• Title/Summary/Keyword: 2차 생성물

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The Effect of Vanadium(V) Oxide Content of V2O5-WO3/TiO2 Catalyst on the Nitrogen Oxides Reduction and N2O Formation (질소산화물 환원과 N2O 생성에 있어서 V2O5-WO3/TiO2 촉매의 V2O5 함량 영향)

  • Kim, Jin-Hyung;Choi, Joo-Hong
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.313-318
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    • 2013
  • In order to investigate the effect of $V_2O_5$ loading of $V_2O_5-WO_3/TiO_2$ catalyst on the NO reduction and the formation of $N_2O$, the experimental study was carried out in a differential reactor using the powder catalyst. The NO reduction and the ammonia oxidation were, respectively, investigated over the catalysts compose of $V_2O_5$ content (1~8 wt%) based on the fixed composition of $WO_3$ (9 wt%) on $TiO_2$ powder. $V_2O_5-WO_3/TiO_2$ catalysts had the NO reduction activity even under the temperature of $200^{\circ}C$. However, the lowest temperature for NO reduction activity more than 99.9% to treat NO concentration of 700 ppm appeared at 340 with very limited temperature window in the case of 1 wt% $V_2O_5$ catalyst. And the temperature shifted to lower one as well as the temperature window was widen as the $V_2O_5$ content of the catalyst increased, and finally reached at the activation temperature ranged $220{\sim}340^{\circ}C$ in the case of 6 wt% $V_2O_5$ catalyst. The catalyst of 8 wt% $V_2O_5$ content presented lower activity than that of 8 wt% $V_2O_5$ content over the full temperature range. NO reduction activity decreased as the $V_2O_5$ content of the catalyst increased above $340^{\circ}C$. The active site for NO reduction over $V_2O_5-WO_3/TiO_2$ catalysts was mainly related with $V_2O_5$ particles sustained as the bare surface with relevant size which should be not so large to stimulate $N_2O$ formation at high temperature over $320^{\circ}C$ according to the ammonia oxidation. Currently, $V_2O_5-WO_3/TiO_2$ catalysts were operated in the temperature ranged $350{\sim}450^{\circ}C$ to treat NOx in the effluent gas of industrial plants. However, in order to save the energy and to reduce the secondary pollutant $N_2O$ in the high temperature process, the using of $V_2O_5-WO_3/TiO_2$ catalyst of content $V_2O_5$ was recommended as the low temperature catalyst which was suitable for low temperature operation ranged $250{\sim}320^{\circ}C$.

Detection of Arctic Summer Melt Ponds Using ICESat-2 Altimetry Data (ICESat-2 고도계 자료를 활용한 여름철 북극 융빙호 탐지)

  • Han, Daehyeon;Kim, Young Jun;Jung, Sihun;Sim, Seongmun;Kim, Woohyeok;Jang, Eunna;Im, Jungho;Kim, Hyun-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_1
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    • pp.1177-1186
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    • 2021
  • As the Arctic melt ponds play an important role in determining the interannual variation of the sea ice extent and changes in the Arctic environment, it is crucial to monitor the Arctic melt ponds with high accuracy. Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2), which is the NASA's latest altimeter satellite based on the green laser (532 nm), observes the global surface elevation. When compared to the CryoSat-2 altimetry satellite whose along-track resolution is 250 m, ICESat-2 is highly expected to provide much more detailed information about Arctic melt ponds thanks to its high along-track resolution of 70 cm. The basic products of ICESat-2 are the surface height and the number of reflected photons. To aggregate the neighboring information of a specific ICESat-2 photon, the segments of photons with 10 m length were used. The standard deviation of the height and the total number of photons were calculated for each segment. As the melt ponds have the smoother surface than the sea ice, the lower variation of the height over melt ponds can make the melt ponds distinguished from the sea ice. When the melt ponds were extracted, the number of photons per segment was used to classify the melt ponds covered with open-water and specular ice. As photons are much more absorbed in the water-covered melt pondsthan the melt ponds with the specular ice, the number of photons persegment can distinguish the water- and ice-covered ponds. As a result, the suggested melt pond detection method was able to classify the sea ice, water-covered melt ponds, and ice-covered melt ponds. A qualitative analysis was conducted using the Sentinel-2 optical imagery. The suggested method successfully classified the water- and ice-covered ponds which were difficult to distinguish with Sentinel-2 optical images. Lastly, the pros and cons of the melt pond detection using satellite altimetry and optical images were discussed.

Effect of Stem Bark Extract from Morus alba and Cudrania tricuspidata on the Concentrations of Lipid and Tissue Lipid Peroxidation in the Cholesterol-Fed Rats (뽕나무와 꾸지뽕나무의 수피 수용성 추출물이 콜레스테롤 함유식이 투여 흰쥐의 지질농도 및 과산화지질 농도에 미치는 영향)

  • Cha, Jae-Young;Cho, Young-Su
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.128-134
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    • 2001
  • Male Sprague-Dawley rats received either a cholesterol diet(Control group) or cholesterol diets supplemented with the water-soluble extract of stem bark from Morus alba(M group) or Cudrania tricuspidata(C group) at the level of 1% for 2 weeks. Concentrations of total cholesterol and phospholipid in serum of C group and triglyceride in serum of M group were lower than those of control group. Concentration of cholesterol in liver of M and C groups has a tendency to be lower than that of control group. Antioxidative activities of water-soluble extracts from stem bark of Morus alba and Cudrania tricuspidata on the peroxidation of lipid in tissues of rats were also studied in vivo by measuring the formation of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS). Concentration of TBARS in kidney of M and C groups was significantly lower than control group. However, concentration of TBARS in liver and brain of C and M groups was significantly higher than in control group. The result that concentration of nonheme ion was significantly increased in liver of the mulberry supplemented groups comparision to control group, suggested that enhanced concentration of nonheme ion was associated with enhanced peroxidation of lipid in this group. Concentration of TBARS in microsomes of liver and brain in control group induced with $Fe^{2+}$/ascorbate increased by reaction time at $37^{\circ}C$, whereas this observation in liver did not occurred in C and M groups. This study suggested that water-extract from stem bark of Morus alba and Cudrania tricuspidata exert hypotriglycerolemic effect as well as antioxidative effect in kidney and liver microsomes in rats fed a cholesterol diet.

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Effects of Hot Water Soluble Extract from Green Tea on the Lipid Metabolism and Antioxidant Effect in Rats fed Animal or Vegetable Protein and a Hypercholesterol Diet (녹차 열수추출물이 동$\cdot$식물성 단백질과 고콜레스테롤을 급여한 흰쥐의 지질대사와 항산화효과에 미치는 영향)

  • Won, Hyang-Rye;Rhie, Seung-Gyo;Park, Dong-Yean
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.39-45
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    • 2005
  • The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of hot water soluble extract from green tea on the components of serum and the liver and the antioxidative effects in accordance with the different protein types. For this purpose, four experimental groups were set up. As for the protein source casein, isolated soy protein was supplemented to the rats, together with hot water soluble extract from green tea. Four experimental groups kept eight Sprague-Dawley rats respectively. The CP group was supplemented with casein only, the CG group was supplemented with casein and hot water soluble extract from green tea, the ISP group was supplemented with isolated soy protein only, and the ISG group was supplemented with the isolated soy protein with hot water soluble extract from green tea. After 4 weeks of feeding with experimental diet, the levels of serum and liver lipid and antioxidant enzyme activity and TBARS in the liver were measured. The results are; 1. Weight gain and FER were higher in the casein group than in the isolated soy protein group in general. In the casein group, the weight gain and FER were reduced significantly when hot water soluble extract from green tea was supplemented (P < 0.05). There was no significant difference in feed intake. 2. In general, total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol in the serum were higher in the casein group than in the isolated soy protein group, however just the concentration of LDL-cholesterol in the casein group was significantly lower when the hot water soluble extract from green tea was supplemented (P < 0.05). 3. Triglycerides in the liver were higher in the casein group than in the isolated soy protein group general, however when hot water soluble extract from green teas was supplemented only in the isolated soy protein group, the content of triglyceride in liver was significantly lower (P < 0.05). 4. There was no significant difference in antioxidant enzyme activity in the liver in all the groups, however the content of TBARS was low only in the casein group when hot water soluble extract from green tea was supplemented (P < 0.05).

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Removal of pharmaceuticals in biologically treated sewage with $O_3$ and advanced oxidation processes (오존 및 고도산화처리에 의한 하수 2차 처리수중의 의약품류 제거)

  • Kim, Il-Ho;Tanaka, Hiroaki;Song, Ho-Myeon;Joo, Jin-Chul;Ahn, Chang-Hyuk
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.137-137
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    • 2011
  • 급격한 세계인구의 증가에 의해 물 부족지역이 세계 각지로 확산되고 있다. 이에 따라, 건전한 수자원으로써 하수처리수의 재이용이 주목을 받고 있다. 하수처리수의 재이용시에는 특히, 재이용수의 미생물학적 안전성과 더불어 화학물질 등으로부터 기인할 수 있는 인체 및 생태계에의 리스크를 고려해야 한다. 미국 EPA는 병원성 미생물 뿐만 아니라 화학물질에 대한 안전성을 확보 차원에자외선/과산화수소 등의 고도산화처리법을 검토하였다. 1일 $10m^3$ 처리규모의 연속실험장치를 이용, 검토된 공정별 실제 하수 2차 처리수중에 존재하는 의약품류의 제거효과, 에너지 소비량 및 생태리스크 저감효과 등을 비교, 평가하였다. 에너지 소비량에 있어서는 공정별로 다소 차이가 있었으나, 본 실험동안 검출된 38종의 의약품류 제거에는 각 공정 모두 매우 효과적이었다. 에너지 소비측면에서는 오존 단독공정이 가장 적은 에너지 소비량에서 타 공정과 동일한 수준의 의약품류 서 막처리나 자외선 처리 등의 고도처리시설에 대한 정보를 재이용수 가이드라인에 제시하고 있는 반면, 우리나라에서는 재이용수중에 일정농도 이상의 염소가 잔류하도록 함으로써, 재이용수의 미생물학적 안전성 확보만을 고려하고 있다. 최근, 수환경분야에서는 의약품류라는 화학물질이 유럽, 미국 및 일본 등지를 중심으로 주목을 받아오고 있으며, 이들은 ng/L-${\mu}g$/L 수준으로 수환경중에서 검출되고 있다. 이들의 주요 발생원으로 하수처리시설이 지목되고 있으며, 따라서 하수처리수의 재이용시 잔류 의약품류에 의한 리스크 발생 가능성이 우려되고 있다. 이를 배경으로, 하수처리시설에서 의약품류를 효과적으로 제거할 수 있는 공정으로 오존 및 오존/자외선, 제거효과가 얻어졌다. 한편, 오존처리시 발암성 물질인 브로메이트($BrO_3^-$) 등과 같은 부생성물 생성 가능성을 고려하면, 오존 단독공정보다 상대적으로 많은 에너지를 소비하는 오존/자외선, 자외선/과산화수소 등의 고도산화처리법이 높은 적용성을 갖는 것으로 나타났다. 향후, 수자원 부족문제로 재이용수의 용도가 훨씬 다양해 질 것으로 예상된다. 그에 따라, 재이용수의 안전성 확보를 위해 보다 폭넓은 검토가 예상되지만, 현 단계에서는 오존을 포함, 다소 많은 에너지 소비가 예상되는 자외선을 이용한 고도산화처리법이 다양한 미량 화학물질의 제거에 유효한 공정으로 판단된다.

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Effects of Weathering Processes on Radioactive Cesium Sorption with Mineral Characterization in Korean Nuclear Facility Site (국내 원전 부지 내 암석의 광물학적 특성 규명 및 풍화에 따른 방사성 세슘(137Cs)의 흡착 평가)

  • Chang, Seeun;Choung, Sungwook;Um, Wooyong;Chon, Chul-Min
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.209-218
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    • 2013
  • This study was to characterize the minerals in fractured and bedrock zone, and determine quantitatively sorption for radioactive cesium ($^{137}Cs$) at the Korean nuclear facility site. The rock samples were granite group that mainly consists of quartz and feldspar with 10~20% mica minerals. Chlorite was observed as secondary mineral for the rock samples collected from fractured zone, but not for bedrock samples. The $^{137}Cs$ sorption distribution coefficients increased to $K_d$ = 880~960 mL/g in the fractured zone because of the presence of secondary minerals formed by weathering processes, compared to the bedrock zone ($K_d$ = 820~840 mL/g). These results suggest that the released $^{137}Cs$ to groundwater environment could be significantly retarded in the fractured zone in the case of severe nuclear accident at the study site.

The Application of Computer Program for Determination of Fluid Properties and P-T Condition from Microthermometric Data on Fluid Inclusions (유체포유물의 생성시 온도-압력 조건과 유체포유물의 물리화학적 특성연구에 있어서의 컴퓨터 프로그램이용)

  • Oh, Chang-Whan;Choi, Sang-Hoon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 1993
  • Fluid inclusion has been widely used to study the origin and physiochemical conditions of ore deposits. However, it is difficult to get the accurate physiochemical data from fluid inclusion study due to the error of microthermometric data and the complexity of calculation of density and isochore of fluid inclusion. The computer programs HALWAT, $CO_2$, and CHNACL written by Nicholls and Crowford (1985) partly contributed to improve the accuracy of physiochemical data by using complicated equations. These programs are applied to determine the densities and isochores of fluid inclusions for the Cretaceous Keumhak mine using Choi and So's data (1992) and for the Jurassic Samhwanghak mine using Yun's data (1990). The estimated PoT for Keumhak mine from calculated isochores of coexisting fluid inclusions are $230^{\circ}{\sim}290^{\circ}C$ and 500~800 bar which matche well to the poT estimated by Choi and So ($280^{\circ}{\sim}360^{\circ}C$ and 500~800 bar, 1992). However, the poT for Samwhanghak mine estimated in this study by combining the calculated isochores and sulfur isotope geothermometer data by Yun (1990) are about 4~7 kb at $329{\pm}50^{\circ}{\sim}344{\pm}55^{\circ}C$ which are quite different form the P-T estimates by Yun ($255^{\circ}{\sim}294^{\circ}C$ and 1.2~1.9kb, 1990). This discrepancy caused by misinterpretation of homogenization temperature (Th) of fluid inclusion and by application of inappropriate isochores. The application of homogenization temperature and/or inappropriately selected isochore to determine the trapping PoT condition of ore-deposits should be avoided, particularly for ore-deposits formed at pressures higher than 1~2 kb.

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The Effect of Superoxide Anion Production by PMN on Pneumocyte Injury in Patients with Bronchial Asthma (기관지천식환자에서 다형핵구의 과산화 음이온 생성능이 폐포세포 손상에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Young-Kyoon;Park, Sung-Hak
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.213-222
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    • 1993
  • Background : Bronchial asthma has been known as an inflmmatory disease. There have been many evidences that polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) might play an important role in the pathogrnesis of asthma. Although many investigators suggested that pneumocyte injury by PMN-derived oxygen radicals may contribute to the pathogenesis of asthma, there has been few report for a direct evidence of oxygen radicals-mediated pneumocyte injury in bronchial asthma. Furthermore the exact mechanism of oxygen radicals-mediated pneumocyte injury is still controversy. This study was designed to establish a direct in vitro evidence and its clinical significance of pneumocyte injury by PMN-derived superoxide anion in bronchial asthma and to elucidate the main mechanism of superoxide anion-mediated pneumocyte injury. Methods : 12 stable asthmatics and 5 healthy volunteers were participated in this study. PMN was separated from peripheral venous blood samples by using dextran sedimentation and Ficoll-Hypaque density gradient separation method. Superoxide anion productions by PMN and plasma SOD activities were measured by spectrophotometric assay using the principle of SOD inhibitable cytochrome c reduction. PMN-mediated pneumocyte injuries were measured by $^{51}Cr$-release assay using A549 pneumocytes and were expressed as percent lysis and percent detachment. Results: 1) PMN from asthmatics produced more amount of superoxide anion compared to PMN from normal subjects ($6.65{\pm}0.58$ vs $2.81{\pm}0.95\;nmol/1{\times}10^6$ cells, p<0.05), and showed an inverse correlation with $FEV_1$(R=-0.63, p<0.05), but no correlation with $PC_{20}$ histamine in asthmatics. 2) Plasma SOD activities were decreased in asthmatics compared to normal subjects but not significant, and showed a positive correlation with $FEV_1$(R=0.63, p<0.05) but no correlation with $PC_{20}$ histamine in asthmatics. 3) There were a positive correlation between plasma SOD activity and superoxide anion production by PMN in normal subjects (R=0.88, p<0.05) but not in asthmatics. 4) PMN-mediated pneumocyte injury was predominantly expressed as cell detachment rather than cell lysis in both groups, and PMN from asthmatics showed more potent cytotoxic effect on A549 pneumocytes compated to PMN from normal subjects. PMN-mediated detachment rather than lysis of A549 pneumocytes was significantly inhibited by in vitro SOD but not by diluted serum. 5) PMN-mediated detachment rather than lysis of A549 pneumocytes showed a good correlation with superoxide anion production by PMN (R=0.90 in normal subjects, R=0.82 in asthmatics, p<0.05) but no correlation with plasma SOD activity. PMN-mediated pneumocyte injuries were not correlated with $FEV_1$ or $PC_{20}$ histamine in asthmatics. 6) There were no significant differences in PMN-mediated pneumocyte injuries between allergic and nonallergic asthmatics. Conclusion : Our results suggest that pneumocyte injury by PMN-derived superoxide anion may partially contribute to the pathogenesis of asthma and that cell detachment rather than cell lysis may be the mechanism of superoxide anion-mediated pneumocyte injury.

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The Effect of Salting Conditions on Formation of Cholesterol and Cholesterol Oxides During Gulbi Processing and Storage (염장조건이 굴비 가공 중 콜레스테롤 및 콜레스테롤 산화물 생성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Min-Jung;Park, Sun-Young;Shin, Jung-Hye;Choi, Duk-Ju;Cho, Hyun-So;Lee, Soo-Jung;Sung, Nak-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.251-255
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    • 2008
  • Cholesterol and cholesterol oxide products (COPs) of Gulbi (Pseudosciaena manchurica) processed and stored at different salting times of 5 hours and 5 days were analyzed. The content of cholesterol was $133.4{\pm}5.20\;mg/100\;g$ in the fresh sample. Cholesterol content was decreased during salting and storage; its contents were $130.3{\pm}2.95\;mg/100\;g$ and $87.2{\pm}3.49\;mg/100\;g$ in 5 hours and 5 days salting samples, respectively. The content of 7-ketocholesterol in 5 hours and 5 days salting samples were $75.2{\pm}2.70\;{\mu}g/100\;g$ and $82.4{\pm}3.30\;{\mu}g/100\;g$. The 7-ketocholesterol content of salting sample for 5 hours had no significantly difference for 2 days sun drying, but it was dramatically increased during 5 days sun drying and then increased during storage days. $7{\alpha}-$ and $7{\beta}-hydroxycholesterol$ were not detected in fresh sample, but increased during Gulbi processing and storage. The $7{\alpha}-hydroxycholesterol$ was increased during Gulbi processing and storage and a higher level of $658.1{\pm}6.20\;{\mu}g/100\;g$ was detected in 5 hours salting sample than in 5 days salting sample after 21 days storage. The $7{\beta}-hydroxycholesterol$ also showed similar tendency with $7{\alpha}-hydroxycholesterol$; it was largely increased between 7 and 14 days storage in 5 days salting sample.

A study on the estimation of river water intake using the operating time of the pumping station (양수장의 가동시간을 이용한 하천수 취수량 산정방안 연구)

  • Baek, Jongseok;Kim, Chiyoung;Cha, Jun-Ho;Song, Jaehyun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.89-96
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    • 2020
  • Water management agencies under the Ministry of Environment produce and accumulate qualified basic data for major rivers. However, the integrated management of the river water has been weak since the artificial water circulation process, such as the intaking and drainage of agricultural water, has not been examined in the basin, which includes many agricultural land. In this study, a study was conducted on how the power usage method (operating time method) based on the running time can be applied and improved among indirect flow rate measurement methods used to investigate flow rates collected by the riverside for agricultural water purposes, and thus the resultant data of high reliability can be obtained at low cost. The operation time method is suitable for small-scale water pumping stations where it is difficult to secure real-time power supply data. The reliability of the data was verified through the correlation analysis with the actual flow rate, and it was found that the flow rate calculated by the operation time method reflecting the level of the stream to which the inlet of the pumping station is connected can be reasonably matched with the actual flow rate. In addition, it was confirmed that the investment cost at the time of initial installation of the facility was highly efficient by generating qualified flow data at low cost through comparison with direct flow rate measurement methods. If flow data is secured by applying the operation time method to large and small water farms located along the riverside, it is expected that more quantitative and integrated stream water management will be possible.