• Title/Summary/Keyword: 2차 생성물

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400 MeV/nucleon 12C Ions Shielding Benchmark Calculations using MCNPX with Different Nuclear Data Libraries (400 MeV/nucleon 12C 이온의 MCNPX 와 핵자료를 이용한 차폐 벤치마킹 계산)

  • Shin, Yun Sung;Kim, yong min;Kim, dong hyun;Jung, nam suk;Lee, hee seock
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.295-300
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    • 2015
  • There are various type of particle accelerators such as Kyoungju 100-MeV proton beam accelerator in Korea. And Korea plans to build large particle accelerator such as heavy ion accelerator and 4th generation light source facility. The accelerated high energy particles of these facility produce 2nd neutron after nuclear reaction with target materials. And then these 2nd neutron activate structural materials and surrounding environment. Accordingly, it is important to consider the activation and shielding calculation on design of facility for safety operation. In this study, we tried to calculate and compare the neutron flux from the interaction $^{la}150$ beam with target material(Cu) according to thickness of iron and concrete shielding material by MCNPX 2.7 with nuclear library JENDL/HE 07and la150. To verify the properties of nuclear library, we compared computational results with experimental value. These results can be used for dose evaluation technology in planning of the shielding of large particle accelerator.

Acute Toxicity of Crude Anti-fungal Compounds Produced by Lactobacillus plantarum AF1 (Lactobacillus plantarum AF1이 생성한 조항진균 물질의 마우스에 대한 급성독성)

  • Son, Hee-Kyoung;Lee, Myung-Yul;Chang, Hae-Choon;Lee, Jae-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.892-897
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    • 2013
  • We investigated the acute toxicity from a single dose of crude anti-fungal compounds produced by Lactobacillus plantarum AF1, a lactic acid bacterium isolated from kimchi, on ICR male and female mice in vivo. The test article was orally administered once to both sexes of mice. The mortality rate, clinical findings, autopsy findings, and body weight changes were monitored daily for 14 days. In the oral acute toxicity test, male and female mice were gavaged with four doses (5, 50, 300 or 2,000 mg/kg) of the crude anti-fungal compounds. The oral $LD_{50}$ of the crude anti-fungal compounds was higher than 2,000 mg/kg. No significant changes in general conditions, body weights, clinical signs, or appearance of gross lesions were observed. In conclusion, our results suggest a low toxicity and no-adverse-effects from crude anti-fungal compounds produced by Lactobacillus plantarum AF1 up to 2,000 mg/kg via the oral route.

Nondestructive Measurement of the Coating Thickness in the Simulated TRISO-Coated Fuel Particle Using Micro-Focus X-ray Radiography (마이크로포커스 X-선 투과 영상을 이용한 모의 TRISO 핵연료 입자 코팅 층 두께 비파괴 측정)

  • Kim, Woong-Ki;Lee, Young-Woo;Park, Ji-Yeon;Park, Jung-Byung;Ra, Sung-Woong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 2006
  • TRISO(tri-isotropic)-coated fuel particle technology is utilized owing to its higher stability at a high temperature and Its efficient retention capability for fission products In the HTGR(high temperature gas-reeled reactor). The typical spherical TRISO fuel panicle with a diameter of about 1mm is composed of a nuclear fuel kernel and outer coating layers. The outer coating layers consist of a buffer PyC(pyrolytic carbon) layer, Inner PyC(1-PyC) layer, SiC layer, and outer PyC(O-PyC) layer Most of the Inspection Items for the TRTSO-coated fuel particle depend on destructive methods. The coating thickness of the TRISO fuel particle can be nondestructively measured by the X-ray radiography without generating radioactive wastel. In this study, the coaling thickness for the simulated TRISO-coated fuel particle with $ZrO_2$ kernel Instead of $%UO_2$ kernel was measured by using micro-focus X-ray radiography with micro-focus X-ray generator and flat panel detector The radiographic image was also enhanced by image processing technique to acquire clear boundary lines between coating layers. The coaling thickness wat effectively measured by applying the micro-focus X-ray radiography The inspection process for the TRISO-coated fuel particles will be improved by the developed micro-focus X-ray radiography and digital image processing technology.

The Effects of Lycii fructus and Lycii folium on the Liver in Ovariectomized Rat (구기자와 구기엽이 난소적출 흰쥐의 간에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoon, Jung-Sik;Cha, Young-Ju;Kim, Jeong-Sang
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.353-361
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    • 2008
  • We aimed to investigate whether the extracts of Lycii fructus, Lycii folium, and estradiol can attenuate on the level of cholesterol on serum and ultrastructure alteration of hepatocytes isolated from ovariectomized rats. Experimental groups are divided into five: Sham (sham-operated), OVX (ovariectomized animal), LCF (OVX, Lycii fructus), LCL (OVX, Lycii folium), and $E_2$ (OVX, estradiol). The body weights of OVX group showed increase compared with Sham, LCF, and LCL groups. The levels of total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol were significantly decreased in the LCF and LCL groups compared with those of OVX group. Moreover, the High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol level was increased in the LCL group. As the results of electron microscopical observation, lipid droplets in the OVX group showed increase compared with Sham group. But in the LCF group not showed lipid droplets. In conclusion, administration of Lycii fructus or Lycii folium lowers the serum cholesterol content of the ovariectomized rats and also the damage of the hepatocytes and formation of lipid droplets.

Hospital-based home care reinbursement and service use for the elderly (노인의 의료기관 가정간호 급여청구 및 서비스 이용 현황)

  • Chin, Young-ran
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.645-656
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to address the current status of hospital-based home care(HBHC). We analyzed the data on HBHC from national electronic data information of Health Insurance Review Agency. Beside, we surveyed 75 hospital-based home care agency. In 2006, 20,343 elderly(64.0% from all HBHC user) used 333,889 visits(76.8%from all visits). Medical diagnosis was composed of circulatory disease including cerebrovascular diseases 41.3%, endocrine system disease including Diabetes mellitus 10.4%, neoplasm 9.7%. Some of subjects used HBHC in excess of maximum covered 8 visits a month by National Health Insurance, decubitus 7.0%, the cancer 5.4%, the diabetes 2.5%, the hypertension 1.1%, and the stroke 0.9%. This results will contribute to expand the coverage of hospital-based home care by National Health Insurance. There was distribution difference in medical diagnosis and nursing intervention between HBHC and Public health center-based home care(PBHC) subjects. Therefore, HBHC subjects had more severe medical diagnosis, and were intervened more injections, examinations, than PBHC subjects. These differences must be considered to set up functional role among the three types of home visit care.

Socioeconomic Determinants of Suicide Rate in Korea (경제적 양극화와 자살의 상관성: 1997년 외환위기를 전후하여)

  • Eun, Ki-Soo
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.97-129
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    • 2005
  • Korean society recently witnesses a rapid lllcrease of suicide across all ages. In particular, suicide in old ages jumps up ill a very unexpected way. Furthermore, the order of suicide in the cause of death across all ages is becoming higher and higher in Korea. This study provides details of suicide that occurs in Korean society with the comparison to that of Japan at the descriptive level. It is not well known why suicide in Korean surges recently. Several previous research show the possibility that surging suicide is closely related to the worsened economic conditions especially since the economic crisis in 1997. They adopt economic growth, unemployment rate, income distribution, household finance index as economic indicators in their research. This study also adopts those indicators and conducts a correlation analysis in two periods, 1990-1997 and 1998-2004. It is found that there is no correlation between economic indicators and suicide in the period of 1990-1997. On the other hand, there is a very strong correlation between income distribution and suicide in the period of 1998-2004. Other economic indicators except income distribution does not have any significant correlation with suicide. This finding suggests that currently increasing suicide in Korea may be a result of economic polarization, which has been worsened since the economic crisis in 1997.

Pozzolanicity of Calcined Sewage Sludge with Calcination and Fineness Conditions (소성조건 및 분말도에 따른 소성하수슬러지(CSS)의 포졸란 특성)

  • So, Hyoung-Seok;So, Seung-Young;Khulgadai, Janchivdorj;Kang, Jae-Hong;Lee, Min-Hi
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 2015
  • This study discussed the pozzolanic properties of calcined sewage sludge (CSS) according to calcination and fineness conditions. The chemical and mineralogical analysis of CSS according to calcination temperature and time were carried out and compared with that of the existing pozzolanic materials such as fly-ash, blast furnance slag and meta-kaolin. Various mortars were made by mixing those CSS and $Ca(OH)_2$ (1:1 wt. %), and their compressive strength and hydrates according to experimental factors such as fineness of CSS and curing age were also investigated in detail. The results show clearly the potentiality of calcined sewage sludge (CSS) as an admixture materials in concrete, but the CSS should be controlled by calcination temperature and time, and fineness etc. In this experimental condition, the calcination temperature of $800^{\circ}C$, calcination time of 2 hours and fineness of $5,000cm^2/g$ were optimum conditions in consideration of the mechanical properties and economic efficiency of CSS. The compressive strength of CSS mortars was higher than that of fly-ash mortars and blast furnace slag mortars, especially at the early ages. Then, the utilization of CSS in construction fields was greatly expected.

Analysis of SCI Journals Cited by Korean Journals in the Computer field

  • Kim, Byungkyu;You, Beom-Jong;Kang, Ji-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.24 no.11
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 2019
  • It is very important to analyze and provide information resources for research output produced in the computer field, the core science of the 4th Industrial Revolution. In this paper, SCI journals cited from domestic journals in the computer field were identified and the citation rankings and their co-citation networks were generated, analyzed, mapped and visualized. For this, the bibliographic and citation index information from 2015 to 2017 in the KSCD were used as the basis data, and the co-citation method and network centrality analysis were used. As a result of this study, the number of citations and the citation ranks of SCI journals and papers cited by korean journals in the computer field were analyzed, and peak time(2 years), half-life(6.6 years), and immediacy citation rate(2.4%) were measured by citation age analysis. As a result of network centrality analysis, Three network centralities(degree, betweenness, closeness) of the cited SCI journals were calculated, and the ranking of journals by each network centrality was measured, and the relationship between the subject classifications of the cited SCI journals was visualized through the mapping of the network.

Difference Factors Analysis of between Quantity Take-off Using BIM Model and Using 2D Drawings in Reinforced Concrete Building Frame (건물 골조수량 산출 시 BIM모델 기반 수량과 2D도면 기반 수량 차이 요인 분석)

  • Kim, Gwang-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.651-662
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    • 2023
  • Recently, research on the use of Building Information Modeling(BIM) for various construction management activities is being actively conducted, and interest in 3D model-based estimation is increasing because it has the advantage of being able to be automatically performed using the attribute information of the 3D model. Therefore, this study aimed that the difference in the quantities is calculated the quantity based on the 2D drawing of a building and is extracted from the 3D model created by the Revit software was compared and tried to find out the cause. The difference in the quantity calculated by the two methods was the largest in the formwork, followed by the smallest in the order of the quantity of rebar and concrete. The reason for this difference is that there is a part where the quantity extraction in the 3D model is not suitable for the quantity calculation standard, and in particular, in the case of formwork, it was difficult to separate only the quantity of the necessary part. In addition, since the quantity of rebar was not separated by member, it was impossible to accurately compare the quantity and identify the cause of the difference. Therefore, it is considered to be the most reasonable to use application software that imports only the numerical information necessary for quantity calculation from the 3D model and applies a separate calculation formula.

Evaluation of Beam Modeling Using Collapsed Cone Convolution Algorithm for Dose Calculation in Radiation Treatment Planning System (방사선치료계획시스템의 Collapsed Cone Convolution 선량계산 알고리듬을 이용한 빔 모델링의 정확성 평가)

  • Jung, Joo-Young;Cho, Woong;Kim, Min-Joo;Lee, Jeong-Woo;Suh, Tae-Suk
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.188-198
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    • 2012
  • This study aims to evaluate the accuracy of the collapsed cone convolution (CCC) algorithm for dose calculation in a treatment planning system (TPS), CorePLAN$^{TM}$. We implemented beam models for various setup conditions in TPS and calculated radiation dose using CCC algorithm for 6 MV and 15 MV photon beam in $50{\times}50{\times}50cm^3$ water phantom. Field sizes were $4{\times}4cm^2$, $6{\times}6cm^2$, $10{\times}10cm^2$, $20{\times}20cm^2$, $30{\times}30cm^2$ and $40{\times}40cm^2$ and each case was classified as open beam cases and wedged beam cases, respectively. Generated beam models were evaluated by comparing calculated data and measured data of percent depth dose (PDD) and lateral profile. As a result, PDD showed good agreement within approximately 2% in open beam cases and 3% in wedged beam cases except for build-up region and lateral profile also correspond within approximately 1% in field and 4% in penumbra region. On the other hand, the discrepancies were found approximately 4% in wedged beam cases. This study has demonstrated the accuracy of beam model-based CCC algorithm in CorePLAN$^{TM}$ and the most of results from this study were acceptable according to international standards. Although, the area with large dose difference shown in this study was not significant region in clinical field, the result of our study would open the possibility to apply CorePLAN$^{TM}$ into clinical field.