonly used to design a building as a blueprint.

Effect of phase transformations on buckling behavior of subducting slab and tectonic implication (상전이가 섭입 슬랩의 좌굴에 미치는 영향과 지체구조적 암시)

  • Lee, Changyeol
    • Journal of the Geological Society of Korea
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    • v.54 no.6
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    • pp.657-675
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    • 2018
  • The apparent thickening of the subducting slab in the shallow lower mantle has been attributed to slab buckling. However, the scaling laws have not been quantitatively evaluated for the buckling behavior of the subducting slab when phase transformations are considered. Thus, two-dimensional dynamic subduction experiments are formulated to evaluate the effect of phase transformations on the buckling behavior of the subducting slab. The model calculations show that the phase transformation from olivine to wadsleyite at a depth of 410 km plays an important role in the development of slab buckling; increased slab pull due to the endothermic phase transformation accelerates slab sinking in the upper mantle and the subducting slab reaches the lower mantle in a shorter time than that of the experiments without the phase transformation. However, the phase transformation from ringwoodite to perovskite plus $magnesiow{\ddot{u}}stite$ at a depth of 660 km retards slab sinking into the lower mantle and the subducting slab tends to be accumulated in the transformation (transition) zone. Buckling analyses show that the scaling laws predict the buckling amplitude and period of the subducting slab with small relative errors even if the phase transformations are considered. The universal phenomenon of the slab buckling can explain apparent slab thickening in the shallow lower mantle and transformation zone under the subduction zones such as Java-Sunda and Northeast Japan. In addition, the buckling behavior of the subducting slab may be related to the periodic compressions and extensions in the Cretaceous Gyeongsang basin.

Automatic Matching of Protein Spots by Reflecting Their Topology (토폴로지를 반영한 단백질 반점 자동 정합)

  • Yukhuu, Ankhbayar;Lee, Jeong-Bae;Hwang, Young-Sup
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.17B no.1
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    • pp.79-84
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    • 2010
  • Matching spots between two sets of 2-dimensional electrophoresis can make it possible to find out the generation, extinction and change of proteins. Generally protein spots are separated by 2-dimensional electrophoresis. This process makes the position of the same protein spot a little different according to the status of the tissue or the experimental environment. Matching the spots shows that the relation of spots is non-uniform and non-linear transformation. However we can also find that the local relation preserves the topology. This study proposes a matching method motivated by the preservation of the topology. To compare the similarity of the topology, we compared the distance and the angle between neighbour spots. Experimental result shows that the proposed method is effective.

Spherical Pyramid-Technique : An Efficient Indexing Technique for Similarity Search in High-Dimensional Data (구형 피라미드 기법 : 고차원 데이터의 유사성 검색을 위한 효율적인 색인 기법)

  • Lee, Dong-Ho;Jeong, Jin-Wan;Kim, Hyeong-Ju
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.26 no.11
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    • pp.1270-1281
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    • 1999
  • 피라미드 기법 1 은 d-차원의 공간을 2d개의 피라미드들로 분할하는 특별한 공간 분할 방식을 이용하여 고차원 데이타를 효율적으로 색인할 수 있는 새로운 색인 방법으로 제안되었다. 피라미드 기법은 고차원 사각형 형태의 영역 질의에는 효율적이나, 유사성 검색에 많이 사용되는 고차원 구형태의 영역 질의에는 비효율적인 면이 존재한다. 본 논문에서는 고차원 데이타를 많이 사용하는 유사성 검색에 효율적인 새로운 색인 기법으로 구형 피라미드 기법을 제안한다. 구형 피라미드 기법은 먼저 d-차원의 공간을 2d개의 구형 피라미드로 분할하고, 각 단일 구형 피라미드를 다시 구형태의 조각으로 분할하는 특별한 공간 분할 방법에 기반하고 있다. 이러한 공간 분할 방식은 피라미드 기법과 마찬가지로 d-차원 공간을 1-차원 공간으로 변환할 수 있다. 따라서, 변환된 1-차원 데이타를 다루기 위하여 B+-트리를 사용할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 이렇게 분할된 공간에서 고차원 구형태의 영역 질의를 효율적으로 처리할 수 있는 알고리즘을 제안한다. 마지막으로, 인위적 데이타와 실제 데이타를 사용한 다양한 실험을 통하여 구형 피라미드 기법이 구형태의 영역 질의를 처리하는데 있어서 기존의 피라미드 기법보다 효율적임을 보인다.Abstract The Pyramid-Technique 1 was proposed as a new indexing method for high- dimensional data spaces using a special partitioning strategy that divides d-dimensional space into 2d pyramids. It is efficient for hypercube range query, but is not efficient for hypersphere range query which is frequently used in similarity search. In this paper, we propose the Spherical Pyramid-Technique, an efficient indexing method for similarity search in high-dimensional space. The Spherical Pyramid-Technique is based on a special partitioning strategy, which is to divide the d-dimensional data space first into 2d spherical pyramids, and then cut the single spherical pyramid into several spherical slices. This partition provides a transformation of d-dimensional space into 1-dimensional space as the Pyramid-Technique does. Thus, we are able to use a B+-tree to manage the transformed 1-dimensional data. We also propose the algorithm of processing hypersphere range query on the space partitioned by this partitioning strategy. Finally, we show that the Spherical Pyramid-Technique clearly outperforms the Pyramid-Technique in processing hypersphere range queries through various experiments using synthetic and real data.

Mdlti-View Video Generation from 2 Dimensional Video (2차원 동영상으로부터 다시점 동영상 생성 기법)

  • Baek, Yun-Ki;Choi, Mi-Nam;Park, Se-Whan;Yoo, Ji-Sang
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.33 no.1C
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    • pp.53-61
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we propose an algorithm for generation of multi-view video from conventional 2 dimensional video. Color and motion information of an object are used for segmentation and from the segmented objects, multi-view video is generated. Especially, color information is used to extract the boundary of an object that is barely extracted by using motion information. To classify the homogeneous regions with color, luminance and chrominance components are used. A pixel-based motion estimation with a measurement window is also performed to obtain motion information. Then, we combine the results from motion estimation and color segmentation and consequently we obtain a depth information by assigning motion intensity value to each segmented region. Finally, we generate multi-view video by applying rotation transformation method to 2 dimensional input images and the obtained depth information in each object. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms comparing with conventional conversion methods.

A 2-D Barcode Detection Algorithm based on Local Binary Patterns (지역적 이진패턴을 이용한 2차원 바코드 검출 알고리즘)

  • Choi, Young-Kyu
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 2009
  • To increase the data capacity of one-dimensional symbology, 2D barcodes have been proposed a decade ago. In this paper, a new 2D barcode detection algorithm based on Local Binary Pattern is presented. To locate 2D barcode symbols, a texture analysis scheme based on the Local Binary Pattern is adopted, and a gray-scale projection with sub-pixel operation is utilized to separate the symbol precisely from the input image. Finally, the segmented symbol is normalized using the inverse perspective transformation for the decoding process. The proposed method ensures high performances under various lighting/printing conditions and strong perspective deformations. Experiments show that our method is very robust and efficient in detecting the symbol area for the various types of 2D barcodes.

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Estimation of two-dimensional position of soybean crop for developing weeding robot (제초로봇 개발을 위한 2차원 콩 작물 위치 자동검출)

  • SooHyun Cho;ChungYeol Lee;HeeJong Jeong;SeungWoo Kang;DaeHyun Lee
    • Journal of Drive and Control
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2023
  • In this study, two-dimensional location of crops for auto weeding was detected using deep learning. To construct a dataset for soybean detection, an image-capturing system was developed using a mono camera and single-board computer and the system was mounted on a weeding robot to collect soybean images. A dataset was constructed by extracting RoI (region of interest) from the raw image and each sample was labeled with soybean and the background for classification learning. The deep learning model consisted of four convolutional layers and was trained with a weakly supervised learning method that can provide object localization only using image-level labeling. Localization of the soybean area can be visualized via CAM and the two-dimensional position of the soybean was estimated by clustering the pixels associated with the soybean area and transforming the pixel coordinates to world coordinates. The actual position, which is determined manually as pixel coordinates in the image was evaluated and performances were 6.6(X-axis), 5.1(Y-axis) and 1.2(X-axis), 2.2(Y-axis) for MSE and RMSE about world coordinates, respectively. From the results, we confirmed that the center position of the soybean area derived through deep learning was sufficient for use in automatic weeding systems.

Estimation of the Three-dimensional Vegetation Landscape of the Donhwamun Gate Area in Changdeokgung Palace through the Rubber Sheeting Transformation of (<동궐도(東闕圖)>의 러버쉬팅변환을 통한 창덕궁 돈화문 지역의 입체적 식생 경관 추정)

  • Lee, Jae-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.138-153
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze , which was made in the late Joseon Dynasty to specify the vegetation landscape of the Donhwamun Gate area in Changdeokgung Palace. The study results can be summarized as below. First, based on "Jieziyuan Huazhuan(芥子園畵傳)", the introductory book of tree expression delivered from China in the 17th century, allowed the classification criteria of the trees described in the picture to be established and helped identify their types. As a result of the classification, there were 10 species and 50 trees in the Donhwamun Gate area of . Second, it was possible to measure the real size of the trees described in the picture through the elevated drawing scale of . The height of the trees ranged from a minimum of 4.37 m to a maximum of 22.37 m. According to the measurement results, compared to the old trees currently living in Changdeokgung Palace, the trees described in the picture were found to be produced in almost actual size without exaggeration. Thus, the measured height of the trees turned out to be appropriate as baseline data for reproduction of the vegetation landscape. Third, through the Rubber Sheeting Transformation of , it was possible to make a ground plan for the planting of on the current digital topographic map. In particular, as the transformed area of was departmentalized and control points were added, the precision of transformation improved. It was possible to grasp the changed position of planting as well as the change in planting density through a ground plan of planting of . Lastly, it was possible to produce a three-dimensional vegetation landscape model by using the information of the shape of the trees and the ground plan for the planting of . Based on the three-dimensional model, it was easy to examine the characteristics of the three-dimensional view of the current vegetation via the view axis, skyline, and openness to and cover from the adjacent regions at the level of the eyes. This study is differentiated from others in that it verified the realism of and suggested the possibility of ascertaining the original form of the vegetation landscape described in the painting.

Development of a Systolic Array Design System(SADS) (시스톨릭 어레이 설계 시스템의 개발)

  • Yu, Gi-Hyeong;Lee, Seong-U;Park, Dong-Gi;Kim, Yun-Ho
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.4 no.5
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    • pp.1380-1390
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    • 1997
  • This paper presents a systolic array design method which derives 1 or 2 dimensional optimal planar systolic arrays from a given n dimensional problem represented as a regular recurrence equation and its implementation called a systolic array design system(SADS).The SADS parses a regular recurrence equation and gets the information such as problem space, data dependence vectors. and intial data positions. Systolic arrays are automati-cally derived by the space-time transformation form the information to be abeaired in the parsing phase.The SADS allows us to verify the parallel execution of the derived systolic aooay through the graghical interface.

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Realization for Moving Object Sensing and Path Tracking System using Stereo Line CCDs (스테레오 라인 CCD를 이용한 이동객체감지 및 경로추적 시스템 구현)

  • Ryu, Kwang-Ryol;Kim, Young-Bin
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.2050-2056
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    • 2008
  • A realization for moving object sensing and tracking system in two dimensional plane using stereo line CCDs and lighting source is presented in this paper. The system is realized that instead of processing camera images directly, two line CCD sensor and input line image is used to measure two dimensional distance by comparing the brightness on line CCDs. The algorithms are used the moving object sensing, path tracking and coordinate converting method. To ensure the effective detection of moving path, a detection algorithm to evaluate the reliability of each measured distance is developed. The realized system results are that the performance of moving object recognizing shows 5mm resolution, and enables to track a moving path of object per looms period.