• Title/Summary/Keyword: 10-K Annual Report

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A Case of Severe Influenza Infection in a Child with Nephrotic Syndrome on Steroid Therapy (스테로이드 치료중 심한 A형 독감 (H1N1)에 걸린 신증후군 환아 1례)

  • Jung, Su Jin;Park, Sung Eun;Lee, Jun Ho
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.47-50
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    • 2014
  • Infection is the most important cause of death in children with nephrotic syndrome. Influenza viral infections can be fatal for these children, given the annual outbreak of this virus, with the mortality rate being similar to that of respiratory syncytial virus in healthy children. Pneumonia is recognized as the most important complication of influenza infections, as it is associated with high death rates. However, the influenza vaccine, as well as antiviral agents, can be used for prevention and treatment. Therefore, aggressive management with influenza vaccination and antiviral agents will lower the overall mortality rate in children with nephrotic syndrome. Here we report the case of a 7-year-old boy with nephrotic syndrome and influenza A virus (H1N1) pneumonia.

The Influence of Parenting Attitudes on Adolescents' School Adjustment : Mediating Effects of Ego Resilience and Care (부모양육태도가 청소년의 학교적응에 미치는 영향 : 자아탄력성과 배려심의 매개효과)

  • Noh, Miwha;Heo, MiJeong;Choi, Youn Shil
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.119-134
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of the study is to explore how parenting attitudes, ego resilience, and care affects adolescents' adjustment to school so as to provide a necessary basic guideline needed to seek various intervention methods. To achieve this end, the study referred to the 2014 Annual Report of the Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey. By using both SPSS 19.0 and AMOS 19.0, the study yielded the following results. First, the study showed that parenting attitudes, ego resilience, care, and school adjustment all have a positive correlation. Second, by conducting path analysis in order to verify the mediating effect of ego resilience and care with regards to the relationship between parenting attitudes and school adjustment, the direct influence that parenting attitudes had on school adaptation was shown to be relevant. Third, adolescents' ego resilience and care have a partial mediating effect on the relationship between parenting attitudes and school adaptation. Therefore, together with intervention in actual school settings, assessing various factors that would aid the recovery of adolescents' characters and pursuing a positive reinforcement of character by finding protective factors would enable this study to be used as a basic guideline that would prevent adolescents' maladjustment to school and social deviance as well as aid the growth of their characters.

Quality Control Program and Its Results of Korean Society for Cytopathologists (대한세포병리학회 정도관리 현황 및 결과)

  • Lee, Hye-Kyung;Kim, Sung-Nam;Khang, Shin-Kwang;Kang, Chang-Suk;Yoon, Hye-Kyoung
    • The Korean Journal of Cytopathology
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 2008
  • In Korea, the quality control(QC) program forcytopathology was introduced in 1995. The program consists of a checklist for the cytolopathology departments, analysis data on all the participating institutions' QC data, including the annual data on cytologic examinations, the distribution of the gynecological cytologic diagnoses, as based on The Bethesda System 2001, and the data on cytologic-histolgical correlation of the gynecological field, and an evaluation for diagnostic accuracy. The diagnostic accuracy program has been performed 3 times per year with using gynecological, body fluid and fine needle aspiration cytologic slides. We report here on the institutional QC data and the evaluation for diagnostic accuracy since 2004, and also on the new strategy for quality control and assurance in the cytologic field. The diagnostic accuracy results of both the participating institutions and the QC committee were as follows; Category 0 and A: about 94%, Category B: 4-5%, Category C: less than 2%. As a whole, the cytologic daignostic accuracy is relatively satisfactory. In 2008, on site evaluation for pathology and cytology laboratories, as based on the "Quality Assurance Program for Pathology Services" is now going on, and a new method using virtual slides or image files for determining the diagnostic accuracy will be performed in November 2008.

Tuberculous Cervical Lymphadenitis (경부 결핵성 임파선염)

  • Kim Joong-Kyu;Lee Choong-Han
    • Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.3-8
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    • 1995
  • Tuberculous cervical lymphadenitis is one of common cause of neck mass in young adult in Korea. Tuberculous cervical lymphadenitis known as scrofula was being treated by the 'Royal Touch' in the 5th century and by surgery in the 17th century, yet the principle of the treatment is still controversal. We report the clinical evaluation and therapeutic result about 121 tuberculous cervical lymphadenitis. The result were as follows: 1) The annual incidence(1985-1994) was 30.5 % (37 cases: 1985-1986), 17.7 % (21 cases: 1990-1992). 19.8%(24 cases: 1994). 2) The age of highest incidence was 20-29 year old age group in 41.3% (50 cases) and female predominated over male by 1.8 : 1. 3) The duration of disease was less than 6 months, in 85.9% (104 cases). 4) The most commonly involved LN group was superficial cervical group in 69.4% (84 cases), and difference between Rt & Lt, was not significant. 5) The most common symptom and local finding(P/E) were, painless swelling of LN in 74.3 % (90 cases) and single mass in 59.5 % (72 cases). 6) In seasonal variation, 85.9% (104 cases) was spring and summer. 7) Procedures except biopsy for evaluation were chest PA, AFB smear & culture(sputum), Mantoux test, USG, CT and, Associated extracervical tuberculous lesions were lung, axilla, breast. 8) In operation method (involving biopsy), Excision was 68.5 % (83 cases), neck dissection was 6.6% (8 cases). 9) The Modality, Duration and side effect of antituberculous medication: INH-Rifampin­Ethambutol was 66.1 % (88 cases), duration was 1 year in 84.3% (102 cases), side effects were severe GI trouble (24.8%), liver function damage (3.3%). 10) 3 cases recurred on the same site after 2 yrs(2 cases) and 4 months(1 case) and its treatment was curretage or I & D, with antituberculous medication.

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A sampling design for e-learning industry status survey on the business demand sector (이러닝수요부문 사업체실태조사를 위한 표본설계)

  • Kim, Hea-Jung;Kwak, Hwa-Ryun
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.701-712
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    • 2013
  • The e-learning industry status survey statistic provides information about the actual conditions of supply and demand of the e-learning industries. NIPA (National IT Industry Promotion Agency) has published the annual report of the survey results since 2004. Due to the 9th version of the KSIC (Korean standard industrial classification) revised in 2008, a refinement of the sampling design for the survey becomes necessary, especially that for the business demand sector. This article, based on the 9th revision of the KSIC, constructs a stratification of the target population used for the e-learning industry status survey on the business demand sector. Classification of strata in the business population is based on the industrial type and employment scale of business. Under the stratified population, we design a sampling scheme by using the power allocation method that enables us to satisfy a target coefficient of variation of each industrial stratum. In order to secure an accurate survey results based on the proposed sampling design, we consider the problem of calculating the design weights, derivation of parameter estimators, and formulas of their standard errors.

A Study on the Relationship Between the Locational Characteristics of Oriental Medicine Hospitals and the Number of Patients (한방병원의 입지특성과 내원환자 규모 간의 관계에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kwang-Soo;Hong, Sang-Jin
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.97-113
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the locational characteristics of areas surrounding oriental medicine hospitals and the number of patients who visited study hospitals. Administrative data collected from the annual report of 5 ward offices in Daejeon used to assess the geographical attributes. Two oriental medicine hospitals operated in Daejeon provided data for the number of inpatient and outpatient. Number of patients who visited study hospitals was calculated in each Dong which is the smallest administrative district. The geographical attributes of Daejeon were evaluated by the demographic and economic factors which were assumed to influence the health care demand. Each criterion was measured from each Dong. Weights of factors was calculated by Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Evaluation scores which representing the geographical attributes of Dong was computed by multiplying the eight factors and weights. Results showed positive correlation coefficients between the evaluation scores of Dong and the number of patients. One hospital which was more closely located to areas with high evaluation scores had higher number of patients than that of the other hospital. Buffering analysis with varying size support the analysis results. This finding proposed the importance of location for the management of oriental medicine hospitals in a metropolitan city. Applying study model to other cities will enhance the validity of study results.

Lessons from Cross-Scale Studies of Water and Carbon Cycles in the Gwangneung Forest Catchment in a Complex Landscape of Monsoon Korea (몬순기후와 복잡지형의 특성을 갖는 광릉 산림유역의 물과 탄소순환에 대한 교차규모 연구로부터의 교훈)

  • Lee, Dong-Ho;Kim, Joon;Kim, Su-Jin;Moon, Sang-Ki;Lee, Jae-Seok;Lim, Jong-Hwan;Son, Yow-Han;Kang, Sin-Kyu;Kim, Sang-Hyun;Kim, Kyong-Ha;Woo, Nam-Chil;Lee, Bu-Yong;Kim, Sung
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.149-160
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    • 2007
  • KoFlux Gwangneung Supersite comprises complex topography and diverse vegetation types (and structures), which necessitate complementary multi-disciplinary measurements to understand energy and matter exchange. Here, we report the results of this ongoing research with special focuses on carbon/water budgets in Gwangneung forest, implications of inter-dependency between water and carbon cycles, and the importance of hydrology in carbon cycling under monsoon climate. Comprehensive biometric and chamber measurements indicated the mean annual net ecosystem productivity (NEP) of this forest to be ${\sim}2.6\;t\;C\;ha^{-1}y^{-1}$. In conjunction with the tower flux measurement, the preliminary carbon budget suggests the Gwangneung forest to be an important sink for atmospheric $CO_2$. The catchment scale water budget indicated that $30\sim40%$ of annual precipitation was apportioned to evapotranspiration (ET). The growing season average of the water use efficiency (WUE), determined from leaf carbon isotope ratios of representative tree species, was about $12{\mu}mol\;CO_2/mmol\;H_2O$ with noticeable seasonal variations. Such information on ET and WUE can be used to constrain the catchment scale carbon uptake. Inter-annual variations in tree ring growth and soil respiration rates correlated with the magnitude and the pattern of precipitation during the growing season, which requires further investigation of the effect of a monsoon climate on the catchment carbon cycle. Additionally, we examine whether structural and functional units exist in this catchment by characterizing the spatial heterogeneity of the study site, which will provide the linkage between different spatial and temporal scale measurements.

A Report on "Debates on the Strategy for Treating Gastric Cancer" at the Congress of the KoreanGastric Cancer Association

  • Kim, Sung-Geun;Park, Cho-Hyun;Kim, Kyung-Mi;Kim, Jae-Gue;Kim, Hyung-Ho;Park, Wong-Sang;Park, Jong-Jae;Lee, Mun-Su;Jung, Hyun-Chul;Jung, Hun-Yong;Han, Sang-Wook;Hyung, Woo-Jin;The Academic Committee of The Korean Gastric Cancer Association, The Academic Committee of The Korean Gastric Cancer Association;Ryu, Sung-Yeop;Kim, Wook;Yook, Jung-Hwan;Jeung, Hei-Cheul;Jung, In-Ho;Park, Do-Joong;Oh, Sang-Hun;Ryu, Keun-Won;Chin, Hyung-Min;Lee, Sang-Ho;Kim, Min-Chan
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.141-148
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    • 2010
  • We have always attempted to create a standard treatment protocol for patients with gastric cancer. However, many debates still exist regarding gastric cancer treatment. For the past 2 years, at the Annual Congress of the Korean Gastric Cancer Association, we have presented a grand symposium on the "Debates on the strategy for treating gastric cancer". In 2008, four major topics were discussed and voted on after discussion. The four major topics were proximal location treatment for early gastric cancer, management choices for pyloric obstruction with advanced gastric cancer, management of liver metastasis, and reconstruction methods after a distal gastrectomy. The opinions of the audience for six minor topics were expressed by an electronic voting system. In 2009, the four main topics were treatment for submucosal tumor sized around 2 cm, laparoscopic gastrectomy in T2N1 gastric cancer, choices for managing gastric lymphoma, and application of a pylorus preserving procedure for early gastric cancer at the antrum. The opinions of the audience for these six minor topics were expressed by an electronic voting system, as was conducted in 2008. It was good opportunity to identify a point of contact about the debates on managing gastric cancer. The results of these debates and studies will identify the best methods to treat patients with gastric cancer.

A Study on the Utilization of Farm Machinery and Mechanization Ratio (농업기계(農業機械)의 이용실태(利用實態)와 농작업(農作業)의 기계화율(機械化率)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究))

  • Park, W.K.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.52-60
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    • 1990
  • The main purpose of this report is to analyse the utilization results of farm machinery, farm mechanization rate and influences on the farm household economy. These results are summarized as follows : 1) The annual working days of major farm machinery are from 34.3 to 68.8 days for power tillers and tractors ; 7.9 to 8.5 days for rice transplanters ; 3.6 to 6.9 days for binders ; and, from 18.6 to 20.6 days for combines. Also income and expenditures of the farm management reveals al surplus in major farm machinery except for binders. 2) The popularization rate of major farm machinery is currently low, reaching the level of the early 1970's in Japan and the level of the early 1980's in Taiwan for rice transplanters and harvesters respectively. 3) The farm mechanization rate is 81.7% in plowing & levelling, 66.3% in rice transplanting, 87.5% in pest and disease control, 62.1% in harvesting and 12.5% in drying. However the farm mechanization rate of rice transplanting, harvesting and drying still remains at a low level. 4) The composition rates of farm machinery and implements are 10.2% in farm management expenditures (23.6% in Japan) and 13.2% in fixed capitals (29.4% in Japan) which still reflect a low level, and below that of the 1970's in Japan. From these analysis results, farm mechanization contributes to the improvement of farm management. Nevertheless, the popularization status and mechanization rate are still at a low level in korea. Therefore, it is deemed desirable to furthure promote effective utilization methods and guide farmers in higher safety utilization and management technology.

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Potential of Agricultural Residues for Small Biomass Power Generation in Thailand

  • Panklib, Thakrit
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2016
  • The demand for energy in Thailand has been continually increasing as the economic and social country grows. Approximately 60% of Thailand's primary energy is imported, mostly petroleum products. In 2008 Thailand's total energy consumption was 80,971 ktoe and the net price of energy imported was up to 1,161 billion Baht which is equivalent to 12.8% of GDP at the current price. The energy consumption or energy demand has been growing at an annual compounded growth rate of 6.42% and the peak electric power demand and electricity consumption was recorded at 22,568 MW and 148,264 GWh and grew at a rate of 7.0% and 7.5% per annum during the period from 1989 to 2008. The gross agriculture production in 2008 was recorded at 135.4 Mt which represents agriculture residue for energy at 65.73 Mt, which is equivalent to energy potential of about 561.64 PJ or 13,292 ktoe an increase in average of 5.59% and 5.44% per year respectively. The agricultural residues can converted to 15,600 GWh/year or 1,780 MW of power capacity. So, if government sector plan to install small biomass gasification for electricity generation 200 kW for Community. The residue agricultural is available for 8,900 plants nationwide. The small biomass power generation for electricity generation not only to reduce the energy imports, it also makes the job and income for people in rural areas as well. This paper's aim is to report the energy situation in Thailand and has studied 5 main agricultural products with high residue energy potential namely sugarcane, paddy, oil palm, cassava, and maize appropriate for small electricity production. These agricultural products can be found planted in many rural areas throughout Thailand. Finally, discuss the situation, methods and policies which the government uses to promote small private power producers supplying electricity into the grid.